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BKK Police Chief Angered by Breathalyser Test Requests

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Herein lies the whole problem. He should be fired for a statement like this but of course he won't.

Fly Thai biz class at the moment and it's full of military families flying free. Nothing changes.

Proof....................expect this from you with your regular agenda................I would agree many are flying upper class types, but you had to spoil it and say military.


Yeah, right: throw away all breath analyzer sets, in the future, the "declaration by the driver will suffice".......... what a moron! And he had been drinking, of course .......
And applause for the volunteer ......


The checkpoint cops doing a good job, sounds like a new police chief required.

In the UK he would have have his driving licence taken away.

in the past they didn't. I think it was in the late 80's the chief of S Wales police whilst drunk went over the pavement and damaged/flattened 2 tyres. he was found by 2 traffic officers who changed the wheels and used the spare from their police car to allow him to drive himself home. I can't remember how the incident became public but the 2 traffic officers were sacked while the chief of police was reprimanded but kept his job. it was common knowledge that police officers were drink driving and flashing their warrant cards to get off if caught as the police were very strict at the time about road traffic offences.


A perfect opportunity for the good general to make his approval rate in the polls rise back up again.

Personally see the commander stripped of his rank, then make him face charges for refusing to submit to testing (set the example).

He could also make a public show of commending the police volunteers who did their best to stand up to the commander.

It would send a powerful message.


Just priceless. You couldn't make this stuff up. No shame and not even a glimmer of recognition as to how wrong were the actions he was so proud of. Methinks there is a strong possibility that he may have had a few to make the guy want to C.B.T. him.

Yes General. Put this guy on the next list!!!


Herein lies the whole problem. He should be fired for a statement like this but of course he won't.

Fly Thai biz class at the moment and it's full of military families flying free. Nothing changes.

Proof....................expect this from you with your regular agenda................I would agree many are flying upper class types, but you had to spoil it and say military.

I don't know why you are surprised. The Thai military is a major business operator in Thailand and its assets/operations include, real estate, resorts, golf courses, financial institutions and media outlets. It's no big secret that the premium class on TG is often filled with pax with a link to the military. They benefit from "discounts" or freebies. This is because the military is heavily involved at TG and is demonstrated by the board members and management personnel who are associated with the military. In plain language, TG has been a parking spot for the military who need somewhere to go. According to analysts, the heavy influence of the military in the operation of a supposed civilian airline and supposed airports is a contributing factor to the current problems with Thailand's aviation sector.

In regard to the police chief, who I believe was hand picked by the General now acting as the unelected PM of Thailand, the General should say something. Either the General is serious about professionalism and corruption or he is not. This police chief just gave a display of corruption for all to see. He should either resign or the General should terminate him. There can be no dithering. The failure to remove him will be seen as another of the General's failure to attack Thailand's endemic culture of corruption.


I think most of your comments have been very cruel regarding this poor General.

I have it on good authority he is about to become a nun for a week to apologise.


If he had any quality himself then he should have taken the test and commend the volunteers for doing a good job, everyone are equal to the law... but obviously this high ranking officer sees himself above the law.

Get real, he is a high so cop sure the people who stopped him will be looking for new work soon, it's the way thailand works cannot understand all the negative comments , we are all used to it who have have lived here for more than six months.


"If those volunteers were quality people, and had some wits, they would have realised that I didn't smell of any alcohol. Eventually, I had to tell them who I was and get out of my car and criticise them."

What an arrogant a-hole but so typical for this country and whats the problem here ... People thinking they are above the law, about time to set an example Mr. PM or not ... ? Never seen such idiocy anywhere but here


That the controlling volunteer traffic cops did not recognize his face,
he the Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah Rangsipramkul, BKK Police chef, the boss.
That must have hit hard his inflated ego.

He missed some basics here,
the best would be, that he must repeat the complete beginner education training program for traffic cops again.
If this is too much shame, he can also work as a night guard or gatekeeper in a medium sized condo complex.


"I told them no five times, but the volunteers wouldn't give in." They forgot that this VIP was beyond reproach. I am surprised that the volunteers where not all tossed in Jail for defamation of a police officer.

Well done those volunteers for doing your job well. Had you not insisted you could all be in Jail now for not doing your job. Guess it's a lose lose situation.


If the thai people do not get this arrogant double standard cop fired, I think I have lost all respect for thais and this country!

+1 and then they have deserved all their sh1t ...


"Refusing to take breathalyzer test also carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison. " - Khaosod article

If he had nothing to worry about, why not lead by example and take the test?

Hey Prayut, here's one for your list...


"Hey Prayut, here's one for your list..."

Whilst I agree with your comment I also think you lack proper manners. You are talking about a very senior officer in a country where you are a guest...


Would have been better if the drunk skunk had parked his car on the highway, get to sleep after calling his wife cause he cant find the way home - a wannabe-nun then come with 100+ kmh and rear end him ... 555555 That would have been nice clap2.gif


Wow! I am amazed at amazing Thailand. Call me naive but whilst I expected this sort of behaviour to exist, I didn't realise it could be so blatant that this cop feels OK to say this to the press. To me the trainees were doing their jobs properly.

Before anyone says it, I know this is not the UK, but it is where I am from and therefore my point of reference. In the UK refusal to supply a sample results in an automatic ban. For a cop to do this would not only mean a ban but public uproar and at least a demotion if not the sack. The cops in the UK would have arrested him on the spot.

I hope the Thai public starts to demand more of the people in public office.


170 + posts now condeming this poor HI-SO man, well i am going to stand up and defend him, no i'm not , just jokin ok !!


He doth protest too much. Obviously he'd had a few and was afraid of the results of the breathalyzer.


Well there you have it, as soon as you show your status you are excused, That shows the level the country is in because of the way people are in power, if he had been drinking he still would have said I have not been drinking. and to tell the press he is exempt from a breathalyser because of who he is, and that his word is finale should be sacked, well moved to another post like McDonaldS.


"If those volunteers were quality people, and had some wits ...' This, from a Thai police general? And it's not the volunteers' job to rely on smell; it's their job to make sure. Sriwarah, of course, thinks they should be typical of full-time Thai police. What a disappointment it must have been to come across the unexpected.

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