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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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Sure wish I didn't have to wade through page after page of drivel to get to the pertinent news articles. Couldn't they be pinned to the top of this thread?

Stop adding to it then. Pot Kettle black?

His point is valid.

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Bunglebag I am interested to hear your interpretation of what the pathologist said during that interview in Oct 2014. I feel it was an extremely important statement and if indeed I miss understood what he was saying I would like to know. I have discussed the interview with a few Thai friends and they agree with my interpretation but I would honestly like to know what you believe he said.

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Post #1836 above: right on. or, for a person from the little island called England, 'spot on'

I always wanted the Brits to find something but I understood the following. Please correct me.

1. The Brits weren't allowed to participate in the actual investigation. They were stonewalled in Thailand.

2. The Brits may have gotten DNA from Hannah upon the return of her body to the UK but:

a. They weren't allowed to independently get DNA from the suspects to compare.

b. The bodies were thoroughly cleaned and embalmed before being returned to the UK.

Not sure about 2b. I hope that's wrong. If the bodies were cleaned before sending to their home country, then that's despicable. However, after observing all the other screw-ups in this case, it wouldn't surprise me.

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and may I also add there is serious lack of CCTV images, we see lots of coverage with good resolution of the victims from numerous cameras but little else, where is the rest of the footage from these various 24hr a day cameras - oh maybe it got removed or deleted grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr angry.gifangry.gifangry.gifangry.gifangry.gifangry.gifangry.gifangry.gif

damn right. There is cctv everywhere around the strip, inside the bar(s) etc. It is so frickin suspect how only a few seconds oh poor quality footage here and there has ever been seen and never anything clear enough to really nail someone.

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Perhaps we should be asking why so many on this Forum seem to care so much about this case, to the extent that there are pages and pages

of, sometimes salacious, detail and pointless speculation?

It's a horrible murder and there has been plenty of typical mishandling, cock-ups and potential corruption or malpractice, but that's hardly

unusual in this part of the world. Is it just because the victims were British and attractive?

Ganged raped by at least 3 men, then battered beyond recognition...I would not call that a usual murder in any country.

it isn't.

it's an anomaly.

these things don't happen very often.

like in the general population of the world, people do bad things.

for the vast majority of people visiting the islands, everything is fun and games.

there is no problem. foreigners are welcome for the moneys.

and then there is a horrific event which nobody wants.

if the guilty end up remaining free, i can't do anything about that, but then i would hope nobody innocent is blamed.

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I see Sean Mcanna has changed his name. The guilty parties(IMO) The Island mafia were wanting to kill him, I wonder why? He should on the stand.

it wouldn't surprise me if he was involved and when things went too far he separated from his Thai island friends. Feeling guilty he started to tell people little hints about what really happened and that's when they came after him, to shut him up. It was either kill him or let him leave the island and keep his mouth shut, after all he was just as guilty as the other two or three.

Just a guess ....

I was following his facebook that night as it was happening, pretty much a week to the hour after the murders. He was shitting himself and rightly so. Personally I believe that if he hadn't got into that shop and made the facebook post with photo then he may well have died that night and the case would have been much easier to 'close' then.

Just a feeling but I do feel he knows more than he has said, either as a witness or through the grapevine.

His posts that night were:

'Owner of ac bar did it'


'Thai mafia are trying to kill me. please help me. Sky news phone me'

Notice that one is present tense and one is past tense. He tried to say later that the 'did it' one was in relation to his own impending death at their hands but why past tense and the other present?

And prior to the hanging threat his room got ransacked over within days of the murder. he implied he knew/could guess who it was. I wonder what they were looking for

And prior to the hanging threat his room got ransacked over within days of the murder. he implied he knew/could guess who it was. I wonder what they were looking for

Are you able to provide a link regarding this info please?

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One of several reasons the RTP and prosecution team are so flummoxed, is probably because they get the same data from Brit forensics as the defense gets. Defense say they have some very interesting data (advantagous to the defendants) which they will reveal later. Prosecution probably knows what that data is. My educated guess is it's DNA typing which shows there's no match between defendants' DNA and that found in/on Hannah. In other words, if that's true, it blows the prosecution's case clear out of the water, like a 1/4" plywood boat hitting a mine. It will also substantiate what I and many others have been saying on these blogs for months: The RTP is intentionally skewing the DNA trail in order to nail the scapegoats AND in order to try and shield the real culprits from scrutiny.

The crucial DNA is that which was found in/on Hannah. That's what others' DNA is being compared to - regarding 'matches.'

If it's shown that RTP top brass deliberately skewed the evidence, then they should be disciplined to the full extent of the law. Doubtful that could happen in Thailand. 'inactive post' maybe - serious legal ramifications, remote. A top brass will do a runner before he submits to disciplinary action. That's why it's not too soon to confiscate passports. Imagine if that had been done with Thaksin just prior to the Beijing Olympics, when he said, "Trust me, I'm not going to run off. I just want to take my family to the Olympics, and then I'll come right back. I promise." BTW, Thaksin is also a police top brass.

On a lighter note Boomer, I do enjoy your similes in your posts.

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Not sure about 2b. I hope that's wrong. If the bodies were cleaned before sending to their home country, then that's despicable. However, after observing all the other screw-ups in this case, it wouldn't surprise me.

What makes you think thoroughly cleaning the bodies was a screw-up? Wouldn't that be essential in a cover-up?

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this case seems to revolve around DNA.but what about the murder weapons did the police find them and if so what about finger prints and DNA from the handle of the hoe and looking at the terrible pictures it looks like David was struck with a knuckle duster with a sharp blade in the middle.

And Hannah looks to have been struck directly across the forehead.If she was alive at the time i am sure she would of turned her head away.there would of been a great deal of screaming before they died, who heard it.

There are so many unanswered questions

tell you what (and remember what I am about to say) there were more than two people involved in this brutal crime, I would even go as far as saying that the B2 were there and were involved but they were not involved in the rape and murder they actually may have left the scene before that took place along with the falang coward who is afraid to speak up because of guilt, I'd say there were at least 6 people involved .....happy happy - the altercation in the bar is also involved - and there are a lot of people who are afraid to speak the truth

If I was foreign media right now I would offer a reward to someone to come forward and tell the truth about what they know with a guarantee of complete anonymity, maybe not going to be heard in court but would uncover and confirm some stuff that would increase focus

I think your thoughts are closer to the truth than the prosecution's that's for sure. In an ideal world all AC bar staff from that time, and the owner need testing against genuine samples recovered in a safe environment (UK). Not possible of course, though a few of the higher profile contenders could covertly be sampled

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This clip shows where a gun was found early in the investigation


Funny there was never any comment from police about that .45 pistol that was found. I remember a comment on CSI LA around about a Burmese worker at one the joints owned by the family who was trusted so much that he was given security responsibilities and allowed to carry one of their guns. It doesn't look like the gun of an illegal migrant worker because it is still in the box it was sold in and I doubt that many illegal guns are kept like that. If it turned out to be his employer's legally registered (or unregistered) gun, no doubt police would have returned it without more ado.

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What I don't understand out of everything is how Hannah ended up alone in the beach after midnight with her killers when she was travelling with 3-4 friends?

And CCTV footage showed she was surrounded by people. It makes no sense.

Unless she had her own room and they sneaked up on her, shot her there and brought her to the beach to rape and bludgeon her. However I remember them showing her hotel room and she was sharing with a friend as it was a twin room.

How did her friend not know she was missing?

It makes no sense.

If my friend was missing from the bedroom, I'd go out a find her. Hannah wasn't found until the morning.

Hannah was originally going to travel on her own, she might as well have done!

<deleted> nobody shot anyone what on earth are you going on about, it seems pretty obvious that Hannah and David had developed a relationship during their holiday and were most likely spending some alone time on the beach but evidently they were not alone, stop dreaming up these stupid ideas about guns and shooting, someone started this nonsense earlier on this thread and it is absolute nonesense

I'm not convinced by this. Earlier that night they were not sitting next to each other or anything when the group was in choppers. Friends yes but lovers is a BIG jump from that. From the picture of David that can be made based on what people who knew him thought of him he sounded like a pretty honourable guy to be honest.

Also if they were having consensual relations on the beach why was their clothing so scattered about? Why would David leave just one sock on?

(and No Mr lying policeman - the clothing was not neatly piled on the sand. Show me one picture where it is and I'll show you 10 that show it was not)

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The video show police and forensics doctor being interviewed on tv .


Yes that section of the interview with the doctor starts at 16.40 unfortunately its all in Thai but I remember some posters on here months ago mentioning that he was saying that the wounds on David were caused by a knife? But I may be wrong. Would be so useful if there was someone on here who could do a reliable translation.............................

The interviewer suggests that the hoe is not likely to be the instrument to make these wounds and that it is more likely to be one of the knuckle knives as suggested by a particular facebook user. The doctor says that scarring would be as deep as the blade in question and would "scratch" the bone if a knuckle blade was used. The hoe could cause this wound as the skin would split on contact from a heavy blow and in fact these scars are what would be expected from a heavy blow from a blunt instument.

I am pretty fluent and this is what I interperet him to say.

I seem to recall that the doctor is a Pol Col or Pol Lt Col from the police Institute of Forensic Medicine at the Police General Hospital.

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The judge alone will decide what constitutes evidence and what is applicable to the charges. Under a Common Law system the judge can cite tradition, custom, and practices to support his ruling in contrast to any previous court rulings.

Given Prayut's demand for a conviction of these murders and his support for the arrest of the two Myanmarese, the Judge can take the politically safe route and find the accused guilty. Let the Appeals Court or Supreme Court reverse him. There's no recrimination for the judge.

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" nobody shot anyone what on earth are you going on about, it seems pretty obvious that Hannah and David had developed a relationship during their holiday and were most likely spending some alone time on the beach but evidently they were not alone, stop dreaming up these stupid ideas about guns and shooting, someone started this nonsense earlier on this thread and it is absolute nonesense "

​ I'm not convinced at all that hannah was not shot .. there is a very visible circular wound on her lower cheek that could very well indicate a gun . make no mistake to hoe is not going to make that shape of wound .

And if she were shot , it might explain the brutality of the rest of the attack , as a means of cover up .

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The judge alone will decide what constitutes evidence and what is applicable to the charges. Under a Common Law system the judge can cite tradition, custom, and practices to support his ruling in contrast to any previous court rulings.

Given Prayut's demand for a conviction of these murders and his support for the arrest of the two Myanmarese, the Judge can take the politically safe route and find the accused guilty. Let the Appeals Court or Supreme Court reverse him. There's no recrimination for the judge.

It's certainly true that the judge will decide by himself what constitutes evidence in a way that may not be consistent with what we would regard as logic and this court has an extremely poor reputation. Judges are protected by contempt of court law which makes it a serious criminal offence to criticise their rulings. Therefore they don't need to fear criticism of even the most bizarre rulings.

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One of the first indications I seen of a foreigner that may have been covering up for the owner of in touch (mon) was this on Facebook .



Yeah I remember that post. Knows Mon really well for 20 years but has no idea about the existance of his nephew who hangs out at Mon's bar sometimes, therefore presumably no idea that Mon is headman's brother and that headman has a son (Nomsod). Thankfully not many people gave him the time of day back then, same as should be done now imo.

In his own post he states that all the staff at ac bar had been tested and cleared, so that would include the B2 right? as they worked there.

Darn shills.

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What I don't understand out of everything is how Hannah ended up alone in the beach after midnight with her killers when she was travelling with 3-4 friends?

And CCTV footage showed she was surrounded by people. It makes no sense.

Unless she had her own room and they sneaked up on her, shot her there and brought her to the beach to rape and bludgeon her. However I remember them showing her hotel room and she was sharing with a friend as it was a twin room.

How did her friend not know she was missing?

It makes no sense.

If my friend was missing from the bedroom, I'd go out a find her. Hannah wasn't found until the morning.

Hannah was originally going to travel on her own, she might as well have done!

<deleted> nobody shot anyone what on earth are you going on about, it seems pretty obvious that Hannah and David had developed a relationship during their holiday and were most likely spending some alone time on the beach but evidently they were not alone, stop dreaming up these stupid ideas about guns and shooting, someone started this nonsense earlier on this thread and it is absolute nonesense

I'm not convinced by this. Earlier that night they were not sitting next to each other or anything when the group was in choppers. Friends yes but lovers is a BIG jump from that. From the picture of David that can be made based on what people who knew him thought of him he sounded like a pretty honourable guy to be honest.

Also if they were having consensual relations on the beach why was their clothing so scattered about? Why would David leave just one sock on?

(and No Mr lying policeman - the clothing was not neatly piled on the sand. Show me one picture where it is and I'll show you 10 that show it was not)

Complete conjecture, but...
...if David had a girlfriend back home and wanted to keep this quiet for whatever reason, maybe he had agreed to meet Hannah later that night after everyone else went to bed?!
If Hannah confided in one of her mates, then that would explain why no-one went to look for her after she went down to the beach to meet David?
They were then seen by one of the Thai guys (from whatever bar) who had already taken a liking to her and, as they were getting comfortable on the beach, they were attacked.
If they were in a state of undress, that could explain the clothes being all over the place. And the shock for both of them being attacked in that position would probably have meant they weren't able to put up a very good defence!
If Hannah was shot before being bludgeoned with the hoe, then that could also explain why this UK forensic expert was called in too. By the look of his CV, he has experience in war zones where gunshot fatalities are probably pretty common (i.e. he knew exactly what to look for and saw something 'clear-cut' when they did the autopsies back in the UK)?!
Unfortunately, we are probably never going to know the truth in this case though. Too much at stake for the Koh Tao 'overlords' and Thailand in general.... So sad.
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September 25, 2014

This Media Report claims that DNA of 2 Asian Men found at the Crime Scene was in fact sent to Singapore for advanced analysis.


They decided to keep it in-house shortly after that suggestion was mooted. Did that coincide with the replacement of the investigating copper too?

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Post #1836 above: right on. or, for a person from the little island called England, 'spot on'

I always wanted the Brits to find something but I understood the following. Please correct me.

1. The Brits weren't allowed to participate in the actual investigation. They were stonewalled in Thailand.

2. The Brits may have gotten DNA from Hannah upon the return of her body to the UK but:

a. They weren't allowed to independently get DNA from the suspects to compare.

b. The bodies were thoroughly cleaned and embalmed before being returned to the UK.

Not sure about 2b. I hope that's wrong. If the bodies were cleaned before sending to their home country, then that's despicable. However, after observing all the other screw-ups in this case, it wouldn't surprise me.

I recall articles and discussion that the bodies were "prepared for repatriation" and that standard practice was to embalm before shipping. I did a search of TVF for "Hannah Witheridge embalmed" and got all of these hits. LINK


Edited by NeverSure
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Does this mean there will be a break in proceedings until the 22nd?

Yes but who needs a court when you have Thaivisa.

Day by trial day, many of the things which us Thaivisaites have been ruminating about - are proving to be true. By the same token, many of the things which RTP have been championing - are proving to be false. Expect more of the same trend - but even more dramatic, as each subsequent trial day rolls on. RTP & prosecutor have dug themselves in a deep muddy hole. I won't comment on the court or judges, as it could get me in hot water.

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I see Sean Mcanna has changed his name. The guilty parties(IMO) The Island mafia were wanting to kill him, I wonder why? He should on the stand.

it wouldn't surprise me if he was involved and when things went too far he separated from his Thai island friends. Feeling guilty he started to tell people little hints about what really happened and that's when they came after him, to shut him up. It was either kill him or let him leave the island and keep his mouth shut, after all he was just as guilty as the other two or three.

Just a guess ....

I was following his facebook that night as it was happening, pretty much a week to the hour after the murders. He was shitting himself and rightly so. Personally I believe that if he hadn't got into that shop and made the facebook post with photo then he may well have died that night and the case would have been much easier to 'close' then.

Just a feeling but I do feel he knows more than he has said, either as a witness or through the grapevine.

His posts that night were:

'Owner of ac bar did it'


'Thai mafia are trying to kill me. please help me. Sky news phone me'

Notice that one is present tense and one is past tense. He tried to say later that the 'did it' one was in relation to his own impending death at their hands but why past tense and the other present?

And prior to the hanging threat his room got ransacked over within days of the murder. he implied he knew/could guess who it was. I wonder what they were looking for

And prior to the hanging threat his room got ransacked over within days of the murder. he implied he knew/could guess who it was. I wonder what they were looking for

Are you able to provide a link regarding this info please?

I think he posted it on his facebook page, which became defunct shortly after he left the island. I don't think I grabbed a copy of it but I'll have a look at my archives. iirc a couple of his friends / sister may have replied to it also but I'm less certain of the possible replies. I'm 100% certain that he posted this though in the days between the murders and his run in with Mon.

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NeverSure, wow, too long a list. If in fact they were embalmed and cleaned I would think not much evidence left. If just cleaned and packed in ice perhaps. If, big if, the RTP were thinking, like I said a big if, they would have throughly cleaned inside and out. No evidence left. On this I think even you and I can agree, this case would have never gone to court as it is in the states. Of course that is comparing apples to oranges, TIT.

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Post #1836 above: right on. or, for a person from the little island called England, 'spot on'

I always wanted the Brits to find something but I understood the following. Please correct me.

1. The Brits weren't allowed to participate in the actual investigation. They were stonewalled in Thailand.

2. The Brits may have gotten DNA from Hannah upon the return of her body to the UK but:

a. They weren't allowed to independently get DNA from the suspects to compare.

b. The bodies were thoroughly cleaned and embalmed before being returned to the UK.

Not sure about 2b. I hope that's wrong. If the bodies were cleaned before sending to their home country, then that's despicable. However, after observing all the other screw-ups in this case, it wouldn't surprise me.

I recall articles and discussion that the bodies were "prepared for repatriation" and that standard practice was to embalm before shipping. I did a search of TVF for "Hannah Witheridge embalmed" and got all of these hits. LINK


Try this


Returning Home with the Deceased

Returning home with the body of the deceased will require having it embalmed and then secured in a zinc-lined coffin. The British Consulate should be able to put you in touch with funeral directors in the country who will be able to prepare the body in this way. You will also need to carry a certified English translate of the death certificate, written authorisation from local authorities to remove the body, and a certificate of the embalming. The cost of repatriating the body may be covered by one of your insurance plans, but if it is not then you will not to cover the cost yourself. Depending on the circumstances of the deceased’s estate, these costs may be reimbursed later.

Once you arrive home with the deceased, you will need to arrange for a funeral within the United Kingdom. To do this you will need to bring the certified English translation of the death certificate to the register office or registrar in the area in which you hope to hold the funeral. Formal certificates will then be issued by this office and the funeral will be able to proceed.

Repatriation following a death is a confusing, emotional process. In the UK the Foreign and Commonwealth Office can offer more information on repatriating a body, while the British Consulate in the location of the death will also be helpful in arranging for your loved one to return home.

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David's Missing Mobile Phone Explained.

Almost from day one there has been confusion about the missing Mobile Phone. At first it was reported by the media that it was Hannah's Mobile Phone, which it was not. I really don't know why it was reported this way by the person in charge. Was he misinformed? Was it media reported incorrectly? Was it lost in the translation? Was it just a mistake he made? But either way he had no reason to lie as they did have a missing Mobile Phone in their possession at that time, which is stated to belong to David Miller.

As reported by the media, on October 7th, or thereabouts, a Senior Police Official was on the evening news to explain exactly how they found David Miller's Mobile Phone. He said they knew quickly it was missing from the body from information gained by David's Friends and Relatives. (Which may be a very good indication he did not lose it earlier, because if he did he did not tell any of his friends who police contacted). But at that time this was not reported to the press.

Later, after the two suspects were arrested and had confessed to this crime, the police asked them about David Miller's Mobile Phone. One of the suspects (not named) said he left it with a friend. When the police later questioned that friend, he led them to the Mobile Phone. The friend said he had grave doubts about this Mobile Phone, and where it really came from, so he threw it away behind his living quarters.

If this is true then I am pretty sure it will all come out in court as this is damning evidence. Especially if this witness is their friend. We will just have to wait and see.

This is your BIG shocker?

Who was the senior police office mentioned on 7th October because a week earlier (2 weeks after the murders) this was said by General Kiattipong Kaosam-ang:

"There is no doubt the murder of Miss Witheridge was sexually motivated because none of her belongings or those of the English man were missing,"

and yet your man says they knew quickly that phone was missing.

And why would someone who thought a phone was dodgy only get rid of it behind their house. iffy

The 2 Accused are charged with Murder, Rape, and Robbery. Where do you think the Robbery Charge stems from if nothing was missing as you say?

There are many Media Links that can't be used or posted here. May I suggest you google "David Miller's Mobile Phone Missing" or "Discovery", if you really want that information. Or you can wait for the Trail as if this is true I am sure it will come out.

No! The Big Shocker is the Eye Witness who was reported by Media to have seen this crime committed by the 2 accused. It is however only a Media Report and not proven in a court of law.

That one I linked here already a page or two back from this one. Or was it after?. .

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September 25, 2014

This Media Report claims that DNA of 2 Asian Men found at the Crime Scene was in fact sent to Singapore for advanced analysis.


They decided to keep it in-house shortly after that suggestion was mooted. Did that coincide with the replacement of the investigating copper too?

I did not write this Media Report nor did I offer my opinion on it. If you disagree with that report then may I suggest you take it up with the author.

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David's Missing Mobile Phone Explained.

Almost from day one there has been confusion about the missing Mobile Phone. At first it was reported by the media that it was Hannah's Mobile Phone, which it was not. I really don't know why it was reported this way by the person in charge. Was he misinformed? Was it media reported incorrectly? Was it lost in the translation? Was it just a mistake he made? But either way he had no reason to lie as they did have a missing Mobile Phone in their possession at that time, which is stated to belong to David Miller.

As reported by the media, on October 7th, or thereabouts, a Senior Police Official was on the evening news to explain exactly how they found David Miller's Mobile Phone. He said they knew quickly it was missing from the body from information gained by David's Friends and Relatives. (Which may be a very good indication he did not lose it earlier, because if he did he did not tell any of his friends who police contacted). But at that time this was not reported to the press.

Later, after the two suspects were arrested and had confessed to this crime, the police asked them about David Miller's Mobile Phone. One of the suspects (not named) said he left it with a friend. When the police later questioned that friend, he led them to the Mobile Phone. The friend said he had grave doubts about this Mobile Phone, and where it really came from, so he threw it away behind his living quarters.

If this is true then I am pretty sure it will all come out in court as this is damning evidence. Especially if this witness is their friend. We will just have to wait and see.

This is your BIG shocker?

Who was the senior police office mentioned on 7th October because a week earlier (2 weeks after the murders) this was said by General Kiattipong Kaosam-ang:

"There is no doubt the murder of Miss Witheridge was sexually motivated because none of her belongings or those of the English man were missing,"

and yet your man says they knew quickly that phone was missing.

And why would someone who thought a phone was dodgy only get rid of it behind their house. iffy

"But at that time this was not reported to the press."

Please note this last line Paragraph 2 says they didn't want the Media to know about this then. It is not uncommon for Police in any country to keep news away from the press when conducting an ongoing investigation. Why tell everyone you are looking for a Mobile Phone stolen from David Miller and believe the culprit may have stole it, when he may still have it on his person and you can catch him Red Handed with it?

If you were his Friend, as the Media Reported, and heard about the double murders, and that the friend who gave you this Mobile Phone has just been arrested and brought in for questioning, what would you do with it? Keep it, and now maybe become a suspect in this murder and accused as the one who stole it, if caught with it? Turn it over to the Police and still maybe be considered a suspect for just having it? Or wipe off your finger prints and get rid of it?

I am not claiming this Media Report is true as it has not been proven yet. But I would sure know what I would do if I was in this situation and this was true. .

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David's Missing Mobile Phone Explained.

Almost from day one there has been confusion about the missing Mobile Phone. At first it was reported by the media that it was Hannah's Mobile Phone, which it was not. I really don't know why it was reported this way by the person in charge. Was he misinformed? Was it media reported incorrectly? Was it lost in the translation? Was it just a mistake he made? But either way he had no reason to lie as they did have a missing Mobile Phone in their possession at that time, which is stated to belong to David Miller.

As reported by the media, on October 7th, or thereabouts, a Senior Police Official was on the evening news to explain exactly how they found David Miller's Mobile Phone. He said they knew quickly it was missing from the body from information gained by David's Friends and Relatives. (Which may be a very good indication he did not lose it earlier, because if he did he did not tell any of his friends who police contacted). But at that time this was not reported to the press.

Later, after the two suspects were arrested and had confessed to this crime, the police asked them about David Miller's Mobile Phone. One of the suspects (not named) said he left it with a friend. When the police later questioned that friend, he led them to the Mobile Phone. The friend said he had grave doubts about this Mobile Phone, and where it really came from, so he threw it away behind his living quarters.

If this is true then I am pretty sure it will all come out in court as this is damning evidence. Especially if this witness is their friend. We will just have to wait and see.

This is your BIG shocker?

Who was the senior police office mentioned on 7th October because a week earlier (2 weeks after the murders) this was said by General Kiattipong Kaosam-ang:

"There is no doubt the murder of Miss Witheridge was sexually motivated because none of her belongings or those of the English man were missing,"

and yet your man says they knew quickly that phone was missing.

And why would someone who thought a phone was dodgy only get rid of it behind their house. iffy

Oh Yeah! Why throw it just behind their house?

First off it is not a house it is a residence. If Tourists are sharing 3 to a room you can be sure that the Migrant Workers don't have such a luxury. I would guess more like between 3 to 6 to a small room. From what I have seen in other places their living quarters is more like a Motel, with many small rooms side by side. Maybe 60 Migrant Works to one block.

With that many people living their, and walking by, anyone could have thrown the Mobile Phone their. As many here have already suggested in the past.

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