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Vocabulary chart teaches children that dark skin is 'ugly'

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they dont have to fear repercussion, open xenophobia is accepted in this society ...

why not put : the black maid is poor

the pattaya bargirl is excellent old farang wife material

the white atm buffalo is stupid


Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things.

Why not stop talking on behalf of others when you clearly are wrong? In my opinion, Africans are way more handsome than Asian guys. So how about that?

Having dark skin is generally not a trait of beauty.

That's why white skinned people flock to beaches to get darker skin?

You can deny as much as you want and pretend I stated anything as an absolute fact to all people's views but the absolute fact as I stated is "Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty". This is documented from country to country when you look at models and actors. Even Black TV shows generally cast lighter skinned blacks as do Latino shows as well as Indian and Asians as in the case with Thailand. Obviously people's opinions vary but facts are facts when speaking about what is generally considered attractive if just considering looks.

I didn't expect anything less than racist BS from you!


Hey, I know that guy he works for the Black Man Mop Factory. His dad worked at the Darkie Toothpaste Co.

The Darkie was changed to Darling. But Black Man Mop is still huge.



The second guy is an ugly git, not? He's got tattoos on his face. Dont understand why this is made into a color discussion.n

Then perhaps you should look more closely at the pictures.

Colour has clearly played a part in the criteria used to choose the pictures.

Are you sure its not the tattoos or the earrings that make the kid ugly? The fairer Korean looking boy's facial features are more symmetrical as well, We assume that Thais are per definition racists, while we don't know the reasons why the maker of the poster calls the other kid ugly.

If you see 2 girls, one is ugly and dark and the other pretty and fair skinned, does that make you a racist when asked about your preference?

If the creator of this educational poster intended to mean that dark skinned people are uglier than light skinned people, then yes he's a racist.

I think he is just plain dumb to put such a possible sensibility on an educational learning resource.

I understand your points, but want to be careful to play the racist card. I think the person responsible for this material lacks a certain number of brain cells rather than being a racist.

The second guy is an ugly git, not? He's got tattoos on his face. Dont understand why this is made into a color discussion.n

Then perhaps you should look more closely at the pictures.

Colour has clearly played a part in the criteria used to choose the pictures.

Are you sure its not the tattoos or the earrings that make the kid ugly? The fairer Korean looking boy's facial features are more symmetrical as well, We assume that Thais are per definition racists, while we don't know the reasons why the maker of the poster calls the other kid ugly.

If you see 2 girls, one is ugly and dark and the other pretty and fair skinned, does that make you a racist when asked about your preference?

If the creator of this educational poster intended to mean that dark skinned people are uglier than light skinned people, then yes he's a racist.

I think he is just plain dumb to put such a possible sensibility on an educational learning resource.

I understand your points, but want to be careful to play the racist card. I think the person responsible for this material lacks a certain number of brain cells rather than being a racist.

Having lived here for 13 years, yes I am sure.

Looking at the pretty and beautiful pictures, they are both fair skinned.

As is the the picture of the guy for good.

Colour is playing a role.

Only the ugly picture has a dark skinned individual. Something completely unnecessary if tattoos and earrings were the criteria for ugly.

I understand your points and I have also lived here for ages, but what if the handsome kid was dark and the ugly white? Then it would be racist as well.

Educational resources should not show images of people to describe ugly or prettiness. Its tasteless and wrong, but not per definition racist. You don't know what the designer of this fine piece of had in mind when he made it.

What he had in mind is irrelevant if it isnt clearly discernable, surely? For this audience in particular.

Are you expecting the little kids who see this to ask themselves 'hmmm, what did the author have in mind when he created this'? 55555555.

What a ridiculous suggestion!

Its clearly, obviously racist and woefully ignorant. Its a textbook example of those terms, in fact (in more ways than one)!

Its inconceivable to me that this is not abundantly obvious to all.


Why they want to label people at all is probably just as important a question. Imagine teaching children at an early age to see everything as good or bad, beautiful or ugly!

The more glimpses I get into the Thai educational system the more I understand why Thailand is the way it is.

BTW, the "ugly" guy in the illustration bore more than a passing resemblance to this guy. Maybe they got that illustration from Faux News?



Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things.

...according to you.

I'm pretty sure the black community and plenty of white women who love to date Rappers and Athletes would disagree.


Leave the Thais be.

Right or wrong, most here (farangs) in Thailand are here with the permission of the Thai government. If you want the take a stance on "racism" or any other garden variety "do good cause" go back to your own bloody country and open a Non-Profit.

But please stop bellyaching about this silly nonsense.

We all have our own silly misconceptions, nobody is perfect.

Thai children, indeed all children are educated socially at home!

Ugly and Pretty are defined there, not in the classroom!


Just ask 100 random Thais to pick out the ugly person, I can tell you that all 100 will pick the dark skinned. So they took this example to explain what is in their mind ugly. It is nearly impossible to find a skin cream without whitener, so why such an outcry for the cartoon while nobody mind the "whitening" publicity? In our eyes it is racism but not in theirs...


I don't believe it's only Thailand that feel this way but most Asian countries.They like it better associating with white skin than dark skin.I don't try to change how the feel.I would say if you are dark and originally you might be better off living in A non Asian country.


The second guy is an ugly git, not? He's got tattoos on his face. Dont understand why this is made into a color discussion.n

Then perhaps you should look more closely at the pictures.

Colour has clearly played a part in the criteria used to choose the pictures.

Are you sure its not the tattoos or the earrings that make the kid ugly? The fairer Korean looking boy's facial features are more symmetrical as well, We assume that Thais are per definition racists, while we don't know the reasons why the maker of the poster calls the other kid ugly.

If you see 2 girls, one is ugly and dark and the other pretty and fair skinned, does that make you a racist when asked about your preference?

If the creator of this educational poster intended to mean that dark skinned people are uglier than light skinned people, then yes he's a racist.

I think he is just plain dumb to put such a possible sensibility on an educational learning resource.

I understand your points, but want to be careful to play the racist card. I think the person responsible for this material lacks a certain number of brain cells rather than being a racist.

Having lived here for 13 years, yes I am sure.

Looking at the pretty and beautiful pictures, they are both fair skinned.

As is the the picture of the guy for good.

Colour is playing a role.

Only the ugly picture has a dark skinned individual. Something completely unnecessary if tattoos and earrings were the criteria for ugly.

But why should schools even be attempting to teach what is beautiful and what is ugly?

Ugly and beautiful are both a matter of perception and opinion.

Some ( like me) think dark skin is very attractive.

Some ( not me ) think tattoos and piercings are attractive.

This is not education, it is brainwashing!

My thought exactly! Indoctrinating children on the definition of ugly is small minded and just leads to a perpetuation of that small mindedness. What kind of possible positive outcome are those educators expecting with this lesson?


But to most Asian. People still prefer white skin. But it's the clear skin that most people think it attractive. They prefer clear skin. You can search google how many people try to search about how to make their skin appear clearer; try to reduce acne, scar and facial pore.

And lol I think guy know instantly which girl is hotter . Even they was brought up in Asian . Same go with girl In Asian. We can't deny that dark skin make guy look more masculine but it doesn't make handsome guy who have white skin less handsome


All these girl is extremely hot to me!

I am lazy to add guy pics. Don't want my post to be too long

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things.

Why not stop talking on behalf of others when you clearly are wrong? In my opinion, Africans are way more handsome than Asian guys. So how about that?

Having dark skin is generally not a trait of beauty.

That's why white skinned people flock to beaches to get darker skin?

You can deny as much as you want and pretend I stated anything as an absolute fact to all people's views but the absolute fact as I stated is "Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty". This is documented from country to country when you look at models and actors. Even Black TV shows generally cast lighter skinned blacks as do Latino shows as well as Indian and Asians as in the case with Thailand. Obviously people's opinions vary but facts are facts when speaking about what is generally considered attractive if just considering looks.

Your racist tendencies are showing through Uncle Cracker.

"Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty"

This is just your opinion. Don't try to make it anything else that a reflection of your upbringing.


But to most Asian. People still prefer white skin. But it's the clear skin that most people think it attractive. They prefer clear skin. You can search google how many people try to search about how to make their skin appear clearer; try to reduce acne, scar and facial pore.

And lol I think guy know instantly which girl is hotter . Even they was brought up in Asian . Same go with girl In Asian. We can't deny that dark skin make guy look more masculine but it doesn't make handsome guy who have white skin less handsome


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The point is that its inappropriate to teach kids these things. I taught in Thai schools for 10 years and often heard even the teachers call some of the kids black and ugly. They all act jokey about it, but I have seen some very upset children because of this sort of thing. Kids don't like to be called black or fat, and made fun of and hiding behind the culture card doesn't cut it.


Thai racism at it's finest.

Implanting in the heads of children that can barely read, that black people are ugly.

Terrible that the education department actually let this through.

I know, I know...it's a "misunderstanding".

Who told you Thailand has an "education department" ?


Being Dark shinned is a social stigma to Thai people.

This IS what Thai are taught.......If you are Thai with Dark skin that shows you are a Labourer and LoSo.

Thai spend big money on Whitening lotions and carry umbrellas to keep the sun off.

And Yes Thai look down on Black people......Fact.


Can't believe the people defending this. He's got bigger lips as well. Even if it was a Thai, this is not what you teach kids. Alas, xenophobia is the basis of this society. Buddhism teaches quite differently.


Thai racism at it's finest.

Implanting in the heads of children that can barely read, that black people are ugly.

Terrible that the education department actually let this through.

I know, I know...it's a "misunderstanding".

Who told you Thailand has an "education department" ?
They do. Right next to the Department of Funny Walks.

Is this supposed to be something new? Come on, the whole country thinks that way, why are there so many skin whitening products, why are there even different price categories for women in the big "massage" houses = based on skin color. Save the dark ones for us, we farang don't know any better...


The headline (and probably the story, I didn't bother reading it) has cause and effect backward. The chart is to help kids remember the meaning of English words. They already think dark skin is ugly. That's why the picture, showing an ugly person, is supposed to help kids remember what "ugly" means.


But to most Asian. People still prefer white skin. But it's the clear skin that most people think it attractive. They prefer clear skin. You can search google how many people try to search about how to make their skin appear clearer; try to reduce acne, scar and facial pore.

And lol I think guy know instantly which girl is hotter . Even they was brought up in Asian . Same go with girl In Asian. We can't deny that dark skin make guy look more masculine but it doesn't make handsome guy who have white skin less handsome


All these girl is extremely hot to me!

I am lazy to add guy pics. Don't want my post to be too long

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

All three of those women are SCREAMING to have my baby! w00t.gif

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