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Washington: On Capitol Hill, GOP fighting itself instead of Democrats


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On Capitol Hill, GOP fighting itself instead of Democrats

WASHINGTON (AP) — When Republicans took full control of Congress this year, they were determined to show voters they could govern responsibly. Instead they've been tearing each other apart in extraordinarily public displays, delighting Democrats and giving some in the GOP heartburn as the party aims for the White House in 2016.

Just a few days ago, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz took to the Senate floor to accuse Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of lying, provoking a public dressing-down from top GOP senators.

A second tea party-backed senator, Mike Lee of Utah, had to dispense mea culpas to McConnell and others after an aide's email surfaced suggesting outside groups should punish fellow Republicans for their votes.

And in the latest episode of Republican vs. Republican savagery in less than a week, a conservative lawmaker, Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina, filed a resolution Tuesday evening aimed at unseating GOP House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio.

Meadows' move, which infuriated House party leaders, is highly unlikely to oust Boehner. The speaker dismissed it as of little consequence and made clear he would not allow it to come to a vote.

"You got a member here and a member there who are off the reservation," Boehner told reporters. "No big deal."

But the effort was enthusiastically cheered by some conservative groups that promised to use Congress' upcoming August recess to pressure House Republicans to support it — a period Republican leaders had hoped to use to build unified opposition to President Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.

As with the incidents involving Cruz and Lee, the episode underscores the divisions and discontent within a fractured GOP that's struggled all year to balance its promises of good governance with the demands of frustrated activists clamoring for action to thwart Obama.

Democrats haven't escaped their own intramural disputes this year, particularly when a major trade bill divided Obama from most of his allies on Capitol Hill. And they are clearly enjoying the GOP discomfort.

"With apologies to the elephants, when the elephants around here lock tusks it certainly isn't going to be dull," said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.

It all comes at the very moment when Republican leaders hoped to send lawmakers home for a month with a positive message and maybe even some results, ahead of what promises to be a challenging fall stacked with economic deadlines, fiscal cliffs, showdowns with the White House and the threat of a government shutdown. Instead they find themselves contending with party controversies far afield from the economic issues dear to most voters — similar to the way Donald Trump has overshadowed the more mainstream GOP presidential candidates and forced them to respond to his provocative pronouncements.

"What people are doing is basically creating an issue within the party that distracts us from focusing on winning in 2016, that focuses us away from the real big issue, and that is the deterioration of national security, Iran's bad deal, Hillary Clinton's problems," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who like Cruz is running for president.

Alluding to Meadows, Graham said: "I would say to the gentleman from North Carolina, the biggest beneficiary of your actions has been Hillary Clinton and the ayatollah."

The recent episodes are only the latest manifestations of turmoil within the congressional GOP. Clashes between Republican leaders and their conservative flank brought the Department of Homeland Security to within hours of a partial shutdown earlier this year and resulted in a brief lapse in the National Security Agency's eavesdropping authorities thanks to procedural maneuvers by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., yet another presidential candidate.

Boehner and McConnell, both deeply experienced political pragmatists who have a good relationship, have found themselves repeatedly at odds, including on the Homeland Security and NSA disputes, even while notching wins on issues including trade and Medicare payment reform. Their latest clash was over transportation funding, resulting in both chambers agreeing to a three-month extension that will offer lawmakers little to boast about back home in their districts next month.

"I think we're going to be limping into the recess," said Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.

Numerous factors contribute to the disunity.

Bank-bench members are celebrated on social media and rewarded by outside conservative groups and voters for challenging party leaders. Leaders themselves can no longer rely on bestowing or eliminating funding for special projects — or earmarks — to reward or punish lawmakers, since that practice has been largely eliminated. Republican animosity toward Obama has created an atmosphere on Capitol Hill where anything that smacks of compromise or retreat provokes howls from conservative voters. And the goals of individual House members representing safe districts — not to mention senators running for president — can run counter to those of their party leaders.

For his part Meadows, a two-term lawmaker elected in the tea party-backed 2010 class, accused Boehner in his resolution of centralizing power, bypassing members of Congress and the public, punishing those who disagree with him and causing the power of Congress to atrophy. "This is really more about an issue of fairness," he said.

Associated Press writers Joan Lowy and Matthew Daly contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-30

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The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

Failure by some Republicans to be rightwing politically correct on issues ensures a fierce intra-party war first and foremost.

Republicans on the right do prohibit variations of political correctness on each and every issue dear to the rightwing.

Any Republican not towing the line of Huckabee, Cruz, Trump will be the recipient of politically correct services, like it or not. Forever.

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The old party fossils have had their day. Trump is coming.

As is Senator Bernie Sanders. People continue to complain that he's a Socialist, but he is a Democratic Socialist, and that's an important distinction. If you bother to take the time and listen to him, THEN look at his voting record, you realize this is a rare gem amongst Washington politicians - he's an HONEST one. He has been consistent for over 40 years fighting for "We, The People." Trump is absolutely GREAT at getting all the other Republicans shaking in their boots! If they have to go toe to toe with "The Donald" then they're going to have to have REAL answers to REAL issues, not just boiler plate rhetoric given to them by highly priced speech writers.

And neither Trump nor Sanders are accepting money from the Koch brothers. In my opinion, that makes them the two best choices for the next election!

Edited by quandow
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The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

Failure by some Republicans to be rightwing politically correct on issues ensures a fierce intra-party war first and foremost.

Republicans on the right do prohibit variations of political correctness on each and every issue dear to the rightwing.

Any Republican not towing the line of Huckabee, Cruz, Trump will be the recipient of politically correct services, like it or not. Forever.

The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

If you are so passionate about debunking the Republican right...then you might want to learn something about the people you so readily castigate...

Politically correctness is a liberal left phenomenon...forced upon the rest of the nation...Republicans who kowtow to political correctness are Dems in Republican clothing...

The Tea Party does not speak for all Republicans...unlike the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs...many registered Republicans are independent thinkers and voters...it is about the programs to move the country forward economically...not social engineering and cradle to grave entitlements...IMHO

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Any Republican not towing the line... <snip>

A boat "tows" the line.

A person "toes" the line. whistling.gif

I'm sure everyone understood what he meant, or are we going to play spelling and grammar police again?


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Any Republican not towing the line... <snip>

A boat "tows" the line.

A person "toes" the line. whistling.gif

The Republican ship of fools is sinking and they are sinking fast with it so I threw 'em a line.....to tow 'em in....

...anchor attached gigglem.gif but entirely gratis as no assistance from moi or anyone over on this shinny shore is necessary.

Reminiscent of one Dan Quail who failed to toe the line on potato. laugh.png

Trump-Palin for prez cheesy.gif

Go Donald Go....Things haven looked this good since Barry Goldwater back in the Great Landslide of '64...

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Feel the fear. Trump is coming.

I'd discussed this at a previous thread, the apprehension rather than any kind of fear, at least at this point. The apprehension is by some outside the R party, the fear is inside the R party. The R party establishment fear is getting great; profound.

The Donald is doing now what the political party top operatives and national committees in each party and their respective financial Lords of Money know to be necessary to run a delegate serious campaign for prez.

Trump has gone ahead now and hired political pros who know how to organize for elections and know how to identify voters and to get 'em out to vote, at caucuses as in Iowa and in primary states, such as New Hampshire, which is the first direct voter primary the week after Iowa caucuses; and in South Carolina shortly after NH.

Trump has chosen the road of a delegate serious campaign. He will win delegates in the state primaries and caucuses. Trump will be a factor in the delegate count.

Which means the Republican party national nominating convention next summer is going to be a five ring circus, not only of clowns, but of lions, tigers and bears.

Go Donald Go.......

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I was reading today that the GOP are about to launch ANOTHER attempt to repeal Obamacare.

Between that crap and another good six week holiday coming up, it's little wonder they have such a low approval rating - they don't do any work!


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It should be an exciting show, we will all wait breathlessly to see which of the mind-numbing gaggle of sycophants gets to play president. Then everything will continue as is, unabated, business as usual.

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Any Republican not towing the line... <snip>

A boat "tows" the line.

A person "toes" the line. whistling.gif

The Republican ship of fools is sinking and they are sinking fast with it so I threw 'em a line.....to tow 'em in....

...anchor attached gigglem.gif but entirely gratis as no assistance from moi or anyone over on this shinny shore is necessary.

Reminiscent of one Dan Quail who failed to toe the line on potato. laugh.png

Trump-Palin for prez cheesy.gif

Go Donald Go....Things haven looked this good since Barry Goldwater back in the Great Landslide of '64...

History is not your forte. LBJ was elected by such a wide margin because of the death of JFK.

And it's Quayle. Not Quail. Purposely misspelling names and words is only good if you want to debate Obamas' ghetto intelligentsia.

Keep talking about Trump, liberals. You're just shooting yourself in the foot.

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Feel the fear. Trump is coming.

I'd discussed this at a previous thread, the apprehension rather than any kind of fear, at least at this point. The apprehension is by some outside the R party, the fear is inside the R party. The R party establishment fear is getting great; profound.

The Donald is doing now what the political party top operatives and national committees in each party and their respective financial Lords of Money know to be necessary to run a delegate serious campaign for prez.

Trump has gone ahead now and hired political pros who know how to organize for elections and know how to identify voters and to get 'em out to vote, at caucuses as in Iowa and in primary states, such as New Hampshire, which is the first direct voter primary the week after Iowa caucuses; and in South Carolina shortly after NH.

Trump has chosen the road of a delegate serious campaign. He will win delegates in the state primaries and caucuses. Trump will be a factor in the delegate count.

Which means the Republican party national nominating convention next summer is going to be a five ring circus, not only of clowns, but of lions, tigers and bears.

Go Donald Go.......

How the heck would you know what goes on in the Republican power structure?

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Any Republican not towing the line... <snip>

A boat "tows" the line.

A person "toes" the line. whistling.gif

I'm sure everyone understood what he meant, or are we going to play spelling and grammar police again?


He's been saying it for months. I just got tired of reading it.

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Any Republican not towing the line... <snip>

A boat "tows" the line.

A person "toes" the line. whistling.gif

I'm sure everyone understood what he meant, or are we going to play spelling and grammar police again?


He's been saying it for months. I just got tired of reading it.

They're their it will be OK :)

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Meanwhile down the Glades way, the St. Pete Poll by the Times newspaper in the St. Petersberg-Tampa Bay area of Florida finds Trump leading with the Republican voters throughout the sunshine state.

The Donald has 26 percent, JEB 20%, Walker 12%, Rubio 10%. This is the first time Trump has led in a FL poll of all R voters only and it shows the two homeboy establishment Florida Republicans who have won elections again and again for governor or US senator taking serious gas.
All the while the respected Quinnipiac national poll has HRC at 48% in a head-to-head against The Donald who gets 36%. The NBC/Marist poll has Trump up by 7 in the New Hampshire R primary race and two points behind Walker in the Iowa caucuses.
It's very early in the whole of the long campaign for prez which means the Republicans are again taking themselves out very early, same as 2012. If the Rs are to recover from this, it would make Mao's Long March look like a nature walk.
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The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

Failure by some Republicans to be rightwing politically correct on issues ensures a fierce intra-party war first and foremost.

Republicans on the right do prohibit variations of political correctness on each and every issue dear to the rightwing.

Any Republican not towing the line of Huckabee, Cruz, Trump will be the recipient of politically correct services, like it or not. Forever.

The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

If you are so passionate about debunking the Republican right...then you might want to learn something about the people you so readily castigate...

Politically correctness is a liberal left phenomenon...forced upon the rest of the nation...Republicans who kowtow to political correctness are Dems in Republican clothing...

The Tea Party does not speak for all Republicans...unlike the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs...many registered Republicans are independent thinkers and voters...it is about the programs to move the country forward economically...not social engineering and cradle to grave entitlements...IMHO

the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs.

That is rightwing politically correct spam. It has no contact with reality which is what makes it the rigid ideological politically correct dogma of the hard right that it is. If you don't say that, then you're not rightwing or Republican politically correct.

Being rightwing politically correct means the people Republicans and their masters on the far right don't like are traitors, were not born in the United States, detest the United States, are consciously destroying the Constitution, want the ayatollahs to rule the world, make knowingly false nuclear weapons agreements with Iran, want to destroy the country by flooding it with illegal immigrants and also by establishing Obamacare, consciously create voting fraud, give free handouts to whomever will vote for them, promote black racism against honest and genuine true red, white and blue Americans, .......and much else that makes your political opponents sudden and vile opponents of the Constitution and of America itself.

That and so much more is what it means to be rightwing politically correct. Being rightwing politically correct means to pronounce, denounce, dismiss, the political opposition as being consciously evil and hell bent on the willful destruction of the United States.

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The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

Failure by some Republicans to be rightwing politically correct on issues ensures a fierce intra-party war first and foremost.

Republicans on the right do prohibit variations of political correctness on each and every issue dear to the rightwing.

Any Republican not towing the line of Huckabee, Cruz, Trump will be the recipient of politically correct services, like it or not. Forever.

The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

If you are so passionate about debunking the Republican right...then you might want to learn something about the people you so readily castigate...

Politically correctness is a liberal left phenomenon...forced upon the rest of the nation...Republicans who kowtow to political correctness are Dems in Republican clothing...

The Tea Party does not speak for all Republicans...unlike the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs...many registered Republicans are independent thinkers and voters...it is about the programs to move the country forward economically...not social engineering and cradle to grave entitlements...IMHO

the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs.

That is rightwing politically correct spam. It has no contact with reality which is what makes it the rigid ideological politically correct dogma of the hard right that it is. If you don't say that, then you're not rightwing or Republican politically correct.

Being rightwing politically correct means the people Republicans and their masters on the far right don't like are traitors, were not born in the United States, detest the United States, are consciously destroying the Constitution, want the ayatollahs to rule the world, make knowingly false nuclear weapons agreements with Iran, want to destroy the country by flooding it with illegal immigrants and also by establishing Obamacare, consciously create voting fraud, give free handouts to whomever will vote for them, promote black racism against honest and genuine true red, white and blue Americans, .......and much else that makes your political opponents sudden and vile opponents of the Constitution and of America itself.

That and so much more is what it means to be rightwing politically correct. Being rightwing politically correct means to pronounce, denounce, dismiss, the political opposition as being consciously evil and hell bent on the willful destruction of the United States.


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The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

Failure by some Republicans to be rightwing politically correct on issues ensures a fierce intra-party war first and foremost.

Republicans on the right do prohibit variations of political correctness on each and every issue dear to the rightwing.

Any Republican not towing the line of Huckabee, Cruz, Trump will be the recipient of politically correct services, like it or not. Forever.

The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

If you are so passionate about debunking the Republican right...then you might want to learn something about the people you so readily castigate...

Politically correctness is a liberal left phenomenon...forced upon the rest of the nation...Republicans who kowtow to political correctness are Dems in Republican clothing...

The Tea Party does not speak for all Republicans...unlike the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs...many registered Republicans are independent thinkers and voters...it is about the programs to move the country forward economically...not social engineering and cradle to grave entitlements...IMHO

the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs.

That is rightwing politically correct spam. It has no contact with reality which is what makes it the rigid ideological politically correct dogma of the hard right that it is. If you don't say that, then you're not rightwing or Republican politically correct.

Being rightwing politically correct means the people Republicans and their masters on the far right don't like are traitors, were not born in the United States, detest the United States, are consciously destroying the Constitution, want the ayatollahs to rule the world, make knowingly false nuclear weapons agreements with Iran, want to destroy the country by flooding it with illegal immigrants and also by establishing Obamacare, consciously create voting fraud, give free handouts to whomever will vote for them, promote black racism against honest and genuine true red, white and blue Americans, .......and much else that makes your political opponents sudden and vile opponents of the Constitution and of America itself.

That and so much more is what it means to be rightwing politically correct. Being rightwing politically correct means to pronounce, denounce, dismiss, the political opposition as being consciously evil and hell bent on the willful destruction of the United States.


Wow! You really won that argument with your learned, succinct and factual reply. You must be one of the heavyweights of the Teabagger movement....coffee1.gif

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The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

Failure by some Republicans to be rightwing politically correct on issues ensures a fierce intra-party war first and foremost.

Republicans on the right do prohibit variations of political correctness on each and every issue dear to the rightwing.

Any Republican not towing the line of Huckabee, Cruz, Trump will be the recipient of politically correct services, like it or not. Forever.

The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

If you are so passionate about debunking the Republican right...then you might want to learn something about the people you so readily castigate...

Politically correctness is a liberal left phenomenon...forced upon the rest of the nation...Republicans who kowtow to political correctness are Dems in Republican clothing...

The Tea Party does not speak for all Republicans...unlike the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs...many registered Republicans are independent thinkers and voters...it is about the programs to move the country forward economically...not social engineering and cradle to grave entitlements...IMHO

the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs.

That is rightwing politically correct spam. It has no contact with reality which is what makes it the rigid ideological politically correct dogma of the hard right that it is. If you don't say that, then you're not rightwing or Republican politically correct.

Being rightwing politically correct means the people Republicans and their masters on the far right don't like are traitors, were not born in the United States, detest the United States, are consciously destroying the Constitution, want the ayatollahs to rule the world, make knowingly false nuclear weapons agreements with Iran, want to destroy the country by flooding it with illegal immigrants and also by establishing Obamacare, consciously create voting fraud, give free handouts to whomever will vote for them, promote black racism against honest and genuine true red, white and blue Americans, .......and much else that makes your political opponents sudden and vile opponents of the Constitution and of America itself.

That and so much more is what it means to be rightwing politically correct. Being rightwing politically correct means to pronounce, denounce, dismiss, the political opposition as being consciously evil and hell bent on the willful destruction of the United States.


Wow! You really won that argument with your learned, succinct and factual reply. You must be one of the heavyweights of the Teabagger movement....coffee1.gif

Brevity is the soul of wit. Unlike the nitwits and half-wits that so uneloquently post their socialistic ramblings here. Trying to force their narcissistic Victorian guilt on others.

I am not in the Tea Party movement, so your personal insult to me is wasted.

A diatribe like the one above with its' hateful, mean, bigoted,dystopian, discombobulated ramblings deserves no more that a simple no.

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The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

Failure by some Republicans to be rightwing politically correct on issues ensures a fierce intra-party war first and foremost.

Republicans on the right do prohibit variations of political correctness on each and every issue dear to the rightwing.

Any Republican not towing the line of Huckabee, Cruz, Trump will be the recipient of politically correct services, like it or not. Forever.

The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

If you are so passionate about debunking the Republican right...then you might want to learn something about the people you so readily castigate...

Politically correctness is a liberal left phenomenon...forced upon the rest of the nation...Republicans who kowtow to political correctness are Dems in Republican clothing...

The Tea Party does not speak for all Republicans...unlike the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs...many registered Republicans are independent thinkers and voters...it is about the programs to move the country forward economically...not social engineering and cradle to grave entitlements...IMHO

the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs.

That is rightwing politically correct spam. It has no contact with reality which is what makes it the rigid ideological politically correct dogma of the hard right that it is. If you don't say that, then you're not rightwing or Republican politically correct.

Being rightwing politically correct means the people Republicans and their masters on the far right don't like are traitors, were not born in the United States, detest the United States, are consciously destroying the Constitution, want the ayatollahs to rule the world, make knowingly false nuclear weapons agreements with Iran, want to destroy the country by flooding it with illegal immigrants and also by establishing Obamacare, consciously create voting fraud, give free handouts to whomever will vote for them, promote black racism against honest and genuine true red, white and blue Americans, .......and much else that makes your political opponents sudden and vile opponents of the Constitution and of America itself.

That and so much more is what it means to be rightwing politically correct. Being rightwing politically correct means to pronounce, denounce, dismiss, the political opposition as being consciously evil and hell bent on the willful destruction of the United States.


Wow! You really won that argument with your learned, succinct and factual reply. You must be one of the heavyweights of the Teabagger movement....coffee1.gif

Brevity is the soul of wit. Unlike the nitwits and half-wits that so uneloquently post their socialistic ramblings here. Trying to force their narcissistic Victorian guilt on others.

I am not in the Tea Party movement, so your personal insult to me is wasted.

A diatribe like the one above with its' hateful, mean, bigoted,dystopian, discombobulated ramblings deserves no more that a simple no.

Sorry. You lost me at "socialist ramblings". No need for me to read the rest of the post.

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Wow! You really won that argument with your learned, succinct and factual reply. You must be one of the heavyweights of the Teabagger movement....coffee1.gif

Brevity is the soul of wit. Unlike the nitwits and half-wits that so uneloquently post their socialistic ramblings here. Trying to force their narcissistic Victorian guilt on others.

I am not in the Tea Party movement, so your personal insult to me is wasted.

A diatribe like the one above with its' hateful, mean, bigoted,dystopian, discombobulated ramblings deserves no more that a simple no.

Sorry. You lost me at "socialist ramblings". No need for me to read the rest of the post.

"Sorry. You lost me at "socialist ramblings". No need for me to read the rest of the post."

You haven't won very many political arguments if that's the best you can come up with.

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Wow! You really won that argument with your learned, succinct and factual reply. You must be one of the heavyweights of the Teabagger movement....coffee1.gif

Brevity is the soul of wit. Unlike the nitwits and half-wits that so uneloquently post their socialistic ramblings here. Trying to force their narcissistic Victorian guilt on others.

I am not in the Tea Party movement, so your personal insult to me is wasted.

A diatribe like the one above with its' hateful, mean, bigoted,dystopian, discombobulated ramblings deserves no more that a simple no.

Sorry. You lost me at "socialist ramblings". No need for me to read the rest of the post.

"Sorry. You lost me at "socialist ramblings". No need for me to read the rest of the post."

You haven't won very many political arguments if that's the best you can come up with.

I don't consider your ramblings arguments.

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Wow! You really won that argument with your learned, succinct and factual reply. You must be one of the heavyweights of the Teabagger movement....coffee1.gif

Brevity is the soul of wit. Unlike the nitwits and half-wits that so uneloquently post their socialistic ramblings here. Trying to force their narcissistic Victorian guilt on others.

I am not in the Tea Party movement, so your personal insult to me is wasted.

A diatribe like the one above with its' hateful, mean, bigoted,dystopian, discombobulated ramblings deserves no more that a simple no.

Sorry. You lost me at "socialist ramblings". No need for me to read the rest of the post.

"Sorry. You lost me at "socialist ramblings". No need for me to read the rest of the post."

You haven't won very many political arguments if that's the best you can come up with.

I don't consider your ramblings arguments.

You weren't arguing with me. Your argument was with another poster and it was still incredibly weak.

You really should try to master the "quote" function.

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The old party fossils have had their day. Trump is coming.

Yes, Trump is coming.

Coming to confirm what an evil, greedy, and racist party the GOP really is.

The Donald has arrived to pound the last nails into the coffin of the GOP.

Thank you Donald!

Edited by willyumiii
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The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

Failure by some Republicans to be rightwing politically correct on issues ensures a fierce intra-party war first and foremost.

Republicans on the right do prohibit variations of political correctness on each and every issue dear to the rightwing.

Any Republican not towing the line of Huckabee, Cruz, Trump will be the recipient of politically correct services, like it or not. Forever.

The Republican right demands political correctness meaning everyone must agree with and follow the tea party.

If you are so passionate about debunking the Republican right...then you might want to learn something about the people you so readily castigate...

Politically correctness is a liberal left phenomenon...forced upon the rest of the nation...Republicans who kowtow to political correctness are Dems in Republican clothing...

The Tea Party does not speak for all Republicans...unlike the left who will vote for anyone who espouses a liberal agenda and socialist government give away programs...many registered Republicans are independent thinkers and voters...it is about the programs to move the country forward economically...not social engineering and cradle to grave entitlements...IMHO

"Republicans who kowtow to political correctness are Dems in Republican clothing..."

The only real difference is the clothing.

Both parties are owned by, and loyal to the same corporations....not the American people.

Feel the Bern!

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