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German MP Patzelt opens home to two Eritrean migrants

BERLIN: -- A German conservative MP, Martin Patzelt, has taken two Eritrean refugees into his home and is helping the young men find jobs locally.

Mr Patzelt, of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU), lives near Frankfurt (Oder) in eastern Germany. The Eritreans have been staying with him for a month.

Such initiatives help to "get rid of the polarisation and hostility" towards migrants, he told German ARD TV.
Many Eritreans have fled to Europe.

The country in the Horn of Africa has an authoritarian government which forces citizens into military service - often for many years and in deplorable conditions.

Generally Eritreans and Syrians are granted refugee status when they reach Germany, allowing them to stay there.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33771112

-- BBC 2015-08-05


In his own home? Finding them jobs? Do they wear little white waistcoats? Serve dinner? Clean clothes? Didn't we used to call these butlers, valets, maids, and servants?


I admit I am a monster. Because upon reading of this OP the following thoughts were going through my head:

# Is this German MP gay?

# A Political Stunt for Christian Democrats?

# Merkel was openly disillusioned by German Immigration Policy. Is Patzelt trying to snub her?

# Wouldn't it be nice if one day they cut his throat?

# If he uses his MP connections to find the jobs for the men - whose job he will be taking away?

# What if their cohabitation does not "remove polarisation and hostility" towards migrants?

# How many is there conservative MP's in Germany?

# Counting 2 Eritreans per each MP how will we help Eritrea?

# What about the rest of Muslim world?

All these and many more ugly thoughts were going through my mind before reading the full story.

After all I decided not to read it. Didn't want any more of similar ideas.

I did think about his daughter (if he has one)...

But as I warned you before - I am a monster. And really disgusted with myself. tongue.png coffee1.gif


I was cynical until I read up on this;

-The MP met them at his local Catholic church

- They live in a section of the house with one of the MP's sons.

- The MP is an advocate of people taking responsibility for refugees and went head to head with the lefty Greens. He argued that if people felt strongly, they should volunteer, and that the solution wasn't the government throwing more money at refugees. In plain language, he opened his home and is paying in large part for the care of the refugees who live with his family. No one MP from the political parties identified as being "leftist" or "liberal" has taken in a refugee.

I was unaware that Germany gives shelters approx. €2,000 a month to per refugee for food and lodging and each adult refugee collects €326 for personal expenses. That's about €28,000 per annum tax free and does not include the medical care, job training and education the refugees are entitled too. All those extras can easily bump the value up to €35,000 for the typical adult refugee.

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