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I think, it is only about getting their pockets stuffed, about 50%.

The other 50% is due to the fact, that the Chess- game is still not over.


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If there is a democratically elected govt in early 2017 I will be genuinely surprised.

If as you say "there is a democratically elected govt in early 2017" it will be a first for this country. I would like to see the Thai people given the chance of true democracy in my lifetime. If a non-democratic junta is needed to do that then so be it but I also think I would need plenty of life extending therapy to see this ideal happen.


At he end of 2017, this government will be able to stand in front of the Thai People and ask one question:

Are you better off today that you were 4 years ago?"

The answer will be a resounding "Yes"

And that, is how one goes from today's position, to Elected.

I liked the old PM in some ways, but under her stewardship, Thailand was becoming a rudderless ship, relying on luck and fair winds, not plans and a course to sail by.

The current leadership is not perfect, none ever is .. but they are bold enough to set their plans down and stick to them.

Sit back and learn what can be done by a leader whose best interest is for the Kingdom, and who, without having to pander and waste energy on every sniping newspaper editorial, can bear down and fix basic and elemental problems that have for too long, been ignored.

I know this is not the western way, but history has proven it is the Thai way, and like it or not, Thai People are proud of their county, and proud to be Thai.

I do not care for the prepubescent schoolboy quips that will follow, and will ignore them.

What I will not ignore, and frankly, appreciate, are those comments that reflect a working understanding of Thailand, and even if they do not agree that in four years we will be better off .. can articulate why.

I think what is lost on some of the Thai Bashers is this. Many of us have positive relationships with Thai People, including our wives and families. That is why it is so easy to push our buttons. imagine if we went on and on about your wife and family .. oh, I can only imagine the torrent of death threats we would receive!


Well now, there's a surprise.

Doubtless there will be another excuse in 2017 to postpone it again.

Just for the record, are you aware that many Thai people would be offended that you use their flag in this way?

It is your "right" on Thai visa ... but a bit ironic.

Not looking for an argument .. just wanted to say there is a reason you do not see Foreigners in the Thai Flag often .. they understand what it means to Thai People.

Up to you, mai pen rai ..just sayin'


2017 you are kidding more like 3017 democracy inThailand has come to an end !!

Just curious, when has Thailand had or been a democracy?

On the occasions (4 I believe) on which it has elected a government this century. You see the fact that you dislike or disapprove of such a government does not mean it is not democratic.

It has ceased to be a democracy each time (3 I believe) that the removal of such governments has been engineered by the military . The fact that you applaud or approve of such actions does not make them any more legitimate.

So elections = democracy? Gee, here I thought it was a lot more to it than that.

Oh gee there is, things like freedom of speech, freedom to associate, freedom to campaign politically, not being hauled off by the military for "attitude adjustment", broadcasters not being compelled to carry government propaganda programming, not being arraigned before military courts - I'm sure you know the sort of thing I mean.

2017 you are kidding more like 3017 democracy inThailand has come to an end !!

Just curious, when has Thailand had or been a democracy?

On the occasions (4 I believe) on which it has elected a government this century. You see the fact that you dislike or disapprove of such a government does not mean it is not democratic.

It has ceased to be a democracy each time (3 I believe) that the removal of such governments has been engineered by the military . The fact that you applaud or approve of such actions does not make them any more legitimate.

So elections = democracy? Gee, here I thought it was a lot more to it than that.

So aeroplanes = wings and engines? No, but they are pretty useless without them.


It took me years to finally accept that Thailand will go no where fast. It's a lovely place to live, generally nice people, exotic and all - but in terms of development or rational change - don't expect anything else you will be very disappointed. Eventually there will be elections in Thailand - after the military has 'structured' the system in a way that will ensure the current holders of power stay in power despite the will of the majority of the people. We may curse the corruption and the power of Taksin and his sister, but the reality is that they won by a land slide even taking into account the vote buying, etc. The more disturbing thought is what does the long term future of Thailand hold? The model may well be more like the PRC than a Western developed country. That in itself is quite disturbing as it will only be stable with the continued strict enforcement and involvement of the military.


Apparently the junta requires more time to line their pockets with money in this period of declining economic activity. At their age, I doubt the future success of the country is what occupies their minds, but instead what wealth can they accumulate to ensure that they and their family are able to overcome any hardships that the general populace may face.

Or perhaps I am wrong... perhaps the junta are equating a constitution with laws? A constitution is not to hard to draw up... it should not take more than a couple of nights. Just pick one from any civilized country as a template. Voilà!

Propably already brainwashed in I saan :-(((;

So less corruption as now, LOS had not in last 100 years,

and from day to day more of this fishes are catched !

Therefore TS have to fear their funds are getting law for the " 500 free election support !!

If you are educated and from an democratic country ,

than you would know what time is neede to write a trustfull constitution;

In Africa, yes they do it in a minute with a gunshot !!

As opposed to being brainwashed in Bangkok?

Your post is up there with the "Kool aid post of the topic award"

Toilet paper sums it up


Haven't they heard of email?

Can all be done with a few clicks of the mouse.

Of course.........and of course.....most village people plug their Macs into a coconut tree


Haven't they heard of email?

Can all be done with a few clicks of the mouse.

Of course.........and of course.....most village people plug their Macs into a coconut tree

most village people send daily selfies to face book and talk on whatsapp and line if they don't have coconut trees!!

I've always found that mango trees have a better connection speed than the coconut trees in my village, have you thought about switching yourself?


And the Fat Lady has not even landed at Swampy yet !

Yes the USD has done rather well over the last 15 months. Perhaps you could tell us which currencies it hasn't appreciated against, or even which have fared better than the THB?

You don't get out much or you have a very narrow view of currency trading, Aussie dollar is not so flash against the Thai baht. how about NZ dollar to name 2 off the top?

BACK too the drawing board for you junior................................post-4641-1156693976.gif


2017 you are kidding more like 3017 democracy inThailand has come to an end !!

And exactly when was there any democracy in Thailand?

Every time a government elected by the people was in power. Before you junta camp followers start shouting about corruption, I think most of us here realise that there has been a sniff of corruption about the PTP and other governments, but you can't blame that on the people. They vote for a party, how that party performs in office is not the fault of the people. If a party is allowed to go it's full term, then another party can then put it to the people how they'll govern, and the people then have a choice of voting the previous party out of office, or not as the case might be. But the final decision is with the people; that's democracy. Simples.

the basic questions should be: a number of different parties pretending to be "democratic" even a party naming itself the democrats, is not repeat not a confirmed democracy.


If there is a democratically elected govt in early 2017 I will be genuinely surprised.

If there is an elected govt that act democratic in early 2017 I will be genuinely surprised.


NO way!!!! I can't believe it!

Hang in there Prayuth. Don't let the haters get you down bro!

Bro? Prayut isn't black and i don't suppose you are even remotely related to him.

Oh my .. a bit touchy today are we?

Lighten up bro, that is a very common phrase in 2015 ...

Not if you have been anywhere near a school but on the street maybe. I am not your bro, save that for the cotton plantation

Yo bro, your racism is showing a bit.


Best Government I've seen here in 30+ years.

Long Live the Junta !!!

If you don't like it, go live in GREECE, they have an Elected Government there.


Best Government I've seen here in 30+ years.

Long Live the Junta !!!

If you don't like it, go live in GREECE, they have an Elected Government there.

and demonstrations and freedom of speech and a prime minister who does not have absolute power, all these bad bad things that lead inevitably to chaos and civil war.


Best Government I've seen here in 30+ years.

Long Live the Junta !!!

If you don't like it, go live in GREECE, they have an Elected Government there.

Again, never can understand why some of the same people calling out tyrannical governments in different parts of the world

actually support the Thai Junta, irony to the fullest degree.

Mr Chan-Ocha will never be cool with elections until he knows he can find a way to hold a 'vote' that can guarantee "results" showing majority for him and his cronies. The rich elite minority of the country will sadly retain power. TVF folks will applaud it and show what side of the aisle they are on, while the vast majority of the populace will go unheard..


"Thai Junta Govt to Stay Until 2017: Official"

That's good news,the longer this Government can remain in power,the less chance,the Sinawatra's can take over and thieve and suck all the wealth out of Thailand again! Personaly I think they may need a further extension to 2020,unfortunately old habits die hard!

Meanwhile the The killing has stopped,and the Corruption,doesn't seem as blatant,the people are beginning to accept the realities that a settled life,doesn't come without some input and sacrifices from the country and people a whole! Time will tell! but so far a small improvement!


Peerasak may not have actually completed his sentence that there may not be an elected govt until 2017, are the words " at the very earliest " missing ?

Any discussion of the Monarchy or members of the royal family in a political context will result in a ban. This includes vague comments that could be construed as referring to the Monarchy.

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.


Today Yinglucks trial should begin if she doesn't apply for a postponement.

Looking forward to her being charged with perjury if she is dumb enough to continue lying .


It takes a long time to kill corruption. giggle.gif

Corruption has been in Thailand for centuries and wiill take centuries to change it.


This is the government that wants to join the club (UN) but doesn't want to abide by the rules (Democratic Elections). Then they start crying they are being singled out. Well you get what you reap. Sad times for a potentially great country.


And the Fat Lady has not even landed at Swampy yet !

Yes the USD has done rather well over the last 15 months. Perhaps you could tell us which currencies it hasn't appreciated against, or even which have fared better than the THB?

Swiss franc and yuan. And I assume you meant depreciated not appreciated ???

I assume you don't know the meaning of the word.


And the Fat Lady has not even landed at Swampy yet !

Yes the USD has done rather well over the last 15 months. Perhaps you could tell us which currencies it hasn't appreciated against, or even which have fared better than the THB?

You don't get out much or you have a very narrow view of currency trading, Aussie dollar is not so flash against the Thai baht. how about NZ dollar to name 2 off the top?

BACK too the drawing board for you junior................................post-4641-1156693976.gif

Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut than to open it...................

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