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Making a difference - the fight against predjudice and racism


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We can all make a difference in trying to teach Thai about predujice and racism ,even if it is in a small way

I picked up my boy from school the other day, its a private one and has a nice playground. As I stood watching him enjoiy himself a woman came behind me and looked at my son and me talking to her little boy, all I heard was the old farnag farang and cross breed, so when she tried to get her son to talk to me by shouting farang I quickly turned around shouted pineapple in thai in her face and did the same to her child. She went white in the face and dissapeared. she reappeared with some school official she thought I worked there, however I am an energy professional , I understood there was a disagreement as the official attempted to kiss two <deleted>. I helped by asking loudly what the pineapple wanted loadly in Thai, and asking Pinapple says what?

She dissapeared again looking upset.

keep up the fight people, together we can prevent the young becoming bigotted like their parents. this young man with the woman will certainly remember

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I am missing the part about racism.

If I see in my country a Chinese kid on the playground I tell the kid is Chinese or half Chinese. And you are a Farang.....they aren't pineapples.

Nothing in your posting indicate they were looking down on you or your child. Nothing about Farangs are stupid.

From your posting I see only an aggressive Farang verbally attacking a woman.

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All I see is someone calling "foreigner" , which if you are not Thai, you are!

Dont see any rasicm at all, just someone getting bent out of shape over a simple and often misunderstood terminology.

Oh, and you hardly set a good example for the rest of us with your outburst and aggressive response.(imho)

You would have more impact explaining calmly how you felt and educating her than just reacting and ranting.

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Great example you set for your kid about controlling your temper and respecting school decorum.

I'm sure half the school is talking about how little Johnny has a total nut job for a father.

That poor woman must have been absolutely terrified by your behavior.

Edited by Gecko123
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All I see is someone calling "foreigner" , which if you are not Thai, you are!

Dont see any rasicm at all, just someone getting bent out of shape over a simple and often misunderstood terminology.

Oh, and you hardly set a good example for the rest of us with your outburst and aggressive response.(imho)

You would have more impact explaining calmly how you felt and educating her than just reacting and ranting.

Well that poor woman might turn into being rascist the next time she see a farang......

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I'm siding with the OP on this one. Farang and cross breed (maybe half breed)...doesn't sound good to me. All the OP did was give it back to her and she couldn't take it.

I have been called "fat" in Thai, and have gotten pissed off about it. People explained to me that it doesn't mean the same thing in Thai as it does in English, not an insult, and I need to understand that it's just part of Thai culture.

So one day a restaurant owner said to her staff, "Fat one wants American breakfast" in Thai. When I paid my bill, I said to her, "Thank you Fat Lady" loudly in Thai. She didn't laugh and didn't appear to like the comment. And that's the last time she called me fat. Maybe she didn't understand that it's part of Thai culture.

Edited by mesquite
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We can all make a difference in trying to teach Thai about predujice and racism ,even if it is in a small wayI picked up my boy from school the other day, its a private one and has a nice playground. As I stood watching him enjoiy himself a woman came behind me and looked at my son and me talking to her little boy, all I heard was the old farnag farang and cross breed, so when she tried to get her son to talk to me by shouting farang I quickly turned around shouted pineapple in thai in her face and did the same to her child. She went white in the face and dissapeared. she reappeared with some school official she thought I worked there, however I am an energy professional , I understood there was a disagreement as the official attempted to kiss two <deleted>. I helped by asking loudly what the pineapple wanted loadly in Thai, and asking Pinapple says what?She dissapeared again looking upset.keep up the fight people, together we can prevent the young becoming bigotted like their parents. this young man with the woman will certainly remember

you could do with a few lessons of how to behave too, which parent starts to shout like a .... in front of his child? i don't think i want to do anything with you together
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The OP demonstrates yet again why ordinary Thais are losing all respect for foreigners. Why do we have so many idiot farangs in Thailand?

well its not like they ever had any respect for foreigners anyway as they are " the master race" in their minds

Edited by kannot
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I'm siding with the OP on this one. Farang and cross breed (maybe half breed)...doesn't sound good to me. All the OP did was give it back to her and she couldn't take it.

I have been called "fat" in Thai, and have gotten pissed off about it. People explained to me that it doesn't mean the same thing in Thai as it does in English, not an insult, and I need to understand that it's just part of Thai culture.

So one day a restaurant owner said to her staff, "Fat one wants American breakfast" in Thai. When I paid my bill, I said to her, "Thank you Fat Lady" loudly in Thai. She didn't laugh and didn't appear to like the comment. And that's the last time she called me fat. Maybe she didn't understand that it's part of Thai culture.

You should have called her "dark one" that would have been much betterlaugh.png

or "short dark one"

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I'm siding with the OP on this one. Farang and cross breed (maybe half breed)...doesn't sound good to me. All the OP did was give it back to her and she couldn't take it.

I have been called "fat" in Thai, and have gotten pissed off about it. People explained to me that it doesn't mean the same thing in Thai as it does in English, not an insult, and I need to understand that it's just part of Thai culture.

So one day a restaurant owner said to her staff, "Fat one wants American breakfast" in Thai. When I paid my bill, I said to her, "Thank you Fat Lady" loudly in Thai. She didn't laugh and didn't appear to like the comment. And that's the last time she called me fat. Maybe she didn't understand that it's part of Thai culture.

You should have called her "dark one" that would have been much better:lol:

or "short dark one"

'Maa Damn' works well.

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I bet that most (all?) here defending the use of the word farang go apeshit if someone uses the word negro.

Not really. I'd be rather puzzled that you chose to use such an archaic term, though - in much the same way as I would if you asked me for directions to the water closet.

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I think the OP is trolling or was drunk when posting.

If by the smallest of chances the story is true, then the OP is fortunate that his aggressive act of screaming in The woman's face and at her child didn't turn out really bad for him, if her husband had been nearby he may have had a real problem worthy of starting a new thread about, If I had witnessed him shouting in my wife and child's face ( Which if true would have been a very traumatic experience for both ), he would have had a serious problem, and I'm a Farang, if I wasn't there and she had told me later, I'd have gone to the school the next day and he'd have had a serious problem, with an enraged Thai man/Family, it could have been the last time he would ever shout at anybody again.

Then again, I don't believe a word of the OP.

Edited by Broken Record
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Contrary to the insistence of those who can't kiss enough Thai \rusty bullets' in their eagerness to demonstrate their integration to Thai society, the term 'Farang' is a racial classification and is often used in a derogatory manner.

The OP gives us an example of why those derogatory views persist.

He has, despite the title of his post. done nothing that makes any difference to derogatory racial stereotype views in Thailand. Rather he has reinforced them.

The woman he berated, and I don't argue she needed to be challenged, will no doubt have had her already derogatory views affirmed and will be directing them at the rest of us.

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I think the OP is trolling or was drunk when posting.

If by the smallest of chances the story is true, then the OP is fortunate that his aggressive act of screaming in The woman's face and at her child didn't turn out really bad for him, if her husband had been nearby he may have had a real problem worthy of starting a new thread about, If I had witnessed him shouting in my wife and child's face ( Which if true would have been a very traumatic experience for both ), he would have had a serious problem, and I'm a Farang, if I wasn't there and she had told me later, I'd have gone to the school the next day and he'd have had a serious problem, with an enraged Thai man/Family, it could have been the last time he would ever shout at anybody again.

Then again, I don't believe a word of the OP.

"oh look Steve how cute that half-negro child is and there his negro father stands watching him play, go ask that negro if you can play with that half-negro child..."

Yeah, i'm sure you would be alright with that your wife used that kind of talk about other people and their kids... right? And would be just as upset if she got a yelling for talking like that... right? Because hey, you are a man of principle... right?!

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I think the OP is trolling or was drunk when posting.

If by the smallest of chances the story is true, then the OP is fortunate that his aggressive act of screaming in The woman's face and at her child didn't turn out really bad for him, if her husband had been nearby he may have had a real problem worthy of starting a new thread about, If I had witnessed him shouting in my wife and child's face ( Which if true would have been a very traumatic experience for both ), he would have had a serious problem, and I'm a Farang, if I wasn't there and she had told me later, I'd have gone to the school the next day and he'd have had a serious problem, with an enraged Thai man/Family, it could have been the last time he would ever shout at anybody again.

Then again, I don't believe a word of the OP.

"oh look Steve how cute that half-negro child is and there his negro father stands watching him play, go ask that negro if you can play with that half-negro child..."

Yeah, i'm sure you would be alright with that your wife used that kind of talk about other people and their kids... right? And would be just as upset if she got a yelling for talking like that... right? Because hey, you are a man of principle... right?!

If you witnessed a Farang shouting in your wife's face then shouting in your child's face you would have done nothing ?

I'm not getting into a pissing contest with an anonymous poster BTW, I will just reaffirm, I don't believe the OP, he's either Trolling or Drunk whilst posting.

Have fun kids.

Edited by Broken Record
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I think the OP is trolling or was drunk when posting.

If by the smallest of chances the story is true, then the OP is fortunate that his aggressive act of screaming in The woman's face and at her child didn't turn out really bad for him, if her husband had been nearby he may have had a real problem worthy of starting a new thread about, If I had witnessed him shouting in my wife and child's face ( Which if true would have been a very traumatic experience for both ), he would have had a serious problem, and I'm a Farang, if I wasn't there and she had told me later, I'd have gone to the school the next day and he'd have had a serious problem, with an enraged Thai man/Family, it could have been the last time he would ever shout at anybody again.

Then again, I don't believe a word of the OP.

"oh look Steve how cute that half-negro child is and there his negro father stands watching him play, go ask that negro if you can play with that half-negro child..."

Yeah, i'm sure you would be alright with that your wife used that kind of talk about other people and their kids... right? And would be just as upset if she got a yelling for talking like that... right? Because hey, you are a man of principle... right?!

If you witnessed a Farang shouting in your wife's face then shouting in your child's face you would have done nothing ?

I'm not getting into a pissing contest with an anonymous poster BTW, I will just reaffirm, I don't believe the OP, he's either Trolling or Drunk whilst posting.

Have fun kids.

So it is, according to you, ok to call children for half-negros/luuk-krung?

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You other posters do realize that many schools refuse half-Thai students? The OP did not invent this issue.

You simply won't ever admit that a Thai can be wrong about anything. It's totally insane that a person can be right or wrong because of their race and where they're standing on a map.

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You other posters do realize that many schools refuse half-Thai students? The OP did not invent this issue.

You simply won't ever admit that Thais can be wrong about anything. It's totally insane that a person can be right or wrong because of their race and where they're standing on a map.

In all the time I have lived here..I have not once encounter or heard from someone about this..

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