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Prostitution: Thailand's worst kept secret

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Just fyi.

Notice that sin sod is usually higher for a virgin. But I never wanted to marry a virgin, for an obvious reason.

You say you never wanted to marry a virgin, but why did you choose a worn out Surin prostitute working in Pattaya ? Even more ridiculous is that you are even thinking of paying sin sod for a prostitute with baggage.

Actually I never wanted to marry at all, I wanted sun in Asia first place. Then I wanted sex and fun with one of these beauties in Thailand. Then I wanted sex and fun and rock & roll, so I went to Pattaya. I was picked up there by a lovely young hippy girl, from a group of Dutch people. Not did I choose her, she chose me.

I never wanted a virgin because their pussies are too small and they don't really know how to use them. I wanted a woman who's experienced, a lady who I can also talk with. After one night I found out she was actually a perfect allround girl, I would even save money with her because she knew how to bargain.

Well, now please tell me who else I should have taken as a partner?

Someone like you?

Some old sweating incontinent Farang cow with acne and cellulite, or what?

Guess you feel like baggage yourself, but nobody would even pay a penny for you. Nobody wants a retard with the moral development of an amoeba.

Nobody wants you, and that's why you have everbody.

Sorry to be so harsh, I know this is hijacking a public forum.

You could have insulted me, I'm used to that. Instead you chose to insult someone who you thought to be absent and not able to defend herself. Actually even two girls at the same time, the ones I love.

Back to topic:

Prostitutes will usually dream of a better life, like all working people. Please don't exploit them mentally or socially. Not everybody can make it from the working class to the middle class (or beyond), but please don't bash anybody for trying.

Kob cun kap.

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Sex workers get hungry and thirsty sometimes. But many Farang customers treat them like a used condom and throw them out of the room immediately after they're finished. . Quote.

Job done comes to mind , next Ka.

Err , tissue widening ,would you please elaborate .

Why blame the farlang , you are being a tad judgemental .Wear and tear ,

in my case.coffee1.gif

I will elaborate. If you read "micmichd" replies on this forum you will know he is a expert on Pattaya prostitutes. So he will know all about "tissue widening". That is all tissue ie. even the sphinlter. This is why you never pay sin sod for a worn out prostitute. period. Over to you "Frit {Quote}

Sin sod , do you mean silly sod ?.

Tissue Widening . This should be a new topic .wub.png .

sphinlter . I had those when i was working inside, theTory cabinet ,,,very painful .giggle.gif


Thai prostitutes want to be loved, too, some even give some money back if her customer turns out to be a good man. And they love to have fun (sanuk).

Maybe bargirls have special ethics of their own, maybe it's just the ethics of the Buddhist working class.

"Thai prostitutes giving money back if their customer is a good man" your living in cloud cuckoo land methinks cheesy.gif


Thai prostitutes want to be loved, too, some even give some money back if her customer turns out to be a good man. And they love to have fun (sanuk).

Maybe bargirls have special ethics of their own, maybe it's just the ethics of the Buddhist working class.

"Thai prostitutes giving money back if their customer is a good man" your living in cloud cuckoo land methinks cheesy.gif

Certainly a minority, but some do. You give credit and take credit, what's the problem?

The place I really got ripped of is Germany, certainly not Thailand.


Thai prostitutes want to be loved, too, some even give some money back if her customer turns out to be a good man. And they love to have fun (sanuk).

Maybe bargirls have special ethics of their own, maybe it's just the ethics of the Buddhist working class.

"Thai prostitutes giving money back if their customer is a good man" your living in cloud cuckoo land methinks cheesy.gif

Certainly a minority, but some do. You give credit and take credit, what's the problem?

The place I really got ripped of is Germany, certainly not Thailand.

Wrong, you are certainly getting ripped of in Thailand, as you have said on this forum that you will pay sin sod for a worn out Surin prostitute with baggage. Wise up



your everlasting mantra makes me think you're in a state of trance.

What is it that makes you so bitter?

I don't know if you are a woman or a man, but you sound like a frustrated old woman that never had an orgasm in her life and now blames it all on Thai prostitutes.

Losing virginity does not make a girl a prostitute, whatever Christian churches may say. And even if it would, a woman can change. There's no such thing as everlasting sin that would give rational reason to stigmatise a woman forever.

Many prostitutes are in fact really frustrated women. Many suffer from a trauma because they got raped or something like that, some become junkies - with no sexual feeling at all. Some even marry, with the emerging intent to have real sex with someone else than her husband. They are supposed to have *some* sexual intercourse with their husband, so they lay down, spread their legs, and hope that it will soon be over.

A good woman will tell what she really wants for sexual pleasure, or she'll guide you even without talking. Many women - even prostitutes - have to discover their own body, and a good man will start there - and wait.

This thread is not an online lesson in sex, so I will stop here.

Sometimes it happens that a woman gets pregnant from sex, so what? The child that you so politely call "baggage" is a smart young girl, very well educated, with good expectations for her future. She will never have to work as a prostitute or even give her womb away for some Farang woman that cannot have a baby of her own.

What's wrong with sponsoring a Thai girl's future?

Many Thai ladies actually work as prostitutes to guarantee a better life for their children, this should actually not be a secret. You may soon find out how dependent. you are on this new Thai generation, they might turn out to decide about your permission to stay in Thailand, or be your nurse, or be your doctor. Would you then turn up to them and refuse their help because of their mother's former job?

If yes, then there's nothing much to do for you in this country anymore, and you better go home soon.

I decided to stay and do something for Thailand, even if it's only for one family. It's the only family I have.

BTW, this girl from Surin saved my life, and she refused sex with any other man while I was away. She's a strong Farmer woman, and she can defend herself - against people like you. I only pity you.


A "good" woman according to my definition & has defined in the fang dictionary is -

hot, boobs but not large, gives it all, asks for nuffin', no professional fee, does your washing/ironing, cooks & reads you a bedtime story - & no farting in bed!

Where is she?


A "good" woman according to my definition & has defined in the fang dictionary is -

hot, boobs but not large, gives it all, asks for nuffin', no professional fee, does your washing/ironing, cooks & reads you a bedtime story - & no farting in bed!

Where is she?

I will not tell you, a good woman is not for everyone.

"Ask for nothing" is BS. Give her what you have, and she might give you what she has. And if you gave her more money than you could actually afford, she might even give you some money back.

The magic words are "exchange" and "share", and, of course, "sanuk".


BTW, this girl from Surin saved my life, and she refused sex with any other man while I was away. She's a strong Farmer woman

Nonsense, only a total loser would believe a prostitute refused sex with other men while you was away. She is a prostitute and not a farmer as your posts have said on this forum. Wise up.


BTW, this girl from Surin saved my life, and she refused sex with any other man while I was away. She's a strong Farmer woman

Nonsense, only a total loser would believe a prostitute refused sex with other men while you was away. She is a prostitute and not a farmer as your posts have said on this forum. Wise up.

You're about to become the joke of this thread.

I would simply laugh at you, but too many in the West share your prejudices.

If you can't change and don't allow others to change, then you're already dead.

Sorry for your dementia, you should try some music.


#563 - what style of music would you recommend?

Something slow and silent, something that reminds you of days when you were young, something that you would like to join with (sing or dance).

I prefer gospel, soul and blues - but that's only my personal memory.


With 565 posts, this topic has surely run it's course don't you all think, before it descends into a huge personal off topic vendetta and petty bickering


Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

But it's all about appearances and saving face.

50%. once again a poster adding his/her "bit" without any facts.


With 565 posts, this topic has surely run it's course don't you all think, before it descends into a huge personal off topic vendetta and petty bickering


brling, feel free to PM me for further mantras.


It's a fact that some bars (don't know how many) send the girls to an HIV test regularly.

Yes, I know you can catch HIV during incubation times, that's why you still use condoms.

No risk with my steady gf.

The reason why I brought up my personal story is because I consider it a good example about what happens when a girl is mistitled as a prostitute once, and her Farang is mistitled, too (brling, please keep cool) The stigma always remains.

The labels upon us are genuine "made in Germany", from people that had never seen my gf in their lives. The fact that she's Thai was enough for them.

Most of my contributions are based on observations and interviews, though, in Farangistan and Thailand, and on some media research.

NB: You can keep your bridge, maybe you need to sleep under it one day.


With 565 posts, this topic has surely run it's course don't you all think, before it descends into a huge personal off topic vendetta and petty bickering

5 - 4 - 3 - 2 .....

(Please, God.)


these threads are a conspiracy just to get all our information and track us on our sim phones!!!

98.4% of all posters of this thread have considered the sex tourist route!!!

you have fallen for the trap!!!

shame on all you...shame!!!!!



these threads are a conspiracy just to get all our information and track us on our sim phones!!!

98.4% of all posters of this thread have considered the sex tourist route!!!

you have fallen for the trap!!!

shame on all you...shame!!!!!


I'm not posting from a cell phone.


Thank you, I'll ask in a pharmacy for scotch tape.

I don't know a the percentage of bars that require their girls to be HIV-tested, I only know my favourite bars do it. But since regular HIV tests are recommend, I hope more and more bars do it. It's not expensive, you can take a lady with you, and you can get a drink while you wait for the results.


Thank you, I'll ask in a pharmacy for scotch tape.

I don't know a the percentage of bars that require their girls to be HIV-tested, I only know my favourite bars do it. But since regular HIV tests are recommend, I hope more and more bars do it. It's not expensive, you can take a lady with you, and you can get a drink while you wait for the results.

The best way to diagnose this infection is to do a tape test. The best time to do this is in the morning before bathing, because pinworms lay their eggs at night. Firmly press the sticky side of a 1-inch strip of cellophane tape over the anal area for a few seconds. The eggs stick to the tape. The tape is then transferred to a glass slide, sticky side down. Your health care provider needs to examine the slide to determine if there are eggs.

Last time I went the battery of STD tests were 500 baht and it took 3 days for the results. I think you will find this to be accurate for a complete set of tests at Pattaya Memorial Hospital.


Thank you, I'll ask in a pharmacy for scotch tape.

I don't know a the percentage of bars that require their girls to be HIV-tested, I only know my favourite bars do it. But since regular HIV tests are recommend, I hope more and more bars do it. It's not expensive, you can take a lady with you, and you can get a drink while you wait for the results.

The best way to diagnose this infection is to do a tape test. The best time to do this is in the morning before bathing, because pinworms lay their eggs at night. Firmly press the sticky side of a 1-inch strip of cellophane tape over the anal area for a few seconds. The eggs stick to the tape. The tape is then transferred to a glass slide, sticky side down. Your health care provider needs to examine the slide to determine if there are eggs.

Last time I went the battery of STD tests were 500 baht and it took 3 days for the results. I think you will find this to be accurate for a complete set of tests at Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

Seems to me,these days many people need to do that test,Use duck tape and leave it in position for eternity. If this had been done all those years ago

the world would be a happier place. ( hiv etc)


Seems to me,these days many people need to do that test,Use duck tape and leave it in position for eternity. If this had been done all those years ago

the world would be a happier place. ( hiv etc)

Where can I get some of this duck tape?

I have some ducks that need taping.


Seems to me,these days many people need to do that test,Use duck tape and leave it in position for eternity. If this had been done all those years ago

the world would be a happier place. ( hiv etc)

Where can I get some of this duck tape?

I have some ducks that need taping.


Love it! This thread is delightfully off topic!!


Most of my contributions are based on observations and interviews, though, in Farangistan and Thailand, and on some media research

You must be a member of the elite forum privileged club .clap2.gif

aka as w-------kers .whistling.gif.

I once came out briefly , to interview and observe , a bar girl ,wub.png

She , not same same lady ,thumbsup.gif


At least in Brazil, Thailand isn't known for prostitution. Everyone thinks about elephants, beaches and hot spicy food only.


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