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Life outside is like life inside prison, says freed student activist

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Life outside is like life inside prison, says freed student activist
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Academics and supporters of the 14 anti-coup student activists, who were released from detention on Wednesday, held a traditional blessing ceremony at Thammasat University late Friday afternoon.

During the ceremony, Rangsiman Rome and Jatupat Boonpataraksa, who are among the 14 members of New Democracy Movement (NDM) previously detained, reiterated that they will continue fighting through peaceful means.

"We did not win this time, but we'll keep fighting," Rangsiman said.

Jatupat, meanwhile, compared life outside to living inside prision.

"Whether it's inside or outside [prison], we have no freedom," the young activist, who is studying law at Khon Kaen University, said. Jatupat added that NDM would continue questioning the government and their policies, and work on trying to break the bipartisan politics of the Kingdom, where people are perceived through the colour of their political affiliation.

Thammasat University anthropologist Prajak Kongkirati, who was at the ceremony, said society should pay attention to the NDM core values such as non-violence and democracy.

Sudsanguan Suthisorn, an expert in criminal justice administration, said: "I'm proud of this group of students as they remain firmly committed to realising their ideology. They stand for what is right." She added that the ruling-National Council for Peace and Order should understand that people want an elected government and freedom.

Army Chief of Staff General Chatchalerm Chalermsukh denies that the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) is threatening parents of the 14 anti-coup students, saying the NCPO is not a mafia organization. He said soldiers have merely been sent to talk with the parents to explain why their children were arrested and detained and that no order was given to forbid anyone from airing differing political opinion.

"Soldiers cannot threaten anyone because if such action was taken then it won't be different from goons or mafia. Soldiers who hold weapons cannot threaten anyone and if it is found that soldiers dispatched were speaking impolitely, please send a clip or evidence to the Army immediately and I shall investigate it myself. I have never given such order," insisted Chatchalerm.

Chatchalerm, who is also deputy secretary general of the NCPO added that he understand that people have differing political opinion but the country needs to maintain a climate of peace and reconciliation.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Life-outside-is-like-life-inside-prison-says-freed-30264249.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-11

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............................"Soldiers cannot threaten anyone because if such action was taken then it won't be different from goons or mafia. Soldiers who hold weapons cannot threaten anyone and if it is found that soldiers dispatched were speaking impolitely, please send a clip or evidence to the Army immediately and I shall investigate it myself. I have never given such order," insisted Chatchalerm."..............................

Would not want to be compared to goons or mafia, would we ?

"speaking impolitely" ??? They are packing lots of heat, they can speak any way they darn well feel like ! clap2.gif


Life outside is like life inside prison, says freed student activist

and free food as well - why didn't you just stay there then lol

and I completely agree with this

" the young activist, who is studying law at Khon Kaen University, said. Jatupat added that NDM would continue questioning the government and their policies, and work on trying to break the bipartisan politics of the Kingdom, where people are perceived through the colour of their political affiliation.

give this young man a job in the reform council would not be such a bad idea as he seems to be on exactly the same path and the PM and the current government


Delusional and ridiculous.

I suggest he gets a real taste of porridge, he is continuing to defy the government and break the law by congregating to defame the regime and spout delusional nonsense - 'Inside prison is like outside'



"if it is found that soldiers dispatched were speaking impolitely, please send a clip or evidence to the Army immediately and I shall investigate it myself"

General Chatchalerm would be run off his feet if he extended the offer to Muslim communities in the far South.

"Whether it's inside or outside [prison], we have no freedom," the young activist, who is studying law at Khon Kaen University, said.

If he thinks that, wait till he gets his first job!


Just another drama queen.... life outside is like prison, what an idiot. Try living in Norway... the govenment controls everything you do. Thailand is a very free country to live in.


Life outside is like life inside prison, says freed student activist

and free food as well - why didn't you just stay there then lol

and I completely agree with this

" the young activist, who is studying law at Khon Kaen University, said. Jatupat added that NDM would continue questioning the government and their policies, and work on trying to break the bipartisan politics of the Kingdom, where people are perceived through the colour of their political affiliation.

give this young man a job in the reform council would not be such a bad idea as he seems to be on exactly the same path and the PM and the current government

So, to sum up your position, you have zero respect for people who want freedom of speech and the right to vote. Can't say I admire you for that.


Just another drama queen.... life outside is like prison, what an idiot. Try living in Norway... the govenment controls everything you do. Thailand is a very free country to live in.

Yeah, you're right! Except of course, no political free speech of any kind, and no right to vote. Duh.


If these cretins were also out protesting against Pheu-Thai and the absolutely disgraceful way they were running the country with their lies - like the false rice deals by ministers in the highest positions - then I apologise for calling them cretins.

But I would bet my house that these typical red-shirt hypocrites did not.

They have no clue what they are talking about. Why is Thailand obsessed by a few students ?. The rest of the world treats them as what they are : people just beginning to learn about real life.


...following the script......of a 'D' Movie plot......

...and it makes headlines....

...how pathetic....

...that's why 'Ellen' was cancelled here....too intellectual.....


............................"Soldiers cannot threaten anyone because if such action was taken then it won't be different from goons or mafia. Soldiers who hold weapons cannot threaten anyone and if it is found that soldiers dispatched were speaking impolitely, please send a clip or evidence to the Army immediately and I shall investigate it myself. I have never given such order," insisted Chatchalerm."..............................

Would not want to be compared to goons or mafia, would we ?

"speaking impolitely" ??? They are packing lots of heat, they can speak any way they darn well feel like ! clap2.gif

So the students confirm that the soldiers are a lot better than Thaksins goons, but still want Thaksins goons back.....


Just another drama queen.... life outside is like prison, what an idiot. Try living in Norway... the govenment controls everything you do. Thailand is a very free country to live in.

Yeah, you're right! Except of course, no political free speech of any kind, and no right to vote. Duh.

And you are right too... Except a lot of people aren't that bothered about protesting against everything they dissagree with, they are too busy getting on with and enjoying their lives.


So, to sum up your position, you have zero respect for people who want freedom of speech and the right to vote. Can't say I admire you for that.

Yes students should be allowed to speak freely, while they still think they know everything.


............................"Soldiers cannot threaten anyone because if such action was taken then it won't be different from goons or mafia. Soldiers who hold weapons cannot threaten anyone and if it is found that soldiers dispatched were speaking impolitely, please send a clip or evidence to the Army immediately and I shall investigate it myself. I have never given such order," insisted Chatchalerm."..............................

Would not want to be compared to goons or mafia, would we ?

"speaking impolitely" ??? They are packing lots of heat, they can speak any way they darn well feel like ! clap2.gif

So the students confirm that the soldiers are a lot better than Thaksins goons, but still want Thaksins goons back.....

Reading comprehension not your strong point?


Just another drama queen.... life outside is like prison, what an idiot. Try living in Norway... the govenment controls everything you do. Thailand is a very free country to live in.

Yeah, you're right! Except of course, no political free speech of any kind, and no right to vote. Duh.

And you are right too... Except a lot of people aren't that bothered about protesting against everything they dissagree with, they are too busy getting on with and enjoying their lives.

That sounds like such hardship - my sympathies!!!


I'd say that is just a slight bit of an overstatement. Maybe he should stay at the Bangkok Hilton for a couple of months than revisit that comment.


Just another drama queen.... life outside is like prison, what an idiot. Try living in Norway... the govenment controls everything you do. Thailand is a very free country to live in.

Yeah, you're right! Except of course, no political free speech of any kind, and no right to vote. Duh.

And you are right too... Except a lot of people aren't that bothered about protesting against everything they dissagree with, they are too busy getting on with and enjoying their lives.

And they are 'getting on with and enjoying their lives' because someone at some time protested their right to do so. Duh.


Just another drama queen.... life outside is like prison, what an idiot. Try living in Norway... the govenment controls everything you do. Thailand is a very free country to live in.

I thought that Norway, Sweden, and Finland were socialistic Utopias. There not? Omg!


Just another drama queen.... life outside is like prison, what an idiot. Try living in Norway... the govenment controls everything you do. Thailand is a very free country to live in.

Yeah, you're right! Except of course, no political free speech of any kind, and no right to vote. Duh.

One person's Utopia is another person's Hell. Show me the 'Perfect Country'? There is none. You find one that is relatively comfortable, accept the good with the bad, and call it 'Home'.


Delusional and ridiculous.

I suggest he gets a real taste of porridge, he is continuing to defy the government and break the law by congregating to defame the regime and spout delusional nonsense - 'Inside prison is like outside'


I bet you wouldn't be so accepting if your own country arrested and tried you for publicly gathering and expressing your views in criticism of your government.


lets be honest here, inside you have bugger all, outside you can do what you want basically, no voting at the moment and sh*t stirring is allowed but that is only until next year when elections will be held, Seems these idiots cannot handle the fact they cannot do as they please all the time, two minor inconveniences against cleaning up a lot of the endemic corruption and crap that has been allowed to flourish here is a small price to pay. I will be one of the first to start bitching if they do not hold elections next year but at this stage the fact that it is now safer on the streets and people are more confident with out the ptp/red running riot the country is in a better position than its been for a long time. I am giving the pm a chance to do what he has promise and it is not making life harder for anyone, the only imposition is the vote and trying to cause conflict, apart from that it is pretty much do as you please. The ones stirring the pot are the ones that have been curtailed from doing what they used to, ptp and red supporters, same in here, it is the ones that support them or those that cannot handle what is happening and simply want to bitch about it. Using the fact it was a coup doesnt mean a thing unless the general does not accomplish what he set out to, if it means getting back to a democracy without all the corruption and bullsh*t that was happening under the ptp then it needs to be given a chance for the betterment for all, not just one sides supporters. If they dont have elections next year then everyone should stand up against it, before then it is simply people with their noses out of joint, be honest, how is it effecting you that makes it so bad?, I have seen nothing that shows it at all in all my travels here, in fact it lot better than before the coup.


After seeing this picture these student activist are still trying to get the government to arrest them again. All these people in this picture should be sent to prison for breaking the junta law. More and more to come if the Government alloys these gatherings.

"Whether it's inside or outside [prison], we have no freedom," the young activist, who is studying law at Khon Kaen University, said.

If he thinks that, wait till he gets his first job!

With his attitude I dont think I would hire him


Delusional and ridiculous.

I suggest he gets a real taste of porridge, he is continuing to defy the government and break the law by congregating to defame the regime and spout delusional nonsense - 'Inside prison is like outside'


I bet you wouldn't be so accepting if your own country arrested and tried you for publicly gathering and expressing your views in criticism of your government.

That's really rather the point isn't it!

There's too much gathering and expressing opinion at a time when ITS ILLEGAL.

Just like selling drugs, corruption and murder. They too are illegal in Thailand.

The government has put the country in the quiet corner for a couple of years to allow everyone to calm down.

Elections should occur next year, when a raft of changes have been made to enable reconciliation and a safe reasonable platform to exchange ideas is put in place.

Until then it's time to remain circumspect and taciturn.


I will tell you one thing. I don't particularly like having a military regime, but it is what it is and I accept it. I don't trust red shirts and their pawns....the troublemakers. I was born in Yugoslavia under benevolent dictatorship and it was a much better solution than any alternative. Outside Western forces destroyed my country and they will do same with Thailand.


If these cretins were also out protesting against Pheu-Thai and the absolutely disgraceful way they were running the country with their lies - like the false rice deals by ministers in the highest positions - then I apologise for calling them cretins.

But I would bet my house that these typical red-shirt hypocrites did not.

They have no clue what they are talking about. Why is Thailand obsessed by a few students ?. The rest of the world treats them as what they are : people just beginning to learn about real life.

But but Thaksin/redshirts/PTP.....

This thread's about students protesting about the junta.

By the way....

They carried out loads of protests against Pheu Thai and were a big part of Suthep's rabble.

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