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Abused Thai boy, 5, to get psychiatric help


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Abused boy, 5, to get psychiatric help
Jeerapong Prasertponkrung,
Santipap Ramasutra
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- THE SOCIAL Development and Human Security Ministry will rehabilitate the health, both physical and emotional, of a five-year-old boy who had been physically abused by his father.

"Our officials will take him to a psychiatrist. He's frightened of his father," Social Development and Human Security Minister Adul Saengsingkaew said yesterday.

A physical examination found bruises on the boy's neck.

The ministry's local office had already provided daily necessities and Bt2,000 in financial assistance to his family.

The boy's plight came to the attention of authorities when a video showing his father kicking and throttling him appeared on the Internet.

His mother recorded the beating last Thursday and uploaded the video on social media to plead for help from society. She had no courage to lodge a police complaint because, as a hilltribe woman, she had no Thai identification card, plus her father-in-law was a policeman.

The father, 30, is now in police |custody.

"We arrested him on Saturday," said Pol Colonel Passakorn Klanwan, superintendent of Hat Yai Police Station. This family was residing in Songkhla's Hat Yai district.

The suspect faces charges of using methamphetamine, abusing another person, physically or emotionally |torturing a child, and committing

domestic violence.

At a police press conference, the suspect apologised, saying he was sad about what happened. He claimed he did it in a fit of anger because his son did not seem to memorise what he had taught. He was also under stress and was drunk.

The investigation showed the suspect had four children and his cruel behaviour had already |traumatised his eldest son, who was six years old.

"He has been put under the care of relatives," a source said.

The Thai Journalist Association urged the media to stop releasing videos or photos of the boy being battered by his father.

"Don't use any picture that will hurt the dignity of people in the news," vice president Manop |Thip-osod said.

The disclosure of a child's name, picture or information in a |way that could hurt his reputation, honour and benefits violated |the child protection law, he |said. "Offenders may face a jail term of up to six months and/or a maximum fine of Bt60,000," he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Abused-boy-5-to-get-psychiatric-help-30265277.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-27

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Don't show videos of this behavior? The video is what probably saved this child's life.

If your going to stop showing pictures in the media, please stop showing us mangled, dead bodies.

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"She had no courage to lodge a police complaint because, ......... her father-in-law was a policeman."

Accepted as a simple matter of fact, when it should be the focus of a national campaign to have the public gain confidence in the police by ending corruption and ensuring police always perform their sworn duty in a professional manner.

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Manop is living in his own little world.

Firstly, it isn't necessay for journalists to expose filthy animals such as this so-called father. We have social media for that. Secondly, journalists won't stop showing videos, as it isn't in their interests to do so.

Now go and find yourself a little hole to cry in, Manop.

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I saw the video 24 hours ago. A Cambodian friend posted it on facebook.

The video was about 3 minutes long but I could only watch about 30 seconds of it. The boy was crying and sitting on the floor and the father kicked him in the head!

I have been thinking about it almost constantly and wondering if there was anything I or anybody else could do. I figured I would never know what happened to the boy or if he even lived.

What a relief to know the little guy was rescued.

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Video is available on live leak and is very hard to watch.

Inconceivable that someone could treat a child, (or even an animal), like this.

Also I find it hard to believe that this creature has not acted like this before. A thoroughly despicable poor excuse for a human being.

Hard to tell, but it appears there is a female in the room at the same time this atrocity was committed, and all she does is call out, (I will not review to confirm).

Rule .303 should be implemented in this case, and I will gladly assist.

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"She had no courage to lodge a police complaint because, as a hilltribe woman, she had no Thai identification card, plus her father-in-law was a policeman."

The lady had plenty of courage and the intelligence to realise that the only way to stop this behaviour was by uploading the video.

Lodging a police complaint? She knew where that would lead...

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Don't show videos of this behavior? The video is what probably saved this child's life.

If your going to stop showing pictures in the media, please stop showing us mangled, dead bodies.

The Thai media - they lack professionalism in many regards.

Hardly a credible group to develop concepts of what to report / not to report, etc.

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Great to see this young fellow and hopefully all his siblings receive help, but unfortunately it is the tip of a very large iceberg. It has been said many times, education is the key to the problem, but the Thai governments and elite do not want any part of it. Beating chidren is an ingrained practice and beatings from teachers at shools is all to common also. If this torture is acceptable practice, how are the children going to learn the difference between right and wrong, many will grow up to be just like this boys father.

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This quote from the above article:

" The Thai Journalist Association urged the media to stop releasing videos or photos of the boy being battered by his father.

"Don't use any picture that will hurt the dignity of people in the news," vice president Manop |Thip-osod said. "

No, by all means, don't show the 5 year being abused, ...... wait til he is killed, then its ok to show the splattered body in the paper.

I know its Monday, but something about this comment gets me very annoyed. Is this like taking "face" to another degree???

This guy may have a degree, but cannot be educated, if that is a correct translation. More like moronic...... Don't show the act, don't let others see the end consequences, don't let others too frightened to maybe get involved..... save face by all means.....

Forget the fact that it just may save some other innocent 5 year old from getting stomped to death by an over the top drunken , pilled up bully. If you said what you are quoted as saying Manop, I consider you a bigger moron.

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Pic and video of the father, 30 year-old Pirasak Matadam, in police custody.
It was revealed he also beat his wife and their 3 other children too.

With prompting from the police he claimed he was sorry for what happened but as Thai comments to the video said, if he was really sorry he wouldn't have waited until he was arrested to realize what he'd done was wrong.

His excuses for the abuse included he was in angry because his son was slow to learn when he was teaching him, he was drunk, he was stressed due to losing his job and he had doubts over the paternity of the child.


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Pic and video of the father, 30 year-old Pirasak Matadam, in police custody.

It was revealed he also beat his wife and their 3 other children too.

With prompting from the police he claimed he was sorry for what happened but as Thai comments to the video said, if he was really sorry he wouldn't have waited until he was arrested to realize what he'd done was wrong.

His excuses for the abuse included he was in angry because his son was slow to learn when he was teaching him, he was drunk, he was stressed due to losing his job and he had doubts over the paternity of the child.



My guess is the perpetrator has already taken out a loan to pay that officer. The officer is trying to appear to be a caring uncle-like figure addressing a wayward but genrally good nephew.

He'll be released shortly, if not already as I write.

Cute kids, lovely daughter, blah blah blah...friendly pats on the shoulder.....leading statements...blah blah...

A public "lecture", and off he goes, scot free.

Edited by Seastallion
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