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Thailand's top brass defends plan to spend 36 billion baht on submarines

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They can use them to tow around that aircraft carrier renamed "Helicopter platform".

Anyway I can see the the future headlines......"THAI SUBMARINE GOES ON GROUND ON ONLY SHALLOW REEF IN THE ANDAMAN SEA, NOT A SINGLE VESSEL IN THE VICINITY TO EXPLAIN THE EVENT".....Captain is reported to have fled the scene......

"This took place just weeks after another Thai submarine was caught in the drift nets of a yet unidentified Thai fishing trawler and pulled along the bottom"....


It looks like they really want their toys. What they DON'T realize is that the people whom they want to be happy are not too happy about the idea of having the RTN spend billions of Baht for toys that will probably just be mothballed. The RTN still has to justify buying that "aircraft carrier". Now they want more toys?

If they want the backing of the people, then perhaps they should tune in to the pulse of the people and take heed of how they feel.


The government can defend the plan all they like, but it is still a dumb idea.

18 billion on health and 18 billion on education will win the hearts of the people and get the junta bashers off their backs for a while.

The people of Issan don't even know what a submarine is and don't need one either. thumbsup.gif


The PM has not yet said that the Navy will get their long-awaited submarines, he still has time to explain to them that they'll have to wait a little longer, because the country has other priorities but that a proposal for something useful (patrol-craft & frigates for fisheries-protection ?) might be viewed more-sympathetically.

If the awe and respect of other ASEAN countries is the objective, then putting the money towards improved-infrastructure might be more productive, as Thailand's pivotal location in ASEAN-transport is undeniable, and serious investment is needed.

For example upgrading the SRT's antique-network, or building better roads nationally & port-facilities, helping (if necessary to improve domestic passenger links) the Chinese finance their medium-speed freight-line to Laem Chabang & Map-Ta-Phut, continuing the long-delayed expansion of Suvarnabhumi, upgrading the capital's light-railways & developing the new transport-hub at Bang Sue, there is surely no shortage of projects which ASEAN-members would welcome !

They're not some sort of enemy, to be subject to shock-and-awe at Thailand's frivolous-spending, they're the neighbours and local-allies, or what use is ASEAN anyway ?

The Navy can still enjoy the limited-expansion of its surface-fleet, or the growth of Utapao into a serious commercial-airport, the PM need not cut them out totally or lose their support, but any Thai PM must ensure that limited-resources go to things that are needed, and submarines do not fall into that category. wink.png

Time for the PM to show some vision and leadership ! wai.gif


It's more likely -

"Leading members of the ruling military junta and the Royal Thai Navy have insisted that a plan to buy three submarines from China is necessary to" augment Thailand's national defense capabilities the Junta’s purchase of the dual rail system from the Chinese.

The Junta is financing the dual rail system from the Chinese. This includes a substantial below market interest rate and up to 10 years grace period to pay the loan - demanded by the Junta after initial announcement of the deal. Profit from the sub sale to Thailand should give China a healthy return on its loan.

Prayut likely can't back out of the sub deal without backing out of the dual rail deal. Not going to happen!

The NAAC had indicated several months ago that it was going to investigate the G2G rail deal for corruption. To date NAAC has been silent. Maybe it should add the sub purchase to its agenda. Then we'll see just how independent NAAC can be from politics.


......and the funding to be used for buying the subs was money that the Navy already had.


36 Billion Thai Baht for Submarines lieing there around somewhere in a drawer?

Was there a public tender for the submarines?

Is that all transparent?

Could this money not be invested more better and more useful for society?

The money might come from the people smuggling fund the navy has been operating for a decade or so.

Another Option:

There are over 4,000 flag officers in the Thai military. If each donated 9 million baht the public wouldn't need to pay a dime for the subs. Prayut could pass legislation that would allow the officers to deduct their "contributions" to the operations of the federal government from their income taxes.


A few choice quotes from Adm. Kraison:

"I don't want the public to criticize us at this time."

the submarine fleet would come in handy in the event of war.

"If a war breaks out, nearly all of our surface ships will be wiped out. Submarines are what will survive,”

“I don't understand why we can't buy submarines, but we can buy other things."

"You should trust in the Navy,"



Let's face it, if there was a real Democratic government in charge right now this request would have been stopped dead as soon as if left the lips of the person daring to utter it.

And I firmly believe many people are right. As soon as the Navy gets their toys subs to play with then the Air Force will want new toys and then the Army.

This waste of money at a time when Thailand needs serious water management controls, a better health care system and education is inexcusable on all levels, especially in a failing economy.

Maybe it would maybe it would not. In Thailand every Govt knows they need to keep the boys in uniform happy or their time in charge will be short lived.

One of the main problems in the country.


Look on the bright side. Subs have large propellers. In the event of another massive flood they can be used to force the flood water out to sea.


Although Thailand’s navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years. The army stripped the navy of its submarines in 1951 after naval officers attempted to stage a coup d'etat against the army-backed government at the time.

interesting - isn't it? This sub-deal has always felt like the "government" was trying to make someone happy... Not necessarily the Thai People, but you know, ... someone...


Thats how it works in Thailand.

You support us and you get nice toys, you don't support us and we take away your current toys.

(can't wait for the junta fanboys to point out that Mr T did the same and therefore he is evil, while now the current government does it, it is justified because Mr T also did it)


Although Thailand’s navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years. The army stripped the navy of its submarines in 1951 after naval officers attempted to stage a coup d'etat against the army-backed government at the time.

interesting - isn't it? This sub-deal has always felt like the "government" was trying to make someone happy... Not necessarily the Thai People, but you know, ... someone...


Thats how it works in Thailand.

You support us and you get nice toys, you don't support us and we take away your current toys.

(can't wait for the junta fanboys to point out that Mr T did the same and therefore he is evil, while now the current government does it, it is justified because Mr T also did it)

Doubt the junta fanboy can use Mr. T for this one as his previous governments rejected the Navy repeated requests. In fact, after the 2006 coup the submarine request did re-surfaced but sank quietly to the next government. Now it again surface and looks like a done deal with the Chinese and no better time for the Navy to get their submarines plus fringe "benefits".


Although Thailand’s navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years. The army stripped the navy of its submarines in 1951 after naval officers attempted to stage a coup d'etat against the army-backed government at the time.

interesting - isn't it? This sub-deal has always felt like the "government" was trying to make someone happy... Not necessarily the Thai People, but you know, ... someone...


The Navy had their subs taken off them by the army for attempting a coup against a government backed by the army.

Now, apparently they are going to get three new ones given to them.

Draw your own conclusions.


A few choice quotes from Adm. Kraison:

"I don't want the public to criticize us at this time."

the submarine fleet would come in handy in the event of war.

"If a war breaks out, nearly all of our surface ships will be wiped out. Submarines are what will survive,”

“I don't understand why we can't buy submarines, but we can buy other things."

"You should trust in the Navy,"


Nice to see the Admiral has so much confidence in his sailors, officers and surface ships (known as "skimmers" to submariners).

But three Chinese built subs will safe the day and safeguard the realm rolleyes.gif

Trust the Navy - or you might get sued.


So the last person to drive a sub ,in Thailand, did it 63 years ago.. I'm guessing that they have since retired ? So who is going to drive these three new ones !!

Have they been practising in their bath tubs like I did as a kid :)


I love this military junta, they crack me up. I actually enjoy reading the news to see what they do next. Thaksin will be laughing all the way to the bank.

They just keep on coming, its like a Monty Python sketch except its harmful instead. hilarious


"Although Thailands navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years."

Thailand's airforce also has an Space Alien Defence Division (or SADD) and has put in an early application to buy flying saucers, Lightsabers and transporter beams.

"We have space resources to protect," insisted an airforce spokesperson.



Unconvincing response, like a naughty child, when caught out and accused. wink.png

Quote "Every country in the world treats me well but the issue is only the word - democracy,'' he said. Well general is the whole world wrong? Being a newly minted PM here is some advise from my sainted old grandmother. You learn more by listening than talking. Every time I think I am the most clever person in the world I meet someone who erases that idea and that happens daily. You have to be a PM of the people, help the people nurture them. If push came to shove these 3 subs would last about 10 minutes in modern day warfare.


Navy insists.... Why doesn't the PM insist back that this purchase is totally unwarranted and a stupid idea! Why the H. does Thailand need submarines! Who is going to attack Thailand? USA or Russia or China could roll in militarily and take over in a day.

interesting point who in there right mind would want to invade thailand ..... if you look back to the 8th December 1941.... your see the that the japs invade thailand in the early hours of the morning .... at several key point around the country .... and by ..... lunch time the army generals told all there troops to stop fighting ...and give up ...... thailand at its best .....


One wonders if they have been brainwashed into giving the Chinese access to the Andaman Sea and instead of the Chinese paying, it seems to be the opposite.


Oh, i get it! The subs are meant to search for the disappeared thai fishes

They could run out of gas on this one. The fish are migrating looking for areas that have no dead zones. We now have seas within seas. Seas that are miles and miles of floating plastic and other garbage. The poor fish will have to learn to walk on land or perish I guess. The land is not in much better shape. I guess growing wings is a stretch but then the air is not much better either


sub's ... seem to remember when i was a young kid having a whole fleet of plastic yellow sub's .... they had a plug underneath them that you pulled out and filled it with baking soda....... great fun ..... and yep ...they where made in china ..... but my mom got them free from cereal packets ... serious .... this turkey of a guy needs to get his marching orders ... whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif .....


sub's ... seem to remember when i was a young kid having a whole fleet of plastic yellow sub's .... they had a plug underneath them that you pulled out and filled it with baking soda....... great fun ..... and yep ...they where made in china ..... but my mom got them free from cereal packets ... serious .... this turkey of a guy needs to get his marching orders ... whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif .....

I hadn't thought of those plastic subs in years. They came in Rice Krispies and the frog men, my favorite, came in corn flakes.

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