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Southern youth activists taking to the streets
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Their involvement in anti-coup protest in Bangkok is actually good for country

An interesting development over the past few months that has been overlooked by the public is the participation of ethnic Malay Muslim students from Thailand's southernmost provinces in the protest against the current government.

A significant number of students and youth leaders have been coming to Bangkok and elsewhere to take part in the various demonstrations and speaking engagements to voice their disapproval against the military regime.

Some were briefly detained alongside other youth activists and students for their peaceful demonstration.

This development should be welcomed simply because these Malay youths and students from the deep South are teaming up with the rest of the country's student movement and embracing the "Thai narrative", as opposed to the one that focuses exclusively on Pattani.

And while they are calling for the same thing that many of us want to see - democracy, accountability, rule of law, transparency - the fact that they are becoming part of the Thai narrative demonstrates that these Malay Muslim youths also feel that they have a stake and a sense of shared destiny with the rest of the people in this country.

The government, especially the security apparatus, views these Malay Muslim youth activists as spreading their wings beyond the three southernmost provinces that have been hit by an 11-year insurgency that has claimed more than 6,000 lives, with no end in sight - but they predict more trouble, because they see things through a security lens. Problems arise when the lens gets damaged and the authorities become cross-eyed and don't realise it.

The Malay Muslim youths and student activists have over the years earned a great deal of respect and trust from the local population, especially at the grassroots level where abuses by the authorities often occur.

These youths step in and speak out against alleged injustices and abuses. Their activism can be traced back eight years, when many of them occupied the Pattani Central Mosque to protest about the alleged rape against a Muslim woman in Yala province, not to mention the alleged torture and extra-judicial/targeted killings carried out by government officials.

But in recent months, they have been joining the Thai student protests in Bangkok and other parts of the country.

Unfortunately, security officials and intelligence officials see this development as a security challenge against the regime.

If anything, Thai society and government officials, especially those working on the conflict in the deep South, should actually welcome such a development.

This is not to suggest that these Malay Muslim students should be receiving red carpet treatment while in Bangkok.

Up until now, these students and youth activists have been a bunch of uncompromising separatists bent on carving out a separate homeland for the Malay. Many are still being harassed. And the authorities can get away with it because they have the Emergency Law to shield them from just about anything in terms of legal repercussions. Sadly, a culture of impunity exists in this historically contested region.

And while the Malay Muslim students and youths are promoting the concept of the "right to self-determination", it is still a far cry from separatism or armed insurgency taken up by the thousands of Malay Muslim militants on the ground.

When the red shirts and the yellow shirts were going at it on the streets of Bangkok and elsewhere, these Malay Muslim youths stayed put. Today, they see a common ground with the Thai student activists from other parts of the country.

In his weekly remarks on Friday, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha tried to sound reconciliatory; he said the 14 detained students were pure and innocent and urged them to channel their activities in a constructive manner.

While such a statement suggested that he was extending an olive branch to the student movement, he, nevertheless, could not get away from his old self and suggested that some hidden hands have been guiding these students.

Hasn't it occurred to Prayuth and other security officials that these youth activists have a mind of their own and that they may see things differently from the country's military, whose mandate is still questionable?

If the head honcho can't differentiate between good intention and good policy, there isn't much hope for the folks down the line, is there?

But it does not need to be that way. They just need to broaden their minds, open their hearts and not see every

criticism as an attempt to overthrow them.

But the good news is that these guys are here today and gone tomorrow. These youth activists are demanding to know when tomorrow will be and that tomorrow doesn't mean forever.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Southern-youth-activists-taking-to-the-streets-30263771.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-05

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Their time would have better served protesting against the senseless wholesale killings that

going on there for 10 years now, where thousands of innocents people on both side of the

divides are paying a price too high to pay,, but students will be students and often waste

this powers on trivial stuff when they can actual save many lives by helping to end the carnage

in the south....


Their time would have better served protesting against the senseless wholesale killings that

going on there for 10 years now, where thousands of innocents people on both side of the

divides are paying a price too high to pay,, but students will be students and often waste

this powers on trivial stuff when they can actual save many lives by helping to end the carnage

in the south....

Umm how can they do that exactly? They are not security forces but they CAN point out that the security forces whose job it IS to help down there aren't doing good enough.

As for the story itself, pathetic how paranoid Prayuth and his junta are.


In my view, not being a Muslim, a good thing about a non-democratic, non Muslim regime is that Muslims can't or at least have much more difficulty than otherwise they would in abusing such a system in order to gain power and turn it into a non-democratic, Muslim regime.


Appears a step in the right direction coming from the Malay / Muslim students, the past is the past and they nor anyone else can change that, focusing on the future is far more productive to bring about results.

Whether their actions are right or wrong according to the present regime is secondary, the point is they seem prepared to join in the advancement of Thailand.


I would like to know what motivates such pie in the sky naive drivel trying to pass for incisive commentary ... oh - answer - no motivation -- just whatever comes in to a naive mind ... feel good - yeah -- feel good -- that is enough...


I think "as can been clearly seen all over the world" these muslims would rather install their own kind of rule which would be a considerable step back from anything going on in Thailand right now


Their time would have better served protesting against the senseless wholesale killings that

going on there for 10 years now, where thousands of innocents people on both side of the

divides are paying a price too high to pay,, but students will be students and often waste

this powers on trivial stuff when they can actual save many lives by helping to end the carnage

in the south....

Please give us concrete ways these students can stop the insurgency in the south. Its easy to say what you say but its nothing but an arm chair comment which lacks any relation to reality on the ground.

The army is part of the problem in the south and its also a major part of the problem in the rest of the country. Traditionaly all protest of importance took place in BKK and that is what they are doing. If you think this is a waste of time wait and see when the colour codes combine and hit the streets.


seems like they will hate any true Thai government in Bangkok. if bombs does not intimidate the general public - lets topple there government!


But in recent months, they have been joining the Thai student protests in Bangkok and other parts of the country.

​So the disease is spreading, silently. Cut the cancer out now before it is too late Mr PM.


Here we go again!

The safe-word was spoken (Muslim)- time for all the haters to come out...

Prepare for 20 pages of non-OP- related amti-islam rants!


Here we go again!

The safe-word was spoken (Muslim)- time for all the haters to come out...

Prepare for 20 pages of non-OP- related amti-islam rants!

and leftists like you will rant: "any nation has terrorists" "Islam is a religion of peace"

even after all these acts of terror. after Charlie Hebdo. After IG mass-murders.

Wishful thinking. Like in late Roman Empire citizen liked to say "barbarians, who swear to serve the emperor, are our friends now"

everybody know what was the end of it...

some people just never learn...


Here we go again!

The safe-word was spoken (Muslim)- time for all the haters to come out...

Prepare for 20 pages of non-OP- related amti-islam rants!

and leftists like you will rant: "any nation has terrorists" "Islam is a religion of peace"

even after all these acts of terror. after Charlie Hebdo. After IG mass-murders.

Wishful thinking. Like in late Roman Empire citizen liked to say "barbarians, who swear to serve the emperor, are our friends now"

everybody know what was the end of it...

some people just never learn...

"some people just never learn..." that: "time and tide wait for no man".

Empires come, empires go. Are you the man who knows how to make them last forever?


and leftists like you will rant: "any nation has terrorists" "Islam is a religion of peace"

even after all these acts of terror. after Charlie Hebdo. After IG mass-murders.

Wishful thinking. Like in late Roman Empire citizen liked to say "barbarians, who swear to serve the emperor, are our friends now"

everybody know what was the end of it...

some people just never learn...

"some people just never learn..." that: "time and tide wait for no man".

Empires come, empires go. Are you the man who knows how to make them last forever?

I think I know how to protect the civilization from new dark ages. and not just me. but the problem is that West is so deep in self-created myths and wishful thinking (left ideology) that it can't hear the voice of common sense...

West slowly but surely saws it's own throat. and keeps trying to convince the East to do the same.


Here we go again!

The safe-word was spoken (Muslim)- time for all the haters to come out...

Prepare for 20 pages of non-OP- related amti-islam rants!

and leftists like you will rant: "any nation has terrorists" "Islam is a religion of peace"

even after all these acts of terror. after Charlie Hebdo. After IG mass-murders.

Wishful thinking. Like in late Roman Empire citizen liked to say "barbarians, who swear to serve the emperor, are our friends now"

everybody know what was the end of it...

some people just never learn...

cheesy.gif you are a great comedian!

So...ahm...what is wrong about "any nation has terrorists"? Factually, I would say, that is quiet correct!

But sure, you know better!

And by the way: Islam is not a religion of peace...like basically any other religion!

But good comparrisson: the Roman Empire!

Wow! That makes you seem so educated!

But back on the OP: I hope, the groups of demonstrators are smaller than 5 people.

Otherwise: "the law is the law" like a great PM once said....


PM's hidden hand reference is a mere projection of his own situation on the students. Does any reasonable mind actually believe that cha-cha's dance is not being choreographed by elitists?


Here we go again!

The safe-word was spoken (Muslim)- time for all the haters to come out...

Prepare for 20 pages of non-OP- related amti-islam rants!

and leftists like you will rant: "any nation has terrorists" "Islam is a religion of peace"

even after all these acts of terror. after Charlie Hebdo. After IG mass-murders.

Wishful thinking. Like in late Roman Empire citizen liked to say "barbarians, who swear to serve the emperor, are our friends now"

everybody know what was the end of it...

some people just never learn...

cheesy.gif you are a great comedian!

So...ahm...what is wrong about "any nation has terrorists"? Factually, I would say, that is quiet correct!

But sure, you know better!

And by the way: Islam is not a religion of peace...like basically any other religion!

But good comparrisson: the Roman Empire!

Wow! That makes you seem so educated!

But back on the OP: I hope, the groups of demonstrators are smaller than 5 people.

Otherwise: "the law is the law" like a great PM once said....

But the law is not the law, otherwise the NCPO would have to be arrested every time they meet.


Their time would have better served protesting against the senseless wholesale killings that

going on there for 10 years now, where thousands of innocents people on both side of the

divides are paying a price too high to pay,, but students will be students and often waste

this powers on trivial stuff when they can actual save many lives by helping to end the carnage

in the south....

Freedom may be "trivial" to you.


But in recent months, they have been joining the Thai student protests in Bangkok and other parts of the country.

​So the disease is spreading, silently. Cut the cancer out now before it is too late Mr PM.

So freedom is a "disease"?


Here we go again!

The safe-word was spoken (Muslim)- time for all the haters to come out...

Prepare for 20 pages of non-OP- related amti-islam rants!

and leftists like you will rant: "any nation has terrorists" "Islam is a religion of peace"

even after all these acts of terror. after Charlie Hebdo. After IG mass-murders.

Wishful thinking. Like in late Roman Empire citizen liked to say "barbarians, who swear to serve the emperor, are our friends now"

everybody know what was the end of it...

some people just never learn...

cheesy.gif you are a great comedian!

So...ahm...what is wrong about "any nation has terrorists"? Factually, I would say, that is quiet correct!

But sure, you know better!

And by the way: Islam is not a religion of peace...like basically any other religion!

But good comparrisson: the Roman Empire!

Wow! That makes you seem so educated!

But back on the OP: I hope, the groups of demonstrators are smaller than 5 people.

Otherwise: "the law is the law" like a great PM once said....

so sad that the only one thing you got from my Roman Empire example is that I am more educated than you.

any nation has everybody but for some nations, for some religions the probability for an adept to be a terrorist, mass murderer - is many times higher. same is if you were born a gipsy - the probability that you will be a thief is 100 times higher. but not 100%, of course.

but leftists like you always deny it. because you are desperately trying to force people to believe they are the same. different nations, religions, sexes, races.

but they aren't. it's nobody's fault, but they aren't.

it does not make some people better or worse than others (because objective reality does not have "good" or "bad" at all) but they aren't.

leftists like to use an argument like find one gipsy non-thief and cry to all the universe - "look, he is a professor of marine biology! it means that the probability for a gipsy to be a thief is the same as for any other nation!"

socialist twisted logic. like "Marxist doctrine is omnipotent because it is true"



Here we go again!

The safe-word was spoken (Muslim)- time for all the haters to come out...

Prepare for 20 pages of non-OP- related amti-islam rants!

and leftists like you will rant: "any nation has terrorists" "Islam is a religion of peace"

even after all these acts of terror. after Charlie Hebdo. After IG mass-murders.

Wishful thinking. Like in late Roman Empire citizen liked to say "barbarians, who swear to serve the emperor, are our friends now"

everybody know what was the end of it...

some people just never learn...

cheesy.gif you are a great comedian!

So...ahm...what is wrong about "any nation has terrorists"? Factually, I would say, that is quiet correct!

But sure, you know better!

And by the way: Islam is not a religion of peace...like basically any other religion!

But good comparrisson: the Roman Empire!

Wow! That makes you seem so educated!

But back on the OP: I hope, the groups of demonstrators are smaller than 5 people.

Otherwise: "the law is the law" like a great PM once said....

so sad that the only one thing you got from my Roman Empire example is that I am more educated than you.

any nation has everybody but for some nations, for some religions the probability for an adept to be a terrorist, mass murderer - is many times higher. same is if you were born a gipsy - the probability that you will be a thief is 100 times higher. but not 100%, of course.

but leftists like you always deny it. because you are desperately trying to force people to believe they are the same. different nations, religions, sexes, races.

but they aren't. it's nobody's fault, but they aren't.

it does not make some people better or worse than others (because objective reality does not have "good" or "bad" at all) but they aren't.

leftists like to use an argument like find one gipsy non-thief and cry to all the universe - "look, he is a professor of marine biology! it means that the probability for a gipsy to be a thief is the same as for any other nation!"

socialist twisted logic. like "Marxist doctrine is omnipotent because it is true"


Yaeh...ahm right...

I said that it makes you seem educated and nowhere did I say, you are more educated than me!

But that aside: gypsies are thieves, huh?!

Okay- the discussion between you and me ends here!

I wish, I could say, I enjoyed it ...and I did, as much as I enjoy licking hot iron!

Stereotypes are such a nice thing, aren't they!?

They make life so much easier and simpler and you don't get these terrible headaches, you get, everytime you use your brain, right?!


Yaeh...ahm right...

I said that it makes you seem educated and nowhere did I say, you are more educated than me!

But that aside: gypsies are thieves, huh?!

Okay- the discussion between you and me ends here!

I wish, I could say, I enjoyed it ...and I did, as much as I enjoy liking hot iron!

Stereotypes are such a nice thing, aren't they!?

They make life so much easier and simpler and you don't get these terrible headaches, you get, everytime you use your brain, right?!

not stereotypes but statistics. check how many crimes were made by Gipsies and Romanians in Romania (before they became a part of EU. now EU left fundamentalists force Romania to hide this inconvenient statistics).

in Soviet Union authorities did there best to make good citizen out of gipsies - financed there theater, accepted them in universities without exams, gave them apartments for free. and what's happened? gipsies remained gipsies. it's nobody's fault but it's true.

every time when you, leftists, hear the scientific data which breaks your ideological paradigm of equality you try to label, ridicule it, stigmatize it but never refute it scientifically.

could you please tell me why in US more than 80% of NBA players are black? every nation, race and sex should have the same abilities in any kind of human activity...

but wait, I know your answer: "you are a fascist, shut up!"


Yaeh...ahm right...

I said that it makes you seem educated and nowhere did I say, you are more educated than me!

But that aside: gypsies are thieves, huh?!

Okay- the discussion between you and me ends here!

I wish, I could say, I enjoyed it ...and I did, as much as I enjoy liking hot iron!

Stereotypes are such a nice thing, aren't they!?

They make life so much easier and simpler and you don't get these terrible headaches, you get, everytime you use your brain, right?!

not stereotypes but statistics. check how many crimes were made by Gipsies and Romanians in Romania (before they became a part of EU. now EU left fundamentalists force Romania to hide this inconvenient statistics).

every time when you, leftists, hear the scientific data which breaks your ideological paradigm of equality you try to label, ridicule it, stigmatize it but never refute it scientifically.

could you please tell me why in US more than 80% of NBA players are black? every nation, race and sex should have the same abilities in any kind of human activity...

but wait, I know your answer: "you are a fascist, shut up!"

Well, you are a fascist- but that is not the point!

And you are extremely stupid!

No one ever said: "every nation, race and sex should have the same abilities in any kind of human activities"!

Typical strawmam- argument!

No matter what race or sex, should have the same POSSIBILITIES- meaning, you should be able to try to get into the NBA and if you fail: sad day for you!

And now: you and my, sporty!

Over and out!


No matter what race or sex, should have the same POSSIBILITIES- meaning, you should be able to try to get into the NBA and if you fail: sad day for you!

And now: you and my, sporty!

Over and out!

oh really? so why there are quotas for blacks in American colleges and universities, but no quota for whites?

do you know what does "affirmative action" mean?

PS and your ad hominem answer perfectly proves that you don't have any reliable scientific data. just wishful thinking, as always

PPS quote:

"No one ever said: "every nation, race and sex should have the same abilities in any kind of human activities"!

Typical strawmam- argument!"

so you recognize that if blacks have the field of human activity where they are stronger, so do whites?


In my view, not being a Muslim, a good thing about a non-democratic, non Muslim regime is that Muslims can't or at least have much more difficulty than otherwise they would in abusing such a system in order to gain power and turn it into a non-democratic, Muslim regime.



I would like to know what motivates such pie in the sky naive drivel trying to pass for incisive commentary ... oh - answer - no motivation -- just whatever comes in to a naive mind ... feel good - yeah -- feel good -- that is enough...

One must question your overwhelming desire to be a Junta pillow hugger, is it your a hangover from an unhappy childhood. Sincere words of insight are being printed by the media who understands and knows that they could face repercussions by the Junta.at anytime. However you, a nobody can openly and effectively denounce and castigate to your heart's content without consequence. What a bloody looser. If you want to criticise, do it with a little more refinement and knowledge.


No matter what race or sex, should have the same POSSIBILITIES- meaning, you should be able to try to get into the NBA and if you fail: sad day for you!

And now: you and my, sporty!

Over and out!

oh really? so why there are quotas for blacks in American colleges and universities, but no quota for whites?

do you know what does "affirmative action" mean?

PS and your ad hominem answer perfectly proves that you don't have any reliable scientific data. just wishful thinking, as always

PPS quote:

"No one ever said: "every nation, race and sex should have the same abilities in any kind of human activities"!

Typical strawmam- argument!"

so you recognize that if blacks have the field of human activity where they are stronger, so do whites?

Waht part of "over and out" do you want me to explain in more depth?

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