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RIP Dr John Hinds

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Come on Jeff.

Expect more than this from you.

Why bother posting if you're only trolling?

We are discussing a death of a man that dedicated his life bike racing and saving lives, at the same time.

Edited by soihok
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For the curmudgeons, if you watch the video, it is a presentation from a sadly departed medic talking about types of accidents and what to look for in terms of treatments.

We are living in Thailand, kind of the world capital for bike accidents, so let's say this video is an educational piece, that could be very much related to Thailand due to the vehicular mayhem that goes on here most days.

Does that meet your criteria for posting in 'Bikes in Thailand' - do hope so facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gifclap2.gifblink.png

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what a boring world we would live in if we all just followed the rules - bikes in Thailand my arse, it is biking related so it goes in.

You must have seen other threads shut down for not being about Thailand, how is this one different.

Most of the time the mods close them pretty qucikly, suprised this one is still on the go.

It has NOTHING to do with Thaialnd.

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Great OP English_M_in_Bkk thumbsup.gif

Dr John was definitely a man among men.

Thai related?


A look at the track-side crowds show at least 7 Thais watching the various races.

OK, maybe the title should have been " RIP Dr John Hinds including footage of Thai spectators" to make it Forum correct and appease the pedantic nit picking of some.


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what a boring world we would live in if we all just followed the rules - bikes in Thailand my arse, it is biking related so it goes in.

You must have seen other threads shut down for not being about Thailand, how is this one different.

Most of the time the mods close them pretty qucikly, suprised this one is still on the go.

It has NOTHING to do with Thaialnd.

Awww poor you, did you throw your toys out of your pram because the nasty man posted a biking topic in the biking forum - boo hoo

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what a boring world we would live in if we all just followed the rules - bikes in Thailand my arse, it is biking related so it goes in.

You must have seen other threads shut down for not being about Thailand, how is this one different.

Most of the time the mods close them pretty qucikly, suprised this one is still on the go.

It has NOTHING to do with Thaialnd.

Awww poor you, did you throw your toys out of your pram because the nasty man posted a biking topic in the biking forum - boo hoo

How do you know he's a nasty man, that's an unfair assupmtion.....

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Sorry soihok , i think youve took my posts the wrong way . My first post - 4 ( please read it again ) thanked the OP for the information , that i had previously found out about , Post 7 was me agreeing with OP . Post 14 was me saying ( sorry if it didnt come across as clear ) that the title "Bikes in Thailand" is a general title , and should ( IMO ) contain anything of "biking" intrest - Thailand or not , including the origional post . Hope thats clearer / better .

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soihok , no problem , thanks . No apology needed . English_M_in_Bkk , if its of intrest to bikers in Thailand , i agree with you that it should go in the "Bikes in Thailand" section , and possibly the general news , if it isnt already . Anyway , small details . Sad loss of a great bloke .

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