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Rainfall to decline as monsoon leaves Thailand


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Why is a swell of 2-3m a problem? I have worked on small commercial fishing boats and we often end up in 5-7m swells and it is just part of our daily lives. Are their boats that unseaworthy?

I stand in awe when I see these guys (and even skinnier boats) cruising past our platforms in GOT, miles and miles from even being able to see the shore.



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What is all the fuss about? Thailand doesn't need rain, as the Dear General has already said - GROW WEEDS!


The man is an absolute genius, what would the world do without him?

Take a look at some other predictions and explanations, a true genius and a true scholar!


Edited by Vogele123
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After the driest year one could imagine, the most amazing turnaround has happened. Our mountain in Phetchabun has had 10 inches of rain in the last week. Every single night it has dumped rain.

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After the driest year one could imagine, the most amazing turnaround has happened. Our mountain in Phetchabun has had 10 inches of rain in the last week. Every single night it has dumped rain.

Whish it would happen here. I look forward to not having to water the back garden for several months, can last ten days at a push. Still watering it.

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"Meteorological Department"

a.k.a. Ministry of We-Don't-Know-Jack-Shit (Thainess/experts!)

Not only Thailand, spend millions in Australia just to get it wrong about 85% of the time.

The difference is with Aus, they spent millions to prepare, and if the time comes again they will have the ability to desalinate water to supply, Thailand on the other hand just wastes billions og gallons every year. They whinge and whine when it floods, drain off the dams, then whinge and whine when there is a drought!

Do not compare Australia to this 3rd world dump!

They haven't got a clue here.

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After the driest year one could imagine, the most amazing turnaround has happened. Our mountain in Phetchabun has had 10 inches of rain in the last week. Every single night it has dumped rain.

Whish it would happen here. I look forward to not having to water the back garden for several months, can last ten days at a push. Still watering it.

BUT! Where will all of this water end up? It will be run off, totally wasted due to the incompetence of the idiots in charge here. They simply have no idea, they rely on the monsoon every year, this year it is not coming! But this year is not the problem, just wait until next April, that is when the shit will really hit the fan. Sadly the government does not want to or is too stupid to look past the end of its big fat stupid noses!

Next year it will be dire hear for rice, farmers etc!

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"Meteorological Department"

a.k.a. Ministry of We-Don't-Know-Jack-Shit (Thainess/experts!)

Not only Thailand, spend millions in Australia just to get it wrong about 85% of the time.

The difference is with Aus, they spent millions to prepare, and if the time comes again they will have the ability to desalinate water to supply, Thailand on the other hand just wastes billions og gallons every year. They whinge and whine when it floods, drain off the dams, then whinge and whine when there is a drought!

Do not compare Australia to this 3rd world dump!

They haven't got a clue here.

It must be galling and frustrating to come from a country that can only rely on monsoon rains only in the far north and has frequent droughts, lasting for years in some cases, ie 1963-68.

Thailand is so lucky in comparison.

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It only rains when I want to go out with the car , which gets dirty , but I'm not allowed to wash because there is not enough water...

Therein lies the problem.

The very best way to bring on a rainstorm is to wash the car. If nobody can wash their cars, it may never rain again. Ever.

Vicious circle.

LOL. Murphys Law !

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