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They can ask for ice cream, a TV in their cells and a bedtime story too, for all the good its gonna do.

However much we might think their crime is not so bad, they broke the law.

As we all know, acting like Prima Donnas does not go down well with Thai authorities.

Even Win and Zaw worked that one out.

When you're in pokey, you take your lumps

They broke the law.....whose law ?

The current, well-publicized law of Thailand, duh.

These students intentionally challenged authority and for any authority to remain as authority, they cannot allow the laws to be broken and cannot be selective in which laws they enforce or to whom they are lenient. Is it not that way in your own home country?

The alternative is anarchy.


No, it is not the way in many areas of the UK, for example. Take for example police happening upon a few dafties with a joint - a likely scenario is the officer telling them to put it down the drain, piss off and not let him see them around again tonight.

The 'Take them down to the station and throw the book at them' approach would be seen as a tremendous waste of manpower and resources, even if that is what the letter of the law calls for. Besides, it is the job of youngsters to challenge authority and always has been...

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And wasn't Pra Issara walking about with more than 5 people recently gathering signatures for a political purpose?

If the shoe fits indeed!!

He was not on public space when he launch his signature gathering

Contrary of the 14

So where did the 50,000 signatures all come from then? wink.png

Dear Fat Haggis did you have pictures, videos, news report with date and hour of your claim ?

I'm not hear that a rally of 50 000 people taken place in Street of Bangkok last months whistling.gif

Collect signature in Wat is different to rally in public space. I like farang who did not understand thai peoplewai2.gif

And the prevention of the Journalists who wanted to talk about human rights, and article 112 was to be done in a public place?

Again, you fail to miss the point, that even within a Wat, which SHOULD be a place of worship, you're now telling us that this character instead canvassed his political ideology on them to garner their signatures, and you don't see anything wrong or political in this?

Students and other anti Junta parties have had their PRIVATE spaces invaded by the Junta, I take it you conveniently forgot about the PRIVATE meeting with regards to the Israeli surveillance equipment ?

I like Thai people who don't understand Thai people even more than you like Farang's who don't understand them ;)wai2.gif


They will not pay for bell money! Very strange because someone is paying them a lot of money or they are in the Thai Hotel jail cells for the elite Thai

criminals. Some party is paying them well to test the system and are getting better treatment than normal Thai law breaker. Looking for the rest of the world to say poor students should be released and allow riots again!

A very apt name you have there...go on stick the T word in I know you want to!! all the junta cheerleaders seem to think that family are the bogey man for all that goes wrong here!! who was the bogey man for the other multiple coups the military have inflicted on the country to reinforce the elites hold though

Well, Lord Valdemort na Dubai is responsible for 'only' the last two coups. He wasn't in politics before that.

As for him being responsible for the bogey man for all that goes wrong here! That's just a Straw Man for you to knock down with a feather since NO ONE has made that claim.

The only alternative to the Junta is Thaksin and anyone trying to overthrow the Junta is working to bring Thaksin back to power in Thailand whether they know they are acting on Thaksin's behalf or not.

Why do you want Thaksin to return to power? Do you hate Thai people that much?


A very good final question there buddy, but do you hate them that much that if they were to chose any Thaksin proxy over the Junta? Do you respect their rights to chose whomever they wish to?

Catch 22 isn't it? The Junta themselves have broke the highest laws in the land, but constantly give themselves amnesties, there are no examples to set in as far as they're concerned. NOBODY should be above the Law, but a close look at the new draft constitution shows that coup makers will always be above the law of the land.

It's incredibly two faced to sit and quote the laws when others who oppose you are being subjected to the very same laws they swore to uphold and protect, when they can also change them, and tear them up as they see fit..

Thailand will never move forwards as long as the Eastern Tigers remain "Untouchable" and act above the Laws of the lands.


Ahh, the streets of Bangkok filled with dead bodies on the brink of civil war....complete and utter tosh the junta got involved after they realized the hi-so were beginning to lose their grip

"There are a lot of people in this world who cannot see anything except that which is right in front of their face" yep your a case in point a westerner with all the privileges that gave you calling for a man who took power at the point of a gun to stop the very privileges you and most of the developed world takes for granted, classy....

They haven't got a valid defense for kids being detained without trial , so they keep spouting the Junta crap. I tell you what these people should be ashamed of themselves for condoning the oppression of the right to free speech and political choice. Thats what Fascists do

They haven't got a valid defense for kids being detained without trial

And the misinformation keep flowing from your fingers. They are not being detained except they refused to post bail; surely they have enough supporters to afford them bail. They ARE getting a trial; why are you outright lying on this? It's in the headline of this thread that they are getting a trial. Since when do defendants anywhere demand the conditions of their trial?

I tell you what these people should be ashamed of themselves for condoning the oppression of the right to free speech and political choice.

This is why we can't have nice things in Thailand. Yingluck Thaksin and Company so abused their power that the people rose up and when Yingluck's Thaksin's government refused to stop the violence against the protesters, and allowed talk of creating a Northern Thailand with Yingluck Thaksin at its head, the RTA, as a last resort, stepped in and restored peace and calm to the Kingdom. This case isn't about the right to free speech and political choice It's about who has authority. Without authority, there is anarchy and chaos. The desperate, evil forces of Lord Valdemort na Dubai want anarchy and chaos so they can make the Junta look bad. They hate the reforms the Junta is passing as it will diminish their ability to loot the country's treasury. The Thai people will be allowed their free speech and political choice once reforms are in place to prevent another Kleptocracy from taking power.

It is either the Junta or Thaksin. Clearly, you have chosen Thaksin. Clearly you chose Thaksin before the coup. Keep posting your false words and your deflections but I know who you are.



And wasn't Pra Issara walking about with more than 5 people recently gathering signatures for a political purpose?

If the shoe fits indeed!!

He was not on public space when he launch his signature gathering

Contrary of the 14

So where did the 50,000 signatures all come from then? wink.png

Let me guess. 50,000 Thai patriots?

Are you suggesting they were all in one group when they signed?



" a group of about 50 lecturers, students and human rights activists"

Bluntly untrue. I was there. There were more than 200 people.

Bluntly untrue. I was there. There were more than 200 people.

Photos? Links to ANY news outlets that back up your version of the 'facts'? I thought not.

Most likely you were there in you mind and your post is wishful thinking. Besides, in a city with 8.5 million inhabitants, 200 souls showing up to support those students is a joke. You get a better turnout in a village when someone wants to drill for oil. LoL.



They can ask for ice cream, a TV in their cells and a bedtime story too, for all the good its gonna do.

However much we might think their crime is not so bad, they broke the law.

As we all know, acting like Prima Donnas does not go down well with Thai authorities.

Even Win and Zaw worked that one out.

When you're in pokey, you take your lumps

They broke the law.....whose law ?

The current, well-publicized law of Thailand, duh.

These students intentionally challenged authority and for any authority to remain as authority, they cannot allow the laws to be broken and cannot be selective in which laws they enforce or to whom they are lenient. Is it not that way in your own home country?

The alternative is anarchy.


No, it is not the way in many areas of the UK, for example. Take for example police happening upon a few dafties with a joint - a likely scenario is the officer telling them to put it down the drain, piss off and not let him see them around again tonight.

The 'Take them down to the station and throw the book at them' approach would be seen as a tremendous waste of manpower and resources, even if that is what the letter of the law calls for. Besides, it is the job of youngsters to challenge authority and always has been...

Did those 'dafties with a joint' advertise, in advance, they were going to openly challenge the pot laws of the UK with full attendance of the press? You analogy fails; please keep trying.



They will not pay for bell money! Very strange because someone is paying them a lot of money or they are in the Thai Hotel jail cells for the elite Thai

criminals. Some party is paying them well to test the system and are getting better treatment than normal Thai law breaker. Looking for the rest of the world to say poor students should be released and allow riots again!

A very apt name you have there...go on stick the T word in I know you want to!! all the junta cheerleaders seem to think that family are the bogey man for all that goes wrong here!! who was the bogey man for the other multiple coups the military have inflicted on the country to reinforce the elites hold though

Well, Lord Valdemort na Dubai is responsible for 'only' the last two coups. He wasn't in politics before that.

As for him being responsible for the bogey man for all that goes wrong here! That's just a Straw Man for you to knock down with a feather since NO ONE has made that claim.

The only alternative to the Junta is Thaksin and anyone trying to overthrow the Junta is working to bring Thaksin back to power in Thailand whether they know they are acting on Thaksin's behalf or not.

Why do you want Thaksin to return to power? Do you hate Thai people that much?


A very good final question there buddy, but do you hate them that much that if they were to chose any Thaksin proxy over the Junta? Do you respect their rights to chose whomever they wish to?

Catch 22 isn't it? The Junta themselves have broke the highest laws in the land, but constantly give themselves amnesties, there are no examples to set in as far as they're concerned. NOBODY should be above the Law, but a close look at the new draft constitution shows that coup makers will always be above the law of the land.

It's incredibly two faced to sit and quote the laws when others who oppose you are being subjected to the very same laws they swore to uphold and protect, when they can also change them, and tear them up as they see fit..

Thailand will never move forwards as long as the Eastern Tigers remain "Untouchable" and act above the Laws of the lands.

Since the Junta ARE the law of the land, at present, how can they possibly be above the law of the land?

NOBODY should be above the Law

A noble thought, but tell me when, in Thailand's history, has this ever been true?



And wasn't Pra Issara walking about with more than 5 people recently gathering signatures for a political purpose?

If the shoe fits indeed!!

He was not on public space when he launch his signature gathering

Contrary of the 14

So where did the 50,000 signatures all come from then? wink.png

Let me guess. 50,000 Thai patriots?

Are you suggesting they were all in one group when they signed?


No, I'm suggesting, no, not even suggesting, I'll make a bold statement that the signatures gathered were not single signatures done, as in door to door, I'd be more inclined to believe they were in groups larger than 5, when's the last time you were in a Wat where there was less than 5 people during any Buddhist ceremony?

Even our local Wat, in a small village, has more than 50 -100 people attending, so if the bold monk approached them the curiosity would get the better of the remainder, and ergo a crowd of more than 5 would be in attendance, simple logic, based on what I've seen in the past.

It's all moot really, as monks are not supposed to be political in the first place ;)


He was not on public space when he launch his signature gathering

Contrary of the 14

So where did the 50,000 signatures all come from then? wink.png

Let me guess. 50,000 Thai patriots?

Are you suggesting they were all in one group when they signed?


No, I'm suggesting, no, not even suggesting, I'll make a bold statement that the signatures gathered were not single signatures done, as in door to door, I'd be more inclined to believe they were in groups larger than 5, when's the last time you were in a Wat where there was less than 5 people during any Buddhist ceremony?

Even our local Wat, in a small village, has more than 50 -100 people attending, so if the bold monk approached them the curiosity would get the better of the remainder, and ergo a crowd of more than 5 would be in attendance, simple logic, based on what I've seen in the past.

It's all moot really, as monks are not supposed to be political in the first place wink.png

You pulled the rug from under your own argument. According to your own post, the people were already at temple when the petition was shown; they didn't come to temple specifically for the signing of the petition. Also, I didn't know the law forbade groups of five, or larger, from attending temple services.

Skew the facts, much?



Au contraire, I don't believe there were 50,000 at the temple, like Than eluded to ;) I merely put it to him, that 50,000 in a single Wat, signing a petition of a political nature, WOULD and should have been classed as a political gathering of more then 5 people ;) do try to read a bit closer old chap :D

Personally I couldn't care less, Karma is a bitch, and Issara will meet it one day, and might not be so kind to him.

You didn't bother commenting that according to the teachings of Buddhism, monks are not supposed to be Political, or have any political affiliations, but hey I guess you view him as some sort of good guy? ;)


Au contraire, I don't believe there were 50,000 at the temple, like Than eluded to wink.png I merely put it to him, that 50,000 in a single Wat, signing a petition of a political nature, WOULD and should have been classed as a political gathering of more then 5 people wink.png do try to read a bit closer old chap biggrin.png

Personally I couldn't care less, Karma is a bitch, and Issara will meet it one day, and might not be so kind to him.

You didn't bother commenting that according to the teachings of Buddhism, monks are not supposed to be Political, or have any political affiliations, but hey I guess you view him as some sort of good guy? wink.png

You didn't bother commenting that according to the teachings of Buddhism, monks are not supposed to be Political, or have any political affiliations,

Monks involving themselves politically is not new but is not the topic nor pertinent to this thread. We both can agree that Thai Buddhist monks engage in all sorts of behavior the Sangha frowns upon: In recent times, particularly with the emergence of competing color-coded protest movements, monks in both rural and urban areas have taken political sides. Some were involved in storming the gates of parliament with royalist "yellow shirt" protesters in 2008 while others openly participated in "red shirt" protests that devolved into armed violence last year. Monks have also routinely featured in both protest groups' sponsored media and have appeared on rally stages in Bangkok and upcountry.

Some monks have claimed to participate in protests to reduce the possibility of violence against demonstrators. Other monks, however, have openly professed political affiliation and claimed that their role as monks mandates them to fight for truth, justice and against human suffering brought about by misrule. http://www.buddhistchannel.tv/index.php?id=52,10178,0,0,1,0#.VZmpmqQXSHs

In a recent posting about Thaksin Shinawatra’s birthday, there were some marvelous pictures of monks taking part in the festivities. One pair showed some monks removing a curse, with their begging bowls used to signify the removal of the curse. Other pictures showed live monks in conjunction with pictures of Thaksin (Actually, Mr. Thaksin was not just in conjunction, but looking down on the monks beatifically. I’m not sure which was more striking: the cut out of Thaksin standing behind the senior monk, or the pictures of Thaksin overlooking a group of chanting monks, hand raised in the sign-language gesture of “I love you.”). http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2009/08/07/monk/

ABSTRACT: Thailand’s monastic politics are in turmoil. No longer can the sangha be written off as a political force and viewed simply as a fount of legitimacy for the nation and the monarchy. The role played by a few hundred pro-Thaksin “redshirt” monks in the March to May 2010 mass demonstrations testified to growing unease within the rank-and-file monkhood... http://www.polis.leeds.ac.uk/assets/files/Journal%20articles/CAS-Buddhism-McCargo-December-2012.pdf

Just when our richest and most powerful political leader is quickly losing moral legitimacy to govern, the country's richest temple is ready to help shore up his image. Next week, the Dhammakaya Temple will organise a two-day religious event to mark the 60th anniversary celebrations of HM the King's accession to the throne. Our embattled dear leader has been invited to grace the event. So watch out for the news photo of Thaksin Shinawatra surrounded by beaming monks in saffron robes in every local newspaper next week for the world to see.

The image will suggest Mr Thaksin is still enjoying support from the Buddhist clergy. Amid intensifying public doubts over his loyalty to the monarchy, spurred by his audacious attack on the ''charismatic person beyond the Constitution'', the photo will also aim to retain trust from his 16 million voters who highly revere the King. To complete the effect, Mr Thaksin will most likely turn up in yellow shirt with royal insignia for show.

Why should we bother? It is just a political gimmick. Any shrewd politician with some understanding of the power of image would do the same thing, wouldn't he?

We should bother because we taxpayers are paying nearly 40 million baht for Mr Thaksin to have this photo op.

You need a specific figure?

Let's do some math. Director-general Sarote Kachamart of the Local Administration Promotion Department has ordered all 7,854 local administration bodies to send a team of 10 people to attend the Dhammakaya event. He has also ordered each delegation to pay a registration fee of 5,000 baht to the temple. That comes to 39,270,000 baht. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/75802-thaksin-and-dhammakaya/

I believe that the Thai Rak Thai Party and Phra Dhammakaya Temple make a perfect couple. The only difference between them is that one is a political party and the other a Buddhist monastery. They share the same philosophies of management and administration and both use the media relentlessly for self-promotion. Thai Rak Thai and Phra Dhammakaya Temple are huge organisations - two of the largest and most powerful in the country. Their leaders are known to be shrewd investors, bold enough to take on new risks - both are equally fond of the latest technologies, capitalism and modernism in general. However, while their leaders are strong, they have also both been tainted by allegations of corruption and embezzlement. Not only are their goals the same - to assume power - but they also share common enemies. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/09/27/opinion/opinion_30014752.php

To single out Pra Buddha Issara shows your bias or your ignorance of past behavior of monks and is disingenuous at best.

Thai Buddhist monk wants to clean up his country’s religious institutions http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/sex-drugs-and-embezzlement-no-big-deal-for-thailands-buddhist-monks/2015/04/28/9df1934e-dd2a-11e4-b6d7-b9bc8acf16f7_story.html

Activist monk seeks Buddhism overhaul in Thailand over corruption fears http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/01/us-thailand-buddhism-idUSKBN0LX13Q20150301

With money, corruption and drugs, this monk fears Buddhism in Thailand is a ‘poisoned fruit’ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/with-money-corruption-and-drugs-this-monk-fears-buddhism-in-thailand-is-a-poisoned-fruit-10078753.html

It seems the world's press is portraying Pra Buddha Issara as a corruption fighter. Why do you seem to have so much animus towards someone who is working tirelessly to end corruption? Is it because Dr. Thaksin and corruption are synonymous?

There, now. I have commented on monks being politically involved. Satisfied?



Not the Nation. Great place to get your 'facts' other than your Communist inspired Red Shirt play book.

It seems you don't have much of an argument when you descend to ridicule instead of citing real reasons.


says the man who quotes Tony Cartalucci? are you serious?

Not the Nation doesn't try to pretend that it's serious or genuine... Cartalucci, on the other hand, ... is a joke but doesn't realize it.



Au contraire, I don't believe there were 50,000 at the temple, like Than eluded to wink.png I merely put it to him, that 50,000 in a single Wat, signing a petition of a political nature, WOULD and should have been classed as a political gathering of more then 5 people wink.png do try to read a bit closer old chap biggrin.png

Personally I couldn't care less, Karma is a bitch, and Issara will meet it one day, and might not be so kind to him.

You didn't bother commenting that according to the teachings of Buddhism, monks are not supposed to be Political, or have any political affiliations, but hey I guess you view him as some sort of good guy? wink.png

You didn't bother commenting that according to the teachings of Buddhism, monks are not supposed to be Political, or have any political affiliations,

Monks involving themselves politically is not new but is not the topic nor pertinent to this thread. We both can agree that Thai Buddhist monks engage in all sorts of behavior the Sangha frowns upon: In recent times, particularly with the emergence of competing color-coded protest movements, monks in both rural and urban areas have taken political sides. Some were involved in storming the gates of parliament with royalist "yellow shirt" protesters in 2008 while others openly participated in "red shirt" protests that devolved into armed violence last year. Monks have also routinely featured in both protest groups' sponsored media and have appeared on rally stages in Bangkok and upcountry.

Some monks have claimed to participate in protests to reduce the possibility of violence against demonstrators. Other monks, however, have openly professed political affiliation and claimed that their role as monks mandates them to fight for truth, justice and against human suffering brought about by misrule. http://www.buddhistchannel.tv/index.php?id=52,10178,0,0,1,0#.VZmpmqQXSHs

In a recent posting about Thaksin Shinawatra’s birthday, there were some marvelous pictures of monks taking part in the festivities. One pair showed some monks removing a curse, with their begging bowls used to signify the removal of the curse. Other pictures showed live monks in conjunction with pictures of Thaksin (Actually, Mr. Thaksin was not just in conjunction, but looking down on the monks beatifically. I’m not sure which was more striking: the cut out of Thaksin standing behind the senior monk, or the pictures of Thaksin overlooking a group of chanting monks, hand raised in the sign-language gesture of “I love you.”). http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2009/08/07/monk/

ABSTRACT: Thailand’s monastic politics are in turmoil. No longer can the sangha be written off as a political force and viewed simply as a fount of legitimacy for the nation and the monarchy. The role played by a few hundred pro-Thaksin “redshirt” monks in the March to May 2010 mass demonstrations testified to growing unease within the rank-and-file monkhood... http://www.polis.leeds.ac.uk/assets/files/Journal%20articles/CAS-Buddhism-McCargo-December-2012.pdf

Just when our richest and most powerful political leader is quickly losing moral legitimacy to govern, the country's richest temple is ready to help shore up his image. Next week, the Dhammakaya Temple will organise a two-day religious event to mark the 60th anniversary celebrations of HM the King's accession to the throne. Our embattled dear leader has been invited to grace the event. So watch out for the news photo of Thaksin Shinawatra surrounded by beaming monks in saffron robes in every local newspaper next week for the world to see.

The image will suggest Mr Thaksin is still enjoying support from the Buddhist clergy. Amid intensifying public doubts over his loyalty to the monarchy, spurred by his audacious attack on the ''charismatic person beyond the Constitution'', the photo will also aim to retain trust from his 16 million voters who highly revere the King. To complete the effect, Mr Thaksin will most likely turn up in yellow shirt with royal insignia for show.

Why should we bother? It is just a political gimmick. Any shrewd politician with some understanding of the power of image would do the same thing, wouldn't he?

We should bother because we taxpayers are paying nearly 40 million baht for Mr Thaksin to have this photo op.

You need a specific figure?

Let's do some math. Director-general Sarote Kachamart of the Local Administration Promotion Department has ordered all 7,854 local administration bodies to send a team of 10 people to attend the Dhammakaya event. He has also ordered each delegation to pay a registration fee of 5,000 baht to the temple. That comes to 39,270,000 baht. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/75802-thaksin-and-dhammakaya/

I believe that the Thai Rak Thai Party and Phra Dhammakaya Temple make a perfect couple. The only difference between them is that one is a political party and the other a Buddhist monastery. They share the same philosophies of management and administration and both use the media relentlessly for self-promotion. Thai Rak Thai and Phra Dhammakaya Temple are huge organisations - two of the largest and most powerful in the country. Their leaders are known to be shrewd investors, bold enough to take on new risks - both are equally fond of the latest technologies, capitalism and modernism in general. However, while their leaders are strong, they have also both been tainted by allegations of corruption and embezzlement. Not only are their goals the same - to assume power - but they also share common enemies. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/09/27/opinion/opinion_30014752.php

To single out Pra Buddha Issara shows your bias or your ignorance of past behavior of monks and is disingenuous at best.

Thai Buddhist monk wants to clean up his country’s religious institutions http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/sex-drugs-and-embezzlement-no-big-deal-for-thailands-buddhist-monks/2015/04/28/9df1934e-dd2a-11e4-b6d7-b9bc8acf16f7_story.html

Activist monk seeks Buddhism overhaul in Thailand over corruption fears http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/01/us-thailand-buddhism-idUSKBN0LX13Q20150301

With money, corruption and drugs, this monk fears Buddhism in Thailand is a ‘poisoned fruit’ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/with-money-corruption-and-drugs-this-monk-fears-buddhism-in-thailand-is-a-poisoned-fruit-10078753.html

It seems the world's press is portraying Pra Buddha Issara as a corruption fighter. Why do you seem to have so much animus towards someone who is working tirelessly to end corruption? Is it because Dr. Thaksin and corruption are synonymous?

There, now. I have commented on monks being politically involved. Satisfied?


I only commented about Issara as none of the others went around canvassing signatures, the others are not really the subject of the topic, neither is Issara, but the point I raised was that to obtain 50,000 signatures, there would have been groups larger than 5.. no arrests were made, but if you're anti junta..arrests are made... bias? you bet there's a bias going on, and the same worlds media can see it too mate.


Not the Nation. Great place to get your 'facts' other than your Communist inspired Red Shirt play book.

It seems you don't have much of an argument when you descend to ridicule instead of citing real reasons.


says the man who quotes Tony Cartalucci? are you serious?

Not the Nation doesn't try to pretend that it's serious or genuine... Cartalucci, on the other hand, ... is a joke but doesn't realize it.


Oh, you mean this Tony Cartalucci? I had to 'Google' him because I had never heard of him before.

Thailand: Uprooting Wall Street's Proxy Regime http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2013/11/thailand-uprooting-wall-streets-proxy.html

Thailand’s Thaksin Regime and The Cambodian Connection http://www.globalresearch.ca/thailands-thaksin-regime-and-the-cambodian-connection/5360470

Thailand's Military - An Important Independent Institution http://altthainews.blogspot.com/2013/12/thailands-military-important.html

Thailand: US Passionately Pleas for “Compromise” http://journal-neo.org/2015/02/18/thailand-us-passionately-pleas-for-compromise/

Wow! It seems Mr. Cartalucci is not fond of your hero Thaksin but does seem have his articles widely published. Thanks for the tip. I find his articles about Thai politics fascinating.

BTW, when and where did I quote the illustrious Mr. Cartalucci?



Tony Cartalucci also sings the praises of Bashar Al Asad, the head of the Syrian Regime, so perhaps it's best to take anything he says with a huge pinch of salt ;)


Tony Cartalucci also sings the praises of Bashar Al Asad, the head of the Syrian Regime, so perhaps it's best to take anything he says with a huge pinch of salt wink.png

Truly, I never got Syria information from TC but the US's CIA is what one might call a 'self-licking ice cream cone'. It creates a problem and then has a mission to fix the problem. Now ISIS is taking over Syria and it started when the US began arming/training rebels in Syria in an attempt to overthrow the government of BAA. This resulted in fighting that has caused thousands of needless deaths and millions of refugees. The same when, in the 1970s the US funded the Mujahadeen to fight the Russians and the Mujahadeen became the most powerful force in Afghanistan renaming themselves, with the help of Pakistan't Intelligence services, the Taliban. Non of this is secret BTW. The US CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran in 1953 and installed the Shah and on and on. Bashar Al Assad may not be a good guy but he is better than ISIS. I'm not going to condemn a reporter for recognizing the lesser of two evils. While I'm on the subject, did the West's taking out Gadaffi make Libya a better place?


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