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why do taxis in Pattaya and Jomtiem do not use meter?


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Its becoming more difficult to get/book a Grab Taxi in Pattaya. When it works its really great. I'm so used to paying the normal 200 Baht fee and when I use Grab Taxi it seems so cheap that I (almost) want to give a tip.

BTW, the taxis with the red colored lower part of car are owner operated.

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These "metered taxis" are not really new in Pattaya. They have been around for a number of years...there are just more of them now, because like pretty much everything else in the Land of Snarls nowadays, it is very lucrative to OVERCHARGE and RIP OFF the farang. I refuse to use them and I'm willing to bet that not one Pattaya taxi has ever used a meter...EVER. I've tried them occasionally over the years just to see if they would use the meter, but the usual answer is...300 baht. <deleted> that! Songtaew, motorbike or even walking before i would ever reward such unacceptable behavior.

Sadly, this is what Pattaya and Bangkok have become...ripoffs. Overpriced everything and no shortage of "badiitude". 1zgarz5.gif

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I believe that the joke is that the Baht Buses are part of the cause, because if Taxis used their meters then the Baht busses would loose a lot of trade. I have been told and can not confirm that both baht buses and meter Taxis are run by the same organisation.

20 baht for 2 people Pattaya to Jomtien on the back of a packed baht bus having been herded in like cattle or 50-60 baht for 2 in air-conditioned comfort direct to your door deciding when you leave and not at the whim of some cowboy outside the school, pretty obvious baht buses would loose money if the Taxis used their meters.

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Use baht bus

No one making you use the taxi

Wrong. Baht bus are available on a few routes only.

Outside these routes you need to rent them as "private taxi"

and 300 baht seems to be their minimum first quote nowadays... sad.png

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Pattaya isn't BKK, its a lot smaller and if a metre fee of 38Baht was agreed most fares wouldn't cost a lot more...same as Samui and Phuket...Its not BKK. with masses of fares, most use songtaews as you said you normally do...how far did you go, how much did you think was a fare price, it dosnt matter whether you speak Thai, Laos or Khmer the price is the same. Still what do you expect with lady driverssmile.png

Actually a very fair comment re journey size. They almost certainly could not make ends met on only 38 baht fares. But still...................

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Maybe try a counter-offer instead of paying the asking price?

Or saying no thanks and trying another taxi.

Unless they are all in collusion, then you have to pay or seek other methods of transport.

Wake up.....................do you think we have not tried... they are in it together! I exited Central Mall, after 4 taxis attempts of not paying the 300b and listening to them talking on the radio warning each other that i was refusing to pay 300b , I approached a young kid in a meter taxi, I told him real clear 200b or no eat to night, I told him they are not your boss, he returned okay, get in quick......

A young kid??!!?? Are 12-year-olds driving taxis now as well as motorbikes?

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why does the sun rise in the east and why do dogs bark? whistling.gif

God is the only one who could change the sun rising in the East while our current head of the government could easily change taxis in Pattaya using meters.wai2.gif

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why does the sun rise in the east and why do dogs bark? whistling.gif

God is the only one who could change the sun rising in the East while our current head of the government could easily change taxis in Pattaya using meters.wai2.gif

i beg to differ. there's a lot Khun Prayut can do but i doubt he can successfully order each Pattaya taxi driver to switch on his meter.

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why does the sun rise in the east and why do dogs bark? whistling.gif

God is the only one who could change the sun rising in the East while our current head of the government could easily change taxis in Pattaya using meters.wai2.gif

i beg to differ. there's a lot Khun Prayut can do but i doubt he can successfully order each Pattaya taxi driver to switch on his meter.

If his wife told him to have Pattaya taxis turn on the meters it would be done in an hour. I have this on good authority. wai2.gif

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The powers that be clearly don't want this situation to change.

Next ...

You could change it. Start on social media and run with it. If you have the courage of your convictions.

I doubt Jingthing want to risk his life , even for a good cause.

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The powers that be clearly don't want this situation to change.

Next ...

You could change it. Start on social media and run with it. If you have the courage of your convictions.

I doubt Jingthing want to risk his life , even for a good cause.

I know some people maybe name a small soi in his honor?smile.png

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"I have been here for over 15 years and read, speak and write Thai, I asked him to take me to my destination, in thai, and he said 300 baht. I was shocked"


Sounds more like you just fell off the turnip truck as opposed being very fluent in anything to do with Thai folks buddy.

I only spent 10 years off & on around Pattaya & as soon as I saw a "meter taxi" in Pattaya, I said to my Thai-savvy self, "No thanks!"

On the other hand. if I was on my way to some important meeting without a car (who lives in Thailand for 15 years, has 'Important meetings' & doesn't have a car?) I'd say mai pen rai, Let's go...bai, bai, bai. Leuw, leuw.

300 baht is about $9 USD, about 5 or 6 GBP. It costs that much in the US (& probably the UK), just to get in a taxi and shut the door.

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Many westerners have the delusion that if the speak Thai, they are respected and won't be ripped off. Nothing could be further from the truth.

If the OP was to take the same route with a Thai wife/gf, the driver would turn on the meter.

In Pattaya?


"Turn your meter on NOW" always worked for me and i really mean always... and everywhere here in Thailand.

I never start to ask them, asking makes you a possible victim to them...

You step in a meter taxi... why should you ask the price ?

Last time in Phuket, the driver wanted to hide the meter with his hat on top of it... starting with 400 bath on the meter already...

In Thailand you don't ask ;-) you tell them politely what to do and how to do it ;-)

Yes. Many folks rant & rave about poor taxi service in BKK, being refused a ride etc.....

I just NEVER tried a so-called meter taxi in Pattaya. I actually groaned the first time I saw them. I completely avoid Phuket as one cannot walk 10 feet without some tuk-tuk vermin asking me if I need a ride.

I have gotten out of a few BKK taxis after driving a few feet & no meter. I politely ask them in Thai if they have a meter.

If they say no, I politely say no thanks, stop here, I want a meter taxi.

They stop, I get out & all is good.

It's better than Abu Dhabi with Pakistani drivers (and their Pakistani radio playing) and their extremely FOUL body odor.

I have bailed out of MANY a taxi in Abu Dhabi.

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Don't be ridiculous. Pattaya taxis don't use meters. It doesn't matter what tactic you try to use to make them use them. They won't.

Also kovaltech it's clear from your last post you aren't posting seriously about this topic and don't have direct knowledge of the way things are in Pattaya, so I don't have patience for such noise.

Welcome to my ignore list.

I have been in Thailand since 2005 and every year i spend some weeks in Pattaya... Taking taxi is my preferred transportation.

From my home in Samut Prakarn to Pattaya and back. Always meter on. I call that direct knowledge...

Direct knowledge of up country taxis yes, have you ever tried using one to get around in Pattaya????????????

mmm, i must work on my English skills instead of my Taxi taking skills... I was referring to taking Taxi's in Pattaya as i recall/read my own words... In Nong Khai i take my Motorbike or Pickup...

I still don't and can't understand why some people keep victimize themselves ?

Why do you give in to someone who's breaking the law ?

Its actual funny you know, stepping in a meter taxi and telling him to put on the meter...

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