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Manslaughter charges dismissed against US police in shooting


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Manslaughter charges dismissed against police in shooting
ASTRID GALVAN, Associated Press

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (AP) — A judge on Wednesday dismissed involuntary manslaughter charges but retained murder counts against two Albuquerque police officers who shot and killed a homeless man last year.

Judge Neil Candelaria said the manslaughter counts were not applicable.

However, he denied a motion by defense attorneys at the preliminary hearing to dismiss murder, aggravated assault and aggravated battery charges.

The developments came after the state rested its case against police Officer Dominique Perez and former Detective Keith Sandy at the hearing to determine if the case will go to trial.

The defense started calling witnesses after the judge made his ruling.

Perez and Sandy shot and killed James Boyd in March 2014. Police have said Boyd, a schizophrenic, was camping illegally in the foothills and threatened officers with two knives before he was shot.

The shooting came amid a wave of police shootings in the city and just before the U.S. Justice Department issued a harsh report involving use of excessive force by the Albuquerque Police Department.

Sandy and Perez are the first officers to face criminal charges in the 40 shootings by city police since 2010.

Earlier on Wednesday, a forensics expert testified that Boyd was turning away when Sandy and Perez each fired three shots. Two of the shots by Perez missed Boyd, Barie Goetz said.

Defense lawyers tried to discredit Goetz by suggesting he didn't spend enough time examining evidence and didn't read the full police report on the shooting.

They also disputed a slow-motion video showing Boyd turning left just before the first shot was fired, saying the sound of shots being fired was not aligned with the actual firing of the shots.

Goetz defended his analysis of the incident and said statements made by Perez about the shooting were not accurate based on the investigation.

"His statement as to gunshots and the position of Mr. Boyd in time of gunshots is not consistent with what the video shows," Goetz said.

Prosecutors have said Sandy and Perez unnecessarily escalated the encounter.

Defense attorneys counter that their clients did nothing wrong and that Boyd threatened to kill them.

Special prosecutor Kevin Holmes questioned police Detective Nathan Render, a crime scene investigator who worked on the Boyd shooting, about missing lapel camera video from an officer at the scene. The video was turned over 10 days after the shooting.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-06

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It is high time these criminals were jailed for murdering innocent citizens (seemingly with impunity these days). This needs to stop.

It seems as though real democracy and justice are fleeting memories these days all around the planet as there has not been evidence of any in a long time.

It is well past time that we all stood together agains the criminal elite, their paid police thugs and their tyrannical masters.

Time for some social upheval.

Edited by dunks
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It is high time these criminals were jailed for murdering innocent citizens (seemingly with impunity these days). This needs to stop.

It seems as though real democracy and justice are fleeting memories these days all around the planet as there has not been evidence of any in a long time.

It is well past time that we all stood together agains the criminal elite, their paid police thugs and their tyrannical masters.

Time for some social upheval.

Will you be organizing and leading this stand against the elite? No, I thought not. Why do people who have no intention of doing anything themselves talk about what others should do?

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The case is from a police hit by two cops who provoked a homeless intellectually disabled citizen in March of last year in an isolated spot.
As with the very recent police hit murder of an unarmed black citizen in Cincinnati which involved a missing license plate, the homeless man was straining a law that threatened no one; did not hurt or injure anyone. Police enforcement in each instance, as in many instances nationally, was a chickenshit police enforcement of a chickenshit law.
Yet the police murdered with abandon, if not for the fun of it. The Cincinnati bodycam showed the cop antagonizing the driver of the car in much the same way the Texas cop relentlessly pursued Sandra Bland OTT to her death in police custody with no witnesses, and in much the same way Ferguson cop Darren Wilson shot an unarmed man to death beginning with jaywalking.
"Folsom Prison Blues"
When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son,
Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die


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What ever happened to police using a taser gun in incidents like this or other non-lethal force. Why does it seem police are opting to only use lethal force more and more lately.

This is very sad to see. I hope it improves quickly.

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The case is from a police hit by two cops who provoked a homeless intellectually disabled citizen in March of last year in an isolated spot.
As with the very recent police hit murder of an unarmed black citizen in Cincinnati which involved a missing license plate, the homeless man was straining a law that threatened no one; did not hurt or injure anyone. Police enforcement in each instance, as in many instances nationally, was a chickenshit police enforcement of a chickenshit law.
Yet the police murdered with abandon, if not for the fun of it. The Cincinnati bodycam showed the cop antagonizing the driver of the car in much the same way the Texas cop relentlessly pursued Sandra Bland OTT to her death in police custody with no witnesses, and in much the same way Ferguson cop Darren Wilson shot an unarmed man to death beginning with jaywalking.
"Folsom Prison Blues"
When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son,
Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die


Hey, hold on there. We all know Officer Darren Wilson did not shoot Michael Brown for jaywalking. Wilson shot Brown because Brown thought it was a good idea to assault and then try to wrestle Wilson's duty weapon from him. Why do you continually write make believe events on this site?

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The case is from a police hit by two cops who provoked a homeless intellectually disabled citizen in March of last year in an isolated spot.
As with the very recent police hit murder of an unarmed black citizen in Cincinnati which involved a missing license plate, the homeless man was straining a law that threatened no one; did not hurt or injure anyone. Police enforcement in each instance, as in many instances nationally, was a chickenshit police enforcement of a chickenshit law.
Yet the police murdered with abandon, if not for the fun of it. The Cincinnati bodycam showed the cop antagonizing the driver of the car in much the same way the Texas cop relentlessly pursued Sandra Bland OTT to her death in police custody with no witnesses, and in much the same way Ferguson cop Darren Wilson shot an unarmed man to death beginning with jaywalking.
"Folsom Prison Blues"
When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son,
Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die


Not jaywalking, but walking in the roadway ( which is illegal, if sidewalks are running parallel to the street). Then after he and his companion, were instructed to walk on the sidewalk. He then, in defiance of a lawful command, instead attempted to assault the officer (which is a FELONY) and was shot in the hand, while trying to take the officer's gun. Unsuccessful in his attempt, he tried to flee. While being chased by the officer, he ignored the officer's demands to stop. Instead, he then turned around and charged the officer, was then shot and died, at the scene. All this occurred shortly after, he had committed a strong arm robbery and assault of a convenience store employee. A grand jury was convened, who then reviewed the evidence and witness's testimony, and subsequently found, that Officer Darren Wilson was justified in his actions and WAS CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES. Why do news articles and people still continue to refer to this incident, whenever there is a white officer involved in a shooting, with questionable circumstances. If the race, of the officer and felon were reversed, this story would have been forgotten, the next day.

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The case is from a police hit by two cops who provoked a homeless intellectually disabled citizen in March of last year in an isolated spot.
As with the very recent police hit murder of an unarmed black citizen in Cincinnati which involved a missing license plate, the homeless man was straining a law that threatened no one; did not hurt or injure anyone. Police enforcement in each instance, as in many instances nationally, was a chickenshit police enforcement of a chickenshit law.
Yet the police murdered with abandon, if not for the fun of it. The Cincinnati bodycam showed the cop antagonizing the driver of the car in much the same way the Texas cop relentlessly pursued Sandra Bland OTT to her death in police custody with no witnesses, and in much the same way Ferguson cop Darren Wilson shot an unarmed man to death beginning with jaywalking.
"Folsom Prison Blues"
When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son,
Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die


There was many white dudes killed by the police as well, not just blacks, only it seems they shout more and louder these days

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The case is from a police hit by two cops who provoked a homeless intellectually disabled citizen in March of last year in an isolated spot.

As with the very recent police hit murder of an unarmed black citizen in Cincinnati which involved a missing license plate, the homeless man was straining a law that threatened no one; did not hurt or injure anyone. Police enforcement in each instance, as in many instances nationally, was a chickenshit police enforcement of a chickenshit law.

Yet the police murdered with abandon, if not for the fun of it. The Cincinnati bodycam showed the cop antagonizing the driver of the car in much the same way the Texas cop relentlessly pursued Sandra Bland OTT to her death in police custody with no witnesses, and in much the same way Ferguson cop Darren Wilson shot an unarmed man to death beginning with jaywalking.

"Folsom Prison Blues"

When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son,

Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns.

But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die


There was many white dudes killed by the police as well, not just blacks, only it seems they shout more and louder these days

We're talking a national police crimewave of serial killings executed spontaneously against unarmed black Americans and in the case presented in the OP a vulnerable and defenseless white dude in a remote location the cops went out of their way to get to.

The law and order hard right who are convinced they are defending law and order are defending the indefensible with their doctrinaire and dogmatic ex cathedra thunderings to obey these same out of bounds OTT police.

These are rightwing summary justice cops defended and egged on by the political and cultural right wing of American society.

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No question that was legal murder. Those police wanted to kill him. It almost looked like they were having fun and then they let the dog go have his fun. The man was picking things up and turning his back on them to leave when they fired that flash whatever the news lady says it was.

Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tpAZObNZfI

Edited by oneday
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Summary justice is when the police on the scene of their crime act as cop, prosecutor, judge, jury, executioner.

The video shows the definition of it.

The video displays obscene summary justice criminality itself in the first degree by a police assassin squad, dog and all at a remote location taped on video the police had never thought would be made public, because police criminality is protected in the law.

This summary justice is what homeless schizophrenic citizens get from police hit squads and what we are seeing in the police crime wave of serial hits against unarmed or defenseless citizens throughout the country.

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The case is from a police hit by two cops who provoked a homeless intellectually disabled citizen in March of last year in an isolated spot.
As with the very recent police hit murder of an unarmed black citizen in Cincinnati which involved a missing license plate, the homeless man was straining a law that threatened no one; did not hurt or injure anyone. Police enforcement in each instance, as in many instances nationally, was a chickenshit police enforcement of a chickenshit law.
Yet the police murdered with abandon, if not for the fun of it. The Cincinnati bodycam showed the cop antagonizing the driver of the car in much the same way the Texas cop relentlessly pursued Sandra Bland OTT to her death in police custody with no witnesses, and in much the same way Ferguson cop Darren Wilson shot an unarmed man to death beginning with jaywalking.
"Folsom Prison Blues"
When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son,
Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die


Hey, hold on there. We all know Officer Darren Wilson did not shoot Michael Brown for jaywalking. Wilson shot Brown because Brown thought it was a good idea to assault and then try to wrestle Wilson's duty weapon from him. Why do you continually write make believe events on this site?

Started with jaywalking.

Started with a 12 year old playing in a park.

Started with a guy on a New York sidewalk selling single cigs.

Started with a guy in SC pulled over for test driving a car or license plates or some such.

Started in Texas with kids crashing a pool party in early summer.

Started in Texas with a woman changing lanes.

Started in Cincinnati with a guy with no front license plate.

Started in New Mexico with a disabled homeless man camping quietly on an isolated rocky hillside.

Started in......

Started with....

Started by the police on slave patrol...

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