balo Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 going to try and make this my last comment today on this thread My mind keeps going back to the "running man" cctv and how it is definitely not any of the accused and I am 100% sure of that - body and clothing do not match and no wristbands. It is also an extreme likeness for Nomsod in so many ways I'll bet the transferred cop is being cursed every day for releasing that footage to the public otherwise I honestly don't believe we'd ever have seen it That is an accusation you base upon a very poor cctv image . I can point at 100's of boys that would match nomsod. Over and over again , we hear about nomsod but the boy was not on the island. What about all the other guys that was on the island. Thais, Burmese, and Asian tourists that could also match the cctv footage. The problem is that you're stuck with nomsod because theres no other names to pick . it is not an accusation as you say, it is an observation, your understanding of English gives you away my friend, and yes it could be perhaps a match for tens of thousands of Asians from all over Asia which is why I used the word "likeness" - I am not saying it is him but since we are only talking about Ko Tao it does narrow it down somewhat That was my point , it just feels like it's been signed on a paper that it can't be anyone else than nomsod.
Darkknight666 Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 I don't post for the defense team I post for David and Hannah. You make it seem as if we're all conspiring to free the B2 no matter what and that's not the case. If they took part in any way, even if ordered by someone else I will feel the same way about them as the actual killer. Nobody's daughter is safe as long as the real killer and rapist aren't brought to justice. If it weren't for social media this would be another miscarriage of justice like so many others that have occurred her before. Simply.. I don't believe the B2 are the prime assailants. if they're involved at all.
Nigeone Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 According to the translator, Maung said he was not present when the murders took place took place. He had left his friends at 1am to meet his girlfriend so he did not know about anything that took place afterwards. He said Zaw Rin and Win admitted that they had indeed committed the murders and that they confirmed that Maung had left earlier. They said they were drunk and that they bludgeoned the heads of the tourists. The first weapon was a large bottle of wine which was used by Win on David Miller. Then Win used a hoe was used to finish the job. Meanwhile, Zaw Rin had taken Hannah some distance away. She resisted and screamed, so he hit her with the same hoe. Win was the first to rape her, the translator said. He said the two did not leave the island immediately because it was difficult to do so with the police keeping a close watch. The translator and his background Myanmar Muslim roti seller who acted as a translator for the Myanmar suspects after their arrest arrest . He is from Yangon and has lived in Thailand for 18 years. He also acts as a volunteer volunteer Meaning: someone who is not paid for the work that they do and what makes anyone convinced that this mans testimony is true and not a total fabrication, well the crime scene should verify what he said Maung readily admitted that he was with the two and that they had bought beer at the 7-11. From his information, police then detained Zaw Rin. Win, however, had fled to Surat Thani where he was eventually detained. First I heard that one that Win had fledThe suspects suspects Meaning: a person who is thought to have committed a crime Thai clothes showed no signs of blood since it had been washed, the translator said. it is not easy to remove blood stains from clothing better to just burn themso it was a wine bottle used on David and glass from the wine bottle is all over the sand and was tested for fingerprints and DNA from both the victim and the accused.........right ?, and then the Hoe was used on David and meanwhile the same Hoe was being used on Hannah further up the beachthen they (I assume) both carried the body of David to the water, ever tried lifting a limp body twice your weight and size and if he was dragged across the sand there would be very clear evidence of that -Maung Maung told the lawyer that when he returned home at 5am, he found the two suspects sleeping and nothing seemed suspicious. this is all down to who you believe so is a pointless exercise in even posting "They said they didn't do it, that the Thai police [along with their Myanmar-Thai translator] beat them until they confessed to something they didn't do. They're pleading with the Myanmar government to look into the case and find out the truth. They were a really pitiful sight. Their bodies had all sorts of bruises. I have already reported all that I have seen today to my government." Johnthiajohn, you have been very selective in your posting again not saying guilty or innocent but so far all of the above is just hearsay until it can be backed up with solid verifiable evidence If I claimed I saw you on the beach that night at 4am with a Hoe in your hand, I think you would want more than just my say so - right ? and upon inspection of my bank account I had suddenly become 30m baht richer keep the feet for dancing oh and anyone know the location of Maung Maung, it was reported that he is in Thai police custody being held as a witness for the prosecution but was also reported as residing at the Burmese Embassy. Based on his alleged witness statement he would be key to the prosecution case, but then again maybe he is going to be a defence witness and claim he didn't say what was quoted by the reliable roti interpreter or had turned down a massive bribe and decided to tell the truth .....speculation of course Incidently has anyone seen or heard about the famous roti seller since the arrests. What's he living on seen as he didn't take a wage being a volunteer / volunteer . What ever that means. Of course he would off received a small!! sum for his translating skills and encouragement to the B2 to tell all. Maybe he's a prosecution witness which is a shame because he could,have put his translating skills to the test for the media. Oh wait they tried that didn't they. ,
thailandchilli Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 oh and anyone know the location of Maung Maung, it was reported that he is in Thai police custody being held as a witness for the prosecution but was also reported as residing at the Burmese Embassy. Based on his alleged witness statement he would be key to the prosecution case, but then again maybe he is going to be a defence witness and claim he didn't say what was quoted by the reliable roti interpreter or had turned down a massive bribe and decided to tell the truth .....speculation of course Incidently has anyone seen or heard about the famous roti seller since the arrests. What's he living on seen as he didn't take a wage being a volunteer / volunteer . What ever that means. Of course he would off received a small!! sum for his translating skills and encouragement to the B2 to tell all. Maybe he's a prosecution witness which is a shame because he could,have put his translating skills to the test for the media. Oh wait they tried that didn't they. , Yes he's due to take the stand as a witness for the prosecution, cant wait for that one!! The Kafka-esque trial delved further into the absurd yesterday when the court translator called by the prosecution was found to not only be a key prosecution witness but also one of those accused of torturing the defendants, who could face the death penalty if convicted.
AleG Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Q.E.the F.D It's not just what the police says. The CCTV footage was released to the public, it was examined by the press in detail. The DNA tests were done in four different hospitals. You are clinging to the notion of all of that being part of a cover-up and the people that have handled the evidence are all complicit, people in charge of the CCTV at the building, the press, the hospitals, the police, everyone is in on it; and what is your evidence to support this notion? None, isn't it? Here's another quote from Christopher Hitchens, "that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence". Right. You believe the cops, I don't. You believe the story they put forth and I do not. I thought that had been established about 130 pages ago. Thai press said the only tape they saw from the lawyer (lol one tape) could have been photoshopped and some of the furniture wasn't in their correct place, So some doubt, yeah? Don't hate me because we believe different pieces on uncontested (so far) evidence. "Right. You believe the cops, I don't." Tell me, why do you believe Nomsod was involved? That is to say, what put that notion in your head?
Darkknight666 Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Q.E.the F.D It's not just what the police says. The CCTV footage was released to the public, it was examined by the press in detail. The DNA tests were done in four different hospitals. You are clinging to the notion of all of that being part of a cover-up and the people that have handled the evidence are all complicit, people in charge of the CCTV at the building, the press, the hospitals, the police, everyone is in on it; and what is your evidence to support this notion? None, isn't it? Here's another quote from Christopher Hitchens, "that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence". Right. You believe the cops, I don't. You believe the story they put forth and I do not. I thought that had been established about 130 pages ago. Thai press said the only tape they saw from the lawyer (lol one tape) could have been photoshopped and some of the furniture wasn't in their correct place, So some doubt, yeah? Don't hate me because we believe different pieces on uncontested (so far) evidence. "Right. You believe the cops, I don't." Tell me, why do you believe Nomsod was involved? That is to say, what put that notion in your head? Do you read Thai forums? Not CSI LA, Thai language forums? If not I will send you a link.
jimmybkk Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Where did you get that his life is ruined and that he is depressed from ? He is healthy and still lives and study in Bangkok. He got his friends there and I doubt they pay much attention to the gossip on CSI LA , at least I hope not. After the latest DNA test was given he has not been much in the thai media , that's true, according to RTP he has been cleared so why would he continue to be desperate to clear his name? And this is Thailand , its not a good idea to openly show a loss of face to anyone if it can be avoided, he already done that twice so why repeat it in front of the thai media ? That should be good enough answer to your question. If I was Nomsod , in the same situation with my western mindset , I would probably sue anyone and report to facebook to close CSI LA down . For all we know , maybe he or his dad already tried to do that. "Where did you get that his life is ruined and that he is depressed from ?" Uhmmm.... from you maybe?
boomerangutang Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 This question is for you, Balo. Since you seem to know for sure NS was in Bangkok. If his life is ruined and he is so depressed why is he doing nothing to prove his innocence? That's what I would do if I were him and I really had nothing to do with all this, I'd give interviews to all who asked, make my phone records public, find CCTV of me in BKK the night before or even the day before. I would submit to polygraphs, agree to take a truth syrum so long as my attorney is present... I would send the running man bid to FBI and ask them to compare my walk to the running mans walking style (it can be done) Anything, I'm telling you ANYTHING I could do to clear my name from what was done to David and Hannah.. And yet, none of the people suspected are doing that.. Quite the opposite really. Of course you don't have to answer it's no demand.. I'm just curious what you think about it? I understand that this is addressed to balo but if I may ask, has this person, and I take it you are referring to Nomsod, been charged with any offence relating to this matter. If he hasn't then he is deemed innocent and is not obliged to prove or provide anything to anyone, however, if he was charged, then what you are talking about is the task of investigating police in order to establish a person's involvement. And no, I am not sticking up for him, just telling you the way it works in the real world. In a dry logical way, your post makes sense. It's true Nomsod is not a defendant. However (you knew this was coming....), the prosecution has been mentioning his name, and making excuses for NS even tho none were asked for. So now it becomes fair game for the defense to mention him and his plausible involvement in court. One of the defense's duties is to create 'reasonable doubt' that the Burmese did the crime. Showing that NS (or anyone else) was involved with the crime, deflects from their clients' involvement. Perhaps this sounds naive, but the overall purpose of police is to protect the general public. If Nomsod was involved with the crime, ...people want to know, and want him punished severely if found guilty. Same for his buddies, if it's shown they were also involved. There are many indications NS was involved. Some clear (Running Man videos) and some hazy (MM saying he met with NS at AC bar the night of the crime). There would probably be a lot more (and more solid proofs), if the police weren't so fixated on shielding NS and his uncle - to the extent of intentionally losing evidence, trashing evidence, disregarding evidence, etc. ad nauseum.
Nigeone Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Q.E.the F.D It's not just what the police says. The CCTV footage was released to the public, it was examined by the press in detail. The DNA tests were done in four different hospitals. You are clinging to the notion of all of that being part of a cover-up and the people that have handled the evidence are all complicit, people in charge of the CCTV at the building, the press, the hospitals, the police, everyone is in on it; and what is your evidence to support this notion? None, isn't it? Here's another quote from Christopher Hitchens, "that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence". Right. You believe the cops, I don't. You believe the story they put forth and I do not. I thought that had been established about 130 pages ago. Thai press said the only tape they saw from the lawyer (lol one tape) could have been photoshopped and some of the furniture wasn't in their correct place, So some doubt, yeah? Don't hate me because we believe different pieces on uncontested (so far) evidence. "Right. You believe the cops, I don't." Tell me, why do you believe Nomsod was involved? That is to say, what put that notion in your head? On the Nomsod angle personally I think if innocent he could have done more to prove that fact but what to me is more worrying is the issue of the whole set up on Koh Tao. It's widely reported by pretty much everyone except the RTP spokesman who said there wasn't any Thai mafia etc there that there is a powerful family operating and controlling the island. So tell me if that's the case and nobody is involved from that said family or organisation how is it some many people are scared and warned off . By who I ask.? Who has got this power to frighten so many people. And don't let anyone here tell me that's not true. So why? If it's only the worthless B2 in the eyes of lots of Thais would they try and obstruct the defense. What have they got to hide if it is the B2 and nobody else. You would imagine if its was just the guys on trial they would be shouting from the rooftops and so many people would be coming forward with what they know and what happened that night. But NO ! . That's what I can't get my head around and which makes the whole situation stink in my book. And before anyone goes down that route about bad press for the island etc. it can't get much worse can it? People on that island know what happened that night and who was involved and it's not the Burmese community there scaring everyone is it!
balo Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Where did you get that his life is ruined and that he is depressed from ? He is healthy and still lives and study in Bangkok. He got his friends there and I doubt they pay much attention to the gossip on CSI LA , at least I hope not. After the latest DNA test was given he has not been much in the thai media , that's true, according to RTP he has been cleared so why would he continue to be desperate to clear his name? And this is Thailand , its not a good idea to openly show a loss of face to anyone if it can be avoided, he already done that twice so why repeat it in front of the thai media ? That should be good enough answer to your question. If I was Nomsod , in the same situation with my western mindset , I would probably sue anyone and report to facebook to close CSI LA down . For all we know , maybe he or his dad already tried to do that. "Where did you get that his life is ruined and that he is depressed from ?" Uhmmm.... from you maybe? Well I mentioned they were trying to destroy the boys life. I didnt see any reference to that his life is ruined. Anywhay does it matter ?
stephenterry Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Here is another questionnaire. What is the most correct answer? 1. Only the B2 and the perps know who killed the victims. 2. Only the B2 know who killed the victims. 3. Only the perps know who killed the victims. Now look in the mirror and repeat the answer. Does that help clarify where we're at, now?
loonodingle Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Where did you get that his life is ruined and that he is depressed from ? He is healthy and still lives and study in Bangkok. He got his friends there and I doubt they pay much attention to the gossip on CSI LA , at least I hope not. After the latest DNA test was given he has not been much in the thai media , that's true, according to RTP he has been cleared so why would he continue to be desperate to clear his name? And this is Thailand , its not a good idea to openly show a loss of face to anyone if it can be avoided, he already done that twice so why repeat it in front of the thai media ? That should be good enough answer to your question. If I was Nomsod , in the same situation with my western mindset , I would probably sue anyone and report to facebook to close CSI LA down . For all we know , maybe he or his dad already tried to do that. "Where did you get that his life is ruined and that he is depressed from ?" Uhmmm.... from you maybe? Well I mentioned they were trying to destroy the boys life. I didnt see any reference to that his life is ruined. Anywhay does it matter ? LOL... bit of an own goal there Balo. Are you sure you Don't work for the RTP.
balo Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Here is another questionnaire. What is the most correct answer? 1. Only the B2 and the perps know who killed the victims. 2. Only the B2 know who killed the victims. 3. Only the perps know who killed the victims. Now look in the mirror and repeat the answer. Does that help clarify where we're at, now? The answer is that nobody knows except the one who did it. . Whoever did it , I am pretty sure must have been under the influence of drugs . Whoever did it must have been at AC bar or close to it that night.
balo Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Where did you get that his life is ruined and that he is depressed from ? He is healthy and still lives and study in Bangkok. He got his friends there and I doubt they pay much attention to the gossip on CSI LA , at least I hope not. After the latest DNA test was given he has not been much in the thai media , that's true, according to RTP he has been cleared so why would he continue to be desperate to clear his name? And this is Thailand , its not a good idea to openly show a loss of face to anyone if it can be avoided, he already done that twice so why repeat it in front of the thai media ? That should be good enough answer to your question. If I was Nomsod , in the same situation with my western mindset , I would probably sue anyone and report to facebook to close CSI LA down . For all we know , maybe he or his dad already tried to do that. "Where did you get that his life is ruined and that he is depressed from ?" Uhmmm.... from you maybe? Well I mentioned they were trying to destroy the boys life. I didnt see any reference to that his life is ruined. Anywhay does it matter ? LOL... bit of an own goal there Balo. Are you sure you Don't work for the RTP. Yes, I am sure about that , also read the rest of my old post and you see that I am serious in what I wrote there.
loonodingle Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 According to the translator, Maung said he was not present when the murders took place took place. He had left his friends at 1am to meet his girlfriend so he did not know about anything that took place afterwards. He said Zaw Rin and Win admitted that they had indeed committed the murders and that they confirmed that Maung had left earlier. They said they were drunk and that they bludgeoned the heads of the tourists. The first weapon was a large bottle of wine which was used by Win on David Miller. Then Win used a hoe was used to finish the job. Meanwhile, Zaw Rin had taken Hannah some distance away. She resisted and screamed, so he hit her with the same hoe. Win was the first to rape her, the translator said. He said the two did not leave the island immediately because it was difficult to do so with the police keeping a close watch. Police yesterday confirmed the mobile phone of Koh Tao murder victim, David Miller, had been retrieved from the accommodation of one of the two Myanmar suspects. National police chief Somyot Pumpanmuang said suspect Saw Rim, 21, had intended to take the victims mobile phone for his own use, but he later found the device cannot be used in Thailand, so he smashed and discarded it in his living quarters. Pol Col Prachum Ruangthong, superintendent of the Koh Phangan police station, said the device is a black iPhone 4, taken from the shorts pocket of Miller, 24, who was found dead on a Koh Tao beach alongside Hannah Witheridge, 23, on Sept 15. The confirmation came as doubts spread on social media as to whether the phone was really taken from the suspects. Some pictures circulated online show a friend of Witheridge brought a mobile phone to Pol Col Prachum during the inquest. The men underwent medical checks before and after the inquiry to prove they were not tortured into admitting a crime. They seemed in good health, except for pain in their chests [allegedly from their interrogation], added Aung Myo Thant. "Two Myanmar suspects have confessed to killing the pair," national police chief Somyot Pumpunmuang told the AFP news service even before the press conference. "DNA test results confirmed that the same DNA was found in the body of the (female)victim." With her partner incapacitated, both men then set upon Witheridge, taking turns as raping her while alternately smoking a cigarette. When they were through, Wynsmashed her head Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller by bludgeoning them to death with a hoe on 15 September. A second witness, Dr. Chasit Yoohad, gave testimony about his examination of the victims' bodies. He said he also performed a medical checkup of the two accused, and found them in good health. He said he asked through a translator if they had committed the crime, and they replied that they had. BANGKOK: -- A human rights commissioner said Tuesday the two Myanmar migrant workers arrested on charges of murdering the two British backpackers on Koh Tao admitted to him that they committed the crime as charged. The commissioner, Mr Prinya Sirisarakan, and his staff visited the two suspects at a prison on Koh Samui where they are being detained pending prosecution. Commenting on the suspicion by netizens in the social media that the two suspects might be just scapegoats, Mr Prinya suggested that the police should disclose more details about the case to clear up the air. He said the two told him that they drank both beer and wine before they attacked the two British tourists and he suspected that they might be drunk at the time they committed the crime. You, Ali G & Buggy are going to look EXTREMELY stupid when the gunshot evidence comes out in court. Hannah was shot a close range, and that is a matter of FACT that completely debunks all your fallacious drivel.However, you will probably say the B2 purchased a gun with their vast fortunes & shot her due to their extreme state of arousal. You state that the young women was shot at close range. Where did this come from, how is it that you know it to be factual, yet nothing has ever been reported or are you referring to some newspaper article referring to shrapnel or something. I would have thought that if she was shot one would have seen this in big, bold, black print, whilst the defence team and Andy would have spoken about it, yet nothing. I was wondering where you obtained your information to be so adamant that what you state is factual. You are wrong. Andy wouldn't reveal anything other than to say that significant discrepancies have been found in relation to information gleaned from the UK. We all have to wait. However it was mentioned in a recent piece in the Times a highly respected newspaper that they had seen information that pointed to shrapnel wounds. The defence will not publish anything prior to its disclosure in court. We all make presumptions you included. Just sit tight and wait and see what's coming .
stephenterry Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 On the Nomsod angle personally I think if innocent he could have done more to prove that fact but what to me is more worrying is the issue of the whole set up on Koh Tao. It's widely reported by pretty much everyone except the RTP spokesman who said there wasn't any Thai mafia etc there that there is a powerful family operating and controlling the island. So tell me if that's the case and nobody is involved from that said family or organisation how is it some many people are scared and warned off . By who I ask.? Who has got this power to frighten so many people. And don't let anyone here tell me that's not true. So why? If it's only the worthless B2 in the eyes of lots of Thais would they try and obstruct the defense. What have they got to hide if it is the B2 and nobody else. You would imagine if its was just the guys on trial they would be shouting from the rooftops and so many people would be coming forward with what they know and what happened that night. But NO ! . That's what I can't get my head around and which makes the whole situation stink in my book. And before anyone goes down that route about bad press for the island etc. it can't get much worse can it? People on that island know what happened that night and who was involved and it's not the Burmese community there scaring everyone is it! Agreed. As I've said many light years of posts previously, if the B2 had been involved the locals would have marched them into police HQ the following morning. It is naive to think that the local police don't 'know' who could have committed these murders, it's a small island and there would be thugs with previous, known criminals, scammers, frighteners, and a whole lot more of unsavoury people who could and should of been questioned first. The fact that Panya stated (to the effect) that attempts had been made to hide/destroy evidence or mislead the police is clear evidence to me that it sure wasn't the B2 they were trying to protect. That's good enough for me to state that the B2 are scapegoats.
Basil B Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 I this topic going to be a record breaker??? Now over 5200 posts in less than 20 days and if the trail ends in October that another 60 day plus, that going to be 20,000 plus posts... probably a lot higher.
Chetzee Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 JTJ anynews on the Panya news clip to back up your assertion that he was on the move prior to the 15 sept ? make sure you post the correct one , and not just repost the thoughts from the victims families . you are becoming less and less credible every time you post that IMHO
Basil B Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 According to the translator, Maung said he was not present when the murders took place took place. He had left his friends at 1am to meet his girlfriend so he did not know about anything that took place afterwards. He said Zaw Rin and Win admitted that they had indeed committed the murders and that they confirmed that Maung had left earlier. They said they were drunk and that they bludgeoned the heads of the tourists. The first weapon was a large bottle of wine which was used by Win on David Miller. Then Win used a hoe was used to finish the job. Meanwhile, Zaw Rin had taken Hannah some distance away. She resisted and screamed, so he hit her with the same hoe. Win was the first to rape her, the translator said. He said the two did not leave the island immediately because it was difficult to do so with the police keeping a close watch. Police yesterday confirmed the mobile phone of Koh Tao murder victim, David Miller, had been retrieved from the accommodation of one of the two Myanmar suspects. National police chief Somyot Pumpanmuang said suspect Saw Rim, 21, had intended to take the victims mobile phone for his own use, but he later found the device cannot be used in Thailand, so he smashed and discarded it in his living quarters. Pol Col Prachum Ruangthong, superintendent of the Koh Phangan police station, said the device is a black iPhone 4, taken from the shorts pocket of Miller, 24, who was found dead on a Koh Tao beach alongside Hannah Witheridge, 23, on Sept 15. The confirmation came as doubts spread on social media as to whether the phone was really taken from the suspects. Some pictures circulated online show a friend of Witheridge brought a mobile phone to Pol Col Prachum during the inquest. The men underwent medical checks before and after the inquiry to prove they were not tortured into admitting a crime. They seemed in good health, except for pain in their chests [allegedly from their interrogation], added Aung Myo Thant. "Two Myanmar suspects have confessed to killing the pair," national police chief Somyot Pumpunmuang told the AFP news service even before the press conference. "DNA test results confirmed that the same DNA was found in the body of the (female)victim." With her partner incapacitated, both men then set upon Witheridge, taking turns as raping her while alternately smoking a cigarette. When they were through, Wynsmashed her head Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller by bludgeoning them to death with a hoe on 15 September. A second witness, Dr. Chasit Yoohad, gave testimony about his examination of the victims' bodies. He said he also performed a medical checkup of the two accused, and found them in good health. He said he asked through a translator if they had committed the crime, and they replied that they had. BANGKOK: -- A human rights commissioner said Tuesday the two Myanmar migrant workers arrested on charges of murdering the two British backpackers on Koh Tao admitted to him that they committed the crime as charged. The commissioner, Mr Prinya Sirisarakan, and his staff visited the two suspects at a prison on Koh Samui where they are being detained pending prosecution. Commenting on the suspicion by netizens in the social media that the two suspects might be just scapegoats, Mr Prinya suggested that the police should disclose more details about the case to clear up the air. He said the two told him that they drank both beer and wine before they attacked the two British tourists and he suspected that they might be drunk at the time they committed the crime. You, Ali G & Buggy are going to look EXTREMELY stupid when the gunshot evidence comes out in court. Hannah was shot a close range, and that is a matter of FACT that completely debunks all your fallacious drivel.However, you will probably say the B2 purchased a gun with their vast fortunes & shot her due to their extreme state of arousal. You state that the young women was shot at close range. Where did this come from, how is it that you know it to be factual, yet nothing has ever been reported or are you referring to some newspaper article referring to shrapnel or something. I would have thought that if she was shot one would have seen this in big, bold, black print, whilst the defence team and Andy would have spoken about it, yet nothing. I was wondering where you obtained your information to be so adamant that what you state is factual. You are wrong. Andy wouldn't reveal anything other than to say that significant discrepancies have been found in relation to information gleaned from the UK. We all have to wait. However it was mentioned in a recent piece in the Times a highly respected newspaper that they had seen information that pointed to shrapnel wounds. The defence will not publish anything prior to its disclosure in court. We all make presumptions you included. Just sit tight and wait and see what's coming . Unfortunately "gleaned" does mean substantiated...
balo Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 I this topic going to be a record breaker??? Now over 5200 posts in less than 20 days and if the trail ends in October that another 60 day plus, that going to be 20,000 plus posts... probably a lot higher. Don't worry, it will be closed by the mods a long time before that....
Chetzee Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 This question is for you, Balo. Since you seem to know for sure NS was in Bangkok. If his life is ruined and he is so depressed why is he doing nothing to prove his innocence? That's what I would do if I were him and I really had nothing to do with all this, I'd give interviews to all who asked, make my phone records public, find CCTV of me in BKK the night before or even the day before. I would submit to polygraphs, agree to take a truth syrum so long as my attorney is present... I would send the running man bid to FBI and ask them to compare my walk to the running mans walking style (it can be done) Anything, I'm telling you ANYTHING I could do to clear my name from what was done to David and Hannah.. And yet, none of the people suspected are doing that.. Quite the opposite really. Of course you don't have to answer it's no demand.. I'm just curious what you think about it? I understand that this is addressed to balo but if I may ask, has this person, and I take it you are referring to Nomsod, been charged with any offence relating to this matter. If he hasn't then he is deemed innocent and is not obliged to prove or provide anything to anyone, however, if he was charged, then what you are talking about is the task of investigating police in order to establish a person's involvement. And no, I am not sticking up for him, just telling you the way it works in the real world. ............. And no, I am not sticking up for him, just telling you the way it works in the real world. life in ruins , no doubt depressed , huge newwork and money behind him and his family , now let me tell you in the real world the sullied do not give polygraph test . They and with the help of their lawyer Sue , and Sue large . Panya as an individual , Tv stations , RTP .. the list is long , but all we hear is scilence .... no go figure that !
DennisF Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Watching but not posting as the thread is going around in circles and the theories are getting even more bizzare. Some interesting things have occurred though: JTJ has gone from nid noi credibility to absolute zero with his posting of links that are years out of date and his constant thumping on about what the victims families said months ago, asserting that they knew more than anyone else does. How does he know that? Did he see the evidence they were shown or was he just speculating? I do hope he is not going to start a conspiracy theory based on this.For his information the last statement made by the families declared they were keeping an open mind, so maybe a shift there? JD seems to have all but abandoned ship, maybe to make way for the new GB who types at great length with little knowledge of the case, mistake after mistake but he does get a lot of words in those posts, mostly condescending and pseudo-intellectual, perhaps trying to prove he can write. Not sure. Maybe he could spend some time advising his 3 daughters of the dangers of backpacking in Asia rather than spending 24/7 on this thread. Balo shoots himself in the foot and we forgive him because if we read the rest of his post, he was ‘serious’ in what he wrote. OK then.. The trial is where the action is and it has been quite revealing. The altercation between the defence team and ‘senior’ police officers outside the courtroom speaks volumes about the strength, or lack of strength, of the prosecution case and it appears that running scared might well be a good phrase to describe the prosecution and RTP at this point. Sad really, as I thing the majority of RTP do try to do a good job but the patronage system flooks everything up for them. Edit for spelling. Bad boy.
smedly Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Q.E.the F.D It's not just what the police says. The CCTV footage was released to the public, it was examined by the press in detail. The DNA tests were done in four different hospitals. You are clinging to the notion of all of that being part of a cover-up and the people that have handled the evidence are all complicit, people in charge of the CCTV at the building, the press, the hospitals, the police, everyone is in on it; and what is your evidence to support this notion? None, isn't it? Here's another quote from Christopher Hitchens, "that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence". Right. You believe the cops, I don't. You believe the story they put forth and I do not. I thought that had been established about 130 pages ago. Thai press said the only tape they saw from the lawyer (lol one tape) could have been photoshopped and some of the furniture wasn't in their correct place, So some doubt, yeah? Don't hate me because we believe different pieces on uncontested (so far) evidence. "Right. You believe the cops, I don't." Tell me, why do you believe Nomsod was involved? That is to say, what put that notion in your head? Might be because he was the very first suspect claimed by the cop that was removed from the investigation who claimed he had evidence that connected him to the murders along with his forensic scientist investigator Uncle Mon who was even quoted at the time as claiming it was him in the "running man video", then suddenly we had all sorts of cctv video and dna tests and evidence trying to place him somewhere else and dna that didn't match - Dna that didn't match what exactly !!!!!! and worth noting that the police court witness in charge of the investigation has no record of such tests and stated that while being cross examined, yet the police suddenly ruled him out of the investigation and transferred the cop that did - why ? AleG - The DNA tests were done in four different hospitals. what on earth does that actually mean considering the police knew nothing about it, oh wait, maybe it was crime scene investigator and forensic scientist uncle mon that did the tests himself to make sure it was all above board .....right ? you know what guys this thread is going round and round in circles and is adding absolutely nothing of importance, just a lot of bickering trolling and nonsense repetitive posts - How about gibing it a rest until the trial resumes
stephenterry Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 I agree that Thai officials on the island are supposed to make sure they are in charge , but I am talking about criminal activities on the island. Or to put it in another simple way : Isnt it likely that a Burmese criminal could work together with a Thai criminal ? Since we have a mix of Thais and Burmese and farang, we coud easily end up with some sort of mafia controlled activity that both the Burmese and Thai would share. And even farang ( Sean or anyone who was on the island and has not been completely cleared). Just want you to keep all options open. I agree it is a possibility, although IMO I consider the likelihood is remote. Why? Because there are more plausible scenarios than a 'collusion of mafias'. Satisfied?
stickylies Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 I this topic going to be a record breaker??? Now over 5200 posts in less than 20 days and if the trail ends in October that another 60 day plus, that going to be 20,000 plus posts... probably a lot higher. It will surely be a record on the level of male-farang-ego-masturbating... The synthesis of 5000 posts is: 1. B2 are scapegoats, police is corrupt and protects the real killer(s) 2. B2 are guilty, police did a good job, end of story Nearly all other posts in between are nothing more than believers against non-believers, both trying to show (off) how smart party A is and how stupid party B, all covered in a tsunami of speculations, presumptions, and self-fulfilling prophecies. It's not about the victims or the suspects, it's mainly about egotism.
DennisF Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 I this topic going to be a record breaker??? Now over 5200 posts in less than 20 days and if the trail ends in October that another 60 day plus, that going to be 20,000 plus posts... probably a lot higher. It will surely be a record on the level of male-farang-ego-masturbating... The synthesis of 5000 posts is: 1. B2 are scapegoats, police is corrupt and protects the real killer(s) 2. B2 are guilty, police did a good job, end of story Nearly all other posts in between are nothing more than believers against non-believers, both trying to show (off) how smart party A is and how stupid party B, all covered in a tsunami of speculations, presumptions, and self-fulfilling prophecies. It's not about the victims or the suspects, it's mainly about egotism. Erm.. I clicked like as I share your sentiments but.. i is egoism.. not egotism. Sorry.. I'm not really grammar police.
Aj Mick Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 going to try and make this my last comment today on this thread My mind keeps going back to the "running man" cctv and how it is definitely not any of the accused and I am 100% sure of that - body and clothing do not match and no wristbands. It is also an extreme likeness for Nomsod in so many ways I'll bet the transferred cop is being cursed every day for releasing that footage to the public otherwise I honestly don't believe we'd ever have seen it That is an accusation you base upon a very poor cctv image . I can point at 100's of boys that would match nomsod. Over and over again , we hear about nomsod but the boy was not on the island. What about all the other guys that was on the island. Thais, Burmese, and Asian tourists that could also match the cctv footage. The problem is that you're stuck with nomsod because theres no other names to pick . How do you know that Nom Sod wasn't on the island? Sure there is possibly doctored less than clear video offered as evidence. But to counter that there is grainy video of someone on the island that could be him. And there are those who may have seen him there, but are conveniently not available, or not prepared to to speak up. There is certainly some doubt as to his whereabouts at the time. Away from that, now the Justice Department's Forensic scientist is providing evidence for the defence, it puts the credibility of the Police forensic science work on the line. At the end this trial, or maybe an appeal, it may be established who did not commit the crime. Just who did is likely to remain in doubt, most likely deliberately so.
AleG Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 "Right. You believe the cops, I don't." Tell me, why do you believe Nomsod was involved? That is to say, what put that notion in your head? Do you read Thai forums? Not CSI LA, Thai language forums? If not I will send you a link. So the answer is someone on the Internet said it was him? That's all there is to it, someone on the Internet said it was him, that's the source of the "tip-off" to the police that it was him. It was all gossip, nothing more, nothing less. Since then it's been over ten months of gossiping, speculation and outright lies trying to finding ways to justify why there's not one single shred of verifiable evidence or testimony to link him to the murders; none, zero, nothing.
Darkknight666 Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 "Right. You believe the cops, I don't." Tell me, why do you believe Nomsod was involved? That is to say, what put that notion in your head? Do you read Thai forums? Not CSI LA, Thai language forums? If not I will send you a link. So the answer is someone on the Internet said it was him? That's all there is to it, someone on the Internet said it was him, that's the source of the "tip-off" to the police that it was him. It was all gossip, nothing more, nothing less. Since then it's been over ten months of gossiping, speculation and outright lies trying to finding ways to justify why there's not one single shred of verifiable evidence or testimony to link him to the murders; none, zero, nothing. Is that what I just said? Your boring.
AleG Posted July 27, 2015 Posted July 27, 2015 Right. You believe the cops, I don't. You believe the story they put forth and I do not. I thought that had been established about 130 pages ago. Thai press said the only tape they saw from the lawyer (lol one tape) could have been photoshopped and some of the furniture wasn't in their correct place, So some doubt, yeah? Don't hate me because we believe different pieces on uncontested (so far) evidence. "Right. You believe the cops, I don't." Tell me, why do you believe Nomsod was involved? That is to say, what put that notion in your head? Might be because he was the very first suspect claimed by the cop that was removed from the investigation who claimed he had evidence that connected him to the murders along with his forensic scientist investigator Uncle Mon who was even quoted at the time as claiming it was him in the "running man video", then suddenly we had all sorts of cctv video and dna tests and evidence trying to place him somewhere else and dna that didn't match - Dna that didn't match what exactly !!!!!! and worth noting that the police court witness in charge of the investigation has no record of such tests and stated that while being cross examined, yet the police suddenly ruled him out of the investigation and transferred the cop that did - why ? AleG - The DNA tests were done in four different hospitals. what on earth does that actually mean considering the police knew nothing about it, oh wait, maybe it was crime scene investigator and forensic scientist uncle mon that did the tests himself to make sure it was all above board .....right ? you know what guys this thread is going round and round in circles and is adding absolutely nothing of importance, just a lot of bickering trolling and nonsense repetitive posts - How about gibing it a rest until the trial resumes So you think he is involved because a cop said so... guess what? the same cop said he wasn't involved when an alibi was proven. You choose to believe one thing and not the other, even though the one you don't want to believe in has been corroborated by third parties.
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