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welcome to the Sofitel Hotel Bangkok. your penthouse suite is ready. sorry no water for showers or toilets. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you enjoy your stay in Thailand.


Pattaya often had no tap water, no one even noticed it, all the places have tanks and there are delivery trucks that can top up the tanks if there is no water for a too long time.

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I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

No they don't understand it, and if I would be farmer and xxx.000 Baht of crops are dying on my fields I wouldn't care if someone other has tap water for a week or not.

Call it egoist but for many farmer it is about financial survival.

In many areas....for example Pattaya it often happens that there is no tap water and people don't die....

Oh I understand the farmers too of course they hate watching their crop go to waste. But that does not give them more rights as others to the water. I can understand their actions. I just don't agree with them.


I've always wondered why they have never built a desalinization plant here and save all the upcountry water for upcountry. Seems they'd only need 3, 1 in BKK and 1 on either side of the peninsula.


I've always wondered why they have never built a desalinization plant here and save all the upcountry water for upcountry. Seems they'd only need 3, 1 in BKK and 1 on either side of the peninsula.

Quite simple.. costs because on average its not needed and would make the water more expensive.

Personally I could care less if my water bill tippled or something like that. But there are quite a lot of poor people who would hate to see that happen.

Water should is a natural resource and everyone should be entitled to their fair share. Not some take it all while others get nothing.


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

No they don't understand it, and if I would be farmer and xxx.000 Baht of crops are dying on my fields I wouldn't care if someone other has tap water for a week or not.

Call it egoist but for many farmer it is about financial survival.

In many areas....for example Pattaya it often happens that there is no tap water and people don't die....

Oh I understand the farmers too of course they hate watching their crop go to waste. But that does not give them more rights as others to the water. I can understand their actions. I just don't agree with them.

Well I would give food production more rights than the normal household if it is just for a very limited time (1 week) or household water can be supplied different (trucks)


Question. ...these provinces are up river of Bangkok so why are they suffering yet the people of the capital have no water shortage... This is a large country but the provinces always have to suffer to keep the Metropolitan wheel turning...


I've always wondered why they have never built a desalinization plant here and save all the upcountry water for upcountry. Seems they'd only need 3, 1 in BKK and 1 on either side of the peninsula.

Do you have an idea how much electric such a plant uses....beside the costs you can build a coal fired or a nuclear electric plant as well, both is not so popular at the moment.

In a region with so much rain like Thailand it should be possible to proper water management without desalinization...


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

No they don't understand it, and if I would be farmer and xxx.000 Baht of crops are dying on my fields I wouldn't care if someone other has tap water for a week or not.

Call it egoist but for many farmer it is about financial survival.

In many areas....for example Pattaya it often happens that there is no tap water and people don't die....

Oh I understand the farmers too of course they hate watching their crop go to waste. But that does not give them more rights as others to the water. I can understand their actions. I just don't agree with them.

Well I would give food production more rights than the normal household if it is just for a very limited time (1 week) or household water can be supplied different (trucks)

I agree if there was a shortage of that food.. but now there is a huge rice mountain so its not like there is a shortage otherwise sure food production first.


Question. ...these provinces are up river of Bangkok so why are they suffering yet the people of the capital have no water shortage... This is a large country but the provinces always have to suffer to keep the Metropolitan wheel turning...

I think it is mainly because BKK is linked to the river and many of the other provinces are not linked to the same river and that is the reason. Just look on the map and follow the river up. I doubt that provinces and cities direct on the river have water shortages.

Bangkok will have a shortage if the river gets even more less. The water will be saline then. Still not too bad as you can still shower and flush your toilets. (No water at all is a real problem)


Question. ...these provinces are up river of Bangkok so why are they suffering yet the people of the capital have no water shortage... This is a large country but the provinces always have to suffer to keep the Metropolitan wheel turning...

Rangsit isn't that far out of BKK (just north of the old airport) and the main water intake for BKK is not far south of the now dry canal.

It's coming chaps, get those tanks filled now.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

No they don't understand it, and if I would be farmer and xxx.000 Baht of crops are dying on my fields I wouldn't care if someone other has tap water for a week or not.

Call it egoist but for many farmer it is about financial survival.

In many areas....for example Pattaya it often happens that there is no tap water and people don't die....

Oh I understand the farmers too of course they hate watching their crop go to waste. But that does not give them more rights as others to the water. I can understand their actions. I just don't agree with them.

Well I would give food production more rights than the normal household if it is just for a very limited time (1 week) or household water can be supplied different (trucks)

Umpteen millions of tonnes of rice in the store and you want to use huge amounts of water in short supply to grow more?


I think investing in several dozen well-placed municipal water tanks might be a good idea (certainly better than submarines). Or do they have them and I've never noticed? The largest ones can hold 5 million gallons and are probably good for a few days worth of water. That would also improve the pressure levels in the mains and fewer households would need to have their own pumps.

Too late now, though.


Did people in Bkk not get warned that there may be a hgher saline test in the water recently. That was the first warning.

We have been dealing with lack of water on a regular basis usually gets better at night.

One of the issues we have is that there has been so much construction and housing and there has been no uptake on the water processing or the input of water.

The other big thing that i am sure has not gone un noticed here is that we have not had the may rains that usually follow songkran.

Usually we have been able to tell time by the rain on a daily basis and it has only been minimal this year. We had a big fire here on Saturday and the cabbie said the fire department had trouble because there was not enough water.

In order to cut down on traffic the province has started to plan a water taxi similar to BKK with just one problem the canal is not deep enough anymore LOL

Remember when we opened the flood gates so water dculd get to Bkk. Might see a fight to close them soon LOL


The most basic necessity of life is unavailable and yet these boffins are considering the "essential" purchase of submarines.

Pure thainess!

By any chance did you mean buffoons?


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

Its not the job of farmers to control and manage water resources, its the job of government and the civil servants involved. The farmers and industry have the same right to water as any other user. But due to the inability of this government and its civil service to manage anything, including the water there is a water shortage. Without these farmers and industries, millions of people will be without jobs. To call farmers and industry criminals because they use water to produce products, are lets be kind to you - childish/naive.

You are right the farmers have the SAME rights as others not 10 to 100 more as the normal people. I don't see why they would have more rights as others. Poor people in all the towns will have to buy water at inflated prices while the large users take it away from them. Call it childish, i call it unfair.

Would love to see you back up your claims because everyone can claim millions without of jobs. Fact is there is rice enough in Thailand so if the farmers don't produce rice its only a problem for the farmers not for the consumers.

When officials tell farmers not to plant and they do plant or when officials tell farmers not to take water and they still do.. then go against the people that you say have to manage it. I remember reading about farmers taking more water even though they had been asked to stop. They were pumping water in when the were not allowed. That is stealing from us all.

But I bet you ate some rice today.


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

Its not the job of farmers to control and manage water resources, its the job of government and the civil servants involved. The farmers and industry have the same right to water as any other user. But due to the inability of this government and its civil service to manage anything, including the water there is a water shortage. Without these farmers and industries, millions of people will be without jobs. To call farmers and industry criminals because they use water to produce products, are lets be kind to you - childish/naive.

You are right the farmers have the SAME rights as others not 10 to 100 more as the normal people. I don't see why they would have more rights as others. Poor people in all the towns will have to buy water at inflated prices while the large users take it away from them. Call it childish, i call it unfair.

Would love to see you back up your claims because everyone can claim millions without of jobs. Fact is there is rice enough in Thailand so if the farmers don't produce rice its only a problem for the farmers not for the consumers.

When officials tell farmers not to plant and they do plant or when officials tell farmers not to take water and they still do.. then go against the people that you say have to manage it. I remember reading about farmers taking more water even though they had been asked to stop. They were pumping water in when the were not allowed. That is stealing from us all.

But I bet you ate some rice today.

I did not but even if I did this country has tons and tons of rice in storage.. present from YL. So its not like its a problem at this moment.


Some say the "Land of Smiles" needs submarines like the fish in the Mekong need bicycles. laugh.png

The most basic necessity of life is unavailable and yet these boffins are considering the "essential" purchase of submarines.

Pure thainess!


In a properly run system, the authorities would have imposed water restrictions months ago, and enforced them with special patrols and fines. No watering of flower gardens, no washing of cars, no washing the footpath, no water wastage.

They would have started a campaign for water conservation and got the public behind it (I know you laugh at the thought, but it's possible with the right psychology and the strict enforcement


And have Somchai drive his new Fortuna when it's dirty???? How long have you been here ?


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

Its not the job of farmers to control and manage water resources, its the job of government and the civil servants involved. The farmers and industry have the same right to water as any other user. But due to the inability of this government and its civil service to manage anything, including the water there is a water shortage. Without these farmers and industries, millions of people will be without jobs. To call farmers and industry criminals because they use water to produce products, are lets be kind to you - childish/naive.

They need to use drip irrigation really not sprinklers, they waste so much probably more than half evaporates.


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

No they don't understand it, and if I would be farmer and xxx.000 Baht of crops are dying on my fields I wouldn't care if someone other has tap water for a week or not.

Call it egoist but for many farmer it is about financial survival.

In many areas....for example Pattaya it often happens that there is no tap water and people don't die....

shouldnt have wasted all their money on a shiny new pick up then instead they could have dug a bloody big hole for pick up money, I know as I dug mine 8 metres deep, full of water right now and all water off my hillside road and roofs is diverted into their so very little escapes elsewhere. Locals thought I was nuts, guess they wont be laughing soon.


Are rice growers still planting 2 crops annually? How about a less water-guzzling crop than rice? ....like hemp, for example. Naw, fogedabowdit.

It's not only mis-management here. In my home country, in the western slopes of the Rocky Mnts, which is a watershed for the mighty Colorado River, there are old farming families who got water allotments from many decades ago. If they don't use their alloted amount of water each year, they get a smaller allotment in subsequent years. It's called 'Use It or Lose It' What ensues: many farmers flood their fields, not because they need the water, but because they have to use as much water as possible. Meanwhile, downriver, major problems with lack of water.


I don't want to pour oil into open fire but in Pattaya we're used to that.

We had moments when there was not a single drop coming out of public water supply pipes; some of those moments lasted five days.

Once the water returned all the taps and faucets needed change as the entire dirt, rust and rubbish from those quality pipes got stucked in cartridges, seals and fittings. Today we wait for the water tanks to be full again, then let the sediments settle just to drain 40 - 50 litres to wash out the freebie sediments. Take that treatment for each and every household - trillions of litres getting wasted again.

Possibly explains the hurry to by sub-marines; this will allow to deepwater search for .... water wai2.gif

I don't want to pee on your happiness but up here in rural Thailand in Khampaeng Phet province near the Mae Wong national park we have had no government water since mid January which is about 6 months now. There are many villages locally in the same boat with no water. My wife has to go to the amphur and request a delivery by the local fire truck which comes every 2 to 3 weeks and one of us has to sign for the water.

I have 20 ongs cross connected and 7 "spare ongs" where the fire truck pumps into and I then cross pump into my working tanks. The water isn't the cleanest but it is water and it goes through 2 filters and it is NOT used for drinking but for everything else.


Drinking water is stored in 2 x 3,000 litre stainless steel tanks from rain water.



Songkran next year this will all be forgotten about, and they will be wasting copious amounts of water once again.. Maybe its time they considered converting back to the old Songkran concept, when they never used half as much water.

Oh shit, I'm daydreaming again I better pinch myself.. welcomeani.gif to WPFflags.gif

I hope that they cancel Songkran down in Khao San Road where all the "quality farang tourists" waste so much water.

Up here where I live in rural Thailand the old style Songkran is coming back more and more.

In Khamapeng Phet city they use millions of litres of most of it is taken from and returned to the Ping river through the drains.


I am happy to see that the farmers understand that tap water for normal people is more important as their rice. Its a crime that farmers and other large water users use too much water and leave ordinary people without water.

No they don't understand it, and if I would be farmer and xxx.000 Baht of crops are dying on my fields I wouldn't care if someone other has tap water for a week or not.

Call it egoist but for many farmer it is about financial survival.

In many areas....for example Pattaya it often happens that there is no tap water and people don't die....

shouldnt have wasted all their money on a shiny new pick up then instead they could have dug a bloody big hole for pick up money, I know as I dug mine 8 metres deep, full of water right now and all water off my hillside road and roofs is diverted into their so very little escapes elsewhere. Locals thought I was nuts, guess they wont be laughing soon.

beside you can farm fishes inside the rest of the year....or make it more nice and use it as pool.....


Songkran next year this will all be forgotten about, and they will be wasting copious amounts of water once again.. Maybe its time they considered converting back to the old Songkran concept, when they never used half as much water.

Oh shit, I'm daydreaming again I better pinch myself.. welcomeani.gif to WPFflags.gif

I hope that they cancel Songkran down in Khao San Road where all the "quality farang tourists" waste so much water.

Up here where I live in rural Thailand the old style Songkran is coming back more and more.

In Khamapeng Phet city they use millions of litres of most of it is taken from and returned to the Ping river through the drains.

Even so.. i bet the water in Songkran is giving a beter return (more added value) then the water used for rice. Songkran is a massive earner for Thailand. Myself I dont participate as im usually busy around that time.

But like Bild766 states the water gets returned to nature through the drains so it does not really get used up it can be filtered again and used as drinking water.

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