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will i be respected and tolerated in Thailand? im my country im like a freak


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One thing the OP has not mentioned is what visa he plans to acquire in order to stay in Thailand... You cannot simply enter Thailand and stay indefinitely...

what OP means Loptr? yes i know

One thing the OP has not mentioned is what visa he plans to acquire in order to stay in Thailand... You cannot simply enter Thailand and stay indefinitely...

And on top of that, I doubt very much if he can walk into an immigration office dressed like that, with no shoes and get an extension of his visa stay.

Lots have tried and they say come back tomorrow formally dressed..

yes thats the not tolerance i must face, but Thai immigration offices i think must be much kinder than europeans in the appearance, europeans immigrations offices would not tend to respect you if you go barefoot, considering its not illegal to enter them barefoot

but long hair is socially acceptable i think u must say about going barefoot, well monks wouldnt have problems if they go barefoot i think wouldnt they? its socially accepted

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Your topic should be consigned to the jokes forum.however there are many freak roadshows here where you can be paraded at the local Isaan markets.Their lives are dull and you could cheer them up.

my life is not a joke to me

i experimente to ran 150km barefoot and with shoes

How many hours did that take ?

i dont remember Don Mega was more than a year ago, i did 7.5km per training, 20 times

i did run them faster than with shoes, and with much more fun

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Yes, monks are supposed to go bare-foot, but, 99% of them wear flip-flops.

Monks are NOT supposed to do a lot of things, yet, they still do them.

Just understand that many of the monks that you see in Thailand are ex-criminals, just out of gaol and doing a three month penance before going back to their old ways.

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Yes, monks are supposed to go bare-foot, but, 99% of them wear flip-flops.

Monks are NOT supposed to do a lot of things, yet, they still do them.

Just understand that many of the monks that you see in Thailand are ex-criminals, just out of gaol and doing a three month penance before going back to their old ways.

99% of monks wear flip flops? thats not true, ive read a lot about it

many of the monks are ex-criminals? someone can back up that? no offense man but after the 99% uses flip flops thing you lose authority in what u say, most monks in photos asking for food in the morning are barefoot

p.d. opporna remember einstein was 26 when he proposed relativity

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Yes, monks are supposed to go bare-foot, but, 99% of them wear flip-flops.

Monks are NOT supposed to do a lot of things, yet, they still do them.

Just understand that many of the monks that you see in Thailand are ex-criminals, just out of gaol and doing a three month penance before going back to their old ways.

99% of monks wear flip flops? thats not true, ive read a lot about it

many of the monks are ex-criminals? someone can back up that? no offense man but after the 99% uses flip flops thing you lose authority in what u say, most monks in photos asking for food in the morning are barefoot

p.d. opporna remember einstein was 26 when he proposed relativity

I cannot comment on all monks but the couple of hundred that walk my soi in the mornings, 99% of them wear flip flops. The other 1% ride in the back of a pickup.

Edited by Don Mega
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Appearance when dealing with Thai Immigratiion has been mentioned. Take note. Here is a link about Phuket Immigration and dress. It can apply at any Immigration office. If the Thai Immigration Officer has got out of bed the wrong side and doesn't like the look of you he can refuse you a visa. He doesn't have to give a reason and his descision is final.


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Yes, monks are supposed to go bare-foot, but, 99% of them wear flip-flops.

Monks are NOT supposed to do a lot of things, yet, they still do them.

Just understand that many of the monks that you see in Thailand are ex-criminals, just out of gaol and doing a three month penance before going back to their old ways.

99% of monks wear flip flops? thats not true, ive read a lot about it

many of the monks are ex-criminals? someone can back up that? no offense man but after the 99% uses flip flops thing you lose authority in what u say, most monks in photos asking for food in the morning are barefoot

p.d. opporna remember einstein was 26 when he proposed relativity

You've read a lot.

I've seen a lot.

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99% of monks wear flip flops? thats not true, ive read a lot about it

many of the monks are ex-criminals? someone can back up that? no offense man but after the 99% uses flip flops thing you lose authority in what u say, most monks in photos asking for food in the morning are barefoot

99% of them also have smart phones along with flip flops.

You're talking about what you assume.. not about reality of Theravada Buddhism. Some of us have lived in Thailand for years if not decades. We have no reason to lie but if you need evidence.. you will have it when you arrive.

The only time monks don't have shoes on is when they are inside the temple grounds.. there everyone has to remove their shoes.

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I kind of also get the feeling that the OP might assume Thailand to be very different from what actually is and I foresee some rants of how Thailand is a big hypocrite in regards to Buddhism and others and how farangs will be mistreated.

We've all been there.. culture shock, awe, double pricing/ farang pricing priviledge, anger, venting, jaded, returning home and saying never again.

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Yes, monks are supposed to go bare-foot, but, 99% of them wear flip-flops.

Monks are NOT supposed to do a lot of things, yet, they still do them.

Just understand that many of the monks that you see in Thailand are ex-criminals, just out of gaol and doing a three month penance before going back to their old ways.

99% of monks wear flip flops? thats not true, ive read a lot about it

many of the monks are ex-criminals? someone can back up that? no offense man but after the 99% uses flip flops thing you lose authority in what u say, most monks in photos asking for food in the morning are barefoot

p.d. opporna remember einstein was 26 when he proposed relativity

Whoever said 99% of monks wear flip flops or ex-crimnals should be brought to court on defamation charges, for those statements are flat out lies. There are a few people in this forum who speak to hear themselves. Some in this forum like to call people they don't understand or agree with crazy. I have many friends in the states that choose to dress and look differently and they are not freaks to those who understand and appreciate individualism.

Thailand has more positives than negatives even with a military government. If that is not true then this forum would be empty. My advice: Leave behind what you have suffered and open your mind. It took me awhile to leave the aggressive mentality of the state's behind and accept the passive nature of Thai culture. Take some Thai language lessons. It will help you to know and make good Thai friends . Good luck and welcome to The Land Of Smile.

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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Regarding monks and flip flops - Yes, many monks can be seen walking around town with flip flops, many attend peoples weddings for a blessing ceremony in flip-flops which they remove upon entering the building, the same goes for the house warming ceremonies etc...

I wouldn't put a statistic on it, but a large number of monks do wear flip-flops...


A number of monks are also ex-criminals and those who can't get a job.... There is no social security safety net in Thailand. A Thai cannot join the police force or become a soldier (not 100% sure of the soldier part) if they have a criminal record, they can become a monk. Thus, monk-hood is one of the few remaining options for a number of 'unemployables'...

Thats not say all monks are ex-cons... One of my Wife's cousins, from a very wealthy family gave up materialism years ago - he's now a senior monk. I'd guess there is a quite a range in backgrounds of those who've chosen lifelong monk-hood. Again, guessing at percentages is nothing more than a guess.


On Topic:

Will the Op be respected with Long Hair, Tattoos and bare feet.... He's likely to face greater difficulties than the regular 'clean looking' expat.

He will need to be careful of how he presents himself in an environment where it is expected that people be presentable (i.e. offices etc, government or otherwise).

My guess is that for the most part he will be treated with indifference, just like the rest of us...i.e. no one will really care, people are too enveloped in their own worlds to bother about others... I doubt anyone will like him or hate him for how he looks... But he will get a few 'looks' for simply being 'different'... 'individual'....

The greatest understanding the Op may need is to understand how he looks to others... mainly, he needs not to come across as a 'bit of a whack job'....

If he looks or acts like a 'crazy' people will notice, they will judge and they will avoid him...

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p.d. opporna remember einstein was 26 when he proposed relativity

You asked for an example. Well, I would venture to say that comparing your intellect to Einstein's, even indirectly, might be considered by some to be just a tiny bit arrogant .

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Yes, monks are supposed to go bare-foot, but, 99% of them wear flip-flops.

Monks are NOT supposed to do a lot of things, yet, they still do them.

Just understand that many of the monks that you see in Thailand are ex-criminals, just out of gaol and doing a three month penance before going back to their old ways.

99% of monks wear flip flops? thats not true, ive read a lot about it

many of the monks are ex-criminals? someone can back up that? no offense man but after the 99% uses flip flops thing you lose authority in what u say, most monks in photos asking for food in the morning are barefoot

p.d. opporna remember einstein was 26 when he proposed relativity

Whoever said 99% of monks wear flip flops or ex-crimnals should be brought to court on defamation charges, for those statements are flat out lies. There are a few people in this forum who speak to hear themselves. Some in this forum like to call people they don't understand or agree with crazy. I have many friends in the states that choose to dress and look differently and they are not freaks to those who understand and appreciate individualism.

Thailand has more positives than negatives even with a military government. If that is not true then this forum would be empty. My advice: Leave behind what you have suffered and open your mind. It took me awhile to leave the aggressive mentality of the state's behind and accept the passive nature of Thai culture. Take some Thai language lessons. It will help you to know and make good Thai friends . Good luck and welcome to The Land Of Smile.

Is this post aimed at me?

Seems you were not as successful as you thought about leaving that "aggressive mentality". Your first paragraph reeks of it.

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Rather you than me. I get giddy standing on the sofa let alone all that running over roofs etc....I'll leave that to you.

I have both long hair and tattoos (through a love of Heavy Metal) , I have a good job here with no worries at all. As long as you can pay your way, you'll not have any worries.....that's what counts at the end of the day.

Good luck pal.

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Respected....nope. Tolerated , sure.

Barefooted in Asia? all the time?.....parasites come to mind. Hook worm is huge here. One patient I had years ago went barefoot he had tiny little worms living under his toenail beds.......

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I mean this as respectfully as possible, but your posts to me seem to me to be of someone who believes they understand the world a lot better than most people. Such self belief is quite common for young people. When those young people speak about themselves and their strong beliefs, they often give the impression of arrogance--I would urge you to listen more than you speak and to realize that other people's choices can be just as valid for them as yours are (so far) for you. I would also, as an older person, urge you not to hold on too strongly to your beliefs. Be open to change.

i appreciate your opinion opporna

i mean i know but isnt what i say true? your comment would be much powerful if showing an example, thats what an ad hominem fallacy is about, but you are right young people are not as wise and tend many to be overconfident

i dont tend to say it much cause i dont want people to feel not superior but i have a superdotation in mathematical reasoning, i studied very much about human psychology and history, ive already expent thousands of dollars in books, therefore i consider myself to have great knowledge in sociology

i may be nor right, but i need proof of it, it may be fun and entertaining so i would like to see an example

what i like about what i say is that is very logical and simple

im very different from people, i may have have no social life and no friends even thou i have good social skills (i like to be solitary) but i have other things

But you are aware that drug consume can bring you into serious trouble here,mate...

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The OP seems to have become bored with the topic , but <deleted> is superdotation? Google shows something to do with Downs Syndrome, rude photos containing fruit and something Portuguese.

Grasp of the English Language fluctuates wildly. Troll.

Years ago there was a Kiwi known as "Reggie-no .-shoes", who used to hang about around Soi Yamato, barefoot naturally.

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Second time op has trolled the same question. Let me put it to you this way. Many Thais mistakenly believe foreigners are all "rich". What they cannot understand is how people who can afford to not work, and fly halfway across the world dress so shabbily and behave like bogans. As for barefoot foreigners I have seen two. One was a Japanese sadhu who lived covered in ashes and filth in the gutters of Sukhumvit, the other was a old white hippie in a Lord Shiva costume carrying a Trishul. Actually I do not know if either were genuine, but I found out Lord Shiva stayed at Le Meridien Chiangmai!!

Unless you wear robes and genuinely become ordained as a monk you will be ridiculed for walking around barefoot. Another uncouth backpacker, minging and penniless. Farang kee nok. Tolerated yes. As for respected, absolutely not.

As for becoming a Thai citizen it is possible. Mostly people who marry here and become integrated in Thai society. Or working for years and paying taxes and making charitable contributions as well as contributing to Thai society. I don't think you realize how conservative the power structure is here. Maybe take a look at a newspaper.

I don't know what kind of contribution you can make here covered in Tattoos and barefoot, but I wish you the best of luck in you endeavours.



Edited by arunsakda
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omg how many answers haha

ill quote in a different way as to go faster


Appearance when dealing with Thai Immigratiion has been mentioned. Take note. Here is a link about Phuket Immigration and dress. It can apply at any Immigration office. If the Thai Immigration Officer has got out of bed the wrong side and doesn't like the look of you he can refuse you a visa. He doesn't have to give a reason and his descision is final.

thank you thats useful information didnt know it



You've read a lot.

I've seen a lot.

so only 1 monk out of 100 walks barefoot? thats 99%, you say 70, 80 ok, but 99? thats not true at all,

ive seen a lot in internet which is as valid and even more valid sometimes than what people seen, as internet put it in general and with a lot of information that great people post



yes many would have iphones, ascetic life is not easy for all

99% of monks walk with shoes and they only go barefoot in temple, u dont have reason to lie but you do, unconciously perhaps

monks walk barefoot, much more than only 1 for every 100


You asked for an example. Well, I would venture to say that comparing your intellect to Einstein's, even indirectly, might be considered by some to be just a tiny bit arrogant

haha seems you didnt like it, i asked for an example of the previous post you said i could tend to be arrogant like many young people

also i dont compare myself to einstein i was saying einstein was only 26, only 26, therefore young, therefore you can be young and wise as contrary as you say young people are

26 when he proposed relativity, many 26 are arrogant as you say but some not

also i have a superdotation believe or not so i think i can be up to compared to einstein in intellect more than other people in some things

i would like also that you dont go quiet on me as im interested in see an answer to this please

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no im not like that haha



i didnt understaood you bro, can you explain me further?

refuge in Thailand or where?



you give useful information, but seriously many of you don't know what a troll really means, you all look dumb using troll out of context

im not a troll what i post is real and i want information and help with it

troll is simple to understand you know

ridiculed by many yes, but less than in the rest of the world i think thats the key

not, you cant be tolerated and disrepected,

if someone disrecpets for something is because they do not tolerate isnt it?

but you can, as backwards as you said, be respected and not tolerated, like people not tolerating you but respecting you for fear

"loved by many, hated by many, respected by all" a thing they said about ali

many didnt tolerated stalin, but no one dared to disrespect him as they would end up with a bullet in their heads


Lex Talionis

again with the troll

seriously whats why the troll thing in this forum

i imagine you people being calling troll to everything

-you want more sugar with that coffee?


-its five o'clock


-honey i love you




haha because i think you are, with the deforming shoes, many people dont even accept it even if its obvious


Mr Brilliant

sorry i didnt understood, can you explain further?

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Several posts removed.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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Yes, monks are supposed to go bare-foot, but, 99% of them wear flip-flops.

Monks are NOT supposed to do a lot of things, yet, they still do them.

Just understand that many of the monks that you see in Thailand are ex-criminals, just out of gaol and doing a three month penance before going back to their old ways.

99% of monks wear flip flops? thats not true, ive read a lot about it

many of the monks are ex-criminals? someone can back up that? no offense man but after the 99% uses flip flops thing you lose authority in what u say, most monks in photos asking for food in the morning are barefoot

p.d. opporna remember einstein was 26 when he proposed relativity

OP you are truly in for a shock.

Don't know what you have been reading

But sounds like you are getting your info from guide books.

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My favourite country was India in 1992 before I came here.

I though of becoming a Sadhu once but it was more for the spiritual thing rather than the ganja.

I came to Thailand back then for meditation and medication. Got by for a few years on them both until the drugs and alcohol too me to the depths of a hell realm.

Personally, I wish there were more people like you coming here. 23 years ago Khao San road was very different - there were no Thai bars and every time a thai student walked along the road, they were stared at - now they've taken it over.

It was people like you that discovered many of the beaches here and now we're getting retired civil bloody servants and boring breadheads meeting their "left on the Thai shelf" wives.

You'll need to get a job if you want citizenship, so that means a hair cut.

Don't give a F++k what other people think of you.

Lao Tzu: “Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.

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