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Hispanic leaders want GOP field to condemn Trump's 'idiocy'

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The data is overwhelming that "illegals" are a clear and present danger to America. The issue is intentionally obscured with relabeling, calling them immigrants, calling them Mexicans. The issue is illegals. Illegals is the issue. Illegals are turning the US into a 3rd world.

Illegals are criminals. It is a penal code that is enacted and enforced by every single country on earth, except the US under Obama. Obama elects not to enforce laws. Civil disobedience is acceptable for a people to protest laws they find objectionable and repugnant and in this regard it is a standard of liberty, nullification. This Natural Right does not extend to the executive who, having taken an oath to uphold the laws of the United States and Constitution, is both morally and legally bound to do so.


This above article is only interesting, one could otherwise drown in the deluge of overwhelming facts demonstrating the irrevocable stain illegals leave on the US.

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Nothing wrong with illegal Mexicans. They are taking jobs nobody wants. And they do pay taxes, every time they buy something or when they fill their tanks with gas. The income tax that they don't pay is insignificant considering the wages they receive. Those taxes are supposed to be deducted by the employers, anyway. We need to send home the illegal Canadians, who are taking the high paying Corporate jobs, and the Indians who have invaded the technology industry both of whom are shipping dollars out of the country in large amounts. The Latinos? By the time the are done paying for basics, there are few enough dollars left for exporting.

hey, come off it.

The 'I buy things, pay sales tax and thus contribute' argument is only useable for farangs who move to Thailand sight unseen, show proof of an anemic pension/SS cheque, and then argue that without them the country would fall to bits.

Its not as if they are Mexican who are working and producing something that the locals need.

No, the fragangs have an much higher income than your average thai and does not do things like get two sets of papers - one to work under and the other to collect a bevy of benefits under such as EBT (food stamps) free medical, Housing under Sect. 8 and more. Not to mention take jobs away from Thai's and send much of the money back "home"

you really need to work on your analogies as they are flawed.

Try and justify your existence here all you want. Fact is, you turned up sight unseen as well.

Show us your police record before you started living here did we?

http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/07/illegal-immigrants-accounted-for-nearly-37-percent-of-federal-sentences-in-fy-2014/ While illegal immigrants account for about 3.5 percent of the U.S population, they represented 36.7 percent of federal sentences in FY 2014 following criminal convictions, according to U.S. Sentencing Commission data obtained by Breitbart News.

According to FY 2014 USSC data, of 74,911 sentencing cases, citizens accounted for 43,479 (or 58.0 percent), illegal immigrants accounted for 27,505 (or 36.7 percent), legal immigrants made up 3,017 (or 4.0 percent), and the remainder (about 1 percent) were cases in which the offender was either extradited or had an unknown status.

Broken down by some of the primary offenses, illegal immigrants represented 16.8 percent of drug trafficking cases, 20.0 percent of kidnapping/hostage taking, 74.1 percent of drug possession, 12.3 percent of money laundering, and 12.0 percent of murder convictions.

One GOP aide expressed shock at the numbers, emailing Breitbart News, “These statistics blew me away, and they blow a hole through the oft-repeated line that people only want to come to America to work. It’s tragic so few politicians are willing even to acknowledge the true extent of this problem, but until more do, more Americans will keep getting harmed.”

The USSC data only deals with federal offenders sentenced under the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 (SRA) and does not include other categories like state cases, death penalty cases, or “cases initiated but for which no convictions were obtained, offenders convicted for whom no sentences were yet issued, and offenders sentenced but for whom no sentencing documents were submitted to the Commission.”

The data does include immigration violations, of which illegal immigrants represented by far the greatest number of cases: 91.6 percent, or (20,333 cases), out of a total 22,204 cases.

Eliminating all immigration violations, illegal immigrants would account for 13.2 percent of all the offenders sentenced in FY14 following federal criminal convictions — still greater than the 3.5 percent of the population illegal immigrants are said to make up.


The data is overwhelming that "illegals" are a clear and present danger to America. The issue is intentionally obscured with relabeling, calling them immigrants, calling them Mexicans. The issue is illegals. Illegals is the issue. Illegals are turning the US into a 3rd world.

Illegals are criminals. It is a penal code that is enacted and enforced by every single country on earth, except the US under Obama. Obama elects not to enforce laws. Civil disobedience is acceptable for a people to protest laws they find objectionable and repugnant and in this regard it is a standard of liberty, nullification. This Natural Right does not extend to the executive who, having taken an oath to uphold the laws of the United States and Constitution, is both morally and legally bound to do so.


This above article is only interesting, one could otherwise drown in the deluge of overwhelming facts demonstrating the irrevocable stain illegals leave on the US.

Whoaa there frisky one...

Last time I looked, papers expiring while remaining in the USA is a civil violation.

Entering the country illegally can be a misdemeanor, a felony or one of several different violations.

To call a person an "illegal" says the person himself is illegal. It tries to say the person does not have any Constitutional protections. This is in error all around. Every person in the United States is a legal person.

The question of the person's status in respect of the laws ensues after recognizing the fact the person in the USA is a legal person under the Constitution, and s/he is entitled to virtually the identical Constitutional rights as are citizens..

DHS estimates there are 11.6 immigrants illegally in the USA, either in violation of civil law or criminal law.

Prez Obama is doing everything he can under immigration law yet there is a tea party federal judge down there in Texas mucking up the works both willfully and deliberately. The next appeals hearing on the immigration executive action injunction by the judge is the 10th of this month, in New Orleans.

Neither will congress enact comprehensive immigration reform as proposed by Prez Obama. Shall I call congress a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States? I never have done that nor would I pursue such a lunar green cheese undertaking.


ILLEGAL ALIEN is the proper term contained in the United States Immigration Code... those in the United States who have entered or stayed in the U.S. Illegally .... The same type of term is use to described as Green Card Holders -- those who did it the LEGAL WAY ... called RESIDENT LEGAL ALIENS... .

That is the LAW - too bad illegal aliens do not like the term they earned..


Good thing for some that Hispanics are known to be generous and forgiving God fearing Christian people.

According to U.S. Census Bureau population estimates as of July 1, 2013, there are roughly 54 million Hispanics living in the United States, representing approximately 17% of the U.S. total population, making people of Hispanic origin the nation's largest ethnic or race minority.

The U.S. Hispanic population for 2060 is estimated to reach 128.8 million, constituting approximately 31% of the U.S. population by that date.

Among Hispanic subgroups, in 2012, Mexicans ranked as the largest at 64%.

Following Mexicans were Puerto Ricans (9.4%), Salvadorans (3.8%), Cubans (3.7%), Dominicans(3.1%), Guatemalans (2.3%),and the remaining 13.7% were people of other Hispanic or Latino origins.


People who identify with the terms “Hispanic” or “Latino” are those who classify themselves in one of the specific Hispanic or Latino categories listed on the decennial census questionnaire and various Census Bureau survey questionnaires – “Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano” or ”Puerto Rican” or “Cuban” – as well as those who indicate that they are “another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin." Origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality group, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s ancestors before their arrival in the United States. People who identify their origin as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be of any race.



ILLEGAL ALIEN is the proper term contained in the United States Immigration Code... those in the United States who have entered or stayed in the U.S. Illegally .... The same type of term is use to described as Green Card Holders -- those who did it the LEGAL WAY ... called RESIDENT LEGAL ALIENS... .

That is the LAW - too bad illegal aliens do not like the term they earned..

Too bad some marginal rightwing types use the word "illegals" and only the word "illegal" alone by itself, whether singular or pluralized.

The United States Code of Laws, specifically Title 18, Naturalization and Immigration, does not contain the single or solitary word "illegals" or "an Illegal" in referencing illegal aliens. This is because everyone in the United States is by definition a legal person under the Constitution. This means illegal aliens are entitled to virtually all the Constitutional rights and protections the rest of us have.

There are no "illegals" in the United States of any kind. Purveyors of green cheese not withstanding.


ILLEGAL ALIEN is the proper term contained in the United States Immigration Code... those in the United States who have entered or stayed in the U.S. Illegally .... The same type of term is use to described as Green Card Holders -- those who did it the LEGAL WAY ... called RESIDENT LEGAL ALIENS... .

That is the LAW - too bad illegal aliens do not like the term they earned..

Too bad some marginal rightwing types use the word "illegals" and only the word "illegal" alone by itself, whether singular or pluralized.

The United States Code of Laws, specifically Title 18, Naturalization and Immigration, does not contain the single or solitary word "illegals" or "an Illegal" in referencing illegal aliens. This is because everyone in the United States is by definition a legal person under the Constitution and is entitled to virtually all the Constitutional rights and protections the rest of us have.

There are no "illegals" in the United States of any kind. Purveyors of green cheese not withstanding.

How long did it take you to copythat from LA RAZA's web page ... it is fake...


ILLEGAL ALIEN is the proper term contained in the United States Immigration Code... those in the United States who have entered or stayed in the U.S. Illegally .... The same type of term is use to described as Green Card Holders -- those who did it the LEGAL WAY ... called RESIDENT LEGAL ALIENS... .

That is the LAW - too bad illegal aliens do not like the term they earned..

Too bad some marginal rightwing types use the word "illegals" and only the word "illegal" alone by itself, whether singular or pluralized.

The United States Code of Laws, specifically Title 18, Naturalization and Immigration, does not contain the single or solitary word "illegals" or "an Illegal" in referencing illegal aliens. This is because everyone in the United States is by definition a legal person under the Constitution and is entitled to virtually all the Constitutional rights and protections the rest of us have.

There are no "illegals" in the United States of any kind. Purveyors of green cheese not withstanding.

How long did it take you to copythat from LA RAZA's web page ... it is fake...

Never heard of LA RAZA.

No idea what you're trying to thunder on about.

You'd need to be specific that something or anything related to this thread "is fake."

You'd need to show me where you are supported in Title 18 of the United States Code, Naturalization and Immigration, which contains all of the Nation's immigration laws (and the laws pertaining to naturalization of citizenship).

I'm not from Missouri but you'd still have to show me.


As with most Posts on T.V. The treads turn into Lefty V Discipline. PC control freaks V non PC. The Donald is a Showman who says what others would like to say. I love him fore putting that thing on his head .Would You..

i must admit, that thing on his head is the one thing i like about him. is it a dead weasel?


ILLEGAL ALIEN is the proper term contained in the United States Immigration Code... those in the United States who have entered or stayed in the U.S. Illegally .... The same type of term is use to described as Green Card Holders -- those who did it the LEGAL WAY ... called RESIDENT LEGAL ALIENS... .

That is the LAW - too bad illegal aliens do not like the term they earned..

Too bad some marginal rightwing types use the word "illegals" and only the word "illegal" alone by itself, whether singular or pluralized.

The United States Code of Laws, specifically Title 18, Naturalization and Immigration, does not contain the single or solitary word "illegals" or "an Illegal" in referencing illegal aliens. This is because everyone in the United States is by definition a legal person under the Constitution and is entitled to virtually all the Constitutional rights and protections the rest of us have.

There are no "illegals" in the United States of any kind. Purveyors of green cheese not withstanding.

How long did it take you to copythat from LA RAZA's web page ... it is fake...

Never heard of LA RAZA.

No idea what you're trying to thunder on about.

You'd need to be specific that something or anything related to this thread "is fake."

You'd need to show me where you are supported in Title 18 of the United States Code, Naturalization and Immigration, which contains all of the Nation's immigration laws (and the laws pertaining to naturalization of citizenship).

I'm not from Missouri but you'd still have to show me.

I am still waiting for you to post the link from whence you lifted that information ... that massaged and untrue information.


If you live in New York you may realize how New York's businesses like restaurants, hotels need the immigrants. Most prep workers at restaurants and salad bars around the city are Mexicans and a large amount are illegal immigrants with faked social security cards. If they are all deported we will see higher prices in our food places in New York. Just wonder how many Mexicans are employed by the Trumph imperium itself, guess more then one. I like the way he dirty down the republicans with his comment, most of them like it since they don't support the proposed bill to give the undocumented a way to citizenship so they can pay taxes and society also have control of who and where these u documented citizens reside and also so they can fill out the sensus report so all neighborhoods in NY get social services that are reflecting the amount of persons living in the area, like schools etc.


If you live in New York you may realize how New York's businesses like restaurants, hotels need the immigrants. Most prep workers at restaurants and salad bars around the city are Mexicans and a large amount are illegal immigrants with faked social security cards. If they are all deported we will see higher prices in our food places in New York. Just wonder how many Mexicans are employed by the Trumph imperium itself, guess more then one. I like the way he dirty down the republicans with his comment, most of them like it since they don't support the proposed bill to give the undocumented a way to citizenship so they can pay taxes and society also have control of who and where these u documented citizens reside and also so they can fill out the sensus report so all neighborhoods in NY get social services that are reflecting the amount of persons living in the area, like schools etc.

There is a way for the undocumented, get in line and follow the laws and regulations.


I am still waiting for you to post the link from whence you lifted that information ... that massaged and untrue information.

"lifted" what information, moi? Nothing I've done is "lifted."

"....that massaged and untrue information." Kindly be specific plse thx because now you have said "fake" and "untrue." Specify plse thx..

Or did you fold 'em?

Immigration law is nuanced and can be complicated and neither of us is a lawyer, but the representations of it I have made to the thread are neither "fake" nor are they "untrue." Nor are they "massaged" whatever that might be supposed to mean.



Well, Hillary is backing and filling on illegal* immigration. She was for sanctuary cities before she was against them. Sounds familiar.

"While Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton now says cities should comply with federal immigration requests, she has been a supporter of sanctuary city policies in the past."


Jul 08, 2015 "Clinton, California lawmakers condemn San Francisco's 'sanctuary' policy."

*Bank robbery laws don't contain the term illegal either. Illegal is a concept in law that is defined by breaking a law. Only far out over-the-moon extreme left wingo lib-otomists refuse to recognize when something that is plainly illegal is illegal.



Well, Hillary is backing and filling on illegal* immigration. She was for sanctuary cities before she was against them. Sounds familiar.

"While Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton now says cities should comply with federal immigration requests, she has been a supporter of sanctuary city policies in the past."


Jul 08, 2015 "Clinton, California lawmakers condemn San Francisco's 'sanctuary' policy."

*Bank robbery laws don't contain the term illegal either. Illegal is a concept in law that is defined by breaking a law. Only far out over-the-moon extreme left wingo lib-otomists refuse to recognize when something that is plainly illegal is illegal.


It is what the immigration laws say and what SCOTUS says about the First Amendment (most of it), the 14th Amendment, the Fourth Amendment.

Title 18 of the United States Code pertaining to Naturalization and Immigration, and SCOTUS say each person in the United States is at all times a legal person. Then immigration status comes in to play.

Immigration is by law and ruling of SCOTUS a matter of civil law. An undocumented immigrant is violating civil law. The consequence is deportation, which is an administrative proceeding.

If any immigrant violates a criminal law, and only if, then and only then is the immigrant, whether documented or undocumented, tried criminally. Being an undocumented immigrant does not make the immigrant a criminal. It does not mean the undocumented immigrant is in violation of criminal law. He/she is not.

Immigration itself is a matter of civil law, not of criminal law. Immigration per se.

Read the laws and be sure also to read SCOTUS....

Is Immigration Law Civil or Criminal?

Immigration law in the United States is civil, not criminal. People found to be in violation of immigration law are not punished; they are deported. And, deportation is not punishment.

In the United States, we often refer to people who are in the United States without permission from the government as “illegal aliens.” Calling people “illegals” gives the false impression that they have committed a crime. However, being in the United States without documentation is not a crime. It is a violation of immigration laws, and there is no punishment for illegal presence.

The reason deportation is not punishment is that an 1893 Court decision, Fong Yue Ting vs. United States, still holds. That court decision reads as follows:



US immigration law and SCOTUS rulings on the Constitution are always sure about this. Immigration itself is civil law, not criminal law.


ILLEGAL ALIEN is the proper term contained in the United States Immigration Code... those in the United States who have entered or stayed in the U.S. Illegally .... The same type of term is use to described as Green Card Holders -- those who did it the LEGAL WAY ... called RESIDENT LEGAL ALIENS... .

That is the LAW - too bad illegal aliens do not like the term they earned..

you're wrong. again


Massive tax dollars come when they are IN the country.

and they will ALWAYS be in the country. corruption on the border will ensure it. you cant keep the drugs out and u wont keep the illegals out. but you will create a new industry!

It would help if law enforcement were actually allowed to ask people for proof of residency or visa, just like is done in Thailand every day of the week... But no, the progressives have deemed this to be unconstitutional, so when a police officer encounters a person of questionable origin, they can't even ask the question... Just like they have pushed the SCOTUS to deem it unconstitutional to ask a person for proof of citizenship to vote in US elections... Pretty sad when a country like Thailand has stiffer immigration enforcement than the US...

As far as keeping drugs out of the US, that was never the objective of the "war on drugs"... If it were the case then the US government would not be the largest drug smuggler on the planet... Or do you think those poppy fields in Afghanistan mysteriously producing record yields during US occupation is a coincidence?

cant keep out drrugs, cant keep out aliens. get used to it pal


Breaking civil law is still illegal.

Liberal-Leftist-Progressives continue the march to replace the English language -- they are Political Correct terrorists... assaulting the language of reality and trying to replace it with functional fantasy. By attempting to obliterate the term ILLEGAL ALIEN and replace it with undocumented immigrant would be laughable if it were not for the mania by which forcing language change has become for the Lib-Lefty-Progs....

PC is not harmless because it disguises the truth of the matter. Even H. Clinton has finally seen the light in disapproving of the Sanctuary City concept (after she was for it). Sanctuary City should have be called 'On the Lam' City... for it gives a place for Illegal Aliens to hide in plain sight even though they are in violation of Federal Law.

Upwards of 40% of Illegal Aliens are visa over stayers and should be deported but the U.S. Government aids in the lawbreaking for this class of Illegal Aliens against the will of the people.

Generally -- people who are in a country as foreigners - are called Aliens. We in Thailand are termed Aliens regardless of our visa type.

Illegal Aliens in the U.S. are not 'immigrants' ... that term is reserved to apply to those who entered the U.S. LEGALLY and stayed LEGALLY and who plan to apply for permanent status - the famous Green Card or Legal Resident Alien as it is officially called.

Most Americans understand this language ruse when it comes to Illegal Aliens -- Americans know that Illegal Aliens are NOT undocumented - Illegals most often have plenty of documents, stolen Social Security Card, Stolen Driver's Licenses, Fake Driver's Licenses, Fake and Stolen Birth Certificates. Illegal Aliens commit thousands and thousands of crimes annually performing Identity Theft.

Literate Americans have stopped accepting the attempt at forced use of Political Correctness by the Lib-Lefty-Progs and recognize the campaign for what it is -- an attempt to impose Societal Censorship. Most tax paying Americans -- hovering at only a dangerous 50% - recognize that Democrats just want hoards of illegal aliens to become undocumented Democrat voters by coaching them to vote illegally to sway the elections in favor of Democrats.

I suppose under the Lib-Lefty-Prog PC definitions "Drug Dealers" are "Undocumented Pharmacists"

Societal enforcement of Political Correctness is repugnant and is just an attempt at denying Free Speech to the rest of Americans.

Lib-Lefty-Prog Democrats seem to want Americans to believe in the Politically Correct hypothesis that a turd can be picked up by the clean end... if only you change the name... :)

So for the Law Breaking Border Runners and Visa Over Stayers in the U.S. - ILLEGAL ALIENS they are -- and -- ILLEGAL ALIENS they shall remain.


Breaking civil law is still illegal.

Liberal-Leftist-Progressives continue the march to replace the English language -- they are Political Correct terrorists... assaulting the language of reality and trying to replace it with functional fantasy. By attempting to obliterate the term ILLEGAL ALIEN and replace it with undocumented immigrant would be laughable if it were not for the mania by which forcing language change has become for the Lib-Lefty-Progs....

PC is not harmless because it disguises the truth of the matter. Even H. Clinton has finally seen the light in disapproving of the Sanctuary City concept (after she was for it). Sanctuary City should have be called 'On the Lam' City... for it gives a place for Illegal Aliens to hide in plain sight even though they are in violation of Federal Law.

Upwards of 40% of Illegal Aliens are visa over stayers and should be deported but the U.S. Government aids in the lawbreaking for this class of Illegal Aliens against the will of the people.

Generally -- people who are in a country as foreigners - are called Aliens. We in Thailand are termed Aliens regardless of our visa type.

Illegal Aliens in the U.S. are not 'immigrants' ... that term is reserved to apply to those who entered the U.S. LEGALLY and stayed LEGALLY and who plan to apply for permanent status - the famous Green Card or Legal Resident Alien as it is officially called.

Most Americans understand this language ruse when it comes to Illegal Aliens -- Americans know that Illegal Aliens are NOT undocumented - Illegals most often have plenty of documents, stolen Social Security Card, Stolen Driver's Licenses, Fake Driver's Licenses, Fake and Stolen Birth Certificates. Illegal Aliens commit thousands and thousands of crimes annually performing Identity Theft.

Literate Americans have stopped accepting the attempt at forced use of Political Correctness by the Lib-Lefty-Progs and recognize the campaign for what it is -- an attempt to impose Societal Censorship. Most tax paying Americans -- hovering at only a dangerous 50% - recognize that Democrats just want hoards of illegal aliens to become undocumented Democrat voters by coaching them to vote illegally to sway the elections in favor of Democrats.

I suppose under the Lib-Lefty-Prog PC definitions "Drug Dealers" are "Undocumented Pharmacists"

Societal enforcement of Political Correctness is repugnant and is just an attempt at denying Free Speech to the rest of Americans.

Lib-Lefty-Prog Democrats seem to want Americans to believe in the Politically Correct hypothesis that a turd can be picked up by the clean end... if only you change the name... smile.png

So for the Law Breaking Border Runners and Visa Over Stayers in the U.S. - ILLEGAL ALIENS they are -- and -- ILLEGAL ALIENS they shall remain.

you can call em what u like but they wont be prosecuted in a criminal court


ILLEGAL ALIEN is the proper term contained in the United States Immigration Code... those in the United States who have entered or stayed in the U.S. Illegally .... The same type of term is use to described as Green Card Holders -- those who did it the LEGAL WAY ... called RESIDENT LEGAL ALIENS... .

That is the LAW - too bad illegal aliens do not like the term they earned..

Too bad some marginal rightwing types use the word "illegals" and only the word "illegal" alone by itself, whether singular or pluralized.

The United States Code of Laws, specifically Title 18, Naturalization and Immigration, does not contain the single or solitary word "illegals" or "an Illegal" in referencing illegal aliens. This is because everyone in the United States is by definition a legal person under the Constitution and is entitled to virtually all the Constitutional rights and protections the rest of us have.

There are no "illegals" in the United States of any kind. Purveyors of green cheese not withstanding.

How long did it take you to copythat from LA RAZA's web page ... it is fake...

To argue there are no illegals in the US is evidence of the very phenomena described elsewhere- socialists and liberals attempt to change reality by changing word meaning. It does not matter that they are called illegals nor does it matter what anything in the US code says; we are not prosecuting cases, we are discussing the qualia of a nation, the glue that binds it, the mores that are insulted, and the laws betrayed. Some reasoning is so circuitous and ignorant I really believe some minds do not even realize it.

I will concede this point, a better choice of wording would be criminals. On this point I agree there are better choices.


The 700 miles of currently constructed border wall has been built at between $6.8 million per mile to as much as $16.6 million per mile. So far $1.6 billion has been appropriated by congress for the wall project.

Border wall dividing Nogales, Arizona USA, and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico (Border Patrol photo)

Flooding in Nogales City, Arizona USA and Nogales City, Senora, Mexico

Tunnel under the wall in Tortillia, California.

The tunnel was pumped full of concrete after discovery.

Migrant trail in Arizona (Photo by Jessica Piekielek)

waste of money building a low fence like that. The Israelis have a decent wall, but even that has tunnels under it.

The real way to stop illegals is to arrest them and 10 year jail as a deterrent However no one really cares- just rip off taxpayer building nothing much.


The 700 miles of currently constructed border wall has been built at between $6.8 million per mile to as much as $16.6 million per mile. So far $1.6 billion has been appropriated by congress for the wall project.

Border wall dividing Nogales, Arizona USA, and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico (Border Patrol photo)

Flooding in Nogales City, Arizona USA and Nogales City, Senora, Mexico

Tunnel under the wall in Tortillia, California.

The tunnel was pumped full of concrete after discovery.

Migrant trail in Arizona (Photo by Jessica Piekielek)

waste of money building a low fence like that. The Israelis have a decent wall, but even that has tunnels under it.

The real way to stop illegals is to arrest them and 10 year jail as a deterrent However no one really cares- just rip off taxpayer building nothing much.

yeah, 10 years in jail for all those border runners shouldnt cost much!! lol


ILLEGAL ALIEN is the proper term contained in the United States Immigration Code... those in the United States who have entered or stayed in the U.S. Illegally .... The same type of term is use to described as Green Card Holders -- those who did it the LEGAL WAY ... called RESIDENT LEGAL ALIENS... .

That is the LAW - too bad illegal aliens do not like the term they earned..

Too bad some marginal rightwing types use the word "illegals" and only the word "illegal" alone by itself, whether singular or pluralized.

The United States Code of Laws, specifically Title 18, Naturalization and Immigration, does not contain the single or solitary word "illegals" or "an Illegal" in referencing illegal aliens. This is because everyone in the United States is by definition a legal person under the Constitution and is entitled to virtually all the Constitutional rights and protections the rest of us have.

There are no "illegals" in the United States of any kind. Purveyors of green cheese not withstanding.

How long did it take you to copythat from LA RAZA's web page ... it is fake...

To argue there are no illegals in the US is evidence of the very phenomena described elsewhere- socialists and liberals attempt to change reality by changing word meaning. It does not matter that they are called illegals nor does it matter what anything in the US code says; we are not prosecuting cases, we are discussing the qualia of a nation, the glue that binds it, the mores that are insulted, and the laws betrayed. Some reasoning is so circuitous and ignorant I really believe some minds do not even realize it.

I will concede this point, a better choice of wording would be criminals. On this point I agree there are better choices.

nor does it matter what anything in the US code says

From the founding of the Republic, Congress and the President have always said immigration law in the United States is civil law. SCOTUS has always concurred, based in the Constitution. The extremists say however that immigration laws should be criminal laws. Indeed, the right sector conducts itself as if immigration law were in fact criminal law; that immigration itself were inherently criminal.

Immigration per se is, by the Constitution, and under the laws of the United States, a civil matter, not a criminal matter.

Under the laws and by the Constitution, immigrants live under the civil laws and are not classified or regarded as criminals. (Being convicted of violating criminal law makes any person a criminal.)

Yet the racial rightwing extremists pronounce their own code of law. The marginal fringe right declare the US Code of laws does not matter, which, by clear implication says the Constitution does not matter; that the extant rule of law does not matter, that democracy has become destructive.

The comprehensive and fierce campaign of the extreme radical right sector of American society and culture, to speak from their assumption that immigration and criminality are necessarily and inextricably connected is The Big Lie introduced to the United States.


ILLEGAL ALIEN is the proper term contained in the United States Immigration Code... those in the United States who have entered or stayed in the U.S. Illegally .... The same type of term is use to described as Green Card Holders -- those who did it the LEGAL WAY ... called RESIDENT LEGAL ALIENS... .

That is the LAW - too bad illegal aliens do not like the term they earned..

And Donald Trump is The Big Liar.

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