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Bus driver killed EGAT passenger because of his 'criticism'


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Thailand is progressively becoming a lawless country and a dangerous place to live. And those in charge seem to be accepting that fact. No need for me to explain. Other contributors to this forum have summed up the reasons why. Death and injury can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. It increasingly seems one must always have their wits about them not relax when out and about.

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Pretty low self-esteem. Lesson learned: don't fall asleep on a bus.

Sounds like a premise for a black comedy. Bus driver gets insulted by passenger, shoots him, then flees bus and gets taxi. While the taxi is pulling into traffic the passenger says "be careful!"

Taxi: "what, you think I don't know how to drive?" and BLAM, shoots former bus driver in face. One km down the road the driver of another car thinks the taxi cut him off, so out comes the gun and the taxi is out of business. That driver then runs a red light and nearly hits a pedestrian who then pulls out his gun and...

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After years of being in Thailand I have came to the conclusion that death is no big deal be it by murder or natural. I believe this is because they believe in reincarnation not like myself which believes in death is final. Since they believe in reincarnation it is no big deal to die and come back perhaps in a better situation in life than this life. So as long as the killer seems sincere and honest Thais can accept it as a reasonable way to deal the situation, Life is thought of as cheap by falangs,because we see it as the end but I feel in Thailand it is seems that life goes on forever with their idea of reincarnation so death only changes the form or place that the life lives in. So death has far less meaning. So killing someone for reasons you feel are acceptable it becomes acceptable to the legal system which judges you.and you receive little penalty.

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According to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_guns_per_capita_by_country Thailand only has 15,6 guns per 100 civilians. Even if you factor in the guns which police carry around when off duty the number would probably not rise too much. It is all to do with the mindset. Ingrained in the psyche is the need to hide emotions & with no healthy outlet for all these pent up feelings something has to give sooner or later. Unfortunately sometime it is fatal.

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I think that good education is far more important than gun-control. This is why children are taught nursery-rhymes like "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Lessons learned in early childhood really do stay with a person for life.

In those early years it is very important to teach kids that backing-down from confrontation is a sign of personal strength, and that defusing a stressful situation is the sign of true maturity. In the case of boys, they should be taught that real men do not seek fights, they avoid fights unless they are defending themselves or their family. I have friends who are veteran soldiers of heavy warfare, and not one of them brags about battle. Fighting is the last resort for a real warrior, and the bravest fighters in the world will never talk about these things unless they are asked to do so. Fighting is sometimes needed, but not something to seek out, or feel especially proud of. By extension, resorting to violence when it is not needed, is actually a clear sign of an insecure and cowardly person. Children should be taught this basic philosophy at a very early age.

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