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Cost of Living in Thailand: How I Spend ฿74,031.83 Every Month


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There seem to be a fair number of expats in Thailand that are "self insured" for medical.

Once you are over 70, health insurance is horrendously expensive - 250,000 baht a year minimum. And there's the issue of whether the health fund will try to weasel out of its obligations.

I keep 500,000 baht as self-insurance. Obviously, something like a serious accident or a stroke is something you can't insure for fully. However, for something chronic like cancer, I can get on a plane to Australia where I maintain full private health cover for about $170 a month. There, any treatment I need costs nothing.

It's a gamble; however, it depends on what risks are associated with individual lifestyles.

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you can live a fantastic life in Thailand and live in a nice place and be out every day enjoying yourself easily on 12,000 baht a month as a single guy living alone ( i have done it on far less may i add) so i think £240 a month is more than reasonable when you would struggle to even find a garage or static caravan to a nice little condo with pool from 5,000 / 6,000 baht a month .F.J x

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Only since coming back to the UK have I realised just how expensive Thailand can be. There are a lot of things here that are far cheaper and when you factor in working here compared to thailand it makes it even worse.

I still can't wait to get back though biggrin.png

Council tax, car tax, car insurance, MOT, eating out, women, housing, heating ................

Houses, Condos, labour, train journeys, car rental, gas,

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you can live a fantastic life in Thailand and live in a nice place and be out every day enjoying yourself easily on 12,000 baht a month as a single guy living alone ( i have done it on far less may i add) so i think £240 a month is more than reasonable when you would struggle to even find a garage or static caravan to a nice little condo with pool from 5,000 / 6,000 baht a month .F.J x

Surely 12,000 baht a week

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We are back in the UK but are coming back out to LOS soon. We are thus in save mode. We currently save £2000 a month when in budget mode, which means we pay all our bills, stop eating out and buying non essentials. When we are in normal mode (not budget mode) we always complain we are overdrawn and don't have enough money! I think it is a state of mind, of how much one needs. If I measure our happiness level according to budget or spend mode, there is little difference. However I like to be in spend mode!

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Only since coming back to the UK have I realised just how expensive Thailand can be. There are a lot of things here that are far cheaper and when you factor in working here compared to thailand it makes it even worse.

I still can't wait to get back though biggrin.png

yes, and this is the point I was trying to make.

I have friends back in the UK who think you can live in Thailand on just a few hundred pounds a month but it's just not like that.

I earn 3000 euros a month and spend less then the person talked about in the op in Europe and manage to put money away every month....tsss cheap cost of living in Thailand what most consider a good lifestyle in LOS i consider surviving .

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It seems so many of you just do not comprehend. The OP is not trying to live as cheaply as he can. He appears to be doing what he wants. He is not being extravagant, it costs to do what you want, when you want to do it.

There are two of us, we live an unpretentious life in Hatyai, and basically do what we want, when we want to. However, we spend even more than the B74k/mo he spends. Sure, we could spend less, but that would mean we go out less, buy fewer drinks for friends, give far fewer parties, eat som tom instead of steak, drink lao cao instead of Jack, take fewer vacations, take the baht bus instead of driving our car or riding our Harley, buy fewer gifts for our grandson, endure the heat rather than use two air cons daily, make do with the least expensive cable and internet, not buy what we want anytime we want, and generally get cheap.

Why should we do that? We have the money and did not plan for a meager existence in our retirement.

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Yes, they are in Chiang Mai when many of the expat social activities are styled as "charity functions". As is involvement in Rotary -- it has both a charity and social aspect. It certainly is something that keeps a person busy in retirement.

The first couple years we were here we had to live on a tight budget -- mainly because the tax bill from the shut down of our business in the U.S. was higher than we'd expected. Once we worked our way thru that and some of our pensions started, we had more income and life became much nicer. To me, that was the message for the writer -- the way we chose to spend our time in retirement, in community service, requires some expenditure and should be built into the budget. People should think about how they're going to spend their retirement time and budget for it. If they think they can spend their entire retirement living in Thailand on a barebones budget, they're going to go crazy.

Sorry NancyL I have highlighted one part of what you said. I think this is very important and something that a lot of people do not seem to adequately consider or, think about very late in their decision process. Depending on how you are planning to spend your time this can take up a vast chunk of your budget.

As an example I wanted to spend a lot of time playing golf - and this is now my single largest regular expense every month. Playing in low season, 2-3 times per week, and not the top of the line courses, it is costing me just under 20,000 baht per month. That would have been a bit of a shock if I had not understood that and budgeted accordingly thumbsup.gif

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a lot of that could be weeded out id say at least 30k coffee gifts alcohol donations, health insurance( hes 33 yrs old?)

Coffee? You can't scrimp on coffee man, come on.......................coffee1.gif

He already is,, 1000 bht a mnth thats half a starbucks/true medium americano a day :P


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He states that he saves over 80k baht a month. You guys are mistaking him for a pensioner whos pension is around 30-40k baht a month. This guy reels in at least 120-130k baht a month. I wouldn't worry about anything if I were in his shoes, who cares if his savings get wiped out? He still has a very decent steady income. Some penny pinchers here are attacking him out of envy smile.png

He's taking a risk, I say its very well worth it.

After being a regular visitor to the wonderfull shores of Thailand for over 20 years i can say that most of the breed called Expatus Thailandicus are blowing smoke from their @rse concerning their lifestyle and what not about Thailand so no no envy from my part put sometimes i pitty some of them fools.......

And a person who boasts about being loaded like that cash wise can stay in better places then Thailand but the flesh is weak and Thai totty well.......

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2x insurance

5600 Baht Donations every month

15780 for rent...what a palace?

There are people who live OK with 12.000 baht per month and they don't live bad.

My wife and I spend round six months in Thailand every year and travel around every year, I rent a apartment in Chiang Mai.6000 Bth/m for a couple of months, eating variously in Food courts or restaurants, Thai or Japanese. and then we drive around Thailand with my 4x4......lot's of times using off road tracks,... all around..sleeping in guest houses...depends were we are, I usually do a visa run to Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos or Malaysia, and drive around those country's to (except Myanmar).....in the south we rent a bungalow right on the beach for 350 Bth per day or 6000 Bth p/M all in all we spend +/- 1000 Euro per month.....we eat Thai and western food and we live very well....lot's of times my wife kook's herself if possible....

We never go to Starbucks but there are so many cheaper coffee shops around Thailand now that make good to excellent coffee (And I prefer to spend my money at little shops, instead of at a American Chain...).....In my backpacking days I used to make it a sport to live on a budget of 500 Bth a day and travelled all around SE Asia....Were both non smokers, and I never drink Alcohol but my wife drinks for two....!!!

You just have to know the difference between your real needs and your wants..... !!!

Save money when we can, spend a little more if necessary....

Best regards, Off Road Pat.

PS: we both have excellent health insurance from my European country all year long.

Edited by off road pat
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Yeah it'd be interesting to see you strapped to a gurney on the blower to your broker/realtor organising the sale of your investments to cover life-saving surgery laugh.png

Forced sale value's a bitch

Sad to see posters who are jealous of someone who is doing well....healthwise and monetarily. Although I do have investments in real estate (US and Thailand), I also have stocks AND cash!

Sooooo....sorry to say ...there will be no forced sales of my investments. Must be disappointing to you less privileged who did not work hard doing your young years so that you could enjoy life in the later years.whistling.gif

That said ....why would you find it "interesting" to see me bad off? why would anyone wish that on someone else? Masochistic?


Of $100,000??


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I probably spend about 45K to 50K a month.

Im 35, live in a place for 10K, the rest goes on good and going out.

I save minimum 10K a month, every month......

But I could easily spend much more than 45K to 50K a month.

But yeah, I have spent a lot more than 75K a few times, especially around December and January

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When people here talks about renting aone bedoom apartment for 10000 bth/month more, I only can think that are living inside tourist areas or getting housing with greedy real estate agents. In most cities, including the big ones, 10000 is a rent for a 2 bedrooms nice house, and for 150thb the same steak meal that cost 500 in Sizzler......But...probably some single guys spend 74000 in one fun weekend...

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For a single guy I usually say that 100k p/m will see them do okay.

100k? are you serious?

What with karaoke bars and hookers thrown in every night?

As a "single guy" I'd struggle to spend 40k a month, and usually only spend 30k (including rent in an apartment block that has a pool, gym, room service, cable and more;) that's with alcohol, cigarettes and a reasonable social life (I'm not out all the time, but I do bars/ nightsclubs maybe 4-6 times a month, occasional massage, etc...) and I do regularly eat Western food, probably 30-40% of meals

Then again I am in Chiang Mai so maybe that's the difference

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We pay around 80k baht per year for health insurance for the 3 of us, I am the expensive one since I am over 50 years old.

It covers app 1mill$ per person but the first 500$ is deductible. No coverage in the US and Singapore but elsewhere, yes.

I can understand some of the posters choose not to have one, just have an accident insurance, they are relatively cheap.

Have Class A insurance on the truck and big bike so hospital bills is covered here too and don't forget; damage to other parties and their property + bail bond.

I am considering stopping my health insurance if I live to over 70 years old, it will as mentioned be crazy expensive and hope I am well enough to jump on a plane and fly home where the health care is free.

Well girls and boys no matter how much you spend per month, as long as your are happy then the rest don't really matter, does it?

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you can live a fantastic life in Thailand and live in a nice place and be out every day enjoying yourself easily on 12,000 baht a month as a single guy living alone ( i have done it on far less may i add) so i think £240 a month is more than reasonable when you would struggle to even find a garage or static caravan to a nice little condo with pool from 5,000 / 6,000 baht a month .F.J x

Legend is back :D:D:D:D:D

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He states that he saves over 80k baht a month. You guys are mistaking him for a pensioner whos pension is around 30-40k baht a month. This guy gets lat least 120-130k baht. I wouldn't worry about anything if I were in his shoes, who cares if his savings get wiped out? He still has a very decent steady income. Some penny pinchers here are attacking him out of envy smile.png

you dont earn income in an icu

I would


aahh... true love wub.png so nice to see it once in a while... get a room you two.

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a lot of that could be weeded out id say at least 30k coffee gifts alcohol donations, health insurance( hes 33 yrs old?)


33 year olds get ill and have accidents too, bro. You do NOT want to be without health insurance here.

Won't be expensive for someone that young but the bill for even a short hospitalization here can make one's eyes water.

On the subject of living costs, I compare my outgoings in Asoke, Bangkok to those in West London and difference is night & day. Literally 40% of the cost - that's a no-brainer for me.

My spend here is 40K rent (large condo, Asoke), 10K utilities, 3.5K health insurance and 15-20K food. Booze, negligible; No stipends; no hoes

For ME, Bangkok is dirt cheap

a great sadness

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I probably do around 25k a month when im here, i dont eat much western food and dont have expensive habits and addictions though i do spend big on toys like motorbikes and computers every once and awhile

My TGF earns 15k a month and spends half of it on new car repayments on a car she hardly ever uses, shes doing fine and has a kid

Its obviously a very subjective thing, everyone has different realities

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Only since coming back to the UK have I realised just how expensive Thailand can be. There are a lot of things here that are far cheaper and when you factor in working here compared to thailand it makes it even worse.

I still can't wait to get back though biggrin.png

yes, and this is the point I was trying to make.

I have friends back in the UK who think you can live in Thailand on just a few hundred pounds a month but it's just not like that.

Canary Sun. WHERE ARE YOU?

Writing a post on how he stayed in bangkok for 60 baht a day, accomodation, three meals and all...

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Only since coming back to the UK have I realised just how expensive Thailand can be. There are a lot of things here that are far cheaper and when you factor in working here compared to thailand it makes it even worse.

I still can't wait to get back though biggrin.png

yes, and this is the point I was trying to make.

I have friends back in the UK who think you can live in Thailand on just a few hundred pounds a month but it's just not like that.

Not anymore - unfortunately

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Canary Sun, TV 's most prolific cheap Charlie, reckons he lives on around THB 6000/m

i wouldn't call what Canary does as living, existing but not living the "dream". the cost of living is going to depend on so much of what a persons personality is. if they are loner and homebody then it can be very low, an out going active person can be high.

I have lived in bangkok and in Isaan. In Bangkok I have rented places for as much as 50,000B a month and as low as 4,000B a month. There are rooms available in BKK for as low as 1500 and seen two girls sharing this type of room. I think the best place i rented was on Suk 55 for 10,000B a month for a 2 bedroom 65sqm place. Food will depend if you are eating Western style doing a majority of your shopping at Villa or eating Thai style doing most of your shopping at the fresh market or going out to fancy restaurants all the time.

In Isaan we own our house, but rent is lower than in BKK, my wife's sister rents her house for 1500B a month for a 2 bedroom with Aircon always to thai guys as not many expats around us. Thailand can be as expensive or as cheap as you want, all depends on your comfort zone and life style.

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Congratulations OP. You are very lucky man! In one month you spend more than the average Thai does in a whole year. While I don't spend that much money per month:

Feels good to be a rich white guy in a developing country amirite?cool.png

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Congratulations OP. You are very lucky man! In one month you spend more than the average Thai does in a whole year. While I don't spend that much money per month:

Feels good to be a rich white guy in a developing country amirite?cool.png

Is the average Thai only earning Bt.6250 per month ?

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Congratulations OP. You are very lucky man! In one month you spend more than the average Thai does in a whole year. While I don't spend that much money per month:

Feels good to be a rich white guy in a developing country amirite?cool.png

Is the average Thai only earning Bt.6250 per month ?

Not sure but the factory workers that my g/fs aunt rents small flats out to earn about 10-12000 max a month.and thats in central bangkok.


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