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Trump the main attraction at 1st Republican election debate

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He's gonna replace Obamacare with something TERRIFIC.

His words.

He is the modern day equivalent of a circus barker. It is a wonder he has never had a heart attack. It appears he is going to pop a blood vessel every time he opens his mouth. Such anger. Such venom. Such bigotry, hatred, and misogyny. A real sad sack of a half man. Some success, but most of it ill gotten. To say he is not presidential material is a massive understatement. Though the shame in all this, is who is, in this sad lineup?


Donald Trump is the new normal in the Republican party. He's out front and center for everyone in the country to see and for all the world to behold. Trump has dwarfed all the other candidates and the established party luminaries. The Republican party has become Donald Trump's POW.

Faux founder and owner Roger Ailes broke down to call Trump yesterday to successfully invite The Donald to appear on Fox & Friends tomorrow.

The Ailes call came after The Trump appeared on all the Sunday national network interview programs except Fox. And it came after Fox itself had reported 100% of its emails concerning the Megyan Kelly prosecution of Trump were in support of Trump.

Donald Trump is saying what the significant number of Republicans say in their country clubs, passing time talking during a business flight, while outdoors hunting; on their outdoor patios during barbeques and elsewhere. Trump's M.O. of confrontation to shake things up then move in to seize his prize has strong appeal to a percentage of the electorate who adore Trump for it and that can't wait to get out to cast their vote for him in the primaries.

Going in to the Debacle debate Trump was at 23% among Republicans and he's since lost nothing off that base of support. He's leading in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, the first three primary states. Trump is going to get votes which means he's going to get national nominating convention delegates for the top prize. Trump has hired political pros in the first three states and is hiring more for subsequent primaries.

Jebush is meanwhile the incredibly shrinking candidate, Scott Walker is the incredibly boring candidate, Marco Rubio is the incredibly boyish candidate, John Kasich is the incredibly pleading soul who's job is to convince us he's the sincere everyman candidate; Carly Fiorina is the incredible wall of talk candidate....one could go on.

As this is developing Donald Trump now and going forward to the Republican national nominating convention next summer is the face and voice of the Republican party.

Which means God has finally taken the big step forward to become a Democrat.


He's gonna replace Obamacare with something TERRIFIC.

His words.

He is the modern day equivalent of a circus barker. It is a wonder he has never had a heart attack. It appears he is going to pop a blood vessel every time he opens his mouth. Such anger. Such venom. Such bigotry, hatred, and misogyny. A real sad sack of a half man. Some success, but most of it ill gotten. To say he is not presidential material is a massive understatement. Though the shame in all this, is who is, in this sad lineup?

And your pick for someone that is presidential? Waiting, waiting, waiting........ given up yet? There are no presidential people out there because the ones that would be wouldn't touch politics with a very long pole. The scum media have seen to that.

It doesn't matter who is picked because they are ALL bad and will do bad things. It's part of being a politician, bought and sold from day one to the money men that really run the country.

No doubt they will either sabotage the Donald, or they have a plan to compromise him if he did win.

If you want a look at the REAL powers in the world, watch the series called Secrets of the 7 Sisters ( on Al Jazeera ).


Donald Trump is the new normal in the Republican party. He's out front and center for everyone in the country to see and for all the world to behold. Trump has dwarfed all the other candidates and the established party luminaries. The Republican party has become Donald Trump's POW.

Faux founder and owner Roger Ailes broke down to call Trump yesterday to successfully invite The Donald to appear on Fox & Friends tomorrow.

The Ailes call came after The Trump appeared on all the Sunday national network interview programs except Fox. And it came after Fox itself had reported 100% of its emails concerning the Megyan Kelly prosecution of Trump were in support of Trump.

Donald Trump is saying what the significant number of Republicans say in their country clubs, passing time talking during a business flight, while outdoors hunting; on their outdoor patios during barbeques and elsewhere. Trump's M.O. of confrontation to shake things up then move in to seize his prize has strong appeal to a percentage of the electorate who adore Trump for it and that can't wait to get out to cast their vote for him in the primaries.

Going in to the Debacle debate Trump was at 23% among Republicans and he's since lost nothing off that base of support. He's leading in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, the first three primary states. Trump is going to get votes which means he's going to get national nominating convention delegates for the top prize. Trump has hired political pros in the first three states and is hiring more for subsequent primaries.

Jebush is meanwhile the incredibly shrinking candidate, Scott Walker is the incredibly boring candidate, Marco Rubio is the incredibly boyish candidate, John Kasich is the incredibly pleading soul who's job is to convince us he's the sincere everyman candidate; Carly Fiorina is the incredible wall of talk candidate....one could go on.

As this is developing Donald Trump now and going forward to the Republican national nominating convention next summer is the face and voice of the Republican party.

Which means God has finally taken the big step forward to become a Democrat.

You are talking rubbish. Trump appears on Fox all the time, and not just tomorrow.

I'm not surprised he is trashing Kelly in the e mails. Her awkward justification of her stupid question this morning ( Thai time ) was embarrasing for her. I doubt she'll try it again.

The reason the Donald is doing so well is simply that middle America ( the ones NOT sponging off the taxpayer ) is fed up with politics as usual and would support a banana if it criticised the ruling class of professional political hacks. Grey men and women all, full of talk but do nothing. Ann Coulter puts it best.

They're mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore.


Why does people get all spun out over Trump. He will never be elected president

That he will never be elected President is one of the main reasons why rational Republicans are concerned about the side show that has been created around him. If he stays in the race much longer, Republicans will have a much more difficult time taking the White House in 2016. Every time he opens his mouth he turns another group away from the GOP and right into the open arms of the Democrats. First it was Latinos and now it's women. More than half of registered voters are women, and he's making cracks about menstruating? In an election that likely have the Republican nominee facing off against a woman? It's completely self-destructive.

And what's worse is that he's sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Legitimate candidates can't get a word in edgewise and serious issues don't get the attention they deserve. Trump is a policy light-weight, but he's such a blowhard that he's able to dance around the questions without providing a substantive response. Hey, he'd feel right at home here in the World News section of Thai Visa.

And quite honestly who cares how many people tuned in to watch? One incessantly ignorant poster was spouting off about how it broke viewership records. So what? The overwhelming majority of Americans heard just one soundbite from the event (no, it was not a debate) and that was the crack about menstruation. You can bet that the DNC is loving every minute of this.

And for all the gormless fanboys who repeatedly refer to Trump as "The Donald". Grow up. This sort of toadyish

behavior is really unbecoming.

Obviously you didn't watch the "event". He made the comment distorted by the anti Trump lynch mob to refer to menses to a CNN host the day after the "event". The only thing you got right is that it wasn't a debate.

BTW since when did ANYTHING serious get properly discussed in an American election circus, referring to BOTH parties?

Trump is popular with middle America because he shows the professional bought and sold politicians ( of BOTH parties ) are a bunch of do nothing losers.


From what I've seen so far I think you're in for a Maggie Thatcher smile.png

Carly Fiorina for President 2016

Carly who? Many American voters don't even know who the vice president is, why would they know about her?

I never heard of her till the pre election farce that is American circus politics. It's EIGHTEEN MONTHS till the election and this is what they are talking about instead of real news.


Why does people get all spun out over Trump. He will never be elected president

That he will never be elected President is one of the main reasons why rational Republicans are concerned about the side show that has been created around him. If he stays in the race much longer, Republicans will have a much more difficult time taking the White House in 2016. Every time he opens his mouth he turns another group away from the GOP and right into the open arms of the Democrats. First it was Latinos and now it's women. More than half of registered voters are women, and he's making cracks about menstruating? In an election that likely have the Republican nominee facing off against a woman? It's completely self-destructive.

And what's worse is that he's sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Legitimate candidates can't get a word in edgewise and serious issues don't get the attention they deserve. Trump is a policy light-weight, but he's such a blowhard that he's able to dance around the questions without providing a substantive response. Hey, he'd feel right at home here in the World News section of Thai Visa.

And quite honestly who cares how many people tuned in to watch? One incessantly ignorant poster was spouting off about how it broke viewership records. So what? The overwhelming majority of Americans heard just one soundbite from the event (no, it was not a debate) and that was the crack about menstruation. You can bet that the DNC is loving every minute of this.

And for all the gormless fanboys who repeatedly refer to Trump as "The Donald". Grow up. This sort of toadyish

behavior is really unbecoming.

Obviously you didn't watch the "event". He made the comment distorted by the anti Trump lynch mob to refer to menses to a CNN host the day after the "event". The only thing you got right is that it wasn't a debate.

BTW since when did ANYTHING serious get properly discussed in an American election circus, referring to BOTH parties?

Trump is popular with middle America because he shows the professional bought and sold politicians ( of BOTH parties ) are a bunch of do nothing losers.

Obviously you didn't watch the "event". He made the comment distorted by the anti Trump lynch mob to refer to menses to a CNN host the day after the "event". The only thing you got right is that it wasn't a debate.

You are 100% correct.

Trump made the "wherever" remark to CNN anchor Don Lemon in a telephone interview the day following the "event"


Ann Coulter puts it best.

They're mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore.

A line stolen from Network.


By changing my post you make it seem like I'm claiming Ann used that expression. She did not. That was my contribution and I'm well aware of where it's from.


Donald Trump is the new normal in the Republican party. He's out front and center for everyone in the country to see and for all the world to behold. Trump has dwarfed all the other candidates and the established party luminaries. The Republican party has become Donald Trump's POW.

Faux founder and owner Roger Ailes broke down to call Trump yesterday to successfully invite The Donald to appear on Fox & Friends tomorrow.

The Ailes call came after The Trump appeared on all the Sunday national network interview programs except Fox. And it came after Fox itself had reported 100% of its emails concerning the Megyan Kelly prosecution of Trump were in support of Trump.

Donald Trump is saying what the significant number of Republicans say in their country clubs, passing time talking during a business flight, while outdoors hunting; on their outdoor patios during barbeques and elsewhere. Trump's M.O. of confrontation to shake things up then move in to seize his prize has strong appeal to a percentage of the electorate who adore Trump for it and that can't wait to get out to cast their vote for him in the primaries.

Going in to the Debacle debate Trump was at 23% among Republicans and he's since lost nothing off that base of support. He's leading in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, the first three primary states. Trump is going to get votes which means he's going to get national nominating convention delegates for the top prize. Trump has hired political pros in the first three states and is hiring more for subsequent primaries.

Jebush is meanwhile the incredibly shrinking candidate, Scott Walker is the incredibly boring candidate, Marco Rubio is the incredibly boyish candidate, John Kasich is the incredibly pleading soul who's job is to convince us he's the sincere everyman candidate; Carly Fiorina is the incredible wall of talk candidate....one could go on.

As this is developing Donald Trump now and going forward to the Republican national nominating convention next summer is the face and voice of the Republican party.

Which means God has finally taken the big step forward to become a Democrat.

You are talking rubbish. Trump appears on Fox all the time, and not just tomorrow.

I'm not surprised he is trashing Kelly in the e mails. Her awkward justification of her stupid question this morning ( Thai time ) was embarrasing for her. I doubt she'll try it again.

The reason the Donald is doing so well is simply that middle America ( the ones NOT sponging off the taxpayer ) is fed up with politics as usual and would support a banana if it criticised the ruling class of professional political hacks. Grey men and women all, full of talk but do nothing. Ann Coulter puts it best.

They're mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore.

You are talking rubbish. Trump appears on Fox all the time, and not just tomorrow.

Another OTT post claiming I said something beyond what I did in fact post. I never said what you say I said (never or rarely except tomorrow).

Middle America? The far out extremist Trump adoring right claims to speak for middle America??? laugh.pngcheesy.gif

Trump has the support of upwards of 25% of Republicans. That means, of only Republicans, 75% are supporting another among the myriad of manic candidates or prefer none of the above (to include your post above).

And anyone quoting the free speaking darling of the right Ann Coulter is not quite mainstream middle America. thumbsup.gif Not by a longshot.


The title of the thread says it all. For the first time since the Wingnut, we heard someone in a presidential debate making statements that hadn't been polled and focus grouped and vetted to death through the party leadership.

That made (and makes) him about the only chance that we'd hear something genuine, and not slickly packaged for consumption. (well, except the pretty regular gaffes where the guys forgot their rehearsed lines...)

I don't agree with a lot of what the guy says, but I like the fact that we know were he stands- if only to reject him.

The Wingnut, BTW, was Perot. And I voted for him.


From what I've seen so far I think you're in for a Maggie Thatcher smile.png

Carly Fiorina for President 2016

I hope so. I LIKE her. thumbsup.gif

If she had any chance of being elected, there are thousands of HP ex employees that will be happy to come out and say that they DON'T like her, and why.

However, haven't heard a single Trump employee being trotted out to criticize him. Given that most of my managers were rotten human beings and I'd be happy to volunteer to trash them in public, that says a lot about Trump to me.


If she had any chance of being elected, there are thousands of HP ex employees that will be happy to come out and say that they DON'T like her, and why.

However, haven't heard a single Trump employee being trotted out to criticize him. Given that most of my managers were rotten human beings and I'd be happy to volunteer to trash them in public, that says a lot about Trump to me.

While I agree about Ms. Fiorina, I'm afraid that all it says about The Donald is that he has lots of great lawyers and loves to sue people who say bad things about him. My suspicion is that everyone signs a non-disclosure agreement before they can hire on, and live with the fear of God should they piss off The Donald even years after they depart.


Well, Trump (oh sorry, I forgot that our resident fanboys prefer "The Donald") gave a speech yesterday in which he disparaged practically the entire GOP field of candidates. It included comments that one wouldn't even expect from a Democrat.


You fanboys can keep snickering and telling yourselves that you like his "straight talk". Try telling yourself that in January 2017 when we're facing four years of another Democrat in The White House who will continue all of President Obama's policies.


Well, Trump (oh sorry, I forgot that our resident fanboys prefer "The Donald") gave a speech yesterday in which he disparaged practically the entire GOP field of candidates. It included comments that one wouldn't even expect from a Democrat.


You fanboys can keep snickering and telling yourselves that you like his "straight talk". Try telling yourself that in January 2017 when we're facing four years of another Democrat in The White House who will continue all of President Obama's policies.

I don't think you'll find many fans of The Donald here- on either side of the aisle. You will find a lot of folks so disgusted by the corrupt, money based political process (Demican and Republicrat, makes little difference) that it's a joy to watch a real, live, breathing person take a shot at the title from out in left field.

Maybe next time, we'll get a viable live one. And maybe running as a Dem or an Independent or, (dare I dream?) a third party.

Edit: BTW, The Donald isn't a term of endearment. But in the interest of fair play and decorum, we don't refer to him as The Hair.


When Hillary's in the pokey


Everyone reading these threads knows that your political predictions always turn out to be wrong.

In fact, as you are undoubtedly the greatest contrary indicator of future political events that we have on ThaiVisa, its regrettable to say that Secretary Clinton will likely emerge from this scandal unscathed.


I don't make political predictions. You must have me mixed up with someone else or just making things up again. Criminal predictions are a different story and I was absolutely correct about Darren Wilson not being indicted by the St. Louis County grand jury and on the U.S. Department of Justice clearing Wilson of civil rights violations in the shooting, so I do have a positive record in that regard. clap2.gif


When Hillary's in the pokey

Everyone reading these threads knows that your political predictions always turn out to be wrong.

In fact, as you are undoubtedly the greatest contrary indicator of future political events that we have on ThaiVisa, its regrettable to say that Secretary Clinton will likely emerge from this scandal unscathed.

its regrettable to say that President Clinton will likely emerge from this scandal unscathed.

Fixed it for you. (That's a forecast, BTW, not a wish...)


The word "scandal" is overused by the Republican right but that's okay cause the more the R's throw against the proverbial wall the better for HRC. Everyone knows the R's don't have any issues and they don't have enough voters.

The Republican right succeeded in their gaining of the White House by hook or by crook, both in 2000 and again in 2004 but not since. The electorate is radically different now.

I look ahead to the real possibility Donald Trump might be the kingmaker at the Republican nominating convention next summer, which means he may deliver Sen Ted Cruz to the nation as the R party nominee. Deja vu Barry Goldwater 1964.


If she had any chance of being elected, there are thousands of HP ex employees that will be happy to come out and say that they DON'T like her, and why.

However, haven't heard a single Trump employee being trotted out to criticize him. Given that most of my managers were rotten human beings and I'd be happy to volunteer to trash them in public, that says a lot about Trump to me.

While I agree about Ms. Fiorina, I'm afraid that all it says about The Donald is that he has lots of great lawyers and loves to sue people who say bad things about him. My suspicion is that everyone signs a non-disclosure agreement before they can hire on, and live with the fear of God should they piss off The Donald even years after they depart.

Hmmmmm. If they were able to find an ex Donald employee that was prepared to dish the dirt, I'm sure there are plenty of GOP and Dem deep pockets that would be prepared to pay their court costs.

You have to admit though, that there hasn't even been a rumour of bad things happening in the Donald's business empire. The best they have been able to come up with is the decades old accusations of abuse against Ivana during the divorce. Even she has denied them.


Well, Trump (oh sorry, I forgot that our resident fanboys prefer "The Donald") gave a speech yesterday in which he disparaged practically the entire GOP field of candidates. It included comments that one wouldn't even expect from a Democrat.


You fanboys can keep snickering and telling yourselves that you like his "straight talk". Try telling yourself that in January 2017 when we're facing four years of another Democrat in The White House who will continue all of President Obama's policies.

He was only telling the truth. They are a useless pack of bought and sold grey men, except for Carson and I'm not giving Fiorino any chance of success. The Dem candidates are no better. Biden, Gore cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .


The word "scandal" is overused by the Republican right but that's okay cause the more the R's throw against the proverbial wall the better for HRC. Everyone knows the R's don't have any issues and they don't have enough voters.

The Republican right succeeded in their gaining of the White House by hook or by crook, both in 2000 and again in 2004 but not since. The electorate is radically different now.

I look ahead to the real possibility Donald Trump might be the kingmaker at the Republican nominating convention next summer, which means he may deliver Sen Ted Cruz to the nation as the R party nominee. Deja vu Barry Goldwater 1964.

I'm curious as to why you think HRC is a good candidate. Do you think she would actually make a good president? The present incumbent has been a disaster and HRC would be Obama 2.


Would have been great if the Fox Bobble Heads let Trump answer that viewer question near the end - what was it again - something about receiving "a word" from god (didn't indicate which one).

Cruz and Walker tied for first place on the Fox Bible Belt Slime-O-Meter. Not sure which is worse. The prospect that they exaggerated their religious fervor to pander to the religious vote. Or that they were totally serious.

I think Trump would say he's rich. REALLY RICH! So he bought god, and rents him out to the government and political parties.

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