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In new White House bid, Clinton embraces race as a top issue


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In new White House bid, Clinton embraces race as a top issue

GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) — In her second bid for the presidency, Hillary Rodham Clinton is discussing "systemic racism" and making the issue a hallmark of her campaign as she looks to connect with the black voters who supported rival Barack Obama in 2008.

At multiple stops in South Carolina, Clinton on Thursday bemoaned "mass incarceration," an uneven economy, increasingly segregated public schools and poisoned relations between law enforcement and the black community. She praised South Carolina leaders, including Republican Gov. Nikki Haley, for removing the Confederate battle flag from statehouse grounds after a white gunman's massacre of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston, but she warned that the act is only symbolic.

"America's long struggle with racism is far from finished," the former secretary of state said before a mostly white audience at a Greenville technical college. Hours earlier, with a majority black audience at a West Columbia church, she declared, "Anybody who says we don't have more progress to make is blind."

At both stops, she added some symbolism of her own, trumpeting the mantra "Black Lives Matter," which has become a rallying cry of and name for the activists who have organized protests in several cities amid several high-profile cases of black citizens being killed during encounters with police.

"This is not just a slogan," Clinton said. "This should be a guiding principle."

The bold approach is a contrast to her 2008 campaign. That year, she didn't talk so directly about race as she faced off against Obama, who would go on to become the nation's first black president. Instead, she ran as the battle-tested, experienced counter to the first-term U.S. senator from Illinois.

Clinton doesn't frame her unabashed commentary on race in a political context; aides repeatedly explain her strategy as "working to win every vote" and nothing more. Yet it's clear that Clinton feels no constraints going into 2016, as perhaps she did eight years ago. It's also no surprise that her newfound freedom is on display in South Carolina. African-Americans make up about 28 percent of the population and a majority of the Democratic primary electorate, the first of the early-voting states to feature a significant bloc of black voters.

Obama trounced Clinton here in 2008, 56 percent to 27 percent, as many black voters flocked to his candidacy once he demonstrated white support in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary. That leaves Clinton both to reverse a bitter primary defeat, while using South Carolina as a test run for a potential general election in which she would need strong black support to reassemble Obama's winning coalition in swing states like Virginia, Florida and Ohio.

If Clinton's approach is born of necessity, it also comes with potential pitfalls.

Last month, she angered some activists by using the phrase "all lives matter" during a speech a few miles from Ferguson, Missouri, where Michael Brown died at the hands of a white police officer. Clinton used those words as part of an anecdote about her mother, whom she said taught her that "all lives matter," but some activists thought it demeaned the significance of the "Black Lives Matter" effort.

Her Democratic rivals Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders drew similar outrage last week at the liberal Netroots Nation convention. O'Malley, the former Maryland governor, ended up apologizing after snapping at hecklers: "Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter."

Clinton said Thursday that she won't "comment on what anybody else said."

She also faces questions about her advocacy for tougher sentencing laws that her husband signed as president. Bill Clinton recently expressed regret over the laws, but his wife stopped short of calling the laws a mistake.

"We were facing different problems in the '80s and '90s," she told reporters, saying crime in cities "was causing an outcry across the nation," including in poor and minority neighborhoods. "I think now, 20 years on, we can say some things worked and some things didn't work," she continued. "One of the big problems that didn't work is that we had too many people, particularly African-American men, who were being incarcerated for minor offenses."

Clinton also must avoid any residue from Bill Clinton's remarks during and after the South Carolina primary in 2008. Clinton, who was extremely popular among black voters when he was president, expressed open frustration at Obama's rise. After Obama won South Carolina, the former president dismissed the victory as akin to Rev. Jesse Jackson's victory in 1988. A black South Carolina native, Jackson won the state's caucus that year, but he was never a serious contender for the nomination.

Meanwhile, Clinton says she will continue declaring that "black lives matter."

"I think this has become an important statement of a movement," she said, "to try to raise difficult issues about race and justice that the country needs to address."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-24

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This is a good issue for Hillary.

Bill Clinton was strongly associated with advocating for African American civil rights, not to mention his work for issues in Africa and Haiti.

It was often joked that he was the first African American president (on the inside) even before Obama.

Obama's election of course was a historic milestone, being the first actual African American president.

But the problem with Obama and race politics, is that his election stirred up a lot of racist Americans and also if he focused on African American civil rights issues he would be criticized for focusing on his own people vs. all American people.

As we can see in the news, there is plenty of work still to be done in furthering African American civil rights.

Hillary Clinton doesn't have the issues Obama has with this ...

Of course she wants to energize the African American voters to get excited about her candidacy and work for her.

That's politics. So what?

That all said, there is a dark side to this issue these days.

When democratic candidate O'Malley said ALL LIVES MATTER to a liberal group recently he was booed, and then ridiculously apologized.

No politician should be ashamed to say ALL LIVES MATTER.

The PC thing is to only say BLACK LIVES MATTER.

But this is a case where PC is very stupid.

Edited by Jingthing
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Big mistake.

This will be her undoing

Her undoing, if the US population are listening, is her past which is full of deceipt and chicanery.

Edited by rethaier
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Unfortunately Hillary has the money to defeat Bernie Sanders, the only candidate worth a damn in this cluster f*** of an election. She is a neocon/neoliberal that will be a disaster as she continues the policies of favoring finance over the needs of the people. Don't worry Repubs about her war making credentials, she is a bomb, bomb, neocon and will start all the wars you will never fight in and like Cheney/Bush et al wars the rich warmongers will never pay for. The Republican clown bus will self-destruct and whoever the actual candidate is could not get elected dog catcher in a one dog town.

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Unfortunately Hillary has the money to defeat Bernie Sanders, the only candidate worth a damn in this cluster f*** of an election. She is a neocon/neoliberal that will be a disaster as she continues the policies of favoring finance over the needs of the people. Don't worry Repubs about her war making credentials, she is a bomb, bomb, neocon and will start all the wars you will never fight in and like Cheney/Bush et al wars the rich warmongers will never pay for. The Republican clown bus will self-destruct and whoever the actual candidate is could not get elected dog catcher in a one dog town.

I would like to think that Bernie has the support to win even if he does not have Hillary's money. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the mainstream media are giving him the cold shoulder.

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"Obama's election of course was a historic milestone, being the first actual African American president.

But the problem with Obama and race politics, is that his election stirred up a lot of racist Americans and also if he focused on African American civil rights issues he would be criticized for focusing on his own people vs. all American people."

Well calling American blacks "his own people" is debatable. His life and the life of his family are totally removed from 99% of the black population in the US, ie: living in a gated community, being a pretentious liberal community organizer etc.

And shame on the Democrats for agitating a racial divide to build up their voting base. The welfare state alone - largely a Democratic vote buying scheming - is far more responsible for blacks' high crime rates, low education, general low performance, and perpetual lackluster performance, than "racist Americans". Perpetual welfare breeds a state of helplessness.

And how can you call race baiting "healing the racial divide"?

Edited by squarethecircle
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"Obama's election of course was a historic milestone, being the first actual African American president.

But the problem with Obama and race politics, is that his election stirred up a lot of racist Americans and also if he focused on African American civil rights issues he would be criticized for focusing on his own people vs. all American people."

Well calling American blacks "his own people" is debatable. His life and the life of his family are totally removed from 99% of the black population in the US, ie: living in a gated community, being a pretentious liberal community organizer etc.

And shame on the Democrats for agitating a racial divide to build up their voting base. The welfare state alone - largely a Democratic vote buying scheming - is far more responsible for blacks' high crime rates, low education, general low performance, and perpetual lackluster performance, than "racist Americans". Perpetual welfare breeds a state of helplessness.

And how can you call race baiting "healing the racial divide"?

Thank you for putting this welfare state issue in proper perspective...

The single largest factor in holding blacks back...impeding intellectual and economic progress...is the gov't keeping them satisfied with being cared for so their is no incentive to excel or exceed in school or commerce...

Way too much time on their hands since "work" is an option...not a requirement...

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Most Americans think the problem is real.

A New York Times/CBS News poll conducted last week reveals that nearly six in 10 Americans, including heavy majorities of both whites and blacks, think race relations are generally bad, and that nearly four in 10 think the situation is getting worse. By comparison, two-thirds of Americans surveyed shortly after President Obama took office said they believed that race relations were generally good.


I agree.

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Most Americans think the problem is real.

A New York Times/CBS News poll conducted last week reveals that nearly six in 10 Americans, including heavy majorities of both whites and blacks, think race relations are generally bad, and that nearly four in 10 think the situation is getting worse. By comparison, two-thirds of Americans surveyed shortly after President Obama took office said they believed that race relations were generally good.


I agree.

A poll of 1205 people will never be representative of anything more than the opinions of 1205 people.

Like most liberals, she seeks only to divide and make others feel guilt. And since many Irish were brought over as slaves, is she going to address that? Or the blacks that owned slaves? Until she addresses the elephant in the room (Benghazi, and her failures in that regard,) she doesn't have much of a chance.

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Most Americans think the problem is real.

A New York Times/CBS News poll conducted last week reveals that nearly six in 10 Americans, including heavy majorities of both whites and blacks, think race relations are generally bad, and that nearly four in 10 think the situation is getting worse. By comparison, two-thirds of Americans surveyed shortly after President Obama took office said they believed that race relations were generally good.


I agree.

A poll of 1205 people will never be representative of anything more than the opinions of 1205 people.

Like most liberals, she seeks only to divide and make others feel guilt. And since many Irish were brought over as slaves, is she going to address that? Or the blacks that owned slaves? Until she addresses the elephant in the room (Benghazi, and her failures in that regard,) she doesn't have much of a chance.

Seeks only to divide and make others feel guilt? Where do they get this stuff? ...nevermind, I know.

She's 20 points ahead of the of the leading Republican candidate..cheesy.gifclap2.gifgiggle.gif Donald Trump.

Turn out the lights, the Grand Old Party is over.

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A poll of 1205 people will never be representative of anything more than the opinions of 1205 people.

Like most liberals, she seeks only to divide and make others feel guilt. And since many Irish were brought over as slaves, is she going to address that? Or the blacks that owned slaves? Until she addresses the elephant in the room (Benghazi, and her failures in that regard,) she doesn't have much of a chance.

Seeks only to divide and make others feel guilt? Where do they get this stuff? ...nevermind, I know.

She's 20 points ahead of the of the leading Republican candidate..cheesy.gifclap2.gifgiggle.gif Donald Trump.

Turn out the lights, the Grand Old Party is over.

You might want to catch up with the latest polling numbers.

As usual, you are shooting from the hip and missing your target.

Clinton In Trouble In Colorado, Iowa, Virginia, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds; Trump's Negatives Are Almost 2-1
Jully 22, 2015
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is behind or on the wrong side of a too-close-to-call result in matchups with three leading Republican contenders, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released today.
Perhaps the biggest loser, however, is Donald Trump, who has negative favorability ratings of almost 2-1 in each state, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. The Swing State Poll focuses on key states in the presidential election.
In several matchups in Iowa and Colorado, another Democratic contender, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, runs as well as, or better than Clinton against Rubio, Bush and Walker. Vice President Joseph Biden does not do as well.
Clinton gets markedly negative favorability ratings in each state, 35 - 56 percent in Colorado, 33 - 56 percent in Iowa and 41 - 50 percent inVirginia.
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It's really early to take polls seriously, either way.

Some things we mostly know.

We know Hillary is going to be the democrat, at about 99 percent odds.

We really have no idea who the republican is going to be, though the obvious most likely is Jeb Bush.

So polling of Hillary vs. whatever republican -- absurdly TOO EARLY.

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Supporting healing the racial divide is a bad thing? Makes no sense. It's a core democratic base concern. She's not getting the racist vote anyway.

Not sure there is really a 'racial' divide, but there is definitely a huge cultural divide. That the adherents of the largely incompatible and immiscible cultures align largely along racial lines just obfuscates the issue.

Good neighbors come in all colors, but not those who deal crack on your stoop...

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She's speaks in platitudes and uses stale cliches. She sounds like a yesterday politician in polyester trying way too hard to be main stream and relevant by repeating stuff her young staffers tell her to say...... like last time...... she looks and sounds ridiculous.

When she has a chance to make a home run, she wimps out with wishy washy safe words like "should".

Regarding "black lives matter", "This is not just a slogan," Clinton said. "This should be a guiding principle."

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"Obama's election of course was a historic milestone, being the first actual African American president.

But the problem with Obama and race politics, is that his election stirred up a lot of racist Americans and also if he focused on African American civil rights issues he would be criticized for focusing on his own people vs. all American people."

Well calling American blacks "his own people" is debatable. His life and the life of his family are totally removed from 99% of the black population in the US, ie: living in a gated community, being a pretentious liberal community organizer etc.

And shame on the Democrats for agitating a racial divide to build up their voting base. The welfare state alone - largely a Democratic vote buying scheming - is far more responsible for blacks' high crime rates, low education, general low performance, and perpetual lackluster performance, than "racist Americans". Perpetual welfare breeds a state of helplessness.

And how can you call race baiting "healing the racial divide"?

I'll probably catch hell for this but here goes: Agitating racial and economic divides are exactly what the Democrats do best. Sure there is personal prejudice and bigotry in race, religion, and politics but the majority of Americans do not actively partake in these things in practice. What gets the ire up of most Americans is watching riots, looting, and burning in the aftermath of what may or may not be anything to do with a racially motivated action (normally by police) or watching illegal aliens in mass numbers invading the country. These things lead to a mass stereotyping of whole groups of people. Deep down I don't think the majority of Americans feel negatively about individual blacks, Hispanics, Asians or any other group. It is just that the Democrats play on this to these groups and reinforce that there is bigotry in race and that the rich prey on the poor. It wins them votes because the poor suckers use this as an excuse for troubles of their own making. The blame for their condition on everyone else. One only has to look at the black on black violence or the hispanic gang violence which has nothing to do with any outside racial issue to understand that there is an endemic problem within parts of these communities. Conversely every black or hispanic person who has been successful is a vindication that blacks and hispanics have the capability to escape their condition as does a person of any race. So Hillary trying to bate the black into voting for her because she will somehow solve or even make a dent in the issue is pure fantasy.

What is Hillary going to do if elected President about the so called race issue? She will get in office and just do nothing but propose more programs (doomed to failure) and provide more handouts because she has no idea how to encourage the people or stimulate growth. Preaching for a utopian or egalitarian society where everyone has equal opportunity is a fantasy. No amount of government meddling will help. It doesn't do a whole lot of good to propose preschool for every child and college for everyone who wants it if their are no jobs when they graduate. Seems to me that Hillary has changed her tune too many times on too many subjects to be taken seriously on the campaign speeches.

On the OTHER hand, Republicans have a difficult time getting the message across that a strong economy and jobs get people out of poverty. Most importantly, they have a difficult time telling the masses how they plan do it. They also seem to have to cater to the religious right on certain social issues instead of just talking about what their vision is for America's future. What made America the powerhouse it used to be was its strong economy. It created that stable middle class that everyone seems to think is disappearing. That middle class is still there for those willing and able to work for it and most importantly save for it. No one will ever get ahead if they want to spend on everything they see.

Politicians of all ilk are pure bottom feeders. Most promise everything under the sun and deliver nothing.

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She's taking a note from Big Dog: when there is an issue of color, always side with color. Always.

Fingers crossed that the GOP candidate will be Walker. Fioirina as his veep? If they win she'll change her name to Selena Meyer laugh.png

Cruz was on Chris Matthews' show yesterday. When he called Hillary a leftist Matthews laughed in his face.

He laughed even harder when Cruz started pumping up Bernie Sanders, Matthews telling him "I know what you're up to, I understand completely."

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"Obama's election of course was a historic milestone, being the first actual African American president.

But the problem with Obama and race politics, is that his election stirred up a lot of racist Americans and also if he focused on African American civil rights issues he would be criticized for focusing on his own people vs. all American people."

Well calling American blacks "his own people" is debatable. His life and the life of his family are totally removed from 99% of the black population in the US, ie: living in a gated community, being a pretentious liberal community organizer etc.

And shame on the Democrats for agitating a racial divide to build up their voting base. The welfare state alone - largely a Democratic vote buying scheming - is far more responsible for blacks' high crime rates, low education, general low performance, and perpetual lackluster performance, than "racist Americans". Perpetual welfare breeds a state of helplessness.

And how can you call race baiting "healing the racial divide"?

I can easily spot the conservative news viewers here. They love to say "community organiser" all the time.

Funny, their hero, Ronald Reagan was a grade B actor.......

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Hillary will use the race issue to cloud her past and some of the many scandals the two of them have been involved with.

One will most certainly be Bill's zipper problem. He can't seem to keep his pants zipped up and some of it may be rehashed in the near future.


Kathleen Willey launches anti-Hillary website
Published: 19 hours ago
Bill Clinton sexual-harassment accuser Kathleen Willey has launched an anti-Hillary Clinton website titled “A Scandal A Day.”
The site is partially aimed at recruiting other women who may have been assaulted by the former president.
Calling Hillary Clinton “without a doubt the most corrupt politician that this nation has ever seen,” Willey announced the launch of her new website Sunday on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM and online.
And I read a couple of months ago that Bill's Secret Service detail is still covering for him and his lady friends. They claim the new nickname for her is "The Energizer". Her story is here:
Julie Tauber McMahon: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Published 11:28 am EDT, August 14, 2014
Julie Tauber McMahon is the alleged mistress of Bill Clinton, revealed in the tell-all book The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents. Read on for the facts on McMahon and her reported relationship with former President Clinton.
1. “The Energizer” Is What McMahon Is Referred to As
Radar Online and The National Enquirer reports that the Secret Service detail refers to McMahon as “the Energizer” and that she and Clinton have been having an affair for years. The Daily Mail reports the reason for McMahon’s nickname as this:
It’s a tribute, apparently, to the fact that she’s been such a regular visitor over the years, she’s now part of the family, and also a tongue-in-cheek reference to the drumming pink bunny in the Energizer battery adverts that just keeps going.
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