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Movie theater shooter's mental problems didn't stop gun buy

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What the ignorant don't understand, especially foreigners, is the overall situation. What if by chance the system did work and this guy wasn't allowed to buy a firearm at that pawn shop, or other gun shop. Do you really think that was going to keep a weapon out of this guy's hands? I would give it a few days at most, especially in Alabama or Louisiana.

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But, since the left thinks that mental health can be treated with puppies and kitties, not to mention their buddies in the drug industry, people like this have access to firearms

Ahh so its liberals that have gutted any attempts and regulating who owns guns and let the mentally ill buy em. Gotta love that conservative mentality; We can't defend it, can't explain, won't discuss it, but we will lie about it biggrin.png

Please show me where I lied. And, since I'm not a conservative, keep swallowing your own venom. I am talking about the subject, but in your blind hatred for anyone that disagrees with you, you can't see it. There are sufficient gun control laws. Propose a new one that is better than the existing ones.

You can cite all the statistics ever written, but not one will show how to stop a killing. That is the issue. And in this case, the crime could have become even more heinous. A hand saw, or a hammer. With his mental history, he would've got the job done.

But less likely.


I suspect the battler did it in the library with an candlestick .

"Battler" or "butler"?

Darn Auto correct, one of these days I will stop throwing my AARP application I get in the mail, in the garbage, and get the sorely needed reading glasseslaugh.png

PS: I am also a rebel with out a clue.sad.png

and now for a brief musical interlude, Into the great wide open AKA Rebel with out a Clue



Why is it that in almost all of these mass shootings in the US, the perpetrator is a white American male? And every time it happens it's written off - mainly by other whites, as being an anomaly and primarily due to mental issues. Never any self-reflection nor acknowledgement of the prevalance of dysfunctional upbringing common in white families which often encourage violence and confrontational behavior. Yet when a non-white person commits an act of crime, its open season on poor upbringing, skin color religion, etc.

Contrary to what many Thai bashers on TV would have everyone believe, Thailand pales in comparison to the dysfunctional, often violent/confrontational behavior of farangs from the US/UK/AUS.


Nothing to see here. Only the 204th mass shooting in he US this year...

Got any evidence to back that up?

This is a mental health issue, not a gun control issue. But, since the left thinks that mental health can be treated with puppies and kitties, not to mention their buddies in the drug industry, people like this have access to firearms. And before the left whines and cries that somehow conservatives are to blame, remember as late as 2008 Congress and the Presidency were all Democrat. And they did nothing.

This is a gun control issue. Do you think guns should be made available to people with mental problems? This zero had a record of mental illness and that should have been shared between federal and state agencies so he would not have been allowed to purchase a gun.

However, I have to agree with you about wanting to see some back-up for that shooting deaths number. Don’t know and didn’t easily find more current stats--maybe they are still counting--but I believe the 204,000 mass shootings in 2015 is unlikely.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2013 firearms (excluding BB and pellet guns) caused 84,258 nonfatal injuries (26.65 per 100,000 U.S. citizens) [2] and 33,636 deaths (10.6 per 100,000).[ 3]

2) Nonfatal Injury Reports, 2001-2013: What caused the injury? Firearm. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://webappa.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/nfirates2001.html. Accessed July 25, 2015.

3) FastStats: Mortality - All firearm deaths. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/injury.htm (accessed July 25, 2015).

Repeat: In the US in 2013, there were 33,636 firearm deaths, 10.6/100k population.

The same source reveals; you have a better chance of dying in an auto accident in the US than by a firearm. There were 33,804 motor vehicle deaths, 10.7/100k population in the US in 2013.


Nothing to see here. Only the 204th mass shooting in he US this year...

Got any evidence to back that up?

This is a mental health issue, not a gun control issue. But, since the left thinks that mental health can be treated with puppies and kitties, not to mention their buddies in the drug industry, people like this have access to firearms. And before the left whines and cries that somehow conservatives are to blame, remember as late as 2008 Congress and the Presidency were all Democrat. And they did nothing.

This is a gun control issue. Do you think guns should be made available to people with mental problems? This zero had a record of mental illness and that should have been shared between federal and state agencies so he would not have been allowed to purchase a gun.

However, I have to agree with you about wanting to see some back-up for that shooting deaths number. Don’t know and didn’t easily find more current stats--maybe they are still counting--but I believe the 204,000 mass shootings in 2015 is unlikely.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2013 firearms (excluding BB and pellet guns) caused 84,258 nonfatal injuries (26.65 per 100,000 U.S. citizens) [2] and 33,636 deaths (10.6 per 100,000).[ 3]

2) Nonfatal Injury Reports, 2001-2013: What caused the injury? Firearm. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://webappa.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/nfirates2001.html. Accessed July 25, 2015.

3) FastStats: Mortality - All firearm deaths. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/injury.htm (accessed July 25, 2015).

Repeat: In the US in 2013, there were 33,636 firearm deaths, 10.6/100k population.

The same source reveals; you have a better chance of dying in an auto accident in the US than by a firearm. There were 33,804 motor vehicle deaths, 10.7/100k population in the US in 2013.

actually more people die from old age than they do from both cars and guns combined, so perhaps we should make old age illegal.



Thinking about it more, this could be a good counterpoint from the pro-gun lobby

More guns reduce old age related deathstongue.png


Going down the drain,that country.

Depends where you live in the states....The country as a whole is well....America (deleted) yea!

The Gop and Democrats are one in the same and serve their corporate masters well....


Why is it that in almost all of these mass shootings in the US, the perpetrator is a white American male? And every time it happens it's written off - mainly by other whites, as being an anomaly and primarily due to mental issues. Never any self-reflection nor acknowledgement of the prevalance of dysfunctional upbringing common in white families which often encourage violence and confrontational behavior. Yet when a non-white person commits an act of crime, its open season on poor upbringing, skin color religion, etc.

Contrary to what many Thai bashers on TV would have everyone believe, Thailand pales in comparison to the dysfunctional, often violent/confrontational behavior of farangs from the US/UK/AUS.

It's interesting that you accuse White people of "dysfunctional upbringing" and then lament "open season by skin color." Do you see the contradiction there?

But since we're having an honest discussion, let's use facts.

First let's look at the numbers of black and white people in the United States. This is from the 2010 to 2011 US Census. https://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/asrh/2011/

Black: 40,750,746

White: 243,470,497

Total (Black+White): 284,221,243

By percentage of Total (Black+White people)

Black: 14.34%

White: 85.67%

Here is the racial breakdown of total murders committed by race from the FBIs own crime statistics (2011). https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3

White 4,729 Black 5,486 Other 256 Unknown 4,077

From this we can find the percentage when the assailant is known and was either White or Black,

Black 53.7%

White 46.3%

The numbers do not support your White "dysfunctional upbringing" hypothesis, but do support alternative hypothesis based on skin color. Like you however, I detest conversations based on race and you should interpret this as merely a repudiation of your race based assertions.


I am sure there have been plenty of studies on mass shooters and serial killers, even though these people make up a really small % of the population. Even though there are differences in the racial makeup, I don't think that race is the defining characteristics that lead to this behavior.


Off topic troll post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Why is it that in almost all of these mass shootings in the US, the perpetrator is a white American male? And every time it happens it's written off - mainly by other whites, as being an anomaly and primarily due to mental issues. Never any self-reflection nor acknowledgement of the prevalance of dysfunctional upbringing common in white families which often encourage violence and confrontational behavior. Yet when a non-white person commits an act of crime, its open season on poor upbringing, skin color religion, etc.

Contrary to what many Thai bashers on TV would have everyone believe, Thailand pales in comparison to the dysfunctional, often violent/confrontational behavior of farangs from the US/UK/AUS.

It's interesting that you accuse White people of "dysfunctional upbringing" and then lament "open season by skin color." Do you see the contradiction there?

But since we're having an honest discussion, let's use facts.

First let's look at the numbers of black and white people in the United States. This is from the 2010 to 2011 US Census. https://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/asrh/2011/

Black: 40,750,746

White: 243,470,497

Total (Black+White): 284,221,243

By percentage of Total (Black+White people)

Black: 14.34%

White: 85.67%

Here is the racial breakdown of total murders committed by race from the FBIs own crime statistics (2011). https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3

White 4,729 Black 5,486 Other 256 Unknown 4,077

From this we can find the percentage when the assailant is known and was either White or Black,

Black 53.7%

White 46.3%

The numbers do not support your White "dysfunctional upbringing" hypothesis, but do support alternative hypothesis based on skin color. Like you however, I detest conversations based on race and you should interpret this as merely a repudiation of your race based assertions.

It's interesting that you accuse White people of "dysfunctional upbringing" and then lament "open season by skin color." Do you see the contradiction there?

Cherry picking words pointing to irony trivializes the issue and misses the bigger picture. Namely that a large segment of the US population(whites) continues to disenfranchise, disrespect and demonize a much smaller segment of the non-white population(often blacks), while continuing to blame them as the source of rising violent crime and societal dysfunction.
The real irony here is that whites in US are responsible for just as much, if not greater violent crime/dysfunction that they accuse blacks of. Heres another table courtesy of FBI which shows an almost 50/50 split of murder rates with whites leading by a small margin:
The question here is how much of the crime by whites go unreported considering they far outnumber black population by almost 6:1. One finds it hard to believe that the largest segment of US population commits violent crime only marginally higher than a much smaller segment of the population given the high rates of divorce(>50%), single parent households and spousal/child abuse in the US.

Cherry picking words pointing to irony trivializes the issue and misses the bigger picture. Namely that a large segment of the US population(whites) continues to disenfranchise, disrespect and demonize a much smaller segment of the non-white population(often blacks), while continuing to blame them as the source of rising violent crime and societal dysfunction.

The real irony here is that whites in US are responsible for just as much, if not greater violent crime/dysfunction that they accuse blacks of. Heres another table courtesy of FBI which shows an almost 50/50 split of murder rates with whites leading by a small margin:
The question here is how much of the crime by whites go unreported considering they far outnumber black population by almost 6:1. One finds it hard to believe that the largest segment of US population commits violent crime only marginally higher than a much smaller segment of the population given the high rates of divorce(>50%), single parent households and spousal/child abuse in the US.

Cherry picking words? It was the chief content of adjacent sentences. The "bigger picture" you point to is your assumption, is not an argument.

"The question here is how much of the crime by whites go unreported considering they far outnumber black population by almost 6:1. One finds it hard to believe that the largest segment of US population commits violent crime only marginally higher than a much smaller segment of the population given the high rates of divorce(>50%), single parent households and spousal/child abuse in the US."
Is it pretty hard to believe isn't it? That's why they call them facts - they don't care about what you want to be true. Yet, there are there, stubbornly refuting your racist assertions about White people.

Why is it that in almost all of these mass shootings in the US, the perpetrator is a white American male? And every time it happens it's written off - mainly by other whites, as being an anomaly and primarily due to mental issues. Never any self-reflection nor acknowledgement of the prevalance of dysfunctional upbringing common in white families which often encourage violence and confrontational behavior. Yet when a non-white person commits an act of crime, its open season on poor upbringing, skin color religion, etc.

Contrary to what many Thai bashers on TV would have everyone believe, Thailand pales in comparison to the dysfunctional, often violent/confrontational behavior of farangs from the US/UK/AUS.

It's interesting that you accuse White people of "dysfunctional upbringing" and then lament "open season by skin color." Do you see the contradiction there?

But since we're having an honest discussion, let's use facts.

First let's look at the numbers of black and white people in the United States. This is from the 2010 to 2011 US Census. https://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/asrh/2011/

Black: 40,750,746

White: 243,470,497

Total (Black+White): 284,221,243

By percentage of Total (Black+White people)

Black: 14.34%

White: 85.67%

Here is the racial breakdown of total murders committed by race from the FBIs own crime statistics (2011). https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3

White 4,729 Black 5,486 Other 256 Unknown 4,077

From this we can find the percentage when the assailant is known and was either White or Black,

Black 53.7%

White 46.3%

The numbers do not support your White "dysfunctional upbringing" hypothesis, but do support alternative hypothesis based on skin color. Like you however, I detest conversations based on race and you should interpret this as merely a repudiation of your race based assertions.

While I like your exuberant, good, but misleading argument, nemrut--great name by the way--did say, "mass shootings."

Try researching the race of perpetrators of mass shootings in the US and see if nemrut has a point.


Why is it that in almost all of these mass shootings in the US, the perpetrator is a white American male? And every time it happens it's written off - mainly by other whites, as being an anomaly and primarily due to mental issues. Never any self-reflection nor acknowledgement of the prevalance of dysfunctional upbringing common in white families which often encourage violence and confrontational behavior. Yet when a non-white person commits an act of crime, its open season on poor upbringing, skin color religion, etc.

Contrary to what many Thai bashers on TV would have everyone believe, Thailand pales in comparison to the dysfunctional, often violent/confrontational behavior of farangs from the US/UK/AUS.

It's interesting that you accuse White people of "dysfunctional upbringing" and then lament "open season by skin color." Do you see the contradiction there?

But since we're having an honest discussion, let's use facts.

First let's look at the numbers of black and white people in the United States. This is from the 2010 to 2011 US Census. https://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/asrh/2011/

Black: 40,750,746

White: 243,470,497

Total (Black+White): 284,221,243

By percentage of Total (Black+White people)

Black: 14.34%

White: 85.67%

Here is the racial breakdown of total murders committed by race from the FBIs own crime statistics (2011). https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3

White 4,729 Black 5,486 Other 256 Unknown 4,077

From this we can find the percentage when the assailant is known and was either White or Black,

Black 53.7%

White 46.3%

The numbers do not support your White "dysfunctional upbringing" hypothesis, but do support alternative hypothesis based on skin color. Like you however, I detest conversations based on race and you should interpret this as merely a repudiation of your race based assertions.

While I like your exuberant, good, but misleading argument, nemrut--great name by the way--did say, "mass shootings."

Try researching the race of perpetrators of mass shootings in the US and see if nemrut has a point.

Because "mass shooter" is a term invented and defined by the media and has no meaning in criminology.

"Broadly speaking, the term refers to an incident involving multiple victims of gun violence, but there is no official set of criteria or definition for a mass shooting, according to criminology experts and FBI officials." http://www.nationofchange.org/defining-mass-shooting-1345908412

Therefore simple "murder" statistics from the FBI should suffice. Nevertheless, despite a few unsubstantiated accusations by a website called "Mother Jones," mass shooters seem to have the same demographics as the rest of the United States.


Why is it that in almost all of these mass shootings in the US, the perpetrator is a white American male? And every time it happens it's written off - mainly by other whites, as being an anomaly and primarily due to mental issues. Never any self-reflection nor acknowledgement of the prevalance of dysfunctional upbringing common in white families which often encourage violence and confrontational behavior. Yet when a non-white person commits an act of crime, its open season on poor upbringing, skin color religion, etc.

Contrary to what many Thai bashers on TV would have everyone believe, Thailand pales in comparison to the dysfunctional, often violent/confrontational behavior of farangs from the US/UK/AUS.

It's interesting that you accuse White people of "dysfunctional upbringing" and then lament "open season by skin color." Do you see the contradiction there?

But since we're having an honest discussion, let's use facts.

First let's look at the numbers of black and white people in the United States. This is from the 2010 to 2011 US Census. https://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/asrh/2011/

Black: 40,750,746

White: 243,470,497

Total (Black+White): 284,221,243

By percentage of Total (Black+White people)

Black: 14.34%

White: 85.67%

Here is the racial breakdown of total murders committed by race from the FBIs own crime statistics (2011). https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3

White 4,729 Black 5,486 Other 256 Unknown 4,077

From this we can find the percentage when the assailant is known and was either White or Black,

Black 53.7%

White 46.3%

The numbers do not support your White "dysfunctional upbringing" hypothesis, but do support alternative hypothesis based on skin color. Like you however, I detest conversations based on race and you should interpret this as merely a repudiation of your race based assertions.

While I like your exuberant, good, but misleading argument, nemrut--great name by the way--did say, "mass shootings."

Try researching the race of perpetrators of mass shootings in the US and see if nemrut has a point.

Because "mass shooter" is a term invented and defined by the media and has no meaning in criminology.

"Broadly speaking, the term refers to an incident involving multiple victims of gun violence, but there is no official set of criteria or definition for a mass shooting, according to criminology experts and FBI officials." http://www.nationofchange.org/defining-mass-shooting-1345908412

Therefore simple "murder" statistics from the FBI should suffice. Nevertheless, despite a few unsubstantiated accusations by a website called "Mother Jones," mass shooters seem to have the same demographics as the rest of the United States.

You seem to mean well, albeit misguided and in denial. Here's an informative article shedding light on the matter:


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