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Stupid Rumour Of The Day


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In a statement from Parliment, the following edict has been Issued:

In an unprecedented move the new Government has been moved to the Farang Connection at Surin. This was after a spy sent out to the four corners of the Kingdom, reported that he heard more bull-sh1t coming from six locals than the whole of the Thai-rak party put together. Using these six to do the job of 400( work permits permitting) would cut down on bills. This would leave more money to repair the Bridge on the River Kwai, which apparently has been broken for a few years.

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In a statement from Parliment, the following edict has been Issued:

In an unprecedented move the new Government has been moved to the Farang Connection at Surin. This was after a spy sent out to the four corners of the Kingdom, reported that he heard more bull-sh1t coming from six locals than the whole of the Thai-rak party put together. Using these six to do the job of 400( work permits permitting) would cut down on bills. This would leave more money to repair the Bridge on the River Kwai, which apparently has been broken for a few years.

Good one Lampy!!!


Who's the nominated successor to the current PM?


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i heard that koh samui was to taken over and turned into a guantanamo bay style holding centre for arrested politicians , dissident isaan rice farmers and illegal english teachers.

I thought this thread was supposed to be about rumour not fact!!! :o

Beat me to it! :D

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In a statement from Parliment, the following edict has been Issued:

In an unprecedented move the new Government has been moved to the Farang Connection at Surin. This was after a spy sent out to the four corners of the Kingdom, reported that he heard more bull-sh1t coming from six locals than the whole of the Thai-rak party put together. Using these six to do the job of 400( work permits permitting) would cut down on bills. This would leave more money to repair the Bridge on the River Kwai, which apparently has been broken for a few years.

That's old news. After that Terry57 let loose with one of his infamous farts and inadvertantly wiped out the entire government which had setup shop in Surin. Thailand has vowed to start a new program to study the possibility of harnassing this vast and previously unknown source of energy so that it can be the new hub of alternate energy sources.

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Military have decided to declare Bangkok 'City of Coups'.

Thaksin declares Thailand 'the hub of coups'

Expats on Thaivisa set new record posting the phrase 'TIT' more than 4,500 times in just 1 second early this morning

Guiness World Record set by illegal engrish teachers and dive industry for number of threats to leave country and move to neighbouring Asian country with 'stable govt' within 5 minutes - new record stands at 454

Johnnie Walker proudly unveil latest anti drink driving campaign to replace advertising on Baiyoke 2 'Don't drive, all of your roads are now belong to us' created by ad whizz kid 'Ivanacoupalot'

blah blah blah


on a lighter note:

CSI Franchise Faces Charges of Discrimination

Displaced people are against CSI's recent decision to can the popular series spin off, CSI Overthrown and Couped. Based on the other 99 CSI editions already on television, the pilot for the latest group of forensic super sleuths were unique in that all main characters spend their time on the series investigating military coups.

'Blah blah blah stable government and pro democracy except for our partners like Saudi and spending the last 50 years propping up military dictators throughout Asia; it all seems like rhetoric now,' was the feedback from Philip Brown, playing coup afflicted lead, Giles Gander. Other cast members expressed a series of grunts and some offered to overthrow some of the world's largest democratic states as a token protest to get the show back on air.

'Unfortunately, testing showed that CSI Playmates was more popular than CSI Overthrown and Couped,' stated an anonymous source from CSI. This source, also known as Frank Shilton also pointed out anonymously, that the decision to use an Israeli anorexia victim of concentration camp research with missing legs as the Coroner had offended the American Jew run media.

After reaching 100 episodes with the critically unaclaimed CSI Miami, starring various lenses and models from the sunglass industry, CSI had hoped to branch out with niche appeal to the 'military persecuted' dollar, as spending on armaments and weapons of mass destruction is growing at an unrivalled rate of 20% per year. In particular, many industries are investing in security systems, bombs and tamigotchi virtual countries, which CSI had hoped to leverage from via on air placement and endorsements.

In 2007, the competitor to CSI Overthrown and Couped, CSI Playmates, will make its debut with ratings expected to lift viewership to levels not seen since the Superbowl malfunction. Rather than a focus on death as seems so prominent on the other 99 CSI series, CSI Playmates focuses on reinactment of sexual crimes, particularly girl on girl, lingerie pillow fights and taking samples of bodily fluids.

'We expect that CSI Playmates will be a return to good, honest television,' stated CSI mogul Jerry Bruckheimer. 'Because speaking as an industry professional with 20 years of experience in understanding viewer preference, Ize likes dem big titties.'

Some of you need to understand that the wheels are in motion; but for now, now is not the time to be pointing fingers or making ill thought out accusations. :D:D:D:D:o

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Rumor has it a bloke in Sydney is going to take the top job. They call him The Donz.

Na, I don't think they will allow convicts up here to run things, you stay down there and enjoy ya map of Tasmania, you can rule that 'part of Thailand' and we won't say a word cobber.

Good as gold. :o

Nice you (and the other people in this thread) have some sense of humour about all this :D

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There's rumours of involvment by farnang unhappy about the 30 day rule, apparentely the Pattaya Bar Owners Cooperative provided the muscle while the Backpacker Teacher Alliance was the brains behind the operation.

AAAHHH :o:D:D:D:D ROFL.... stop it, it's too much...

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LONDON - Thaksin Attempts to Take up Residence in the UK

Thailand's ousted Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, has fled a coup d'etat in his homeland and attempted to take up residence in the UK. As he is not in possession of a formal visa, he has been informed by the UK Immigration Department that he can stay in the UK for 30 days before having to do a visa run to France or Ireland. He is allowed to repeat this process no more than twice in any given 180 day cycle.

Eye-witnesses have reported spotting him in a strip-club in Soho, trying to arrange a quick marriage to a young peasant girl from Lincolnshire.

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this is not a rumour. it's the truth. thaksin has made a deal with bush. he's now coming back with a million US marines. there's gonna be a real battle on hand. thaksin will be up front on a horse leading the marines. he's gonna break some mountains

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Sympathetic to the plight of the Thais, The British Embassy Bangkok is to throw open its doors today and hold a garden party for all Thais and Foreigners alike. Staff have been sent on emergency courses on being polite and courtious and visas to the UK will be issued on demand .

That is funny.... :o

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