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Russian wanted in connection with fatal stabbing of dog in Jomtien

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Get rid of all the Soi dogs and the place would be much safer for kids and elderly folk.

They are a pest and a menice and spread rabies.

Also get rid of the do gooder's who go around feeding the soi dogs.

( his a westerner with a light blue van ) bah.gif

we had 2-3 round the back of me, now this idiot turns up every day and feeds them, we now have a pack of 9. ( very nice )

Thanks bah.gif


His encounter with the dog ended up with him kicking and then stabbing the dog.

It was not made clear if the dog was attacking the Russian at the time or not.

Not made clear cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

My view:

A pitbull rerrier. what a "nice little puppie"!

This bad Russian man killed the nice little puppie rolleyes.gif

Encounter with the dog:

It just wanted to lick his foot wink.png

One of these lying Thai crooks wanting to pressure some money from the farang for oneselfs reckless behavior (walking a fighting dog without a rope and a muzzle).

Two of these monsters almost killed one my peaceful dogs while walking past a house.

I hit them with a thick bamboo stick as hard as I could. It broke,

You can't stop these killers, except with a bullet or a knife.

Yet another of the ill informed public who hate pit bulls for no other reason than their (unjustified) reputation.

All dogs are territorial and all will defend what they believe to be their territory. I've been bitten by 2 yes two, little pookie-wookie-fluffy wuffy, piece of crud, yapping, puppy-wuppies when walking.

It is not about the breed of the dog, it's about the owners. How many pitbull owners have them to show their b@lls because they lack them themselves.They are the cause of the problem, training their animals to be aggressive.

"It's not about the breed but the owners". Do you realize how silly this is? So if I want a big horse like a Clydesdale I can simply find the right owner and I will have the horse? Certain animals are bred for certain purposes. Ptibulls are BRED as fighting dogs. Sure owners can have some control but you cannot reverse genes designed for certain things.


Get rid of all the Soi dogs and the place would be much safer for kids and elderly folk.

They are a pest and a menice and spread rabies.

Also get rid of the do gooder's who go around feeding the soi dogs.

( his a westerner with a light blue van ) bah.gif

we had 2-3 round the back of me, now this idiot turns up every day and feeds them, we now have a pack of 9. ( very nice )

Thanks bah.gif

Why not have a go at him. I've got rid of most of these people around my way who create dog $hit on our roads. Yes, you put food in one end and $hit comes out the other. It ain't rocket science. If they wish to feed these dogs OK but at least clean up all the crap afterwards.


Get rid of all the Soi dogs and the place would be much safer for kids and elderly folk.

They are a pest and a menice and spread rabies.

Whilst I agree with you, the dog that is the subject of this thread was not a Soi dog. It had an owner. Whether or not that owner took proper care of the dog and what made the Russian kill it is still however unknown.


In the paper we are not allowed to link to it says:

Dog owner Dussadee Khom-arwut, 42, told police that she went out when her dog, ''Rod-tank'' was attacked. She immediately went to the area to take her injured dog to an animal hospital. However, her dog died before receiving treatment, Ms Dussadee said in tears.
Witnesses said a foreign man had used a wooden baton to beat the pitbull as it moved from the entrance of the soi to the middle of the alley. A few minutes later, they heard the dog scream loudly before it ran bleeding to the beer bar.

So the dog WAS loose on the street. This tragic incident would never have happened if the owner had kept her dog properly secured on private land.


Get rid of all the Soi dogs and the place would be much safer for kids and elderly folk.

They are a pest and a menice and spread rabies.

Also get rid of the do gooder's who go around feeding the soi dogs.

( his a westerner with a light blue van ) bah.gif

we had 2-3 round the back of me, now this idiot turns up every day and feeds them, we now have a pack of 9. ( very nice )

Thanks bah.gif

Why not have a go at him. I've got rid of most of these people around my way who create dog $hit on our roads. Yes, you put food in one end and $hit comes out the other. It ain't rocket science. If they wish to feed these dogs OK but at least clean up all the crap afterwards.

It wont be long before the numbers are back down.

to an expectable level. ohmy.png

I love dogs but not all of them.


Get rid of all the Soi dogs and the place would be much safer for kids and elderly folk.

They are a pest and a menice and spread rabies.

Also get rid of the do gooder's who go around feeding the soi dogs.

( his a westerner with a light blue van ) bah.gif

we had 2-3 round the back of me, now this idiot turns up every day and feeds them, we now have a pack of 9. ( very nice )

Thanks bah.gif

Why not have a go at him. I've got rid of most of these people around my way who create dog $hit on our roads. Yes, you put food in one end and $hit comes out the other. It ain't rocket science. If they wish to feed these dogs OK but at least clean up all the crap afterwards.

It wont be long before the numbers are back down.

to an expectable level. ohmy.png

I love dogs but not all of them.

Better to get rid of the guy than the dogs. Treat the cause not the symptom.


He was drunk, he was already carrying a knife, the next word I would like to use to describe him will not make it through the language filter, end of.

Says who? The owner was away at the time. Her mother was indoors when the dog stumbled in. Which witness are we referring to?


Just had an incident here in Canada. Pit bull killed a guy. The dog has been banned for over ten years now. Not sure where the dog came from but a guy definitely died from the attack.

Canada: Nanny state where you can't carry a gun.

Why do you think there is a gun culture in the US. Attacked in the US: Man, Pitt-bull, Glock, end-of-story. Possible law-suit, but it's better to be breathing in a courtroom then buried in a box.


Looks like the dog is getting all the sympathy votes.

The Russians sure are held in low esteem around here!

I would like to hear what happened, I rarely hear of Russians attacking dogs for no reason.

I frequently hear and have been subjected to, feral behaviour of free roaming uncontrolled dogs in Thailand.

This is a large, male, known vicious, breed of dog. An attacking dog brings with it rabies fears from the slightest bite.

My first thought was, good, one less, but I would like to hear what the Russian or a witness has to say.

There is a possibility the Russian was trespassing too.

I'm thinking folks be a'singing a different tune if the paper said 'American', or 'British', or 'Australian', or 'European'. But it said 'Russian', so opinion is already biased. And of course, all Ruskies are Vodka drinking drunks, right? How about just, 'a man' stabbed a 'pit-bull like dog' and go from there. Human being stabs a type of dog bred for fighting and hunting. Now let's find out the other facts!


Pictures on Pattaya One show dog wounded on his right side, not in the chest.


Yep, little, tiny, helpless puppy. How many kilos do you think the Toy Poodle, err, Chihuahua, err, Yorkie Pit Bull weighed.


Went for a ride along the subject Soi yesterday arvo. No visible dogs, heard some yappy ones, but plenty of dog poo just like most streets in Pattaya.


I had 2 pitbulls in Australia I called up the pitbull association asked who had the best red nose type strain in oz. They were the best dogs I ever had I had French mastiffs a roti and few other breeds. Close to pure pitty lines make extremely smart loyal dogs not human aggressive but not the type of dogs you trust with other dogs as if another breed starts a fight a pitty loves to fight and will finish it also common sense can't let it out as someone walking the dog can spell trouble. My dogs bloodlines were still close to what a pitbull was breed for game dogs were kept for breeding any dog aggressive to humans put down as men go in pits with dogs. pitbulls breed and sold now esp last few decades are breed for looks and are not really anything like the pitties of the past. I decided to go to a pitbull show in Melbourne and I never seen worse people in my life gathered together. Covered in jail type Tattoos missing teeth the worst cars dings and scratched to shit 95% complete scum bags you know where on the dole and with police records. Made me realize it's how the dog is raised depends on how it reacts with people but pitbulls are not meant to be allowed to roam. And people saying a 7 month old pup is dangerous and the Russian had a reason to stab it are complete idiots! The chances of a 7 month old pup being aggressive are like the odds of winning the lottery. You all should fit in nicely living over here [emoji106]

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Has anyone got the 'real story' yet, or is this destined to be relegated to the archives of the Conjecture Corner archives.


I had 2 pitbulls in Australia I called up the pitbull association asked who had the best red nose type strain in oz. They were the best dogs I ever had I had French mastiffs a roti and few other breeds. Close to pure pitty lines make extremely smart loyal dogs not human aggressive but not the type of dogs you trust with other dogs as if another breed starts a fight a pitty loves to fight and will finish it also common sense can't let it out as someone walking the dog can spell trouble. My dogs bloodlines were still close to what a pitbull was breed for game dogs were kept for breeding any dog aggressive to humans put down as men go in pits with dogs. pitbulls breed and sold now esp last few decades are breed for looks and are not really anything like the pitties of the past. I decided to go to a pitbull show in Melbourne and I never seen worse people in my life gathered together. Covered in jail type Tattoos missing teeth the worst cars dings and scratched to shit 95% complete scum bags you know where on the dole and with police records. Made me realize it's how the dog is raised depends on how it reacts with people but pitbulls are not meant to be allowed to roam. And people saying a 7 month old pup is dangerous and the Russian had a reason to stab it are complete idiots! The chances of a 7 month old pup being aggressive are like the odds of winning the lottery. You all should fit in nicely living over here [emoji106]

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I think the logic of this post speaks for itself. Enjoy the show:)


I had 2 pitbulls in Australia I called up the pitbull association asked who had the best red nose type strain in oz. They were the best dogs I ever had I had French mastiffs a roti and few other breeds. Close to pure pitty lines make extremely smart loyal dogs not human aggressive but not the type of dogs you trust with other dogs as if another breed starts a fight a pitty loves to fight and will finish it also common sense can't let it out as someone walking the dog can spell trouble. My dogs bloodlines were still close to what a pitbull was breed for game dogs were kept for breeding any dog aggressive to humans put down as men go in pits with dogs. pitbulls breed and sold now esp last few decades are breed for looks and are not really anything like the pitties of the past. I decided to go to a pitbull show in Melbourne and I never seen worse people in my life gathered together. Covered in jail type Tattoos missing teeth the worst cars dings and scratched to shit 95% complete scum bags you know where on the dole and with police records. Made me realize it's how the dog is raised depends on how it reacts with people but pitbulls are not meant to be allowed to roam. And people saying a 7 month old pup is dangerous and the Russian had a reason to stab it are complete idiots! The chances of a 7 month old pup being aggressive are like the odds of winning the lottery. You all should fit in nicely living over here [emoji106]

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I think the logic of this post speaks for itself. Enjoy the show:)

I have two dogs. Fenced. They don't go out. I've trained them to stay calm. I don't let them jump on people; I don't let them run all over the place in a excited frenzy, I calm them; I mix food right in front of them while they sit, and they eat when they are total calm. I am the pack leader and alpha male in the household. If my dogs do get out, as on occasion some idiot will come into our gated, fenced enclosure, leaving the gate wide open, so it sometimes happens -- and then I track them down, call them back, and bring them home, then have a discussion with whomever left the gate open, which we now have locked virtually all the time. Can't trust the simple-minded; the dogs will go out an open gate, and the simple-minded folk around here don't seem to know that after opening a latched outer gate, it's respectful to close and relatch it. So now they all just stay locked.

So, I agree with Cesear Millan: There aren't bad dogs, just bad owners. But when the owners don't have their animals trained, how's he put it, "Calm submissiveness', around you, and around all people, then you have a problem. How many owners of large breed and aggressive breed dogs go, "Oh my dog wouldn't hurt a fly.", and then end up in court facing a wrongful death lawsuit because 'puppy' isn't trained well, senses fear in someone, and goes into 'dominant alpha' mode. Happens all the time. Most people who own dogs don't have a clue how to control them. And worse, the treat them like little humans; their freaking dogs!!!

So, if the Russian stabbed the 7 month old Pitt Bull mix which is bigger at 7 months then my Thai-Shepard mix is at 2.5 years, then my guess is that he was defending himself. Go back up to post 166 and look at the size of the dog as compared to the size of the lady sitting next to it. (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/839629-russian-wanted-in-connection-with-fatal-stabbing-of-dog-in-jomtien/page-7#entry9617125)

But again, it'll be nice when the fact actually get out, if they ever do.


Defending himself with a knife against a 7 month old pup lol yes sounds logical iv seen so many 7 month old pups that hang around shops meeting a lot of people getting socialized that suddenly go berserk lol. Congrats on your alpha status and as the leader of the pack but don't let your missus hear you say that

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Defending himself with a knife against a 7 month old pup lol yes sounds logical iv seen so many 7 month old pups that hang around shops meeting a lot of people getting socialized that suddenly go berserk lol. Congrats on your alpha status and as the leader of the pack but don't let your missus hear you say that

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It's the same mind-set has calling Micheal Brown a child (6 foot 4 and 292 pound 18 year old adult). People referring to him as a child had an agenda.

Go back to post 166 and look at the size of the dog compared to the size of the women. That's a large, pitt-bull mix. Calling it a 'puppy' is suppose to make it small and harmless in the eye's of the reader. What's your agenda? Really?

Here's my guess: post-87058-0-23908100-1436878445_thumb.j


I never looked at the pic but I'd bet money from that pic it's not 7 months old and it's a mixed breed dog as well. Which again is a problem with the pure old school pitbull bloodlines getting mixed with other breeds creates unstable traits and other issues etc but pointless to go over it

A 300 pound guy reaching into a car to grab a gun from a cop is asking to get shot imo

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American pit bull dogs cross or not, they are still devil dogs.

Every person I have ever met that have this type of dog are strange people, why is that ?

just coincidence, think not, the owners have issues, all of them. bah.gif

Bet when we get a bit more truth, the dog will belong to someone else !!!!!!!!

also when this story first broke on the Thai social media.

someone said it was a Russian guy, killed a dog testing out his new samurai sword on the dog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, total nuts !!!!!!!!!

don't believe to much you read on the net !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and this story has plenty of nuts. coffee1.gif


Has anyone got the 'real story' yet, or is this destined to be relegated to the archives of the Conjecture Corner archives.

You could read post #160


I had 2 pitbulls in Australia I called up the pitbull association asked who had the best red nose type strain in oz. They were the best dogs I ever had I had French mastiffs a roti and few other breeds. Close to pure pitty lines make extremely smart loyal dogs not human aggressive but not the type of dogs you trust with other dogs as if another breed starts a fight a pitty loves to fight and will finish it also common sense can't let it out as someone walking the dog can spell trouble. My dogs bloodlines were still close to what a pitbull was breed for game dogs were kept for breeding any dog aggressive to humans put down as men go in pits with dogs. pitbulls breed and sold now esp last few decades are breed for looks and are not really anything like the pitties of the past. I decided to go to a pitbull show in Melbourne and I never seen worse people in my life gathered together. Covered in jail type Tattoos missing teeth the worst cars dings and scratched to shit 95% complete scum bags you know where on the dole and with police records. Made me realize it's how the dog is raised depends on how it reacts with people but pitbulls are not meant to be allowed to roam. And people saying a 7 month old pup is dangerous and the Russian had a reason to stab it are complete idiots! The chances of a 7 month old pup being aggressive are like the odds of winning the lottery. You all should fit in nicely living over here [emoji106]

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This Pit Bull was allowed to roam (see post #160). Whether or not it attacked the Russian is unclear but I'd make a guess it made movements that provoked the Russian into doing what he did. I would not try and reason with a Pit Bull, I'd get it before it got me.

I've seen all sorts of dogs lazing around peacefully in heavily pedestrianized areas and then suddenly get up and growl at one particular passing stranger. What sets them off at that one person while leaving everybody else alone only the dog can tell. But whatever happened the dog should not have been loose on the public streets. The dog's owner is a fault there and is partially responsible for its death.

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