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BKK Police Chief Angered by Breathalyser Test Requests

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Im sure if this story has appeared here it would have to be in the Thai media, and therefor on someones FB page sooner or late.

Sure a few would be up in arms, but id punt a more than a few would comments would be to the tune of...

55555 Poor policeman.. him who try catch big fish ..now he sard hong nam polit station muk muk with toothbrush 555 ^^^^^^(((*00*)))^^^^^^^^

If I'm not mistaken this appears to ridicule the general Thai population by pointing out that there may be a universal consensus that the Junior Policeman was in someway wrong in his attempts at getting the Senior Policeman to take the breathalyser.... It seems like a Thai Bash...

While society most certainly is rigged in favour of those with power and money, the large majority of those members of the General Public who may post of Facebook, Panthip and many other web forums would be quite annotated in their anger at this situation...

The issue in Thailand is that people are aware of how strongly the odds are stacked against them and what may happen to them when they stand up alone (or in a group).

Very few foreigners have truly scratched the surface here in Thailand yet draw stupid opinions ridiculing a nation with such childish and immature comments as highlighted in bold (in the quote above).

Not a bash. What you highlighted was my lighthearted version of what some Thais might post in regards to the story..based on the comments i see all the time from Thais on my FB and in other media.

Oh, and Ive been here long enough to see that a good number of Thais ( unlike the average farang) can apply a sense of humour that helps them deal with these sorts of things without getting all bent out of shape and huffy-puffy about things they cant change.

remember the survey they did a while back? A huge percentage of Thais actually believe that corruption is a normal and acceptable part of Thai life.


I don't particularly like the term 'thainess' but the complete arrogant disregard to anything and anyone but yourself and the naive belief that you are above reproach seems to fit very well within the term as does the deluded idiot who uttered them

It must be quite embarrassing for educated Thais as this constant daily proof provided by the so called educated classes, the leaders and the pillars of society must tell them that something is fundamentally very, very wrong here...

One of the biggest problems here, not just for educated Thais, but for everybody, is that apparently promotion within the Police Force is not earned, it is bought. Consequently, you have a hierarchy of Police bosses whose only qualification is that they have amassed enough money (by whatever means!)to buy their next promotion, the end result being that you have men at the top with no experience in containing crime scenes for instance, in public relations for another, "diplomacy" for another, etc. etc. etc.


Another joke in LOS. What a bunch of hypocrits. So its okay for him to also drive drunk l presume. He is the police chief. So he can do what he likes!!. What a egotistical arrogant <deleted>!!!


What a self engrossed egotistical arrogant <deleted>. "I am the police chief so l don't need to obey the laws"!! Another addition to the LOS book of jokes.


Im sure if this story has appeared here it would have to be in the Thai media, and therefor on someones FB page sooner or late.

Sure a few would be up in arms, but id punt a more than a few would comments would be to the tune of...

55555 Poor policeman.. him who try catch big fish ..now he sard hong nam polit station muk muk with toothbrush 555 ^^^^^^(((*00*)))^^^^^^^^

If I'm not mistaken this appears to ridicule the general Thai population by pointing out that there may be a universal consensus that the Junior Policeman was in someway wrong in his attempts at getting the Senior Policeman to take the breathalyser.... It seems like a Thai Bash...

While society most certainly is rigged in favour of those with power and money, the large majority of those members of the General Public who may post of Facebook, Panthip and many other web forums would be quite annotated in their anger at this situation...

The issue in Thailand is that people are aware of how strongly the odds are stacked against them and what may happen to them when they stand up alone (or in a group).

Very few foreigners have truly scratched the surface here in Thailand yet draw stupid opinions ridiculing a nation with such childish and immature comments as highlighted in bold (in the quote above).

This post deserves more than just a like. The poster astutely realizes that the Thai people are not stupid. They (or many, increasing numbers, of them) are aware that the education, police, judicial and political systems sell them short. As the poster says, they are aware of the consequences of open protest. That does not prevent them from thinking or having opinions. Modern social media allows these opinions to circulate. When one day the opportunity presents itself, they will make those opinions heard. That will come as a very nasty shock to a lot of others in Thai society.


Ah-ha, so the secret phrase is "I have not drunk any alcohol", and we'll be waived through.

This story also proves that volunteer cops are more honest than normal cops.

Hmm, correct on both counts, I hope he gets enough money to come to OZ and try that !!

Who the hell do you think you are ? Above the law ?? No, you are there to set an example and yes you did and we all saw it. Shame Shame Shame


Is this a contest?

What fun!

Oh, I see how it works!

Posters are challenged to make the same obvious comment countless different ways!

I am certain Thai authorities will be duly impressed!

OMG. Do you believe Thai authorities read it?



what the hell is the test for then? should those in charge of testing just take the motorists' word that they didn't take any alcohol? a certified role model for imbeciles with authority. keep it up, sir!


the test is for the plebs and others. perhaps the fines go to higher up. but these tests are not for officials in any shape or form, can you imagine how awkward it would be to move a chief of bangkok police out of bangkok to the middle of nowhere? would it start a precednet would your average sergant major of the police go breathalising every vice admiral gneral of the police ranks. it would be a disaster


This guy is an absolute moron and is the Police Chief. If the PM is serious about decreasing Thailand's horrendous road toll, this general will be called in and severely reprimanded and forced to go through attitude adjustment. He has shown he is an arrogant, egotistical little man who thinks he is above the law, he is in control of. LOS....no wonder the world simply laughs out loud.


Allowing him to get away without even a reprimand erodes the credibility of the office he works in and insults the very authority that put him there.


Don't you people understand the law in Thailand? I am the chief of police and can therefore not be found guilty of misconduct!!! The law are for the unknown masses and farlangs!


It is no wonder that the cops only target the lowest grade of human life leaving bad parking speeding etc etc alone as they are terrified of being reprimanded for doing their job.

Thai law enforcement will not improve until a few high ranking police, military etc officers stand up and congratulate the cop on the street for being diligent.

The example being set by a few is a disaster for Thai public relations, little men wanting to be big are among the worlds worst...


It is no wonder that the cops only target the lowest grade of human life leaving bad parking speeding etc etc alone as they are terrified of being reprimanded for doing their job.

Thai law enforcement will not improve until a few high ranking police, military etc officers stand up and congratulate the cop on the street for being diligent.

The example being set by a few is a disaster for Thai public relations, little men wanting to be big are among the worlds worst...

Cops only target the lowest form of life because they so readily recognize it, who wouldn't recognize members of their own tribe.


Is this a contest?

What fun!

Oh, I see how it works!

Posters are challenged to make the same obvious comment countless different ways!

I am certain Thai authorities will be duly impressed!

OMG. Do you believe Thai authorities read it?

They can read????


Is this a contest?

What fun!

Oh, I see how it works!

Posters are challenged to make the same obvious comment countless different ways!

I am certain Thai authorities will be duly impressed!

Well, you seem to be more than a bit challenged so should fit right in...coffee1.gif


It is no wonder that the cops only target the lowest grade of human life leaving bad parking speeding etc etc alone as they are terrified of being reprimanded for doing their job.

Thai law enforcement will not improve until a few high ranking police, military etc officers stand up and congratulate the cop on the street for being diligent.

The example being set by a few is a disaster for Thai public relations, little men wanting to be big are among the worlds worst...

Would you like to expand on your description of "The lowest grade of human life?" A very poor and shameful description, which is obviously directed toward the Thai citizen, or by chance are you also including (some) farangs in this? A Thai member of my family was pinged last week for turning right against the direction marked upon the roadway, are you suggesting that she, a high ranking government teacher, fits your description? Truly, a very disgraceful choice of words.


It is no wonder that the cops only target the lowest grade of human life leaving bad parking speeding etc etc alone as they are terrified of being reprimanded for doing their job.

Thai law enforcement will not improve until a few high ranking police, military etc officers stand up and congratulate the cop on the street for being diligent.

The example being set by a few is a disaster for Thai public relations, little men wanting to be big are among the worlds worst...

Cops only target the lowest form of life because they so readily recognize it, who wouldn't recognize members of their own tribe.

Just asking, is this a serious statement or just a poor attempt at presenting a satirical post?


It is no wonder that the cops only target the lowest grade of human life leaving bad parking speeding etc etc alone as they are terrified of being reprimanded for doing their job.

Thai law enforcement will not improve until a few high ranking police, military etc officers stand up and congratulate the cop on the street for being diligent.

The example being set by a few is a disaster for Thai public relations, little men wanting to be big are among the worlds worst...

Would you like to expand on your description of "The lowest grade of human life?" A very poor and shameful description, which is obviously directed toward the Thai citizen, or by chance are you also including (some) farangs in this? A Thai member of my family was pinged last week for turning right against the direction marked upon the roadway, are you suggesting that she, a high ranking government teacher, fits your description? Truly, a very disgraceful choice of words.

calm down, your PC is showing.


It is no wonder that the cops only target the lowest grade of human life leaving bad parking speeding etc etc alone as they are terrified of being reprimanded for doing their job.

Thai law enforcement will not improve until a few high ranking police, military etc officers stand up and congratulate the cop on the street for being diligent.

The example being set by a few is a disaster for Thai public relations, little men wanting to be big are among the worlds worst...

Cops only target the lowest form of life because they so readily recognize it, who wouldn't recognize members of their own tribe.

Just asking, is this a serious statement or just a poor attempt at presenting a satirical post?

Whatever you want it to be Mary


It is no wonder that the cops only target the lowest grade of human life leaving bad parking speeding etc etc alone as they are terrified of being reprimanded for doing their job.

Thai law enforcement will not improve until a few high ranking police, military etc officers stand up and congratulate the cop on the street for being diligent.

The example being set by a few is a disaster for Thai public relations, little men wanting to be big are among the worlds worst...

Would you like to expand on your description of "The lowest grade of human life?" A very poor and shameful description, which is obviously directed toward the Thai citizen, or by chance are you also including (some) farangs in this? A Thai member of my family was pinged last week for turning right against the direction marked upon the roadway, are you suggesting that she, a high ranking government teacher, fits your description? Truly, a very disgraceful choice of words.

calm down, your PC is showing.

PC is it? What do you call your little offering? If someone cannot post with out denigrating others, what should they be called? Of course you won't answer, never did with what I asked you in the first instance. But given what you are on about maybe it's the case of if the cap fits.


It is no wonder that the cops only target the lowest grade of human life leaving bad parking speeding etc etc alone as they are terrified of being reprimanded for doing their job.

Thai law enforcement will not improve until a few high ranking police, military etc officers stand up and congratulate the cop on the street for being diligent.

The example being set by a few is a disaster for Thai public relations, little men wanting to be big are among the worlds worst...

Cops only target the lowest form of life because they so readily recognize it, who wouldn't recognize members of their own tribe.

Just asking, is this a serious statement or just a poor attempt at presenting a satirical post?

Whatever you want it to be Mary

Another one who has difficulty in providing a sensible response, and we can see what flock you're from.

....Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah said he later encountered another checkpoint in front of the Criminal Court where police volunteers also insisted he take a breathalyzer test......

From a legal perspective the situation is as follows:

1. He was off duty, so he is a civilian as any other citizen and is subject to the same laws as everyone else.

2. He confesses and

3. He is a repeat offender

The maximum penalty for driving under influence in Thailand is one year in prison, a 20,000 baht fine, and the revocation of the driver's license.

Refusing to take a breathalyzer test also carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison.

So he is refusing in two cases to take a breathalyzer test is maximum 2 years in prison.

He has confessed, which leads to the usual sentence reduction by a third.

This then gives maximum 16 months in prison under current thai law.

Shows the offender insight in court, then does not have to be the maximum penalty imposed.

Unfortunately, this is not to be recognized in this case.

The offender appears quite unapologetic.

With good behavior in prison, the actual penalty would decrease again.

An appeal hearing and bail can be ruled out here, since there is a confession.

Guess this is the legal situation, as it is taught in all law schools and universities in Thailand,

or not?


Why are we surprised at this? Elite, hi so, wealthy, all still enjoy class privilege. Culturally engrained, self importance, supported by Government. Will change when the old guard dies off....... maybe.

" Will change when the old guard dies off..... maybe.???

Not likely, if ever... Watch any Thai TV soap opera involving rich people. They are held in high esteem by many plebs..

Remember, the old guard are breeders and their families are today's hi-so kids. Shining examples of such are:

Vorayuth Yoovidhya, the Red Bull - Ferrari boy who terminated a policeman on a motor bike and is now in comfortable exile..

Praewa Thepassadin Na Ayuttaya, the Honda girl who destroyed a minivan & 9 lives on the DM Tollway . The name is the game.

Anna Reese the "actress" driving a Mercedes who terminated a cop, shit herself and evaded a breath test.

Peerapol Thaksinthaweesap driving a Porsche Cayman so recklessly that he killed and cut a Lao girl in half and drove on.

Kanpitak Patchimsawat aka Moo Ham, petulantly drove his Mercedes into commuters at a bus stop killing one person .

I won't go on, you get the idea. What is now in Thailand is what will be in years to come. High So people are above the law. It is the way it is now and forever after shall be.

Those that break the law and have money and connections don't go to jail, those that break the law and are ordinary citizens DO.

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