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Action required to 'stop sinking of Bangkok'


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stop sinking of the Capital

Lots of capital has been sunk in Thailand: expats buying businesses for girlfriends, buying houses in gf name, etc etc

Capitol: Def a: "a building in which a state legislative body meets . b: a group of buildings in which the functions of state government are carried out"

Capital: 1. Financial assets or the financial value of assets, such as cash. 2. The factories, machinery and equipment owned by a business

I know sometimes they can be used interchangeably, but this brain poot came into my alleged mind

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I doubt very much if tall buildings are causing any sinking of the land. Major buildings are piled down to bedrock to support their weight. I believe this rock is about 30m down, and non major, certainly 20 floors or less are supported on friction piles. It is more likely that these friction piles are becoming less effective as the earth supplying the friction dries due to overuse of groundwater. Whatever the cause of the problem high rise buildings do not transmit their weight directly onto the land and are not the major cause. The seas are rising mm per annum and this is causing an apparant sinking and the overuse of groundwater will definitely cause a degree of sinking and not just the use of it in greater bangkok but many miles outside of Bangkok, up to several hundred miles.

According to this bedrock is over 400m in BKK.


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Can't stop it sinking. A sea wall will be built if and when needed. That's a relatively easy task considering so much is at stake. The Dutch will come and show them how. No point doing that just now though.

Edited by ddavidovsky
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Some experts claimed that Jakarta will sink 80 feet in the sea level elevation, Singapore 60 feet, Bangkok & Manila 40 feet and Hong Kong 20 feet due to a combination of earth change and pole shift. Don't worry Bangkok, the whole region will sink with you.

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I was ready to buy a condo in BKK, after reading all these articles that were released this week I changed my mind.

I have a condo in BKK and I knew abot this sinking story before purchase. It is impossible to predict when the "sinking" will become a real problem. But hey , people are still buying property in Phuket (tsunami) in S. Fransico (earthquakes) in the Netherlands (rising sea water) Indonesia and many other places (volcanoes) . Did this information really stopped your purchase plans? Be careful when you walk on the street; drunk drivers, collapsing bridges, busses with failing breaks, stiletto katoys, lightning, drought (dead within 3 days)
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I doubt very much if tall buildings are causing any sinking of the land. Major buildings are piled down to bedrock to support their weight. I believe this rock is about 30m down, and non major, certainly 20 floors or less are supported on friction piles. It is more likely that these friction piles are becoming less effective as the earth supplying the friction dries due to overuse of groundwater. Whatever the cause of the problem high rise buildings do not transmit their weight directly onto the land and are not the major cause. The seas are rising mm per annum and this is causing an apparant sinking and the overuse of groundwater will definitely cause a degree of sinking and not just the use of it in greater bangkok but many miles outside of Bangkok, up to several hundred miles.

According to this bedrock is over 400m in BKK.


In a sense, you are both correct:

For practical purposes, dense rock that behaves like "bedrock' is relatively close to the surface.

However, literal "Bedrock" is 500 Meters +

Interestingly, the real threat to bangkok is not sinking, it is the jello that it sits on during an Earthquake.

That is the very real danger to such a dense population area.

Thank you both for having the only interesting and informed input. the rest is like being locked in a bus with 7th graders.


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YAWN..........every year same story, no matter what kind of government. Some years ago there were plans up to build a new Capital in Petchaboon. Many people from BKK bought land over there greediness in their eyes....(or Baht-signs)

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Again?....this is news?

On my first assignment in BKK in 1988, in converstaion with the military attache at the Bristish Embassy, one of the things he told me was:

Parts of Bangkok and nearby provinces were at great risk of sinking in the next 15 years if no action is taken to prevent it.

or something along those lines.

So Bangkok should have sunk back in 2003 or maybe it never will. Can someone point me to a serious research someone has done on this and not some blog?

I have done serious research on this since 1982 when JICA started drawing up the action plan which became the King's Master Plan for Bangkok. There have been 4 master plans so far but essentially they are the same plan. There was to be a complete wall along the Chaophraya River Bangkok which is partially complete and a sea wall. A barrage from the West to the East side some distance from the mouth of the river on the lines of the barrages in the Nederland. I recommended that all pumping of artesian water by industry and the MWA cease in 1994. As far as I understand this was done. Certainly MWA ceased all pumping of underground water. Most of Bangkok now sinks by less than 10mm/year so in 100years it will have sunk by 1metre. However the construction of high rises, roads and infrastructure necessitates leads to the raising of the land levels within Bangkok. Indeed the BMA and MOT have already lifted the road levels in many areas by 1metre. I made a power point presentation for AMCHAM, but I don't think I can attach here. If you are really interested you can find much of the information by searching AIT & JICA web sites or going to their libraries. The BMA and MWA also have similar presentations. All the essential flood prevention works should have been completed by 2010 prior to the last disastrous floods, but the major part that this expert is alluding to, was put on hold when Thaksin was removed by the 2006 coup.

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Some experts claimed that Jakarta will sink 80 feet in the sea level elevation, Singapore 60 feet, Bangkok & Manila 40 feet and Hong Kong 20 feet due to a combination of earth change and pole shift. Don't worry Bangkok, the whole region will sink with you.

That is an extraordinary use of the word "Expert"

Now go back to watching the chem trails ... OK?

And for god sake, do not go camping!

One word:


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A barrier dam from Chon Buri to Prachuap Khiri Khan, covering 100+ nautical miles, oh please! But I suppose they could always put a road on top and not have to bother with the ferry. And all this for a Bt500 million.

Billion with a B but even this is a very conservative estimate in my humble opinion. Tell Bangkok (The Titanic) we in Chiang Mai are ready to take over the reigns/reins of power. We would be only to happy to dictate to Bangkok (Atlantis)

like they do to us now. The future catch phrase would be "Check with Chiang Mai" has a certain ring to it. All the Cesar's in the sinking city could migrate to the north and take over the levers of power from here. That surely would put an end to the spring burning season. I think a lot of the Atlantis elite are ahead of the curve on this as they seem to be gobbling up a lot of real estate here. The large condo across the road hardly has any lights on at night. One nice thing about being rich you always have an exit plan your never innocently stuck in a quagmire of human errors.

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I am amazed that idiots still purchase condos even though they must know the place is sinking.

They are in denial. I wonder if you can get sinking insurance maybe that's why. They buy the condo's and flip them to foreigners Chinese maybe who have not kept up to date on the sinking problem. You remember what W.C. Fields famous quote was. I will be long gone by the time it sinks into the waves. Goodbye Bangkok its been good to know you.

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Again?....this is news?

On my first assignment in BKK in 1988, in converstaion with the military attache at the Bristish Embassy, one of the things he told me was:

Parts of Bangkok and nearby provinces were at great risk of sinking in the next 15 years if no action is taken to prevent it.

or something along those lines.

So Bangkok should have sunk back in 2003 or maybe it never will. Can someone point me to a serious research someone has done on this and not some blog?

I have done serious research on this since 1982 when JICA started drawing up the action plan which became the King's Master Plan for Bangkok. There have been 4 master plans so far but essentially they are the same plan. There was to be a complete wall along the Chaophraya River Bangkok which is partially complete and a sea wall. A barrage from the West to the East side some distance from the mouth of the river on the lines of the barrages in the Nederland. I recommended that all pumping of artesian water by industry and the MWA cease in 1994. As far as I understand this was done. Certainly MWA ceased all pumping of underground water. Most of Bangkok now sinks by less than 10mm/year so in 100years it will have sunk by 1metre. However the construction of high rises, roads and infrastructure necessitates leads to the raising of the land levels within Bangkok. Indeed the BMA and MOT have already lifted the road levels in many areas by 1metre. I made a power point presentation for AMCHAM, but I don't think I can attach here. If you are really interested you can find much of the information by searching AIT & JICA web sites or going to their libraries. The BMA and MWA also have similar presentations. All the essential flood prevention works should have been completed by 2010 prior to the last disastrous floods, but the major part that this expert is alluding to, was put on hold when Thaksin was removed by the 2006 coup.

I think the last master plan was done in 2004 and was quite comprehensive. 6 provinces around Bangkok were designated to become satellite cities. Banna district in Nakorn Nayok was to become the new Bangkok with connecting roads and rail and all the necessary infrastructures. As you said correctly, all could have been completed by 2010. Problem is that governments never have enough tenure to complete any major projects.

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Judging from past efforts to fix anything, I think they will be as

successful as the Captain of the Titanic ! Actually I don't believe land subsidence is

curable AFTER being build on which is why some other nations won't let you even

start on suspected subsidence areas and, others, have mandatory land treatments before building.

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Can someone give Moses a call?

Moses was busy on the phone so we called Noah. He immediately started to build a space ship sorry arks are out of style now. The load will be lighter this time as many animal species are now extinct. Noah said he will get right on it as we could soon be extinct to. The way things are going even Stephen Hawking and his new Russian partner with his 100 million dollar donation to find aliens are rushing their project. We may need their help to get us off of our sinking ship(other threats besides water) not just Bangkok. Forget studying Thai start learning Klingon.

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Perhaps a premium-priced limited-edition amulet or wrist-band might do-the-trick ? whistling.gif

Or, back in the real world, a firm decision to build a new capital on higher ground, over the very-long-term ? wink.png

From what I have seen they may entertain the idea of building a subterranean city underneath Bangkok.

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How about putting the brakes on unlimited development / new construction, especially high rise buildings that are not only heavy but whose tenants also suck more water out of the ground. If Bangkok is really going to be serious about this problem, what bigger Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) consideration could they possibly have? But of course that would limit profits & back handers associated with unlimited development.

We must continue on the road to destruction otherwise the baht will fall and tourist will not come. On second thought hey keep on building.

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Vienna or Venice? Never mind. All a bit late now. And a fair bit more difficult than a barrier across the Thames.

But build the megadyke and you could have thousands more prawn farms - then rename the saved city to Kung Thep!

Is he any relation to King Tut? Something smells prawny here. Building bigger barriers does not make us a better society. The rich sharing their money with the poor would have the desired effect. Dreaming again time to wake up.

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What would happen if everyone jumped up and down at the same time? As there is a better chance of that happening rather than any kind of preventive action from occuring.

They have a huge surplus of rubber here so build a big inner tube under the city and blow it up with politicians hot air. 2 problems solved at the same time. hmm maybe 3

Edited by elgordo38
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