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School’s out on alcohol ban; Phuket Police warn of full countermeasures

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Some of these bars & restaurants I have a measure of sympathy for as they run a tight ship as far as underage drinking & bad behaviour is concerned.
However there are some establishments that plainly open up as near to Schools, Universities & dormitories as they can specifically to target the adolescent drinkers.

They claim they are a restaurant as a primary business but in reality that is secondary to the drink and music side of the venture,

Most pumping out overtly loud live music until the small hours serving drinks to anyone who has the money to pay without a care about age or behaviour, serving only snacks as apposed to restaurant food.

The ban unfortunately targets the good & bad with the same brush, much better if the BIB let the venues stay open but with frequent inspections, if they're operating within the law as far as drink, age, noise limits & operating licencing certificates permit then let them trade, if they're breaking the law then the venue should be closed immediately & permanently!!

I think that would be fair for the legitimate trader & sensible law abiding consumer.

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Nothing better to feel warm and cozy than a bunch of guys in military uniform invading the night life. A friend of mine was recently witness to a raid like this in Chiang Mai, in his opinion the over agitated guy in command was on some kind of stimulant drug, very nervous and aggressive a total nightmare for everybody who was sitting peacefully in a bar having drinks.


Two of the girls at the table still have their heads buried in their phones even while the commotion is going on....God help the chap who used to rely on chatting up the lady beside him as a way of meeting someone.....You could be Mr. Valentino these days and wouldn't even get noticed if there was a dozen gals sitting next to you at the table.

Some folks can walk and chew gum at the same time. Meaning, the girls can talk on a phone and STILL see around the room.

Ban gum too it only ends up as a black mess on the pavement everywhere


Tons of hotels and bars by Baan SaiNamYen school. Total idiocy for a tourist island.

True ... Thailand is just not able to run a country as a tourist destination even tho they should have some knowledge now after being a touristhub for about 30 years ...blink.png

Seems like they can make a mess of everything they touch ... just like a small child but at least children are cute, this is just an embarassment ... gigglem.gif

Until now I was not aware that Thailand was intended to be run principally as a Tourist destination !

Bali Indonesia seems dedicated to that concept but....that is not Indonesia entirely !


Ban on using phones in a public place might get my vote. Excessive ,compulsive modern day sickness.

I still blame it on that young whipper snapper.....what was his name....Pelvis Esley I believe

And the total breakdown in society since those new fangled "talkies" movies come in.


Two of the girls at the table still have their heads buried in their phones even while the commotion is going on....God help the chap who used to rely on chatting up the lady beside him as a way of meeting someone.....You could be Mr. Valentino these days and wouldn't even get noticed if there was a dozen gals sitting next to you at the table.

there are 3 them one to the left them head stuck in phone maybe they are texting each other

Maybe you are just not attractive enough....no matter how hansum your wallet is?


Ban on using phones in a public place might get my vote. Excessive ,compulsive modern day sickness.

I still blame it on that young whipper snapper.....what was his name....Pelvis Esley I believe

And the total breakdown in society since those new fangled "talkies" movies come in.

Quite right!

And amplified sound ?

If I wanted an ear bashing I should have to resort to going to an Opera Hall !


Eat that Apoligists.

The Thai/Thailand apologists will continue to make excuses on behalf of LOS...

Please expand on your premise..

In what way will the apologists expand....


"Just issue a law where kids underage can't buy alcohol just like in most democracies around the world, where you have to show identification."

The law already exists. Thais have ID cardS from the age of 7. DON'T SELL BOOZE TO UNDERAGE KIDS. IF IN DOUBT, DEMAND ID. Punish establishments that are breaking this law. It works in most parts of the world. Why not Thailand? .... Because Thailand will always take something simple and make it DIFFICULT.


“Anyone found selling alcohol within 300m of any educational place, get ready to be closed down. We have to protect children, that is the national command,” he told The Phuket News.

One can sure tell Thailand ceased to be a Democracy.

Why hasn't the junta decided to enforce the laws about prostitution as well? Are they afraid the economy would collapse?



"Just issue a law where kids underage can't buy alcohol just like in most democracies around the world, where you have to show identification."

The law already exists. Thais have ID cardS from the age of 7. DON'T SELL BOOZE TO UNDERAGE KIDS. IF IN DOUBT, DEMAND ID. Punish establishments that are breaking this law. It works in most parts of the world. Why not Thailand? .... Because Thailand will always take something simple and make it DIFFICULT.

Right on point. It all comes back to abysmal enforcement. RTP reform badly needed. Not high speed trains or submarines. Spend a few billion in police reform! Then culture will change for the better!

Murder? Not important! Drunk drivers causing fatal accidernts? Trivial. But bars selling alcohol near educational establishments? Disaster - call out the full force of the law. Don't you have to love Thailand?


so not one of the retards has a phone and can call higher up to ask?

The Police do not want any 'clarification'-------- they are happy with the incoming tea money from fines to teenagers and backhanders to bar owners not to shut down.Even if they shut them ones down they will get a double priced backhander to be allowed to open again. This anti corruption is working wellcoffee1.gif


Is there any evidence that harm is being done by selling alcohol within 300m of a school? Is there any evidence that not selling alcohol within 300m of a school will reduce the harm if any is being done?

With the best will in the world I cannot see this as a key priority for Thailand right now. Teenagers will always drink, there is no way to stamp it out. Prohibition doesn't work and if there are no bars within 300 meters of school, then maybe they will just walk another few meters to find one that is open.

The economy is tanking and the good general is fiddling while it burns.


Well now....I predict, in the future and hindsight included, this new ruling will be a near perfect example of good intentions run amuck.

This new order will not stop the teenagers from drinking...although it will curb their freedoms to drink at leisure.

People will still supply the alcohol to the students in other ways and by other means. ( I bet right now there are some enterprising folks dreaming up ways to capitalize on this new ruling...such as, ..all the more covert delivery of alcohol to the students where ever they want.)

This new ruling will result in many new shops beginning to sell alcohol to student beyond the perimeter of 300 meters....obviously, so again I bet there are various people realizing that the students will be looking for drinking establishments on the perimeter and beyond....so time to get ready and capitalize on the new ruling...thanks very much Mr.Police Officers....."All legal here and we are 350 meters away"..."Which is 50 meters beyond the perimeter"..........Do the math.

That and the kids will be driving further away and then getting drunk further away and then that means they DRIVE their cars all the more and or back to the university or where ever, while they are all sloppy drunk and we all know what can and often does happen concerning drinking and driving....and in this case, partly caused by the defiant students going elsewhere to do there drinking, because of the well meaning new rules being enforced and then..........driving while drunk...where as before they could have walked to and from the drinking establishments.

Then there will be the under ground factor while almost certain there will be clubs opening up behind closed doors and in secret with look outs and scouts and people to warn the owners and students the police are coming.

Then...last but not least there will be the good ole plain and simple, inevitable graft and corruption that evolves...while I surmise I do not have to explain that aspect as we are already well versed about ...THAT.....About what?...Oh right ...That!



In Bangkok, currently only Patpong district and parts of New Petchburi Rd and Ratchadapisek Rd are considered entertainment zones.

So Nana Plaza, Soi Cowboy, Sukumvitt Soi's 3 thru110 are not considered Entertainment Zones..........whats out in Rachada??? Only see a few coffee shops and Thai Gambling places.

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