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Prayuth likens Uighur refugees to breeding animals

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Have to agree with the sentiment here.. stupid and dumb remark. But one has to wonder how many people in the USA think the same about illegal Mexicans and people in the UK and EU about illegal Muslim immigrants. There are quite a few people who think like this on this forum many would love to have the Thai tough immigration rules in their home country.

For the record I think this is a stupid remark and the general should be ashamed.

Agree with you totally on the stupid remark, however since when did Barrack Obama, Angela Merkel, David Cameron even Tony Abbot say anything nearly this insulting to a people in public on cameras and microphones rolling in real time? so don't go confusing "what some people in a nation might be thinking and what the leader of any developed nation says. The leader of a nation speaks for its nation, this is a shame to Thailand and I do not believe the Thai people at large, shares his sentiments.

And further more how do you know what anyone is thinking? And in comparison to public speaking?

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What Prayut tells is surely not Political Correct, but it is true

Good grief H90. You are totally confused with the term politically correct and the appropriateness of the speaker. He is the PM and should be careful and have the smart to avoid expression that may marginalized particular group of people. He represent the country in the world arena and stupid off the cuff remark like this bring shame to the country.

I don't need any sweet talking politicians, I need honest one. The true often hurts. Contraception is not allowed. And you have some Imam in Europe who are boasting about the degenerated western and how they'll win with the wombs of their women.

So what Prayut tells is complete true or at least a valid concern even you don't like to hear it.

Those are not honest but degratory words spoken by most uncouth person and certainly not from your Prime Minister. He is an arrogant and pompous and unbefitting to assume the high office. He is an ambarassment every time he speak. That is true even if you don't like to hear.

Of course they are true. You want to hear, that they are welcome and will fit in perfect and are an enrichment to Thai culture.

But in fact:

The Thais don't like them much.....they have already problems with southern Muslims, but they like Chinese Muslims much less.

They won't fit in, and they will teach their children in a Muslim way.

They will get 5-10 children per woman while Thais get 0-4

They will not bring an enrichment, they live their superstition, Thailand has already enough own problems with superstition, fortune teller, lucky numbers, bad monks, etc.

So what is not honest?

But yes it is insulting, the true is often hard and unfriendly, but I prefer someone speak it out than some nice lies spined from the PR advisor.


I agree with him 100%, send them back whence they came, where they can either fall into line or face the consequences, and yes, they do breed like bloody rabbits.


I understand Thailand does not want them. Surely there is a way to express that less controversially.

Perhaps even offer alternatives, like granting them passage to say Malaysia, Brunei, etc.

Being outspoken is one thing, being plainly offensive is another.


Dear Khun Prayt! Thank you for telling the truth to all these Western hypocrites. you are protecting your own nation and I am happy to live in the country managed by you. And His Majesty as a Head of State. Thailand is so lucky to have you as a PM. May be it's because of good karma of all Thai people.

Buddha bless you!

Yes because the Buddha was all about hate, ignorance and intolerance to vulnerable people wasn't he?

Buddha bless homework indeed.

because Buddha taught to see things as they are and not lie to yourself and others.

And who said "I am not a dictator" ?


I agree with him 100%, send them back whence they came, where they can either fall into line or face the consequences, and yes, they do breed like bloody rabbits.

Chinese are only welcome in organized tourist groups and herded around in and confined to white buses.

Otherwise they are Untermenschen who are not allowed to breed. Send them in KZ or back home where a similar fate is waiting for them. Jawohl!


"Prayuth, who often goes off-script during testy exchanges with the media..."

Testy...sounds suitable for a nick name.

Careful, some Thai's might think that means balls! whistling.gif


Some "interesting" posts on here!

Especially from a fraction, that always calls everybody a "Thai- basher", who dares to criticize anything happening in Thailand and remind us, not to tar all Thais with the same brush...the same fraction has obviously no problem taring all and every Muslim with the same brush!

Here is a thought for you: I don't have sympathy for Muslims...I have all the sympathy in the world for HUMAN beings, who are tortured, killed, who are stripped of their human rights because of their religion, political opinion, race, sexual orientation and...and ...and!

And H90...if you have not seen Christians kill gays or commit atrocities: the Christian US has plenty of that...as had Northern Ireland...as has Uganda...and...and ...and!

None so blind like the ones, who don't want to see!


Thailand must make it clear that it doesn't welcome Uighur refugees.

If Turkey decided to become their sponsor, let them go to Turkey.

Why do they want to live in Thailand?

There is Turkey who is more than happy to give them all a political asylum.

Maybe America will also open the doors for Uighur refugees?

But instead America is holding them at Guantanamo Bay prison.

The fact is that America doesn't want Uighur refugees.

You have no clue about the current state of affairs. Turkey is doing everything it can to get these Uygurs to come: And they want to come to Turkey as well. But Thailand is going to send them to China instead of Turkey where they will face torture at best! These people don't want to stay in Thailand, they are not sexpats! China wants them back, they're probably going to execute them.


Refugees are not "illegal"

But economic migrants without the correct paperwork are illegal.

Refugees are not illegal

next time at the immigration I'll also tell I am a refugee.....

No the are illegal immigrants and they don't want to stay with their brother in faith where they have much less cultural problems in Pakistan or Afghanistan. Malaysia or Saudi Arabia also don't want them.

And Thailand is here fair, they send Europeans without valid home as well.


Do you realize that there might be some criminals among those so called "refugees" that may be wanted in China for various crimes they may have committed?

Better to let China sort it out.

Of course Turkey will accept them all, and it doesn't care if the criminals want to escape from China to hide away in other countries.


But Thailand is going to send them to China instead of Turkey where they will face torture at best! These people don't want to stay in Thailand, they are not sexpats! China wants them back, they're probably going to execute them.

Bold assertions. Do you have any evidence that China has ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland?


But Thailand is going to send them to China instead of Turkey where they will face torture at best! These people don't want to stay in Thailand, they are not sexpats! China wants them back, they're probably going to execute them.

Bold assertions. Do you have any evidence that China has ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland?

5000 people get executed in China each year! There is a very high chance these folks will face execution, do you think China wants these guys back to give them flowers or something? Why do you think these people are trying to escape from China?


Its against basic human right principles to send someone to another country against their own will. Last time I checked Interpol hadn't issued arrest warrants for these uyghurs. They want to go to Turkey, and Turkey wants them. But they're going to be deported to China, this is the real problem.


He has a way with words...........

Yup, the developed world is not ready for the stark naked truth. Those who disagree should explain why.

are you really doubling-down on Prayuth's insinuation that the Uighur's are sub-human?

If you are, then can we change your alias to DTrump?

Can't imagine what Prayuth calls farangs who spend all their waking hours stabbing him in the back from the safety of their computer rooms. whistling.gif


But Thailand is going to send them to China instead of Turkey where they will face torture at best! These people don't want to stay in Thailand, they are not sexpats! China wants them back, they're probably going to execute them.

Bold assertions. Do you have any evidence that China has ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland?

5000 people get executed in China each year! There is a very high chance these folks will face execution, do you think China wants these guys back to give them flowers or something? Why do you think these people are trying to escape from China?

And how many of them are of this breed does China execute each year, and how may Han do these kill each year.? And how many does the USA execute each year through drones etc. Lets get this in perspective, every country reserves the right to execute it's own citizens. especially if they become a pain in the arse.


But Thailand is going to send them to China instead of Turkey where they will face torture at best! These people don't want to stay in Thailand, they are not sexpats! China wants them back, they're probably going to execute them.

Bold assertions. Do you have any evidence that China has ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland?

5000 people get executed in China each year! There is a very high chance these folks will face execution, do you think China wants these guys back to give them flowers or something? Why do you think these people are trying to escape from China?

China has a terrible human rights record and does rather like executing people, there's no denying that. However, it's a big country with lots of murderers, rapists, embezzlers and others of that ilk. I suspect they make up pretty much all the 5000 each year.

The question remains: has China ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland? And if not your assertion that there's "a very high chance these folks will face execution" is completely groundless.


But Thailand is going to send them to China instead of Turkey where they will face torture at best! These people don't want to stay in Thailand, they are not sexpats! China wants them back, they're probably going to execute them.

Bold assertions. Do you have any evidence that China has ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland?

5000 people get executed in China each year! There is a very high chance these folks will face execution, do you think China wants these guys back to give them flowers or something? Why do you think these people are trying to escape from China?

China has a terrible human rights record and does rather like executing people, there's no denying that. However, it's a big country with lots of murderers, rapists, embezzlers and others of that ilk. I suspect they make up pretty much all the 5000 each year.

The question remains: has China ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland? And if not your assertion that there's "a very high chance these folks will face execution" is completely groundless.

Why does it want its citizens back so much if they are not going to punish them? Why don't they let them go back to Turkey. And you have to look at the underlying causes which led these uyghurs to escape China in the hopes of finding a better homeland in the first place. I reiterate my stance regarding the fate of Uyghurs. They will most likely face intense intorregation and torture once they are shipped off to China.


Why does it want its citizens back so much if they are not going to punish them? Why don't they let them go back to Turkey. And you have to look at the underlying causes which led these uyghurs to escape China in the hopes of finding a better homeland in the first place. I reiterate my stance regarding the fate of Uyghurs. They will most likely face intense intorregation and torture once they are shipped off to China.

You make your assertions but you haven't presented a shred of factual evidence that the Uighurs will face bad treatment when they go home. Do you have any evidence? Or are you simply making wild, Sino-phonic accusations?


But Thailand is going to send them to China instead of Turkey where they will face torture at best! These people don't want to stay in Thailand, they are not sexpats! China wants them back, they're probably going to execute them.

Bold assertions. Do you have any evidence that China has ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland?

5000 people get executed in China each year! There is a very high chance these folks will face execution, do you think China wants these guys back to give them flowers or something? Why do you think these people are trying to escape from China?

China has a terrible human rights record and does rather like executing people, there's no denying that. However, it's a big country with lots of murderers, rapists, embezzlers and others of that ilk. I suspect they make up pretty much all the 5000 each year.

The question remains: has China ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland? And if not your assertion that there's "a very high chance these folks will face execution" is completely groundless.

PRC oppresses, imprisons, extrajudicial killings whilst in prison etc of Falun Gong members; why do you believe the Uighur are exempt from such practices?

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