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Thailand's move to return Uighurs to China is a massive moral failure


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"China is Thailand’s second-largest trading partner, which makes it especially dangerous for the smaller country to antagonize its powerful neighbor." Of course, Thailand is so proud of never having been colonized. They just have to jump to China's bidding, over-riding what is good for Thailand. But they've never been colonized, no sir.

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I expect the USA will be sending out a similarly worded message about Australia's treatment of boat people too.

Perhaps trade sanctions and other measures might be appropriate too.

Can the USA really preach to anyone about human rights?

The USA certainly has it's own laundry to wash. However, what other country has the political, diplomatic, and economic clout to address this issue? China? Your country perhaps? Russia? Iran?

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For me the key issue is...

"But Thailand has bigger obligations it should keep in mind: As a participant in the Convention Against Torture, Thailand has undertaken not to send anyone in its custody back to a state where the individual would face persecution."


If Thailand cannot be relied upon to uphold commitments in the international community then it is a failed state.

Why do you think the bad guys the BIB arrest so quickly confess to their crimes and inform on their accomplices ??? Not because they give them a nice bed and talk politically correct to them.

And who in their right mind wants to import Muslims into a none Muslim country, not politically correct to say this but it's what 99 per cent of the world thinks, shake of your rose tinted glasses.

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I expect the USA will be sending out a similarly worded message about Australia's treatment of boat people too.

Perhaps trade sanctions and other measures might be appropriate too.

Can the USA really preach to anyone about human rights?

The USA certainly has it's own laundry to wash. However, what other country has the political, diplomatic, and economic clout to address this issue? China? Your country perhaps? Russia? Iran?

The US of A has no time for laundry since they have bigger fish to fry... They outsource their dirty laundry and let take NGOs and other tax payers' help organisations take care of that. Those who run away from their bombed to bits countries are channeled to Europe, so the EU can feed and shelter them. Good business concept, don't you think? :)

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Why is it that forum rules state that we as posters cannot refer to the current government as a dictatorship, but Thai Visa itself can post an article which states in the very first sentence that Thailand has gone from democracy to dictatorship?

Edited by ldiablo
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Uighurs are moo slums, and what a warm and embracing lot they are. Fail to convert to I slam and your on their death list (most of us are!), say anything bad about Mo hammered and your on their death list. If you happen to be female you can forget about your rights, you haven't got any. If your a gay person, your on their death list. That keeps cropping up!

And pedophilia is rampant amongst moo slums, what religion condones child brides as young as 8 or 9. You notice I didn't say 'other' in front of religion as it's more a cult than a religion.

I got no sympathy for Uighurs, none what so ever for moo slums at all. They don't deserve anything, except maybe, each other.

Lucky for us that you carry the hate of the world on your shoulders. Far to big a burden for the rest of humnaity to hate as much as you do.

Be careful of your health...... happiness leads to longevity.

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The USA should never reprimand others about moral after having killed thousands in a senselass war in the MIddleEast. And - by the way, the "dictatorship" in Thailand is the result of the inability of civil governments to rule the country. Better law and order than ruthless demonstrations and economic desaster. And Thai are among the happiest people in the world!

Edited by Alfred Gruetzner
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Why don't the millions of unhappy Muslims in non-Muslim countries just buy a bloody atlas and get smuggled to Muslim states, then everyone is happy.

The innate logic of this argument is impossible to overlook.

Buy this guy a beer.




My comment:

I am very confused by this thread, and these 2 posters make the confusion even bigger.

The Uighurs do not like the Chinese.

The Chinese do not like the Uighurs.

The Uighurs like the Turks so much that they want to go and live there.

Turkey likes the Uighurs so much that they offer asylum.

Muslims like to go live in a muslim country, so farangmick and charlie should be happy, no need for an atlas or beer.

So what's the problem?

Edited by nidieunimaitre
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