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Prostitution: Thailand's worst kept secret

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Where can Steven and I just get decent burrito? were not here for anything but the food.....and weather

Southern California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico.

And if you're really desperate....Texas.


Of course a lot of the difference in attitude to sex and sexuality is due to the fact that Thailand is historically mainly Buddhist (philosophy) not judaeo/christian/islam (superstition/religion) with all the guilt and baggage that goes with them.

Women from Thailand are ranked the world’s second most unfaithul [sic] lovers, according to the survey report. http://asiancorrespondent.com/88503/are-thais-really-the-most-adulterous-couples-in-the-world/

Typical story of a Thai woman's extramarital affairs. http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12011

Even in the US, most women can be had for a price. It's just that the price in Thailand is much lower for those with a Western income. Women without much other skills trade their youth and beauty for money all over the world. Even Jackie O married that toad Onassis who was 23 years her senior.

From what I can gather, Thai women don't consider 'flings' to be cheating. At least prostitutes are honest about what they are about, which is getting your money from your pocket to theirs.



Majority of these girls come from Issan, They work this for help their poor parent from Issan.... But Issan is not the PTP/Red Stronghold ?

Care to explain, what ANY government EVER has done to change things like poverty in that region?

Oh...and congratulations: the topic is prostitution. but somehow "the reds" had to be brought into this, right!?

You are such a troll...and not even an entertaining one!

you can not deny the fact, Issan has the poorest region of Thailand, yes all government do nothing for them, and some politician from some party use them like human shield during their protest, put them in modern slavery by using shark loan and let them die with high debt. YL rice scheme did not turn to poor people but only big land lord proxy to PTP members and family have received benefit of this It is not allegation , fact, evidence and investigation from news groups show for this.....

trolling seems to be your reason for living


The Thai sex industry has always been a prevalent part of Thailand throughout the centuries, but back in the old days it was mostly kept within the local communities. It could be described as part of the Thai cultural way of life. Prostitution was not frowned upon or considered a taboo subject as in the western countries. As a matter of fact being a cleaner or a servant was considered a lower grade of work than prostitution.

Then when the Japanese troops arrived on mass during WW2, they created large brothels for the servicing of their armies, the prostitutes being known as comfort women These became widespread throughout the country and especially in Bangkok, in areas that later developed into the entertainment complex, PatPong.

During the Vietnam war, American and Australian troops came over on mass that revitalised the sex industry here, what could be described as the first commercialised adult entertainments venues.

Then after the Vietnam war these establishments began to cater for western tourists, many actually holidaying in Thailand because of the lure of it`s women, that in Thai society were considered as a commodity to bring in those $$$$$$$$$$$, plus created employment for millions.

Over the last few years Thailand has tried to suppress it`s commercial sex industry, that has already happened in the northern regions and is now largely contained in certain areas of Bangkok and Pattaya.

The problem being that the sex industry in Thailand was a huge tourist attraction, even if no one wants to admit it or did not like the types of tourists it attracted. The availability of Thailand’s beautiful maidens was as famous and well known as gambling is to Las Vegas. For wine, women and song, Thailand was the country to visit.

If they decide to totally dismantle the commercial sex industry in Thailand, then that will result in the loss of billions each year in tourism revenue, including placing many people, probably in the millions out of work.

Like it or not, these are the facts.

Nice, informative post about sex tourism or Thai-foreigner sex, but you failed to mention the current domestic Thai-Thai sex trade and it's magnitude as compared to 'sex tourism' or Thai-foreigner sex It's much better to tell the complete story, otherwise your information then tends to look biased. But I will agree with you, if the government choose to dismantle the commercial sex industry, regardless of who the customers are, it would actually impact the Thai GDP negative. But I doubt it will happen. The same people promoting moralism and 'cleaning it up' are more than likely wading the the same pool during their free time so to speak. lol


The Thai sex industry has always been a prevalent part of Thailand throughout the centuries, but back in the old days it was mostly kept within the local communities. It could be described as part of the Thai cultural way of life. Prostitution was not frowned upon or considered a taboo subject as in the western countries. As a matter of fact being a cleaner or a servant was considered a lower grade of work than prostitution.

Then when the Japanese troops arrived on mass during WW2, they created large brothels for the servicing of their armies, the prostitutes being known as comfort women These became widespread throughout the country and especially in Bangkok, in areas that later developed into the entertainment complex, PatPong.

During the Vietnam war, American and Australian troops came over on mass that revitalised the sex industry here, what could be described as the first commercialised adult entertainments venues.

Then after the Vietnam war these establishments began to cater for western tourists, many actually holidaying in Thailand because of the lure of it`s women, that in Thai society were considered as a commodity to bring in those $$$$$$$$$$$, plus created employment for millions.

Over the last few years Thailand has tried to suppress it`s commercial sex industry, that has already happened in the northern regions and is now largely contained in certain areas of Bangkok and Pattaya.

The problem being that the sex industry in Thailand was a huge tourist attraction, even if no one wants to admit it or did not like the types of tourists it attracted. The availability of Thailand’s beautiful maidens was as famous and well known as gambling is to Las Vegas. For wine, women and song, Thailand was the country to visit.

If they decide to totally dismantle the commercial sex industry in Thailand, then that will result in the loss of billions each year in tourism revenue, including placing many people, probably in the millions out of work.

Like it or not, these are the facts.

"Over the last few years Thailand has tried to suppress it`s commercial sex industry, that has already happened in the northern regions and is now largely contained in certain areas of Bangkok and Pattaya."

nonsense - I don't think you actually have read the OP and think that the Sex Industry in Thailand is what you personally see in Pattay and Bkk - that's the "tip of the iceberg"a

I don't think he meant that, but he's right that The Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act 1996 and the previous Entertainment Places Act 1966 which I believe is till in force, apply countrywide and were designed to draw a veil over the activities while allowing them to continue unobtrusively, as well as criminalise the more unsavoury parts.

...and increase the bribes needing to be paid to the BiB.



I have often said that I am sure that the vast majority of these girls didn't have dreams of growing up to be prostitutes. They do it because there is no other work for them that pays a living wage plus enough to help their families.

When I first came to Thailand I admit that I was like a kid in a candy store but soon enough that grew old. I wound up marrying a village girl who never worked the trade.

However, I tell you if I had met the right one in those circumstances I would not have let her past stand in the way.

When the Thais get a government that actually will help raise the economic circumstances of all the people not just the elite the Tourist trade may decline some. Just remember that prostitution is the oldest profession. Has always been with us and always will be. Should be legal.

I have to disagree. When the young girls are heading off to the rice fields to work in the blazing sun for 200 baht a day passing by the big farang houses with the girlfriends lounging about drinking whiskey and singing karaoke...they start dreaming.


The main difference btwn Thai women and western women is that Thai's are just a lot more honest!

That is the absolute worst joke I have heard in a very long time!!!


They're are no prostitutes in Thailand but lots of ladies looking for husbands and willing to spend short time or long time with men to see if they are sexually compatible.

Indeed, at least 99% of them are waitresses, or hotel receptionists or work in massage parlors ... and they are more than happy to spend time with anyone, of any age, for a small (in the beginning) financial consideration.

Can't remember where I read it, it was a while ago, but something like 90% of the prostitution here in Thailand is nothing at all to do with foreigners, it's Thai on Thai in those very discreet places that no one admits exist but everyone knows where they are and that has been the way of Thailand for centuries.

"places that no one admits exist but everyone knows where they are"

I do not know where they are!

Could you post a map please?

Can they be found on Google Earth "street view'?

I really feel left out now!facepalm.gif

Nearly every Thai neighborhood has a place with a 'red light' and it is not at all advertised in the neighborhood but everyone knows of its existence. Ask a taxi or tuk-tuk driver and they will deliver you to your discreet neighborhood whorehouse. I hope this helps.



20% of Thais are prostitutes

80% of Thais are prostitutes customers

100 % of Thais hate and despise prostitutes

Being all about 'Face', they all need to keep the image up. Pretty interesting to watch. I've known women in the business. All the Thais know what's going on and how it works, but they have to maintain an image. The only one's truly confused are the foreigners - most of the tourists and a lot of the expats, especially those who are overtly on the moral high road when talking about the subject, but then can be found participating in secret.

"Ohoh, ohh, hey. How ya doing. Me? Here? The massage parlor..? Oh yeah, I get a traditional Thai massage here about every week with Pom. Gotta go." <scuddles off nervously>

Then you ask Pom about her customer. "He old man who retired. From USA. He no have wife anymore and I think he lonely. Come here two three time a week. Like special maak. Tip dee dee duay, but no want lady to go home with him. I think he sad man."

Yep I new a 90 year old prostitute in Bangkok, She did not get many customers,only a guy that visited her every Thursday at 5:40 pm

Anyway 3 aids germs were living in her. One of the aids germs recieved a mail from a mate that lived up the axxx of a poofter in Sydeny. It warned them that the old pro was getting a anti aides drug

Well what are we going to do?? they said.

One said i will hide in the end of her nose,no one will find me there

The next one said I will hide at the end of her big toe,no one will find me there

The last one said..... HIDE!! When the 5:40 pulls out on Thursday,,I WILL BE ON IT


Majority of these girls come from Issan, They work this for help their poor parent from Issan.... But Issan is not the PTP/Red Stronghold ?

You will be very much surprised how many hookers are from the South and Central Thailand. I would say 40% of all are not from Isaan but the South, Central and Northern Thai provinces. If you go to Rachada 70% are hookers from Bangkok and Central Thailand. You seem to be only in the cheap places.

BTW: The hookers in Isaan are from Lao.

UNICEF report 2012

Northeastern Thailand, referred to as Isan in the country,[8] is a completely different world than Central Thailand.] As Bangkok and its surrounding area continue to develop, Isan is going in the opposite direction. Although it is populous, the farming potential for this area is low.[8] The people there are unable to farm, and thus face massive amounts of poverty. This poverty is one of, if not the most, important contributing factors to child prostitution in Thailand. In Pattaya alone there is thought to be approximately 2,000 underage prostitutes involved in the prostitution industry, while approximately 900 underaged are thought to come to the area for prostitution every year.[9]

Adult prostitute from Bangkok and Pattaya are 80-90% from Issan .... and not from lao. Buriram or Surin are not in LAO


Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

But it's all about appearances and saving face.

What a nieve post, You lot,,,Well,,,your brain is in your dick. Not all come here for that. For Fxxxx sake. grow up and engage the brain not the dick.

Germany is the world leader in prostitution,its also legal.

Legal , hence a taxable commodity .Tax on T.... , anything to bail out Greece, again , ditto

LOS, tax free.

FYI, elephant trecking attracted me to LOS.

unfortunately Pattaya not have .

So ,, two dots and a rash, laterwub.png I return to good ole blightey , for free treatment asap,, kap.


Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

But it's all about appearances and saving face.

What a nieve post, You lot,,,Well,,,your brain is in your dick. Not all come here for that. For Fxxxx sake. grow up and engage the brain not the dick.

Germany is the world leader in prostitution,its also legal.

Legal , hence a taxable commodity .

LOS, tax free.

FYI, elephant trecking was the main attraction ,that attracted me to LOS.

unfortunately Pattaya not have .

So , two dots and a rash.wub.png

Great post love itcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Warning for golfers!

1. Prostitution is illegal on and off the course.

2. Sleeping with a Thai hooker is a bit like playing a round of golf.

You're likely to come across a couple of balls that aren't your's.

And you might find something in the hole weren't looking for or counting on.


if it werent for pussy, Thailand would not have an international airport. FACT

Maybe Swampy , should be renamed . Any suggestions . coffee1.gif


I came here for the food.

Then you should check out the human meat markets on Walking Street called GO GOs.... All very fresh and delicious..???


Majority of these girls come from Issan, They work this for help their poor parent from Issan.... But Issan is not the PTP/Red Stronghold ?

You will be very much surprised how many hookers are from the South and Central Thailand. I would say 40% of all are not from Isaan but the South, Central and Northern Thai provinces. If you go to Rachada 70% are hookers from Bangkok and Central Thailand. You seem to be only in the cheap places.

BTW: The hookers in Isaan are from Lao.

UNICEF report 2012

Northeastern Thailand, referred to as Isan in the country,[8] is a completely different world than Central Thailand.] As Bangkok and its surrounding area continue to develop, Isan is going in the opposite direction. Although it is populous, the farming potential for this area is low.[8] The people there are unable to farm, and thus face massive amounts of poverty. This poverty is one of, if not the most, important contributing factors to child prostitution in Thailand. In Pattaya alone there is thought to be approximately 2,000 underage prostitutes involved in the prostitution industry, while approximately 900 underaged are thought to come to the area for prostitution every year.[9]

Adult prostitute from Bangkok and Pattaya are 80-90% from Issan .... and not from lao. Buriram or Surin are not in LAO

That means that only a small % are Thai,as Issan is technically speaking not Thai


Yet again i made thw mistake of reading the comments in relation to this article. Bit as usual so many ignorant meaningless responces (not all). As i have said in the past of this country is so bad then please go home wherever that is because by the spunds of thing many members totally despise Thailand and their people. I also wonder about Thaivisa motives at times - they seem to relish in news stories that encourage lots of negitive comments from members. Or is it really all about the number of 'hits' to satisfy your advertisers ? Lastly why is the site called 'thaivisa' ?


UNICEF report 2012

Northeastern Thailand, referred to as Isan in the country,[8] is a completely different world than Central Thailand.] As Bangkok and its surrounding area continue to develop, Isan is going in the opposite direction. Although it is populous, the farming potential for this area is low.[8] The people there are unable to farm, and thus face massive amounts of poverty. This poverty is one of, if not the most, important contributing factors to child prostitution in Thailand. In Pattaya alone there is thought to be approximately 2,000 underage prostitutes involved in the prostitution industry, while approximately 900 underaged are thought to come to the area for prostitution every year.[9]

Adult prostitute from Bangkok and Pattaya are 80-90% from Issan .... and not from lao. Buriram or Surin are not in LAO

That means that only a small % are Thai,as Issan is technically speaking not Thai



Hmmmmm.....I have been here for 25 years.

The prostitution here has not bothered me one bit...not at all.

I do not condone prostitution nor do I criticize prostitution.

If there is one thing you can not stop people from doing ...that would be.....having sex.

However if they ( The Authorities ) want to continue making like prostitution does not exist in Thailand...then that is fine by me.....

Either way, prostitution and all that is entailed will not stop while trying to stop prostitution is misguided human folly...possibly the perfect example.

The human trafficking aspect of Prostitution is where the focus should be while stopping that aspect of prostitution is agreed upon by everyone.

Prostitution by way of peoples own free will and their own personal decisions is another matter while it should not be encouraged.....but .....except the fact that a percent of the people will engage in the profession......while most never will ...so it is a social aspect of humanity that has to be recognized and tolerated in a benevolent manner

Harshly cracking down on prostitution has never eliminated the practice and never will.

Unless you want to turn the affair into a police state and eliminate all the means and ways that prostitution can and will and does evolve, in near every country and culture, then prostitution is here to stay.

Meantime .....Just ignore the criticism.



They're are no prostitutes in Thailand but lots of ladies looking for husbands and willing to spend short time or long time with men to see if they are sexually compatible.

Only one correction....sexually financially compatible.


if it werent for pussy, Thailand would not have an international airport. FACT

Maybe Swampy , should be renamed . Any suggestions . coffee1.gif

Bahttwat International

...and for the gay crowd...

Baht-ums-up International


"...excludes male prostitutes, who amount to 42% of all UK sex workers."

Probably excludes MPs expense account spending on dalliances too.

An estimated $40 Million a day is spent on prostitution in the United States.

365 days X $40 Million = $14.6 Billion a year in prostitution spending.

It is an enormous industry in the US. At least as large as here. A huge number of very attractive, younger women will give it up to a much older man, for huge sponsorship deals. Nobody could ever convince me that is not prostitution.

feeling a little left out??

Oh no, no, no. I am thankful every day I am not a part of that system. Even if I were a billionaire, having a $10,000 a month pet has very little allure for me.


Thailand is more 'liberal' and 'flexible' and I have sex with 'normal' girls all the time - it's an exchange - some rent money, uni money or shopping money I don't care - it works!

Not really but they are hookers too. Ask them for a free f.ck and they will tell you piss off kee nok.

And ask a gal in Los Angeles for some action without taking her out for a nice meal, or buying her a gift of some sort. Any different? On a certain level, it is more honest here.

Trying to justify your prostitute partner again "spidermike" ?

Nah. I was very fortunate to meet a great civilian gal, and find myself in the best relationship of my life, even 10 years later. But, it is always nice to feel loved and supported by my fellow TV members. Thanks for that.


The main difference btwn Thai women and western women is that Thai's are just a lot more honest!

That is the absolute worst joke I have heard in a very long time!!!

Indeed, not only the worst joke, but as the thread is about hookers, the losers are saying Thai prostitutes are "a lot more honest" than western woman. Pathetic


The Thai sex industry has always been a prevalent part of Thailand throughout the centuries, but back in the old days it was mostly kept within the local communities. It could be described as part of the Thai cultural way of life. Prostitution was not frowned upon or considered a taboo subject as in the western countries. As a matter of fact being a cleaner or a servant was considered a lower grade of work than prostitution.

Then when the Japanese troops arrived on mass during WW2, they created large brothels for the servicing of their armies, the prostitutes being known as comfort women These became widespread throughout the country and especially in Bangkok, in areas that later developed into the entertainment complex, PatPong.

During the Vietnam war, American and Australian troops came over on mass that revitalised the sex industry here, what could be described as the first commercialised adult entertainments venues.

Then after the Vietnam war these establishments began to cater for western tourists, many actually holidaying in Thailand because of the lure of it`s women, that in Thai society were considered as a commodity to bring in those $$$$$$$$$$$, plus created employment for millions.

Over the last few years Thailand has tried to suppress it`s commercial sex industry, that has already happened in the northern regions and is now largely contained in certain areas of Bangkok and Pattaya.

The problem being that the sex industry in Thailand was a huge tourist attraction, even if no one wants to admit it or did not like the types of tourists it attracted. The availability of Thailand’s beautiful maidens was as famous and well known as gambling is to Las Vegas. For wine, women and song, Thailand was the country to visit.

If they decide to totally dismantle the commercial sex industry in Thailand, then that will result in the loss of billions each year in tourism revenue, including placing many people, probably in the millions out of work.

Like it or not, these are the facts.

Nice, informative post about sex tourism or Thai-foreigner sex, but you failed to mention the current domestic Thai-Thai sex trade and it's magnitude as compared to 'sex tourism' or Thai-foreigner sex It's much better to tell the complete story, otherwise your information then tends to look biased. But I will agree with you, if the government choose to dismantle the commercial sex industry, regardless of who the customers are, it would actually impact the Thai GDP negative. But I doubt it will happen. The same people promoting moralism and 'cleaning it up' are more than likely wading the the same pool during their free time so to speak. lol

Let us try and compare the Thai to Thai sex trade with that of the United Kingdom.

In the UK it is legal for a woman to sell sexual favours from her own home, providing she does not have a pimp, otherwise that`s classified as living off immoral earnings or that there is no more than one working person, otherwise it`s considered running a brothel. But of course brothels are still operating in the UK, usually with the authorities turning a blind eye, similar to that in Thailand.

The UK local free newspapers that are full of classified ads have hundreds of women advertising in the personal sections on the back pages offering massage, that everyone knows really means sexual services described as massage for legal reasons.

Throughout the UK there must be thousands and thousands of prostitutes offering sexual services via local newspapers and online classifieds. My guess is that the number of working prostitutes in the UK could well equal that of Thailand, perhaps more since the mass immigration of East Europeans into Britain and there are huge numbers of Asian, Indian and Thai prostitutes working in the UK. I would guess that the same applies to Australia, where prostitution is actually legal in many States..

The difference between sex workers in Thailand is that it`s done much more discretely between Thais and we mainly visualise Thai prostitutes as bar girls or those working at soapy massage parlours, so therefore Thai prostitutes are likely to be more evident to us than those in the UK.

Whatever country, prostitution is always there, whether it`s called another name, practiced behind closed doors or openly in bars and clubs. Men are willing to pay for sexual services and there are women willing to provide those services, it`s that simple.

In this day and age I believe prostitution should no longer be a taboo subject, Internationally recognised as a legitimate service, the seediness taken out the equation and completely legalised under Government controls with laws governing the industry, as is already practiced in Holland, the Red Light district for example, instead of trying to pretend this is not happening on a mass scale.

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