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Vocabulary chart teaches children that dark skin is 'ugly'

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I'm someone who knows racism is a foul disgusting filthy mind set. I'm someone who knows it should always be challenged.

Why, pray tell?

You'd make a good Puritan.

Why is the mindset of other people your concern? You honestly think you've some sort of divine mission to right the 'wrongs' of societies other than your own?

Where's the respect for cultural diversity? Why are you so eager to shove Western values down the throat of Asians?

Why do you think you're better than they are? Did God tell you that you are?

Of course, you probably proclaim yourself an atheist, so it would be your secular leftist 'god', in your case.

The benighted people of Thailand are so lucky to have a Western white man like you to teach them what's what in their own country! To tell them how they should think, and act!

There is no god.

I am an atheist

I have no secular leftist agenda.

However I do know racism is wrong.


If there is no God, then what makes 'racism' wrong?

What makes anything wrong, for that matter? Why isn't everything permissible, if there's no overall authority, as it were?

You do understand that in Western culture, the original 'anti-racists' were Christians, and they cited divine authority as their inspiration for their 'anti-racist' views, right?

Racism is wrong because of the intolerance, hatred, bigotry and divisions it creates in society.

Granted religion when taken to extremes does the same but I fail to see your point as to why if there is no god then racism is ok.

I have no issue with people having a faith and living it if it brings them happiness. I agree many Christians and other faiths are wonderful advocates for peace love and understanding.

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Have Thais got childish minds or are they just naturally cretins.

Both. but I doubt the author made that association deliberately.

As Napoleon said "Never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence". Also known as "Hanlon's razor". You'll be needing that a lot if you are in Thailand for any length of time.

Well expressing ignorance is a disgrace. The use of racism is from your quote, is loosely compared to being stupid. Yes if you have been here long enough you know that, Thais are ingrained ith racism. I have herad it from many affleuent Thais. "We are not racist we just don't like coiloured people, and others" They just don't or won't accept what they say are racist comments.

Yes i agree with you should get use to it here in Thailand if you are going to live here for any length of time. Very much like I here when some Thai people say, you just dont understand Thai culture. sorry yes I do, I just dont agree with it.

I am not shocked at the article and see it on a regular basis. What does shock me is those who try to defend the ignorance of it.

Robert Browning summed it up rather well....


Hoots of cynical laughter! ! On a poster decrying ignorance it has to be explained at the bottom that Browning is not only a poet, but English also. Hoot hoot hoot!



Lol many girl and actress with tan skin famous in Thailand to don't need to leave

I will post the picture and name next pose









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Why do you keep posting pics of that bloke??


Cultural diversity is fine, it is a beautiful thing that shows the ignorance and hatred that lies in racism.

Judgemental? You are the one hurling the insults at present. Are you not judging me?

What you call 'racism' is part of Asian culture. You don't seem to find it 'beautiful'. You don't seem to respect diversity at all.

Why shouldn't I judge you, since you seem to've arrogated the privilege of judging everyone else in the world? Is judgmentalism only reserved for the righteous elect like yourself?


i despise racism and racists and will always make that clear.

Anywhere and everywhere.

So, no respect for cultural diversity?

Why do you find 'racists' to be so despicable? You don't even have any compassion and understanding for them? No concept of pity for those not blessed enough to have attained the peak of enlightenment, like yourself?

Why is it somehow better to be judgmental than to be a 'racist'?

Maybe he is on the wrong end of the noose


Cultural diversity is fine, it is a beautiful thing that shows the ignorance and hatred that lies in racism.

Judgemental? You are the one hurling the insults at present. Are you not judging me?

What you call 'racism' is part of Asian culture. You don't seem to find it 'beautiful'. You don't seem to respect diversity at all.

Why shouldn't I judge you, since you seem to've arrogated the privilege of judging everyone else in the world? Is judgmentalism only reserved for the righteous elect like yourself?

Righteous elect? You really do like to pepper your posts with religious terms don't you?

Racism is wrong.

It is nothing but hatred and prejudice based on someones colour.

It is bigotry and should always be opposed.

Again you cause me of being judgmental?



Racism is wrong because of the intolerance, hatred, bigotry and divisions it creates in society.

What's wrong with intolerance, hatred, and bigotry, and divisions in society? What makes those things wrong?

You seem pretty intolerant, yourself. You think that shoving your liberal Western values down the throats of Asians somehow makes you a better person, and makes Asians worse people than you.

It seems you've a lot of hatred and divisiveness in your own character. Maybe you should work on that?


Racism is wrong because of the intolerance, hatred, bigotry and divisions it creates in society.

What's wrong with intolerance, hatred, and bigotry, and divisions in society? What makes those things wrong?

You seem pretty intolerant, yourself. You think that shoving your liberal Western values down the throats of Asians somehow makes you a better person, and makes Asians worse people than you.

It seems you've a lot of hatred and divisiveness in your own character. Maybe you should work on that?

Dear me, now that is a post to treasure……...


Righteous ele

Racism is wrong.

It is nothing but hatred and prejudice based on someones colour.

It is bigotry and should always be opposed.

Again you cause me of being judgmental?

*Why* is it wrong?

What's wrong with hatred and prejudice based on someone's color?

You seem fine with hatred and prejudice based on someone's inner thoughts, so what's the difference?

Why should bigotry always be opposed?

You are being judgmental. You believe you are a better person than those whose beliefs and cultural values differ from yours. That's called judgementalism.

The fact they choose skin colour to define ugly is a racist action. What worries me is they themselves may not see this. It shows a form of institutionalised racist thinking exists in society as a whole.

So? It's their society, who're you to lecture them about it?

I'm someone who knows racism is a foul disgusting filthy mind set. I'm someone who knows it should always be challenged.

Racism, or better latent racism, because that would include the PC crowd as well, is present in nigh on the whole world population, black and white, bad or good ? illogical ? it's like a drought or poverty, it just is. One could do a survey, ask a white father and a black father if the are comfortable with their daughters marrying a man of a different ethnicity to themselves, suddenly all the card waving would stop. Using ones intellect and seeing something as being illogical or unfair doesn't cause it to stop. Drought and poverty aren't even unfair,it just is.

None of which negates my point of view.

I love Soalbundies logic.

Attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941 'just was' (those touchy Americans, taking offense so easily).

Apartheid 'just was' (those touchy non-white Sth Africans).

The Holocaust? Well, some say that 'just was' as well (and some evil b@#$rds say otherwise).

So what the hell, lets all sit on our hands and live and let live.

Big things dont grow out of little things - they just happen!

Bluespunk - give up. The guys got no idea and probably never will.


Righteous ele

Racism is wrong.

It is nothing but hatred and prejudice based on someones colour.

It is bigotry and should always be opposed.

Again you cause me of being judgmental?

*Why* is it wrong?

What's wrong with hatred and prejudice based on someone's color?

You seem fine with hatred and prejudice based on someone's inner thoughts, so what's the difference?

Why should bigotry always be opposed?

You are being judgmental. You believe you are a better person than those whose beliefs and cultural values differ from yours. That's called judgementalism.

What's wrong with hatred based on colour…….seriously you need to ask that? Wow.

Why should bigotry be opposed?

This is just getting sad now.

And yes, that is me being judgmental.

Where did I say I was happy with prejudice and hatred based on someones inner thoughts? Really doesn't sound like something I'd say.


Dear me, now that is a post to treasure……...

And here we have it - when confronted with the hypocrisy of his views, the Western liberal refuses to address the points raised, and retreats into snide, sarcastic remarks.

The answer, of course, is that you have no idea why you think 'racism' is somehow wrong; you simply can't conceive that you are as intolerant and bigoted as those you decry. What you do know is that being 'anti-racist' gives you a justification to think yourself better than others, and a way to mask your own inherent 'racism' towards Asians under the veil of 'anti-racist' self-righteousness.


Dear me, now that is a post to treasure……...

And here we have it - when confronted with the hypocrisy of his views, the Western liberal refuses to address the points raised, and retreats into snide, sarcastic remarks.

The answer, of course, is that you have no idea why you think 'racism' is somehow wrong; you simply can't conceive that you are as intolerant and bigoted as those you decry. What you do know is that being 'anti-racist' gives you a justification to think yourself better than others, and a way to mask your own inherent 'racism' towards Asians under the veil of 'anti-racist' self-righteousness.

I've answered your points.


Often the same point.

That post though, it got the response it deserved.


What's wrong with hatred based on colour…….seriously you need to ask that? Wow.

Why should bigotry be opposed?

This is just getting saad now.

And yes, that is me being judgmental.

I'm obviously benighted and in need of enlightenment. You mean, you won't help me improve my character?

You've explained that there's no God. You've explained your an atheist, and presumably you consider yourself to be a rationalist.

So, what's the rationalist case for condemning others for being 'racist'?


What's wrong with hatred based on colour…….seriously you need to ask that? Wow.

Why should bigotry be opposed?

This is just getting saad now.

And yes, that is me being judgmental.

I'm obviously benighted and in need of enlightenment. You mean, you won't help me improve my character?

You've explained that there's no God. You've explained your an atheist, and presumably you consider yourself to be a rationalist.

So, what's the rationalist case for condemning others for being 'racist'?

I have already explained why.


I've answered your points.


Often the same point.

No, you haven't addressed a single one of my questions.

You just make proclamations of what is good and just and moral, in your eyes.

You haven't explained why your views are somehow superior to those of 'racist' Asians. You've cited no authorities, except yourself and your 'feelings'.

One suspects it's because you can't. One suspects it's because you aren't introspective enough to even understand your own psychological makeup.


I've answered your points.


Often the same point.

No, you haven't addressed a single one of my questions.

You just make proclamations of what is good and just and moral, in your eyes.

You haven't explained why your views are somehow superior to those of 'racist' Asians. You've cited no authorities, except yourself and your 'feelings'.

One suspects it's because you can't. One suspects it's because you aren't introspective enough to even understand your own psychological makeup.

Nope. I've fully explained myself.


Racism is wrong because of the intolerance, hatred, bigotry and divisions it creates in society.

What's wrong with intolerance, hatred, and bigotry, and divisions in society? What makes those things wrong?

You seem pretty intolerant, yourself. You think that shoving your liberal Western values down the throats of Asians somehow makes you a better person, and makes Asians worse people than you.

It seems you've a lot of hatred and divisiveness in your own character. Maybe you should work on that?

They are not liberal western values..they are universal aspired to values..Thais included.

Are you Asian?


Nope. I've fully explained myself.

All you've said is 'because I say so'.

You've offered no justifications for any of your proclamations of your morality as somehow being inherently superior to that of 'racist' Asians.

You use your white, Western privilege to demean people of color in Asia because you feel yourself to be somehow superior to them because of your 'advanced' views - for which you can cite no authority or even rational argument to justify.

That, my friend, is racism. And you are the biggest racist of all, because you believe yourself to be somehow morally superior to an entire race of people.


Cultural diversity is fine, it is a beautiful thing that shows the ignorance and hatred that lies in racism.

Judgemental? You are the one hurling the insults at present. Are you not judging me?

What you call 'racism' is part of Asian culture. You don't seem to find it 'beautiful'. You don't seem to respect diversity at all.

Why shouldn't I judge you, since you seem to've arrogated the privilege of judging everyone else in the world? Is judgmentalism only reserved for the righteous elect like yourself?

So what if it is a part of a backward culture? Are we supposed to just ignore even if it is harmful for some people? Terrorism is a part of Islam, oh why don't we let them kill all non-Muslims? That's their right to live their culture straight!

Nope. I've fully explained myself.

All you've said is 'because I say so'.

You've offered no justifications for any of your proclamations of your morality as somehow being inherently superior to that of 'racist' Asians.

You use your white, Western privilege to demean people of color in Asia because you feel yourself to be somehow superior to them because of your 'advanced' views - for which you can cite no authority or even rational argument to justify.

That, my friend, is racism. And you are the biggest racist of all, because you believe yourself to be somehow morally superior to an entire race of people.


I've explained my position and reasoning to you.

You just don't like it.


I'm someone who knows racism is a foul disgusting filthy mind set. I'm someone who knows it should always be challenged.

Why, pray tell?

You'd make a good Puritan.

Why is the mindset of other people your concern? You honestly think you've some sort of divine mission to right the 'wrongs' of societies other than your own?

Where's the respect for cultural diversity? Why are you so eager to shove Western values down the throat of Asians?

Why do you think you're better than they are? Did God tell you that you are?

Of course, you probably proclaim yourself an atheist, so it would be your secular leftist 'god', in your case.

The benighted people of Thailand are so lucky to have a Western white man like you to teach them what's what in their own country! To tell them how they should think, and act!

There is no god.

I am an atheist

I have no secular leftist agenda.

However I do know racism is wrong.


Well I agree with you on one point,there is no God

If there was he would of stopped all the illegal immigrants long before they reached Calais in France



Lol many girl and actress with tan skin famous in Thailand to don't need to leave

I will post the picture and name next pose









Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Careful Pugga...all the Dudley Dorights will be accusing you of exploiting their female, party endorsed, card carrying, fully paid up, female "brothers".

The possibly call you a reverse sexist.

Thank you for your caring

I just express my opinion as a Thai girl. And I know my opinion will be different than their Thai wife. But I understand they just trying to protect their wife.

And they will understand my point. That Thai people already accept the Thai girl who is tan but nonetheless beautiful. And people who is not beautiful even they are tan or white. They will just not consider to be beautiful. Maybe attractive if they are thin which show sign of healthy

To see my point. This is miss Thailand world post-243021-14384189808454_thumb.jpgpost-243021-14384190442507_thumb.jpg

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


>They are not liberal western values..they are universal aspired to values..Thais included.

You really believe that there are 'universal' values?

You believe that, say, Muslims and Western liberal atheists have the same aspirational values? That Thai Buddhists and Indian Hindus and African animists and Korean Baptists share 'universal' values?

Whatever world you live on, it isn't Planet Earth.

After all, Bluespunk here has just been explaining how his values are somehow superior to the poor benighted Asians who have the temerity to hold differing views.

> Are you Asian?

Why should the color of my skin matter?

You must be a 'racist', too!


I've explained my position and reasoning to you.

You just don't like it.

I've asked you why bigotry and 'racism' and divisiveness are wrong.

You have failed to address any of those points.

You just keep saying they're wrong. You don't answer why they're wrong.


I've explained my position and reasoning to you.

You just don't like it.

I've asked you why bigotry and 'racism' and divisiveness are wrong.

You have failed to address any of those points.

You just keep saying they're wrong. You don't answer why they're wrong.

Why are they wrong. Look at the lessons of history.

The holocaust based upon religious hatred and bigotry.

The genocide in Rwanda based upon racist intolerance, hatred and bigotry.

The indiscriminate slaughter and genocide carried out in China during world war 2 by the japanese because of racism, intolerance and bigotry.

The genocide of the Balkans war. Again based upon hatred and bigotry.

The unbelievable degree of butchery and slaughter going on in syria and other parts of the middle east, again based upon hatred, intolerance and bigotry.

The persecution going on in Burma and Sri Lanka again based upon intolerance, hatred and bigotry.

Don't try to tell me that hate is good. That bigotry is harmless. That intolerance is acceptable.

The cause of so much human misery, terror, slaughter, genocide and horror has been based on those things you seem to find acceptable.

Don't tell me they are harmless.


I've explained my position and reasoning to you.

You just don't like it.

I've asked you why bigotry and 'racism' and divisiveness are wrong.

You have failed to address any of those points.

You just keep saying they're wrong. You don't answer why they're wrong.

Amazing in this century (after the last century and its multiple failed experiments in racial purity) we have people asking such stupid questions.

I guess it takes all types and I tolerate your right, brother, to be as ignorant and thoughtless (and do it publicly too) as you wish.

Bigotry and divisiveness and racism are ill advised at the least, and I would argue plain wrong, because they dont benefit anyone, especially the bigot, and society as a whole suffers.

Genetic mixing makes stronger generations - mongrels dont have the problems that the 'prettier' pure breds have - ask any dog breeder!

If you judge someone just on their skin color you are missing 99.99% of that person - hey, they could have the cure for cancer in their head!

And little lies lead to big ones. Which is why you have call bigotry for what it is, without self righteousness if its possible.

But allow me to own my self righteousness and say publicly, disambiguated, that perhaps discombobulated might be a more fitting non de plume for you.



Lol many girl and actress with tan skin famous in Thailand to don't need to leave

I will post the picture and name next pose









Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Careful Pugga...all the Dudley Dorights will be accusing you of exploiting their female, party endorsed, card carrying, fully paid up, female "brothers".

The possibly call you a reverse sexist.

Thank you for your caring

I just express my opinion as a Thai girl. And I know my opinion will be different than their Thai wife. But I understand they just trying to protect their wife.

And they will understand my point. That Thai people already accept the Thai girl who is tan but nonetheless beautiful. And people who is not beautiful even they are tan or white. They will just not consider to be beautiful. Maybe attractive if they are thin which show sign of healthy

To see my point. This is miss Thailand world attachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1438418977.692556.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1438419041.665392.jpg

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You can not use famous people to make your point. Those women have been promoted and are not necessarily looked upon by the color of their skin but instead by their being famous, popular, or rich. The average Thai male sees dark skin as unattractive. That is why so many women buy skin whitening cream and wear jackets when they rude motorcycles even on cloudy days. They want to hide from the sun so they don't get any darker.

>They are not liberal western values..they are universal aspired to values..Thais included.

You really believe that there are 'universal' values?

You believe that, say, Muslims and Western liberal atheists have the same aspirational values? That Thai Buddhists and Indian Hindus and African animists and Korean Baptists share 'universal' values?

Whatever world you live on, it isn't Planet Earth.

After all, Bluespunk here has just been explaining how his values are somehow superior to the poor benighted Asians who have the temerity to hold differing views.

> Are you Asian?

Why should the color of my skin matter?

You must be a 'racist', too!

Listen you talk about Asians are you referring to southern Asians, South rest Asians, East Asians, even Asians in the west.

Because then your understanding of the subject may enhance your argument.

Universal is universal " accepted" values, they maybe Exceptions.

When you start talking about " superior" values when clearly that wasn't what was intended..you've lost it..

Yes, I truly believe they are..because I firmly believe in the decency of the human being..

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