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Video shows how Texas traffic stop escalated into confrontation


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Forgive me as I am not familiar with US law but could someone explain if the officer's order to her to put out her cig ihas any legal foundation?

I understand there is absolutely no requirement for anybody to be polite to police so her attitude has nothing to do with it.

But his order for her to put out her cig? Does he have any foundation to order that?

I ask because that seems to be the catalyst for the matter to escalate.

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No, he does not have the authority to tell her to put out her cig. In fact the only authority he had was to write her a citation or warning and let her go on about her business. He had no reasonable suspicion much less probable cause for anything else. She does not have to talk to him, period. She does have to ID. His problem was she refused to kowtow and was "uppity". In other words, she stood up for her rights. "If the woman proved emotionally unstable enough to kill herself - that's just unfortunate." Oh what a wonderful human being you must be, NOT. Every been to Waller, ever been to Texas? I think not, same with all the thinly veiled racists here. Let me give you an example of Texas DPS in Waller County. Back some years ago when I was a NM law enforcement officer I was traveling to my home town. It was night and I came upon a DPS roadblock. Gave the officer my DL and he saw the badge in my wallet. He was sending me on my way when I said to him "the Supreme Court just ruled these types of roadblocks are illegal". He said in return, "We don't give a damn about what the Supreme Court says, we will keep doing what we do". I left post haste.


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Looks like Waller in Texas has some of its own iron knickers beserker cops too. Which makes me consider how to characterize the people in TX, throughout the US and abroad who support this police national crime wave of serial murders and serial deaths against black Americans.

One true characterization I'm confident I don't need to venture in to is of the TX state police academy.

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Imagine if Donald Trump could drive a car. He's driving along and is stopped. Exactly the same scenario as the one with this young woman. Police officer demands that Donald puts out his cigar, Donald says "nobody tells the The Donald what to do with his cigar in his car". Officer then proceeds to pull the hair-ruffled Donald from his Bentley (would the Donald drive a Bentley?). I bet everyone would think Donald was uppity and arrogant and deserved what he got. Even if he died in custody 3 days after having been arrested. But of course being a person of impeccable manners, such a thing could never happen to Donald or his well mannered white minions. They're just too white...oups....well mannered.

"You sassing me by smoking that cigarette girl?" An attitude with a long, long history.

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free your mind and preconceptions,,,,watch this




from 8.15 is what we should keep in mind

Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans.

Ms Bland asked 14 times why she was being arrested and got no answer from the berserker burned out right wing cop who very likely made a career ending move to which one can say hallelujah. These serial grim reaper cops against black AmerIcans are not Obama Democrats in police forces -- NOT.

The Texas Department of Public Safety says it has found "violations" by police during the arrest of Sandra Bland, whose death in a Texas jail was ruled a suicide Thursday.

Officials say the officer involved has been assigned to "administrative duties" while the investigation continues.

"We have identified violations of the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy," the department said in a statement.


Further evidence if not proof of a national police crime wave serially targeting black Americans for death.

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free your mind and preconceptions,,,,watch this




from 8.15 is what we should keep in mind

Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans.

Ms Bland asked 14 times why she was being arrested and got no answer from the berserker burned out right wing cop who very likely made a career ending move to which one can say hallelujah. These serial grim reaper cops against black AmerIcans are not Obama Democrats in police forces -- NOT.

The Texas Department of Public Safety says it has found "violations" by police during the arrest of Sandra Bland, whose death in a Texas jail was ruled a suicide Thursday.

Officials say the officer involved has been assigned to "administrative duties" while the investigation continues.

"We have identified violations of the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy," the department said in a statement.


Further evidence if not proof of a national police crime wave serially targeting black Americans for death.

"Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans."

And especially you.

The video conveniently omits the part where she refuses a nicely-put request to put out her cigarette. And her insolent response to his request. It was not an order, of course, and was accompanied by a "please". Also missing is that he was attempting to give her a "warning" ticket. Isn't that a pretty solid indication of his attitude about her? Facts, facts, facts. Inconvenient facts.

Then she refuses to exit her vehicle when ordered to do so. Try refusing a "lawful order" by a LE officer, such as getting out of your car no matter who you are or who the officer is and see what happens. I shouldn't have to remind anyone that driving a vehicle is a privilege and not a right.

I'm not defending what the officer did following her refusal to get out of the car. However, at what point does law enforcement condone lawlessness, shrug their shoulders and let them drive away?

Edited by MaxYakov
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free your mind and preconceptions,,,,watch this




from 8.15 is what we should keep in mind

Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans.

Ms Bland asked 14 times why she was being arrested and got no answer from the berserker burned out right wing cop who very likely made a career ending move to which one can say hallelujah. These serial grim reaper cops against black AmerIcans are not Obama Democrats in police forces -- NOT.


The Texas Department of Public Safety says it has found "violations" by police during the arrest of Sandra Bland, whose death in a Texas jail was ruled a suicide Thursday.

Officials say the officer involved has been assigned to "administrative duties" while the investigation continues.

"We have identified violations of the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy," the department said in a statement.


Further evidence if not proof of a national police crime wave serially targeting black Americans for death.

"Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans."

And especially you.

The video conveniently omits the part where she refuses a nicely-put request to put out her cigarette. And her insolent response to his request. It was not an order, of course, and was accompanied by a "please". Also missing is that he was attempting to give her a "warning" ticket. Isn't that a pretty solid indication of his attitude about her? Facts, facts, facts. Inconvenient facts.

Then she refuses to exit her vehicle when ordered to do so. Try refusing a "lawful order" by a LE officer, such as getting out of your car no matter who you are or who the officer is and see what happens. I shouldn't have to remind anyone that driving a vehicle is a privilege and not a right.

I'm not defending what the officer did following her refusal to get out of the car. However, at what point does law enforcement condone lawlessness, shrug their shoulders and let them drive away?

But you ARE defending the officer.

In short, the reason he lawfully ordered her out of the car was because he unlawfully demanded she putt out her cig. Which in turn led to her arrest and sadly her death.

All the officer had to do was issue the warning or ticket and move on. But he decided to be the anti smoking police.

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I am not a big defender of the police. It's a mentality that I don't totally trust, but I also know that they are the front line between legal and illegal activity. I know that a routine traffic stop can result in death for an officer. Drug dealers, drunks and criminals are often stopped for routine traffic offenses, so they are dealing with a potentially unpredictable situation.

This lady was out to make a scene. Whatever the officer did it would probably not have diffused the situation. She was a person on a mission.

The banner should now read "Mission Accomplished."

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I am not a big defender of the police. It's a mentality that I don't totally trust, but I also know that they are the front line between legal and illegal activity. I know that a routine traffic stop can result in death for an officer. Drug dealers, drunks and criminals are often stopped for routine traffic offenses, so they are dealing with a potentially unpredictable situation.

This lady was out to make a scene. Whatever the officer did it would probably not have diffused the situation. She was a person on a mission.

The banner should now read "Mission Accomplished."

Of course he could have diffused the situation. By not saying anything about cig, which inflammed the situation.

Easily diffused if he simply did his job and walked away.

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"Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans."

And especially you.

The video conveniently omits the part where she refuses a nicely-put request to put out her cigarette. And her insolent response to his request. It was not an order, of course, and was accompanied by a "please". Also missing is that he was attempting to give her a "warning" ticket. Isn't that a pretty solid indication of his attitude about her? Facts, facts, facts. Inconvenient facts.

Then she refuses to exit her vehicle when ordered to do so. Try refusing a "lawful order" by a LE officer, such as getting out of your car no matter who you are or who the officer is and see what happens. I shouldn't have to remind anyone that driving a vehicle is a privilege and not a right.

I'm not defending what the officer did following her refusal to get out of the car. However, at what point does law enforcement condone lawlessness, shrug their shoulders and let them drive away?

But you ARE defending the officer.

In short, the reason he lawfully ordered her out of the car was because he unlawfully demanded she putt out her cig. Which in turn led to her arrest and sadly her death.

All the officer had to do was issue the warning or ticket and move on. But he decided to be the anti smoking police.

He did not "unlawfully demand she put out her cig."

The next time your mind clears up, watch the video again. When it comes to the cigarette part listen very carefully and you might hear the word "PLEASE" coming from the voice of the Patrolman.

Nobody follows an unlawful demand with a "PLEASE".

She was looking for a fight with the authorities and got it. End of story.

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free your mind and preconceptions,,,,watch this




from 8.15 is what we should keep in mind

Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans.

Ms Bland asked 14 times why she was being arrested and got no answer from the berserker burned out right wing cop who very likely made a career ending move to which one can say hallelujah. These serial grim reaper cops against black AmerIcans are not Obama Democrats in police forces -- NOT.


The Texas Department of Public Safety says it has found "violations" by police during the arrest of Sandra Bland, whose death in a Texas jail was ruled a suicide Thursday.

Officials say the officer involved has been assigned to "administrative duties" while the investigation continues.

"We have identified violations of the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy," the department said in a statement.


Further evidence if not proof of a national police crime wave serially targeting black Americans for death.

"Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans."

And especially you.

The video conveniently omits the part where she refuses a nicely-put request to put out her cigarette. And her insolent response to his request. It was not an order, of course, and was accompanied by a "please". Also missing is that he was attempting to give her a "warning" ticket. Isn't that a pretty solid indication of his attitude about her? Facts, facts, facts. Inconvenient facts.

Then she refuses to exit her vehicle when ordered to do so. Try refusing a "lawful order" by a LE officer, such as getting out of your car no matter who you are or who the officer is and see what happens. I shouldn't have to remind anyone that driving a vehicle is a privilege and not a right.

I'm not defending what the officer did following her refusal to get out of the car. However, at what point does law enforcement condone lawlessness, shrug their shoulders and let them drive away?

But you ARE defending the officer.

In short, the reason he lawfully ordered her out of the car was because he unlawfully demanded she putt out her cig. Which in turn led to her arrest and sadly her death.

All the officer had to do was issue the warning or ticket and move on. But he decided to be the anti smoking police.

Do you have dyslexia?

clearly said that I was "not defending what the officer did following her refusal to get out of the car".

I'm defending the officer for pulling her over. How many of us knowing that a police vehicle is behind us are going to change lanes without signaling? Actually, a signaled lane change should always be performed unless it is an emergency. Anyone who has driven on highways in the USA knows that a law enforcement vehicle may pass you at any time at high speed on your right so particular caution has to be taken with them. No to mention that you really don't want to discuss your driving skills with one of them.

I'm also defending the officer for requesting that she put out her cigarette. It is a common courtesy to do so if anyone should have asked. At some point she indicated that she was "irritated" that the officer had pulled her over after she had done him a "favor" by changing lanes. Oh, that's right! She was irritated that she was pulled over! The officer at this point, I believe, was getting the idea that he was dealing with a person with a problem and, perhaps, he was getting the idea that maybe her mental state she should not be on the road. One of their jobs is to get unsafe drivers off the road for the obvious safety of others. She had just performed an unsafe lane change. I've been pulled over for something as minor as not having my passenger seat-belted. That's right! He looked into the vehicle as he passed me.

Another thing you may not have considered is that lighting a cigarette during a traffic stop may indicate nervousness and perhaps he was beginning to think that maybe she had something to be nervous about. He certainly became of aware of her essentially bad attitude w/r law enforcement.

I'm also defending the officer for ordering her to exit her vehicle. It is a routine request. I've been asked a few times. Once it was for a field DUI test (which I passed because I hadn't been drinking). I can assure you I didn't give the CHP officer any guff.

IMHO, she initially played the "female black privilege" card, followed by the "victim" card. Then, in jail, she played her final "victim" card.

Edited by MaxYakov
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The Republican right continues to defend rightwing cops in this national police crime wave that continues to produce the ongoing serial deaths of black Americans throughout the country.

There is no defending this police officer who is another berserker iron knickers burned out rightwing cop who compulsively created a petty scene against Ms Bland.

Many black Americans and many police have an historical animosity, antagonism, hostility toward the other.

So it's the same old story centered around another rightwing berserker burned out abuser cop involving a black American. This time the justification of the right in uniform and out of uniform is a lit cigarette.

Far too many cops are rightwingers gone off the deep end of their authority and their inherent racial hostilities. You can bet the farm this cop is not an Obama Democrat. In fact, you can bet your life he is not.

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"Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans."

And especially you.

The video conveniently omits the part where she refuses a nicely-put request to put out her cigarette. And her insolent response to his request. It was not an order, of course, and was accompanied by a "please". Also missing is that he was attempting to give her a "warning" ticket. Isn't that a pretty solid indication of his attitude about her? Facts, facts, facts. Inconvenient facts.

Then she refuses to exit her vehicle when ordered to do so. Try refusing a "lawful order" by a LE officer, such as getting out of your car no matter who you are or who the officer is and see what happens. I shouldn't have to remind anyone that driving a vehicle is a privilege and not a right.

I'm not defending what the officer did following her refusal to get out of the car. However, at what point does law enforcement condone lawlessness, shrug their shoulders and let them drive away?

But you ARE defending the officer.

In short, the reason he lawfully ordered her out of the car was because he unlawfully demanded she putt out her cig. Which in turn led to her arrest and sadly her death.

All the officer had to do was issue the warning or ticket and move on. But he decided to be the anti smoking police.

He did not "unlawfully demand she put out her cig."

The next time your mind clears up, watch the video again. When it comes to the cigarette part listen very carefully and you might hear the word "PLEASE" coming from the voice of the Patrolman.

Nobody follows an unlawful demand with a "PLEASE".

She was looking for a fight with the authorities and got it. End of story.

I dont care if he said pretty please with sugar on it. He had no right to ask her to do that. If he had not asked her then there would be no reason for her to be ordered out of the car, thus escalating the situation.

She did not break any law in her response nor her tone of voice. The officer was just annoyed that she refused to do what he wanted, which she was completely within her rights to do.

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The Republican right continues to defend rightwing cops in this national police crime wave that continues to produce the ongoing serial deaths of black Americans throughout the country.

There is no defending this police officer who is another berserker iron knickers burned out rightwing cop who compulsively created a petty scene against Ms Bland.

Many black Americans and many police have an historical animosity, antagonism, hostility toward the other.

So it's the same old story centered around another rightwing berserker burned out abuser cop involving a black American. This time the justification of the right in uniform and out of uniform is a lit cigarette.

Far too many cops are rightwingers gone off the deep end of their authority and their inherent racial hostilities. You can bet the farm this cop is not an Obama Democrat. In fact, you can bet your life he is not.

More far left biased propaganda. This traffic stop was not about racism, otherwise why did he issue her a warning ticker? It was about whether she should be operating a motor vehicle (or whether she was even competent to at the time) and, eventually, her obvious respect for the law, beginning with her unsafe lane change.

Maybe he wanted her out the car to perform a field sobriety test. She would have had to be either drunk or very stupid to do and say some of the things she did.

I got pulled over and a field sobriety test run on me by a CHP unit for simply approaching a car from behind too rapidly and tapping my brakes to slow. That's all it took. What he didn't see was why/how I gotten into the rapid approach scenario (whew!). He thought it was possibly because I exhibited poor judgment because I may have been drunk. He told me he was amazed that I had passed the sobriety test with flying colors (because he had made in invalid assumption (hypothesis) about my approaching a vehicle too rapidly).

She was good for at least disobeying a lawful order, resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. The only reason this is getting attention is because she offed herself. Otherwise she was looking at some serious jail time and she knew it.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans.

Ms Bland asked 14 times why she was being arrested and got no answer from the berserker burned out right wing cop who very likely made a career ending move to which one can say hallelujah. These serial grim reaper cops against black AmerIcans are not Obama Democrats in police forces -- NOT.


The Texas Department of Public Safety says it has found "violations" by police during the arrest of Sandra Bland, whose death in a Texas jail was ruled a suicide Thursday.

Officials say the officer involved has been assigned to "administrative duties" while the investigation continues.

"We have identified violations of the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy," the department said in a statement.


Further evidence if not proof of a national police crime wave serially targeting black Americans for death.

"Facts will set you free. Except for rightwingers and other Republicans."

And especially you.

The video conveniently omits the part where she refuses a nicely-put request to put out her cigarette. And her insolent response to his request. It was not an order, of course, and was accompanied by a "please". Also missing is that he was attempting to give her a "warning" ticket. Isn't that a pretty solid indication of his attitude about her? Facts, facts, facts. Inconvenient facts.

Then she refuses to exit her vehicle when ordered to do so. Try refusing a "lawful order" by a LE officer, such as getting out of your car no matter who you are or who the officer is and see what happens. I shouldn't have to remind anyone that driving a vehicle is a privilege and not a right.

I'm not defending what the officer did following her refusal to get out of the car. However, at what point does law enforcement condone lawlessness, shrug their shoulders and let them drive away?

But you ARE defending the officer.

In short, the reason he lawfully ordered her out of the car was because he unlawfully demanded she putt out her cig. Which in turn led to her arrest and sadly her death.

All the officer had to do was issue the warning or ticket and move on. But he decided to be the anti smoking police.

Do you have dyslexia?

clearly said that I was "not defending what the officer did following her refusal to get out of the car".

I'm defending the officer for pulling her over. How many of us knowing that a police vehicle is behind us are going to change lanes without signaling? Actually, a signaled lane change should always be performed unless it is an emergency. Anyone who has driven on highways in the USA knows that a law enforcement vehicle may pass you at any time at high speed on your right so particular caution has to be taken with them. No to mention that you really don't want to discuss your driving skills with one of them.

I'm also defending the officer for requesting that she put out her cigarette. It is a common courtesy to do so if anyone should have asked. At some point she indicated that she was "irritated" that the officer had pulled her over after she had done him a "favor" by changing lanes. Oh, that's right! She was irritated that she was pulled over! The officer at this point, I believe, was getting the idea that he was dealing with a person with a problem and, perhaps, he was getting the idea that maybe her mental state she should not be on the road. One of their jobs is to get unsafe drivers off the road for the obvious safety of others. She had just performed an unsafe lane change. I've been pulled over for something as minor as not having my passenger seat-belted. That's right! He looked into the vehicle as he passed me.

Another thing you may not have considered is that lighting a cigarette during a traffic stop may indicate nervousness and perhaps he was beginning to think that maybe she had something to be nervous about. He certainly became of aware of her essentially bad attitude w/r law enforcement.

I'm also defending the officer for ordering her to exit her vehicle. It is a routine request. I've been asked a few times. Once it was for a field DUI test (which I passed because I hadn't been drinking). I can assure you I didn't give the CHP officer any guff.

IMHO, she initially played the "female black privilege" card, followed by the "victim" card. Then, in jail, she played her final "victim" card.

Do you have dyslexia?

clearly said that I was "not defending what the officer did following her refusal to get out of the car".

Not only is there no "please" to the question, the explanation offered is proof positive the post does exactly that which it denies doing. And the nature of the question offends the sensibilities of many Americans.

The righwing is predictably and as usual going to great pains of inventing detail and of pressing a bit too hard in concocting detail in a self-embarrassing effort to justify the serial deaths of unarmed black Americans at the hands of certain rightwing burnout police in the United States.

Not all cops are serial offenders in these respects, as indicated in this case by the Texas Department of Public Safety stating it has found this overbearing over the top cop violated numerous police practices, rules, procedures, policies, especially in respect of interacting with the public, meaning Ms Bland. The burnout cop is off the streets and behind a desk, although he may well belong behind bars.

Still, a thorough housecleaning is needed of a good number of police departments in the United States to cleanse the departments and our communities of burned out rightwing cops who are compulsive abusers or who are outright killers and murderers of unarmed black Americans, to include black children playing in a park.

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Yes, Waller was infamous for it's "lane change" citations. Exactly where in the video is please omitted? Take my word for it, I can say please in a way that will invite you to throw the first punch, and have done it. The possible murder in the jail is being investigated hopefully by the feds. I have made plenty of stops where I had the driver and passenger exit the vehicle. Never ever after issuing a citation, never. Once the officer finished issuing the warning/citation the stop is over, period. Anything after that is the officer's doing. He is the one that started the fight when he jumped her ass about her attitude. That was completely out of line, followed by the cigarette crap. I believe, (our resident right lawyer might even confirm as much as it might hurt him, oh never mind he is a lawyer) that there are courts of appeal cases in which that has been upheld. Once the citation or warning is issued the cop is obligated to let the subject go on his/her way, safely. There is also a video out somewhere from a couple of years ago of DPS officers doing body search of female victim at the side of the road with traffic going by, that traffic is why there is a video. Wow, that really shows professionalism, NOT. One way or the other the fault lays solely at the cop's feet. And by defending the cop we know what kind of people are posting here. I've done plenty of night stops, yes they are scary. I've done them alone, at night without backup available for 30 or 40 minutes. And I've known the perps were armed. In my neck of the woods, everybody was armed, but in some cases I had seen the perp shoot. Scared is no reason, nor is racism, or being "uppity" any reason to treat people like they are non human. Then again that is common procedure applied to blacks in the south.

BTW I once arrested a young man for theft and booked him into jail. Yes, very small jail, very, very large area and we did most of our on booking in addition to arrests. He had a long record of being a trouble maker and petty thievery. I later ran into him in one of the few local bars and he bought me a beer. He said that was the most pleasant arrest he had every had, and he had had plenty. A cop doesn't have to treat people like animals to get the job done. It doesn't seem the militarized cops of today follow that course of action.

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When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

And cowardly.........

I don't want to live my life in fear of government officials.

I do stand up to them, armed or not, better to be shot, than live a life of fear.

Lol, how does that serve you? Hiding out in Thailand or living a good life in the US. It is not about being cowardly. It is about being respectful. In life, you have to be respectful to parents, employer and just about everyone with whom you come into contact.

Being respectful does not equate to being a coward. Interesting that some apparently can not distinguish between the two concepts.

Fear of authority = cowardly.

Respect is earned not given, if you ain't earned it, I don't give it.

Never showed my employers any respect, I had something they wanted, and it wasn't respect.

Never showed the police (in any country) respect, mostly poorly educated bully boys.

Now back in the UK, I had the respect of the police, they weren't allowed to approach me, unless there were three or more of them.

Interesting you can't distinguish between polite and respect, two different concepts.

Polite I can do ....... until they aren't polite.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Went through this town 36 years ago and was ticketed for changing lanes without using my turn indicator. Sat in my car, gave the police all my information, and was on my way to Houston in about five minutes.

Pardon the intrusion if you would, but are you a smoker....

Perhaps Ms Bland should have offered the out of control cop a smoke, maybe break the continuum of events going on, give the overbearing cop some pause to his ugly behavior; smoke and develop a friendly chat.

Fat chance eh.

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Fear of authority = cowardly.

Respect is earned not given, if you ain't earned it, I don't give it.

Never showed my employers any respect, I had something they wanted, and it wasn't respect.

Never showed the police (in any country) respect, mostly poorly educated bully boys.

Now back in the UK, I had the respect of the police, they weren't allowed to approach me, unless there were three or more of them.

Interesting you can't distinguish between polite and respect, two different concepts.

Polite I can do ....... until they aren't polite.

"Now back in the UK, I had the respect of the police, they weren't allowed to approach me, unless there were three or more of them."

This sounds rather interesting. Exactly why did the police feel three of them were needed before they were "allowed" approach you?

You mentioned it so please clarify it for us.

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MaeJoMTB is correct in that there is a distinct difference between polite and respect. Polite I can do, up to a point, respect has to be earned and not many people earn my respect. Perhaps Ms. Bland should have politely got out of her vehicle while shuffling her feets with a yeas sir, nos sir, and singing Dixie. Sorry I can't get the accent into the yeas, nos and sirs but I'm sure you get the point. I'm sure there are some posters here who long for those days of kowtowing to the "master". Well the cops are not the master and while they may have the power, they do not have the right.

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Fear of authority = cowardly.

Respect is earned not given, if you ain't earned it, I don't give it.

Never showed my employers any respect, I had something they wanted, and it wasn't respect.

Never showed the police (in any country) respect, mostly poorly educated bully boys.

Now back in the UK, I had the respect of the police, they weren't allowed to approach me, unless there were three or more of them.

Interesting you can't distinguish between polite and respect, two different concepts.

Polite I can do ....... until they aren't polite.

"Now back in the UK, I had the respect of the police, they weren't allowed to approach me, unless there were three or more of them."

This sounds rather interesting. Exactly why did the police feel three of them were needed before they were "allowed" approach you?

You mentioned it so please clarify it for us.

Off topic here,

I was considered 'too dangerous' for less than 3 to handle.

(complete BS, of course, i'm a very nice person)

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She had committed two traffic violations in less than two minutes.

I think the Patrolman had every right to question her activities.

But he had no right to tell her to stop smoking. That is the point where it escalated.

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She had committed two traffic violations in less than two minutes.

I think the Patrolman had every right to question her activities.

But he had no right to tell her to stop smoking. That is the point where it escalated.

Maybe you should watch and listen to the video. He asked her "please" to snuff her cigarette. It escalated at the point when she refused to get of the vehicle.

I read an account of an Oakland motorcycle cop that had pulled over Sonny Barger, a founding member of the Hell's Angels MC. Sonny copped an attitude with the cop so he related how he kept writing tickets regarding infractions of his motorcycle until it was going to be very costly for Sonny so he finally shut up.

So what should an officer do in the case of a driver or passenger that refuses to exit the vehicle? It appears that the threat to "light them up" is not a viable option, eh?

Edited by MaxYakov
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Went through this town 36 years ago and was ticketed for changing lanes without using my turn indicator. Sat in my car, gave the police all my information, and was on my way to Houston in about five minutes.

Pardon the intrusion if you would, but are you a smoker....

Perhaps Ms Bland should have offered the out of control cop a smoke, maybe break the continuum of events going on, give the overbearing cop some pause to his ugly behavior; smoke and develop a friendly chat.

Fat chance eh.

Well, maybe a better idea just simply answer the officers questions in a respectful tone, and when asked to put out her cigarette, just comply with his request. All she was going to receive is a warning citation. A little common sense goes a long way.

I find it mind boggling at the high number of law enforcement haters there are on this site. I suspect most of the haters could never pass the psychological exam to even be considered to be hired as a police officer.

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Waller was well known for the "change lanes" ticket, didn't know they still pulled that money making scam. In this case it appears it was a legit citation. I'd like to know how many minorities and students (still considered minority-fair game) going and coming from Brenham Jr. College and University of Texas got a citation for "lane change". Where did he say please and what the hell does that have to do with anything anyway? Like I stated before, I can and have said "please" in a way that will hopefully make you attempt the first punch. Many, if not most cops are very good at provoking a fight that doesn't appear to be their fault, especially in Texas and especially with minorities. The cop wrote the citation/warning. That is the end of the stop, period. He is obliged at that point to let her go her way, safely. He didn't. He started the fight by jumping on her ass about being "uppity" after he wrote the citation/warning. She does not and should not have complied with his illegal demand to put out the cigarette. She was completely within her rights at that point and the cop has been disciplined (that will only last until the news etc. stops) for being wrong. Most of you white bread have no idea, no clue what it is like to be a minority, especially a minority in the south. Her death is the cops fault, no matter the cause of death.

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