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I control the money in our house. My Thai husband doesn't comprehend how to save. he gives me everything and gets an allowance. He admits to not being great with money. But we never argue? If he wants something there's never a problem,


My wife tends to look after the bills, she will let me know what has to be paid and when. Kind of bugs me sometimes as I am used to looking after and sorting all the bills in Australia however she is doing a good job.

We both have access to the transaction accounts and we both take out money when we need it. I keep money in other accounts and so does she, neither of us really know how much each other has in our other accounts and to be honest neither of us really care. Every now and again we be going over finances and see each others "safety nets" and it is normally followed by comments like "must be your shout for dinner" or "really!!! and you keep making me pay for dinner??".

At the end of the day if I didn't trust her I wouldn't have married her and definitely wouldn't have started a family with her.


We trust each other to make decisions, plus we're married, so everything we have is shared anyway.

ehhh..... never mind


My wife tends to look after the bills, she will let me know what has to be paid and when. Kind of bugs me sometimes as I am used to looking after and sorting all the bills in Australia however she is doing a good job.

We both have access to the transaction accounts and we both take out money when we need it. I keep money in other accounts and so does she, neither of us really know how much each other has in our other accounts and to be honest neither of us really care. Every now and again we be going over finances and see each others "safety nets" and it is normally followed by comments like "must be your shout for dinner" or "really!!! and you keep making me pay for dinner??".

At the end of the day if I didn't trust her I wouldn't have married her and definitely wouldn't have started a family with her.

neither of us realy care.........................are you brain dead ?


Like most male TV members, my gf is a HiSo Thai lady of Chinese descent, 30 years my junior. She earns all the money and gives me a large monthly allowance. In return, I have sex with her and her sister.

Same here ..... and my wife is a doctor.

My wife tends to look after the bills, she will let me know what has to be paid and when. Kind of bugs me sometimes as I am used to looking after and sorting all the bills in Australia however she is doing a good job.

We both have access to the transaction accounts and we both take out money when we need it. I keep money in other accounts and so does she, neither of us really know how much each other has in our other accounts and to be honest neither of us really care. Every now and again we be going over finances and see each others "safety nets" and it is normally followed by comments like "must be your shout for dinner" or "really!!! and you keep making me pay for dinner??".

At the end of the day if I didn't trust her I wouldn't have married her and definitely wouldn't have started a family with her.

neither of us realy care.........................are you brain dead ?

Are you just a troll mikiea? Your comment makes no sense. Am I brain dead because neither of us really care about how much each other has in our safety nets??

Are you that insecure you have to attack people like that. She has her own money, how is that a problem. If she wanted to leave me should could have done so at any stage and taken a heap of money, she never has even tried to take a cent. The house here is in her name, she owned it before we even met.

In fact she has every right to be just as concerned if I want to pack up and leave as me concerned about her. Why would I care about how much money she has in her personal account? We have money that pays the bills, we have money set aside for other things in life. If she wants cash put aside of a rainy day why not. It would be silly of her not to and I would be pretty annoyed with her if she didn't. My job is to make sure there is always money coming into the house. Her job is to make sure the house run smoothly and look after the family. Part of looking after the family is making sure there is always enough money.

If/when I die she needs to make sure there is enough money for the family. She doesn't know how to take over my companies nor does she really want to. If I get sick and can't work for a few years, where is the income going to come from until I get back on my feet?

I am in my mid 30's, hopefully we have a long life ahead of us however if I died in the next couple of years that is a long time she has to look after two young kids without an income. So again, safety net, would be foolish not to have one and honestly irresponsible of her. Yes we have backup plans if something was to happen however you never know what will happen in the end.

In answer to your question! "Am I brain dead?" Nope, just looking out for my family and I don't live in the 1800's. I realize that my wife too has concerns and wants to make sure the family is ok. I also realize my wife knows a thing or two about money and investment so hopefully she will out do me on the income side of things so I can retire sooner.


I give her bugger all, she gives me everything, last thing was my new Bike 2 days ago vrooooooooooooooooom!!


I give her bugger all, she gives me everything, last thing was my new Bike 2 days ago vrooooooooooooooooom!!

Wow aren't you the man clap2.gif


Ha ha ha....give the wife total control of my money? Are you nuts? And yet many farang husbands do exactly this. Dumb move, unless you like being given an allowance each month, and like begging the wife for money. Find and watch Canadian-produced video documentary "Thai Bride". Watch and learn, and then don't be like the idiot in the film. You can have a great life and wife in Thailand, but keep hands on your money. Or at least equally with your wife.

My wife has total control of my money/her money.

As i cannot get about anymore she has my cards pin numbers everything.

She only takes money from the atm if i tell her to do .

She gives me the slip from atm, shows me how many baht spent.

So according to jerojero i am nuts.


Ha ha ha....give the wife total control of my money? Are you nuts? And yet many farang husbands do exactly this. Dumb move, unless you like being given an allowance each month, and like begging the wife for money. Find and watch Canadian-produced video documentary "Thai Bride". Watch and learn, and then don't be like the idiot in the film. You can have a great life and wife in Thailand, but keep hands on your money. Or at least equally with your wife.

My wife has total control of my money/her money.

As i cannot get about anymore she has my cards pin numbers everything.

She only takes money from the atm if i tell her to do .

She gives me the slip from atm, shows me how many baht spent.

So according to jerojero i am nuts.

Everyones situation is different...........Some good, some bad.....

You could easily turn from Sir Galihad/Daddy Warbucks into The Prince of Paupers. I love my g/f dearly BUT have seen more than one Thai lady do a 360 on a dime and disappear so I am in JJ's camp above and its better to be safe than sorry. You could end up lamenting Oh where oh where has my loved one gone? with my bahts. Sorry there is no time machine to go back and do things right. Poverty (especially at our age) sucks ask a poor person.


I have a gf, not a wife.

She has an ok job and I got my own petty savings.

We have been together for 2 years and I live in her house for free. I don't even pay for aircon.... so in return I pay when we go out, vacation, etc....

She doesn't have to be "trained" about money because she works and is well aware of how hard it is to make a buck..... or in this case a baht. I congratulate all of you who had "trained" your wives, but I've got no time for this crap. She did tell me a few times that is we get married she expects to have control of the finances. We'll see what I will do about that.... I certainly am at the point in life where I just don't give a damn if a woman makes me a financial hostage. Every time a woman dumped me I managed to find a better and prettier one.

So screw this shared finances if only one person is making money. I didn't have it easy in life and if a person can't respect the fact that money doesn't come easy then they don't respect me either.... I am certainly not cheap and I love spending money.... but it will be on my terms. No one can control me.


Like most male TV members, my gf is a HiSo Thai lady of Chinese descent, 30 years my junior. She earns all the money and gives me a large monthly allowance. In return, I have sex with her and her sister.

not you as well?

Having been married for 22 years with a grown up son and having lived together in the UK and here I trust my wife ,we have joint accounts and also our own accounts,I tend to pay the bills but she has quite a good job so pays for things herself as well like the three shirts she bought me yesterday but then she is hi so just like me lol


I pay for everything, best for her to know that every day she lives with me.

They forget easily, why they needed you.

@I claudius

Married in the uk for 30 years, then she took me for everything she could.

As the banks like to say 'previous ROI should not be used to judge future returns'.


I take control of the purse strings.

Since it is all my money anyhow (savings, I am retired) I prefer it that way.

She gets an allowance and it was the early days of that situation that taught me she was a risk!

I must admit she has improved over the years, but I am reticent to change the situation.

Sounds more like hired help than a relationship.

No, it is rather different than a hired help.

I can't afford to lose everything I have.

Sorry, can't follow your logic. How does your fear of losing everything make it any different than hired help?


I pay for everything, best for her to know that every day she lives with me.

They forget easily, why they needed you.

@I claudius

Married in the uk for 30 years, then she took me for everything she could.

As the banks like to say 'previous ROI should not be used to judge future returns'.

Married three times, divorced twice; never had a hassle with the exes. Quite frankly, I chose well, but I was at fault. The first got nothing, we had nothing. The second got half, but she provided more than half. Been with the third 36 years and she has access to everything, more importantly, she has contributed to everything. All three of my wives--an American, a Vietnamese and a Filipina--know each other and they get along well. I guess they share a mutual admiration; for being able to put-up with me.


Some wives actually love their husbands and do not abuse the husband's trust in them.

Far fewer than most guys would like to believe.


Ha ha ha....give the wife total control of my money? Are you nuts? And yet many farang husbands do exactly this. Dumb move, unless you like being given an allowance each month, and like begging the wife for money. Find and watch Canadian-produced video documentary "Thai Bride". Watch and learn, and then don't be like the idiot in the film. You can have a great life and wife in Thailand, but keep hands on your money. Or at least equally with your wife.

My wife has total control of my money/her money.

As i cannot get about anymore she has my cards pin numbers everything.

She only takes money from the atm if i tell her to do .

She gives me the slip from atm, shows me how many baht spent.

So according to jerojero i am nuts.

Everyones situation is different...........Some good, some bad.....

You could easily turn from Sir Galihad/Daddy Warbucks into The Prince of Paupers. I love my g/f dearly BUT have seen more than one Thai lady do a 360 on a dime and disappear so I am in JJ's camp above and its better to be safe than sorry. You could end up lamenting Oh where oh where has my loved one gone? with my bahts. Sorry there is no time machine to go back and do things right. Poverty (especially at our age) sucks ask a poor person.

Hello all those who dont trust your wives. Please explain how i would get to an atmpost-51965-0-52955500-1436017906_thumb.j


I am not married but if I were to get married now I wouldn't allow the wife to have direct access to any of the money that it took me decades to save. There is just no way. That money could never be replaced.


I take control of the purse strings.

Since it is all my money anyhow (savings, I am retired) I prefer it that way.

She gets an allowance and it was the early days of that situation that taught me she was a risk!

I must admit she has improved over the years, but I am reticent to change the situation.

Sounds more like hired help than a relationship.

No, it is rather different than a hired help.

I can't afford to lose everything I have.

Sorry, can't follow your logic. How does your fear of losing everything make it any different than hired help?

We share a bedroom, she gets to drive my truck and bike, I buy her gifts and visit her relatives and let her use the pool.

Even her relatives get to come visit and stay over.

Although I am of course unfamiliar with how you treat your hired help.


I give her bugger all, she gives me everything, last thing was my new Bike 2 days ago vrooooooooooooooooom!!

Wow aren't you the man clap2.gif

Well it seems most folk give their Wives money for me its the total opposite, this has been mentioned before and I got more or less called a liar, I mentioned she earned over 300k every month in that thread, well shes exceeded that last month with 500 k and I dont reallly care if anyone does or doesnt believe it.

I started her off in a small business with an investment of about 4 million baht 8.5 years ago ( which I have since had back) and which she has worked hard on to get where she is now. retired a few years back in my mid 40's. She loves her job ( more than me),

Me, I just have some fun and take care of the land she has, married 9 years. Heres the bike anyway

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