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Phuket truck crushes girl, 12, drags her 150m to her death

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Phuket truck crushes girl, 12, drags her 150m to her death
Eakkapop Thongtub


Lantaporn Duongkhare, 12, was dragged 150m before her body dislodged from the truck. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub

PHUKET: Police are reviewing CCTV footage in their hunt for the driver of an 18-wheeled truck-and-trailer that crushed a 12-year-old girl then dragged her body 150 metres before speeding off in northern Phuket this morning (July 31).

Wassana Kaewkampa, 40, told police that she was driving her motorbike southbound and had just passed the Tha Chat Chai police checkpoint onto the island just after 6am when the truck forced her off the road at the first bend.

Ms Wassana was sent scuttling along the ground, and escaped with scrapes and bruises, but her daughter, Lantaporn Duongkhare, was flung under the truck.

Lantaporn became pinned to the underbelly of the juggernaut.

“I ran after the truck and and tried to get the driver’s attention to stop,” Ms Wassana told police. “but the truck just kept going, heading toward Phuket Town.”

Lantaporn was dragged 150m before her mangled body was dislodged, explained Maj Santi Prakobpran of the Tha Chat Chai Police.

“We are currently checking the CCTV to find better description of the truck and to bring the driver in for questioning,” he said.

Ms Wassana was taken to Thalang Hospital.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-truck-crushes-girl-12-drags-her-150m-to-her-death-53438.php

-- Phuket News 2015-07-31

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R.I.P. little girl, gone way too soon. sad.png Soul destroying and tragic for the family member that had to witness this event. I can't imagine the horror of that situation. I can only hope that the driver is caught and punished to the full extent of the law. More tragic is that this is such a common occurrence. I also hope one day TV stops running pictures of deceased people particularly children.


Always trucks.. or minivans or busses.. those supposedly professional drivers are a menace only thinking of speed not safety. Unfortunately that wont change as enforcing would drive the cost of life up. So they accept a few lives being ruined now and again. That is the price for living in a cheap country without too much rules.

I wish the parents strength with their loss.. real bad for the mother to watch this.


Horrible tragedy, nasty little b@stard for running away, but its also a sad confluence of circumstances.

What was a 12yr old doing on a motorbike on a highway?

Law enforcement to blame too, for allowing this cultural throwback to flourish.


Horrible tragedy, nasty little b@stard for running away, but its also a sad confluence of circumstances.

What was a 12yr old doing on a motorbike on a highway?

Law enforcement to blame too, for allowing this cultural throwback to flourish.

Her mother was driving the bike , not the child!


What was a 12yr old doing on a motorbike on a highway?

Stupid question but maybe you are new in town - your weak backhanded recrimination notwithstanding.

She was sitting behind her mother and they were going home.


He will become a monk....change his name. Then forget about it.........A few bans and crackdowns in order.


Horrifying for the mother. Absolutely horrifying. Poor woman, no one deserves that.

Crash hat or no, that girl was going to die.


R.I.P. little girl, gone way too soon. sad.png Soul destroying and tragic for the family member that had to witness this event. I can't imagine the horror of that situation. I can only hope that the driver is caught and punished to the full extent of the law. More tragic is that this is such a common occurrence. I also hope one day TV stops running pictures of deceased people particularly children.

They should not stop showing their reality on the TV screen... Just show it more and on a larger scale, same as they show victims of accidents with motorbikes on FB , crushed skulls and worse...

Nothing more effective...

They show ugly pictures on sigaret packages because everybody knows that it works ?

Then also use social media to generate social awareness for driving drunk , speeding accidents, no helmets victims and so on...


It could also be that the truck driver didn't know she was trapped under his truck.

Correct, it could and probably he did not even felt more then as hitting a small pothole in the road...


Which is the worse scenario he knew he hit the motorbike or he didn't have a clue he had hit someone?

The driving in this country has to be seen to be believed.

RIP little one.


R.I.P. little girl, gone way too soon. sad.png Soul destroying and tragic for the family member that had to witness this event. I can't imagine the horror of that situation. I can only hope that the driver is caught and punished to the full extent of the law. More tragic is that this is such a common occurrence. I also hope one day TV stops running pictures of deceased people particularly children.

They should not stop showing their reality on the TV screen... Just show it more and on a larger scale, same as they show victims of accidents with motorbikes on FB , crushed skulls and worse...

Nothing more effective...

They show ugly pictures on sigaret packages because everybody knows that it works ?

Then also use social media to generate social awareness for driving drunk , speeding accidents, no helmets victims and so on...

Got to disagree with you there. I find it in extremely bad taste to show a picture of a dead child lying on the road. I was talking about TV the forum not the media device. I also don't think that those pictures on cigarette packets have stopped anybody smoking ever. I understand the Thai's seem to have some morbid curiosity when it comes to death as evidenced by the magazines they read and their behaviour I have witnessed at accident sites etc. I don't think showing Thai's any amount of carnage will change things 1 iota. I agree with using social media to raise awareness but I find it distasteful to show the deceased and I wonder about people who choose to look at such things. I don't wish to detract from the fact of this incidence and that is a child has died again needlessly and horrifically.


We can only hope she died quickly, and that the driver of this truck dies slowly and painfully.

someone should hunt down and shoot and kill this driver! preferably a thai. he has to be taken out of this earth!


I truly hope this gets national attention and at the very least enters into the heads of some of the drivers over here, both Thai and farang. So sad, a precious life lost way too soon.


It's difficult to apportion blame in this situation.

A vehicle of that size wouldn't feel anything underneath or being dragged along.

We also don't know if the Mother had a licence and was an experienced rider, or whether she panicked at the truck being to close and she laid the bike down. There is no report of the truck coming into contact with the bike.

Forced of the road or panicked, whichever, it was an awful way for anyone to lose their life.

RIP little Lantaporn Duongkhare.

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