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American fraud fugitive Theodore Werner arrested in Phuket

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American Fraudster, Theodore (Ted) Andrew Werner Arrested in Phuket

PHUKET – American fraudster, Theodore (Ted) Andrew Werner, 48, wanted by New York state police for internet fraud has been captured in Phuket.

Mr. Werner was taken to a press conference at the Central Investigation Bureau in Bangkok on Monday following his arrest at a condominium in Phuket Saturday.

CIB deputy chief Charn Wimolsri said the arrest came after a US law-enforcement unit in Thailand asked the CIB to locate Mr Werner, who had been hiding in the kingdom, and deport him to the US.

Mr Werner is alleged to have impersonated a New York Department of Taxation and Finance official and made fraudulent internet calls to lure people into investing in businesses and transferring money to him.

Full story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/american-fraud-fugitive-arrested-in-phuket-53286.php

-- CHIANGRAI TIMES 2015-07-21

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US man nabbed for $2m fraud, faces extradition
The Nation


PHUKET: -- A US citizen, wanted for allegedly duping others in the US to wire him US$2 million (Bt68.83 million) in business investments was arrested on Sunday in Phuket's Kathu district, Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) chief Pol Maj-General Thitirat Nonghanpitak said yesterday.

The arrest of Theodore Andrew Werner, 48, was according to a request by US authorities, who said the man allegedly claimed to be a US revenue official and invited victims to join business and stock market investments, Thitirat said. Werners's visa was revoked and he would be sent back to face charges in the US.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/US-man-nabbed-for-$2m-fraud-faces-extradition-30264852.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-21


The police guy with the mic looks like singing the national anthem of the fugitives on the run who

got caught....


The police guy with the mic looks like singing the national anthem of the fugitives on the run who got caught....

And hitting that impossible high note when the snappy was taken...


Puget is the land of fugitives and scum from around the world. It will never be the place it was 30 years ago.

Yeah and Phuket isn't much better


"CIB deputy chief Charn Wimolsri said the arrest came after a US law-enforcement unit in Thailand asked the CIB to locate Mr Werner, who had been hiding in the kingdom, and deport him to the US"... US law enforcement unit in Thailand? Tell me again how the Thai "government" are complaining about the USA and their lack of respect etc?


Online computer scammers should be sentenced to total lack of access to any computer for life, far worse than any fine or lashes. That should send them stark raving bonkers in no time flat :)


Puget is the land of fugitives and scum from around the world. It will never be the place it was 30 years ago.

Where do the illiterate hang out Bruce?


Karaoke cops aside, you look closely at this guy's face, and it says it all as to what he's in now. I've done my share of stupid things in life, but no thank you to theft or fraud of any kind, as it just wouldn't be worth it.


Never fails to amaze me that people on the run always choose a place like Phuket instead of some where less visible.


Never fails to amaze me that people on the run always choose a place like Phuket instead of some where less visible.

Yeah, true. I guess that people with the mindset to do such things in the first place, feel they should have wild times to make it all 'worth it'.


Never fails to amaze me that people on the run always choose a place like Phuket instead of some where less visible.

Yeah, true point. I guess that people with this mindset feel they should reward themselves, though.

I think Thailand is one of the worst places to enter if you are a crook on the run or even an asylum seeker.

When located (and they have ways of knowing where you live now), you are bundled back on to a plane from whence you came, without a moments thought for any personal considerations .

No extradition hearings nor refugee claims slow down the process here.



What an idiot.

I could put the dumbnuts in my Thai Wife's Homeland: Tha Bo.

35km west of Nong Khai. Population: 124 1/2

No one would ever find the dummie.

The picture was taken just as The Cop said: "And the rockets red glare ... the bombs bursting in air .... "

He's a Fraud.

Before he goes to the USA ... let him spend a few nights in a BKK jail.

With some of his buddies.

He won't walk for weeks.


Puget is the land of fugitives and scum from around the world. It will never be the place it was 30 years ago.

nothing on Earth will be the same for you as 30 years ago. because you are not the same as 30 years ago. isn't that obvious?


How long has he been on the run? I found charges on him from 2007, so he's been on the run for 8 years? Hope he lived it up, and is content with those memories.


Puget is the land of fugitives and scum from around the world. It will never be the place it was 30 years ago.

Note for my book:

Don't go to Puget !!! (where is that)???


Puget is the land of fugitives and scum from around the world. It will never be the place it was 30 years ago.

Note for my book:

Don't go to Puget !!! (where is that)???

Close to the hairport!

I disagree. In 30 years, Puget (sic) will be the same place as it was 30 years ago. The only thing that will have changed is you.

Puget is the land of fugitives and scum from around the world. It will never be the place it was 30 years ago.


Geez, there seems to be a lot of these hoons being caught in Thailand now, seems like every week. Caps off to the Grey Ghosts finding them, or is it more from help being received from Interpol ? It's about time these parasites learnt that Thailand is not the place to come to get off the grid.


I think Thailand is one of the worst places to enter if you are a crook on the run or even an asylum seeker.

When located (and they have ways of knowing where you live now), you are bundled back on to a plane from whence you came, without a moments thought for any personal considerations .

No extradition hearings nor refugee claims slow down the process here.

There is most certainly extradition for those countries with whom Thailand has a treaty. The US is one, so is the UK ..


Puget is the land of fugitives and scum from around the world. It will never be the place it was 30 years ago.

Yeah and Phuket isn't much better

Well, I have to say his spelling is closer to the Thai pronunciation of word: hard 'g' rather than a 'k' ... and in English, 'ph' has an 'f' sound. Tired of my overseas friends pronouncing it like an obscenity :-)


Yeah this guy will soon be home ligging his wounds. A hard awagening for him, with a baglog of penalties his future seems bleag, blogen and jungy. Wlong place to hide in Puget.


Puget is the land of fugitives and scum from around the world. It will never be the place it was 30 years ago.

nothing on Earth will be the same for you as 30 years ago. because you are not the same as 30 years ago. isn't that obvious?

I'm still the same grumpy bastard I was 30 years ago

Only the hair has changed whistling.gif


Geez, there seems to be a lot of these hoons being caught in Thailand now, seems like every week. Caps off to the Grey Ghosts finding them, or is it more from help being received from Interpol ? It's about time these parasites learnt that Thailand is not the place to come to get off the grid.

Yeah, did they never watch Grizzly Adams? Thailand would be the last place on earth I would come to if I was wanted.

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