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US proposes halt to provocative South China Sea activities


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US proposes halt to provocative South China Sea activities
MATTHEW LEE, AP Diplomatic Writer

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — In a direct challenge to China, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called Thursday for all claimants to disputed territories in the South China to Sea immediately halt provocative activities that have ratcheted up tensions in some of the world's busiest shipping lanes. He also said the United States would not accept restrictions on navigation or overflights of the disputed territories

In remarks to East Asian officials in Malaysia, Kerry proposed a joint commitment from all involved to halting land reclamation projects and construction which he said would lower tensions and risks for miscalculation. He said the step would also create space to finalize a binding code of conduct. His comments were directed primarily at China, which has been engaged in massive reclamation projects in areas contested by its smaller neighbors. China has rejected outside interference in the disputes.

"With great respect to my friend and colleague (Chinese) Foreign Minister Wang (Yi), the United States and others have expressed concern to China over the pace and scope of its land reclamation efforts," Kerry said. "And the construction of facilities for military purposes only raises tensions and the destabilizing risk of militarization by other claimant states."

Kerry complained that China has not lived up to pledges to ease tensions and to not try to exert control over South China Sea navigation or flights.

"Freedom of navigation and overflight are among the essential pillars of international maritime law," he said. "Despite assurances that these freedoms will be respected, we have seen warnings issued and restrictions attempted in recent months. Let me be clear: The United States will not accept restrictions on freedom of navigation and overflight, or other lawful uses of the sea. These are intrinsic rights that we all share. It doesn't matter whether a vessel is a large warship or a tiny fishing boat. The principle is clear: The rights of all nations must be respected."

In order to calm the situation, Kerry said the U.S. was urging "all claimants to make a joint commitment to halt further land reclamation and construction of new facilities or militarization on disputed features."

"Such steps would lower tensions and create diplomatic space for a meaningful Code of Conduct to emerge by the time our leaders meet here in November," he said, referring to an East Asia Summit that will be held this fall.

At a news conference, Kerry added, "I reaffirmed that the United States has very strong interests in the South China Sea. The United States will continue to take steps to support peace and stability in this region."

Kerry' s comments came a day after he and Wang clashed over who is to blame for rising tensions over territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Wang sent a strong message that those without claims, such as the United States, should allow China and the other claimants to deal with them on their own.

Chinese land reclamation in contested waters has irked Southeast Asian nations who, like the U.S., want China to stop. The U.S. is not a party to the conflict but says a peaceful resolution of the problem and freedom of navigation are in the U.S. national interest.

China rejects any U.S. involvement and insists it has the right to continue the reclamation projects. Beijing was opposed to the issue being raised at the security forum in the first place.

The disputes have led to deadly confrontations between China and Vietnam, and Washington and governments in the region are concerned that greater military deployments increase the risk of miscalculations and accidental clashes that could spiral out of control.

U.S. officials say China has reclaimed more than 3,000 acres (1,200 hectares) in the last 18 months alone. That figure dwarfs the 100 acres (40 hectares) that Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan have reclaimed in disputed areas over the last 45 years.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-06

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We'll see if this is the official end of the CCP's grandiose designs for the South China Sea, named by European mariners of the 18th century.

In 2010 at the Asean meeting in Cambodia Asean then-Chairman Hun Sen worked with the CCP Dictators in Beijing to prevent any statement at all about the SCS. CCP China supremacists everywhere hailed the obstruction as a defeat of the United States, which had worked hard with the majority of Asean members to get the Asean statement issued calling for negotiation and mutual concurrence on SCS issues.

Now it could seem the wheel has come full circle so that the CCP China does not look any more inevitable than a slow junk drifting quietly on a foggy night.

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Actually working in the disputed area now. Just about to spud in and drill a new well offshore. At this very moment have 16 vessels (military) around us. Mostly Vietnamese and Chinese. Is a joint venture between Vietnam and a Russian company. Just getting the russian company name and logo painted (very large) on the derrick to try and get the chinese to relax. See how it goes. None are threatening but just sitting by. Mostly smaller vessels and coast guard but a couple of decent size ones here. Hope it all settles as could be a good contract to get us over this slow down/ crash in the oil and gas.

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China is 100% fully intent on their land-grab/island-grab in the S.China Sea. Anything that might get in the way are just speed bumps in the road. The only thing that will get them to back down is 100% full tilt commitment by US Navy, alongside Phil forces. Anything less than that is peeing in the wind.

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