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Potential effects of little or no rain if El Nino persists


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I won't be returning to Chiang Mai until the beginning of September so I don't know first hand how much it has been raining up to now. My limited understanding is that in the Chiang Mai area there has not been substantial rain up to this point. If in fact this is true and if forecasts are correct by meteorologists that El Nino and the resultant current weather patterns will continue into next year, I am wondering how serious or potentially serious the drought or lack of substantial rain would have on Chiang Mai and the surrounding area. Is there sufficient water or would serious restrictions have to be implemented due to the lack of water. I can potentially see rice and other commodity prices rising significantly due to this weather pattern which evidently is being felt within a wide area of SE Asia. I am interested in others opinions and what the consensus seems to be about the current weather pattern and lack of signicant rain so far this season.

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Feels like a wet winter in new zealand here at the moment

And therein lies the problem 555. it's wet, but not monsoonal.

Our garden and local paddy is flourishing yet rivers and dams are still at critical lows.

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Feels like a wet winter in new zealand here at the moment

And therein lies the problem 555. it's wet, but not monsoonal.

Our garden and local paddy is flourishing yet rivers and dams are still at critical lows.

That sums it up.

There is rain, but so far this year, not enough.

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Feels like a wet winter in new zealand here at the moment

And therein lies the problem 555. it's wet, but not monsoonal.

Our garden and local paddy is flourishing yet rivers and dams are still at critical lows.

Nothing like 2 or 3 years back. It has rained each day this past week, but not for long.

Anyone using a rain gauge?

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To answer the question. As El Nino is predicted to last, there will be a worse drought next year, as the rains so far are not sufficient to fill up the dams The North is probably less affected than the central plains and Bangkok. But it looks like it will get pretty hot again next year.

On the other end, the western parts of the Americas are expected to get lots of heavy rain, which is good news for California.

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Its going to have to rain a lot,lot harder,and

a lot,lot longer to replenish the very low levels

in the reservoirs,that is a given,without enough

rain in this rainy season,next year is going to

be dire,as when the rains end,its a long time till

they return.

In the future wars are not going to be fought over

oil,but water.

regards worgeordie

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