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Well here is a saga.

My wife bought her Mazda Lantis new some 20 years ago and her daughter had been using it for most of the past 12 years, some of which we lived in the UK. So when we used it a while back I realized that the air con didn't work well.

So got the local 'expert' to clean it ... it was really dirty. Afterwards it worked slightly better but smelt and nothing I put through the circulating system would sort it ... the 'expert' did Ozone it. He cleaned it again, at no cost, but without any improvement. I did see the state of the unit on 'his TV screen' and it wasn't good.

So we had the unit changed, by the guy who has done a lot of the work on that car, he usually is very good ... see photos. Now it's really cool but still smells a little. I did ask the guy changing the unit to ensure that he cleaned out all the airways ... unfortunately we were away when he replaced the unit ... I just saw it all stripped down and took some photos.

The Mazda Lantis does not have an inline filter.

attachicon.gif20150523_085933.jpg attachicon.gif20150523_090042.jpg

Dang dude, got some serious mold/sludge issues going on with the evap core.

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Well here is a saga.

My wife bought her Mazda Lantis new some 20 years ago and her daughter had been using it for most of the past 12 years, some of which we lived in the UK. So when we used it a while back I realized that the air con didn't work well.

So got the local 'expert' to clean it ... it was really dirty. Afterwards it worked slightly better but smelt and nothing I put through the circulating system would sort it ... the 'expert' did Ozone it. He cleaned it again, at no cost, but without any improvement. I did see the state of the unit on 'his TV screen' and it wasn't good.

So we had the unit changed, by the guy who has done a lot of the work on that car, he usually is very good ... see photos. Now it's really cool but still smells a little. I did ask the guy changing the unit to ensure that he cleaned out all the airways ... unfortunately we were away when he replaced the unit ... I just saw it all stripped down and took some photos.

The Mazda Lantis does not have an inline filter.

attachicon.gif20150523_085933.jpg attachicon.gif20150523_090042.jpg

Dang dude, got some serious mold/sludge issues going on with the evap core.

And that's after cleaning ............... twice

2000 baht is cheap..The compressor on American cars is $2500. (Im still in Hawaii).

We are able to top off coolant ourselves..(Walmart sells coolant and injector),but it sounds like good preventive maintenance..



Have been using my Ford Ranger air con every time i drive for about 12 years now. Think I had the aircon serviced twice, works very fine.

Same same. I actually have the truck serviced at the Ford dealrs and no mention of doing anything to the AC. When it doesn't work properly, it will be taken to an AC specialist. I had to replace the compressor unit solenoid (excuse me, not sure as the wife had it done while I was away) and I doubt a 'service' would have pre-empted that. If it needs gassing, that suggests a leak and it will simply leak out again.


Those who have on going mold build up should also check if their drain hole/hose are clogged. On most evaporator housings there is

a drain to let the condensation out. This is what makes the puddle of water when the car is parked.

A charcoal impregnated cabin filter will remove external odours, the downside is these filters have smaller pores and tend to slow the air flow

down a touch.


Here is my story to you. I have the seem year Yaris, follow all the service recommendation and today still have the Toyota Chon Buri in Pattaya service the car. I had never service the A/C nor did the dealer ever ask to me but a year back I noticed a big drop in cooling. I though like everyone just inject some of that gas stuff (whatever you call it) why need to make a apartment and stuff for it. So I noticed a A/C just two doors down. I drove in and to my surprise the old Thai guy spoke really good English.

He pull out a bunch of instruments and started to do his test etc.. He ask me if I had ever service and I said no. He told me to do it right I needed to clean the thing out which would take around 4-5 hours, he said it was really dirty and the cost was going to be 1200 baht. I didn't have the time so he said he would inject some gas for a 100 baht which should help a bit which it did. Meantime I went to the dealer and spoke to the guy about the cleaning and how much? he ended up giving me your Yaris is old and most likely will need a whole new unit ranging over 15,000 baht. Being Thailand I just smile and left shaking my head thinking how can a service person make such a statement without even inspecting the car.

Next thing I know it is two months before I get to the A/C by the time I did and went back to the independent guy next door it was now closed. So I decided to check out some other places in the area. I got the Farang price treatment 2200 baht from a few places then I ended up at this one place that just happens to be working on a Toyota Vios, like the post #29, I was in shocked! they had the complete dash out just like the picture, it was like a small radiator soaking in some type of fluid. The guy said to me 2100 baht same same half a day! Now I'm no complete dummy on cars what I do know is if you got to take everyone out like this the chances of it going back in the same here in Thailand especially is slim and none. Last thing I wanted was to have the A/C cooler but now I ended up driving around with the dash rattling or the instruments not working completely.

I was stump as to what to do so after a few weeks I went back in and spoke to another guy at Toyota, this guy was more realistic Told me they didn't have to do the dash removal and that they have a machine like a vacuum to sucks and clean the cost was 1800 baht. Now that is what I'm talking about so a month later when I took the car in for it's regular service I ask them to check the A/C.

In the end, when I picked up the vehicle the guy told me it is much cooler but not 100% because the fan is getting old and it has slowed down a bit. so does not blow out the air as fast? Personally, I didn't noticed and I didn't say anything to the wife because if I did it becomes mental to people after. So I didn't and no one noticed anything except it was cold inside. Good enough for me!

Although, the A/C is on all the time i decided to service it every two years since the car isn't use much. I think it really depends on where you live. If you are out in the country likes of dust etc. and drive a lot it should be cleaned. I saw the one on the Vios, the vehicle was like 6 years old never serviced and when it was exposed it was dirty and clogged!

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