MaeJoMTB Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 You don't know what the designer of this fine piece of had in mind when he made it. Yes, I do know what he had in mind, dark skin = ugly, hear it from Thais all the time.
zaphod reborn Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 This chart came from the same educators who authorized a display that included Hitler among superheroes. Thai educators are hopeless.
OKOK23 Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Ok the picture is cartoon. And the description is right. You can ask anybody in Asia. I mean those who are civili people. Kid watch cartoon and I'm sure they know what is handsome and ugly by their self. Even you give that guy white skin. He still consider ugly compare with guy beside him. I mean for cartoon. Maybe your people never watch cartoon before. And I insist it's not about the skin . It's the face! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Shawn0001 Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 This chart came from the same educators who authorized a display that included Hitler among superheroes. Thai educators are hopeless. I had to stop a teacher mid flow last week. I don't speak Thai but she was saying Christopher Columbus and American superstar in the same sentence so I knew something was up. Turned out she thought he was a movie star!
Shawn0001 Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 But why should schools even be attempting to teach what is beautiful and what is ugly? Ugly and beautiful are both a matter of perception and opinion. Some ( like me) think dark skin is very attractive. Some ( not me ) think tattoos and piercings are attractive. This is not education, it is brainwashing! "This is not education, it is brainwashing!" Not that much between them really, is there? Acceptance is the difference, and to me, like you, the 'teaching' of which people are beautiful or ugly is not acceptable therefore it is actually 'brainwashing'.
MaeJoMTB Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 This chart came from the same educators who authorized a display that included Hitler among superheroes. Thai educators are hopeless. I had to stop a teacher mid flow last week. I don't speak Thai but she was saying Christopher Columbus and American superstar in the same sentence so I knew something was up. Turned out she thought he was a movie star! Can't see you lasting long!
Bluespunk Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Ok the picture is cartoon. And the description is right. You can ask anybody in Asia. I mean those who are civili people. Kid watch cartoon and I'm sure they know what is handsome and ugly by their self. Even you give that guy white skin. He still consider ugly compare with guy beside him. I mean for cartoon. Maybe your people never watch cartoon before. And I insist it's not about the skin . It's the face! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Insist all you want. It still doesn't make you right. The choice of colour was no coincidence and was based upon the idea dark skin is undesirable and ugly.
MAJIC Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 No wonder Racialism starts at an early age,if this what the children are being taught!
OKOK23 Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 But why should schools even be attempting to teach what is beautiful and what is ugly? Ugly and beautiful are both a matter of perception and opinion. Some ( like me) think dark skin is very attractive. Some ( not me ) think tattoos and piercings are attractive. This is not education, it is brainwashing! "This is not education, it is brainwashing!" Not that much between them really, is there? Acceptance is the difference, and to me, like you, the 'teaching' of which people are beautiful or ugly is not acceptable therefore it is actually 'brainwashing'. I think you guy think too much. They just want to teach vocab. I remember when I was young I also was teach from poster like this. And the picture of ugly word is guy who have white skin and lot of frekle. I don't remember is it red head or not. And who said kid don't know who is attractive and who is not. They know it by instinct not by brainwashing by Gene. ( if we cut off fashion and trend) My nephew when he was 3-4 years old will get very shy at woman who is pretty but will very comfortable around girl who is not. And nobody taught him about what is beauty back then. I think anybody don't have to care about this because when they grown up they will learn it by themself and judge it by themself too. I mean if you are worrying about your kid in Thailand about his racist. Ok the picture is cartoon. And the description is right. You can ask anybody in Asia. I mean those who are civili people. Kid watch cartoon and I'm sure they know what is handsome and ugly by their self. Even you give that guy white skin. He still consider ugly compare with guy beside him. I mean for cartoon. Maybe your people never watch cartoon before. And I insist it's not about the skin . It's the face! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Insist all you want.It still doesn't make you right. The choice of colour was no coincidence and was based upon the idea dark skin is undesirable and ugly. Ok lol I concede. What is the represent picture of ugly word in your contry. I mean those cartoon for teaching children.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bluespunk Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 I think you guy think too much. They just want to teach vocab. I remember when I was young I also was teach from poster like this. And the picture of ugly word is guy who have white skin and lot of frekle. I don't remember is it red head or not.And who said kid don't know who is attractive and who is not. They know it by instinct not by brainwashing by Gene. ( if we cut off fashion and trend) My nephew when he was 3-4 years old will get very shy at woman who is pretty but will very comfortable around girl who is not. And nobody taught him about what is beauty back then. I think anybody don't have to care about this because when they grown up they will learn it by themself and judge it by themself too. I mean if you are worrying about your kid in Thailand about his racist. Ok the picture is cartoon. And the description is right. You can ask anybody in Asia. I mean those who are civili people. Kid watch cartoon and I'm sure they know what is handsome and ugly by their self. Even you give that guy white skin. He still consider ugly compare with guy beside him. I mean for cartoon. Maybe your people never watch cartoon before. And I insist it's not about the skin . It's the face! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Insist all you want.It still doesn't make you right. The choice of colour was no coincidence and was based upon the idea dark skin is undesirable and ugly. Ok lol I concede. What is the represent picture of ugly word in your contry. I mean those cartoon for teaching children.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk You explain the meaning of a word to teach it in a mother tongue. You should not be using prejudicial images to explain the meaning of adjectives such as this. Synonyms or antonyms are much more effective and help expand the child's word bank, thus helping make their spoken and written language more precise. You create links between words and help the children to understand that it is vital to use the correct descriptive word {adjectives or adverbs usually} to make clear the meaning they wish to get across. If it is another language you are teaching you explain the meaning of the word in the mother tongue and explain this is the foreign language equivalent.
BigBadGeordie Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Nothing wrong with that at all.... First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Tonawatchee Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 ugly.jpgbeautiful.jpg Ugly white, beautiful black. I'd like to see the first photo used as a warning label on packages of whiting cream.
Johpa Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 How can a population grow up with this kind of racism and not be biased ? Thais grow up in an environment where they are never taught to handle emotions in an adult manner; they grow up in an environment where they are taught to honestly believe in fairy tales; and Thais grow up in an environment where independent critical thinking is never encouraged and you are concerned about a little engineered bias that keeps a large part of the elite on the top of the heap?
BigBadGeordie Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 How can a population grow up with this kind of racism and not be biased ?Thais grow up in an environment where they are never taught to handle emotions in an adult manner; they grow up in an environment where they are taught to honestly believe in fairy tales; and Thais grow up in an environment where independent critical thinking is never encouraged and you are concerned about a little engineered bias that keeps a large part of the elite on the top of the heap?THAIS....... I take it you know all 69.7 million of them? Or perhaps you are just generalising?
geriatrickid Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 This chart came from the same educators who authorized a display that included Hitler among superheroes. Thai educators are hopeless. I had to stop a teacher mid flow last week. I don't speak Thai but she was saying Christopher Columbus and American superstar in the same sentence so I knew something was up. Turned out she thought he was a movie star! Whoa if you did that, you made a fool of yourself. Christopher Columbus is indeed a noted US star in the film business. He directed several of the Harry Potter films, Mrs. Doubtfire, Home Alone, Gremlins, Goonies etc. He was considered to be Box Office gold. His next big film is Christ The Lord. You may wish to see it as you don't seem to have a prayer at being up to date. I believe the people of your generation would have used the term "Square" to describe someone like you.
BigBadGeordie Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 This chart came from the same educators who authorized a display that included Hitler among superheroes. Thai educators are hopeless. I had to stop a teacher mid flow last week. I don't speak Thai but she was saying Christopher Columbus and American superstar in the same sentence so I knew something was up. Turned out she thought he was a movie star! Whoa if you did that, you made a fool of yourself. Christopher Columbus is indeed a noted US star in the film business. He directed several of the Harry Potter films, Mrs. Doubtfire, Home Alone, Gremlins, Goonies etc. He was considered to be Box Office gold. His next big film is Christ The Lord. You may wish to see it as you don't seem to have a prayer at being up to date. I believe the people of your generation would have used the term "Square" to describe someone like you. Ah well some of us get out and others watch Fox
GanDoonToonPet Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 I'm all for believing incompetence or coincidence before conspiracy, as a previous poster alluded to, but in this case there are many red flags. The handsome man, pretty girl (a woman can also be pretty but...) & the beautiful woman are both white & have Asian features. The ugly man has dark skin, 'thick' lips & a wide nose. I can't see any tattoos, only ear-piercings, a couple of spots & what seems to be a small slug above his eye. IME Thais can't be that racist toward black people any more, given the vast number of them teaching in schools outside Bangkok & in the low end Bangkok EPs / Bilinguals.
Johpa Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 How can a population grow up with this kind of racism and not be biased ?Thais grow up in an environment where they are never taught to handle emotions in an adult manner; they grow up in an environment where they are taught to honestly believe in fairy tales; and Thais grow up in an environment where independent critical thinking is never encouraged and you are concerned about a little engineered bias that keeps a large part of the elite on the top of the heap?THAIS....... I take it you know all 69.7 million of them? Or perhaps you are just generalising? Clearly I am making a gross generalization. I would have thought that was abundantly clear in my use the the general term "Thais" and my not any reference to any particular subgroup nor individual. I do welcome criticism of my generalization for evidence to the contrary. But I do stand behind my statements in that (1) Thais are taught to keep their emotions behind their facade of face and, in general, do poorly in handling in an adult manner strong adult emotions such as anger. Sorry, but forum rules prevent me on elaborating upon my second point. And lastly (3) the Thai education system focuses upon rote education at the expense of independent critical thinking, or at least that was my take-away from working for a few years within the Thai education system.
Andreas2 Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Al Sharpton is coming soon to run a shakedown Uh, you beat me on this I also like Al "Racist" (or whatever-ist) Sharpton for his honesty: "White folks was in the caves while we (blacks) was building empires." "We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was." "We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." "So (if) some cracker come and tell you ‘Well, my mother and father blood go back to the Mayflower,’ you better hold your pocket. That ain’t nothing to be proud of. That means their forefathers was crooks." "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house." Just to be clear, I'm also a complete "whatever-ist" (fill in whatever is not pc / non-state-approved / censored): I prefer doing business with Jews, Christians I prefer to get wasted with guys I prefer living together with Asian women Yes, I confess, I am a prefer-ist and I give a <self-deleted> about what all the brainwashed hypocrites want me to look like. I would never initiate violence against people I do not prefer for some activities, I just avoid them - Meaning: Yes, again, I have gay friends with whom I get wasted on a regular basis or have business with them, but I would never have sex with them. Does this make me an aggressor (initiator of physical violence)? No, I'm not - I am just the opposite of the politician (law maker, aggressor) Al Sharpton. But I still like him for his honesty, for exposing himself and his supporters as what they are: Hypocritical, aggressive cowards. So, back on topic. Leave the Thais, their government, their culture alone. Don't use them as a platform to perform our own Western infallibility /* sarcasm */. After all, if we (or you, you hypocrites?) really would want to make a difference, why don't we do it in our own "Homelands" to make them a better place for our own families to live in? The West (or politicians like Al Sharpton for that matter) is not less racist, or whatever-ist, than the East. We are just differently brainwashed.
azelay Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 As a foreign student in Thailand, i can admit that Thai professors (not teachers, nope) do say shit about non-Thais, especially other East-Asians and darker people. My race and ethnicity is a little complicated to explain but i can say my natural skin color is light olive but got tan in Thailand. And in some class (cultural diversity) a Thai professor pointed me out with his finger and told other students that "azelay is also a human being" when talking about dark skinned people, i'm not even dark. Ugh no Thais are not racist at all, yep, leave Thais and their cultures alone. Note: I'm neither Asian nor African. And this is only one of my experiences with Thai's xenophobia and racist comments.
spidermike007 Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Make every Thai student repeat every day, 100 times- Black is beautiful. White is bad. Whoever approved that ridiculous poster should be banished from education for life, and his Thai citizenship should be permanently revoked. That is an abomination.
JohnThailandJohn Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things.
azelay Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things. Why not stop talking on behalf of others when you clearly are wrong? In my opinion, Africans are way more handsome than Asian guys. So how about that?
lildragon Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things. Having dark skin is generally not a trait of beauty. That's why white skinned people flock to beaches to get darker skin?
JohnThailandJohn Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things. Why not stop talking on behalf of others when you clearly are wrong? In my opinion, Africans are way more handsome than Asian guys. So how about that? Having dark skin is generally not a trait of beauty. That's why white skinned people flock to beaches to get darker skin? You can deny as much as you want and pretend I stated anything as an absolute fact to all people's views but the absolute fact as I stated is "Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty". This is documented from country to country when you look at models and actors. Even Black TV shows generally cast lighter skinned blacks as do Latino shows as well as Indian and Asians as in the case with Thailand. Obviously people's opinions vary but facts are facts when speaking about what is generally considered attractive if just considering looks.
Pattaya28 Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 A Westerner can make his own mind up what is "beautiful" or "ugly". This cannot be taught, A Thai needs prompting. A Westerner is encouraged to think and decide for himself. A Thai is prompted which direction to aim towards.
kimamey Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Thai racism at it's finest. Implanting in the heads of children that can barely read, that black people are ugly. Terrible that the education department actually let this through. I know, I's a "misunderstanding". Not to worry, all the teachers will have to have a degree so they won't be as stupid as me. Funnily enough the same as politicians.
kimamey Posted July 31, 2015 Posted July 31, 2015 Every Thai TV soap opera and whitening cream advert does that... The actors and actresses in Thai soaps are so white I could be token dark skinned man.
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