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Jet Ski Scams Yet Again


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There is also another way to prevent these operators from getting away with this: make sure ALL tourists, especially Indians it seems, are warned about these scams before entering Thailand, perhaps with a video being shown on the plane, which states, quite categorically: "Do NOT under any circumstances rent a jetski in Thailand!"

I mean, if nobody rents a jetski anymore then the scammers won't have any opportunities to scam you anymore!


The jet skis are just a conduit.

They learned long ago that threatening tourists will yield a nice return.

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What's actually stopping tourists from renting the jet skies in the first place? Don't they read the news about places they intend to visit while on vacation in Thailand?

It must be completely unknown to the world. Google "jet ski scam Thailand". Result: 140.000 entries in 28 seconds...

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Why is it that Thais talk for ages, decide nothing and implement even less?

I see this constantly in condo committee meetings in my building. I often think that I could leave one month and come back a month later and they would still be discussing the same subject.

1 Follow the money.

2. Save face.

3. Look important

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What ever the outcome is, I can't see the jet ski operators stopping ripping off tourists, they will think up some other scam to hit them with.

"What ever the outcome is.."

what ever the outcome, and what ever the number of meetings from YEARS....

already in 2009 (and, i imagine the same meetings decades ago) :

The video clip in this post was uploaded to YouTube on Nov 10, 2009. The Mayor of Pattaya featured in the video was elected in 2008 and is still the Mayor.

What does that say for his effectiveness?

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It's quite simple... They have full insurance or else they are not allowed to operate, then they must display a large sign, supplied by the authorities (size and font size to be detirmined), in English, Thai, Russian and Indian. Explaining that the customer is fully insured and not to pay any damage costs.

How difficult is that?

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This Racket/Scam has been around for decades but NOTHING is done.......Why?

It doesn't take rocket science to realise there is HUGE money there and people other than Jet Ski operators are in on the share out it big time.

The PM should get involved as if left to authorities locally it will never stop.

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I have said this before......

If there must be a Jet Ski operation......let it be run by a Council run "Pattaya entertainments committee"

With people working for the Pattaya council......with a proper hiring and payment booth......(And the umbrella/deck chairs)

And kick these "crooks into touch"

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It seems Thai people just want money for nothing all the time. Recently my young dog escaped and a man from the nearby village found it on the road and took it in his pick up. He went and tried to sell it. The man he tried to sell it to called us so we went to get it. The man charged us 300 baht to give it back. So a dog thief gets away with 300 baht!

Recently a friend rode his moped near to another moped ridden by a Thai man who stopped him saying he nearly hit him so he wanted money.

I had a Thai driver hit the back of my pick up last year. The driver was the employee of a man who rang me saying he wanted the car repaired, a hired replacement pick up and 50,000 baht because his wife was upset when she saw the damage. The repair was 7000 baht which was done through insurance and I told him to get lost! He later sent his driver round the villages trying to find me. Ahole!

My wife's friend who sort of introduced us to each other later demanded 1 baht of gold saying if it wasnt for her we would not be together and if we didnt pay she would tell people bad things about us.

Welcome to Thailand folks! Jet ski hire is not any different. If you didnt like being ripped off in your own country then you wont be any better off here!

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A committee has been formed. That wraps it up.

Why is a committee needed just arrest them! Isnt the job of the Police to sort this out?

Maybe the police is part or owners of the scam.

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There's n easy answer to this ... take pictures of all the damage on a JetSki before it is rented which can then be checked against a JetSki after it has been returned. A picture paints a thousand words.

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"Pattaya officials had been informed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs"
That headline is mind-boggling. So the tourists complained to their embassies, the latter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and hence its back on the plate of those who could have solved it years ago.
My assumption is that those jet ski operators provide the surplus skim straight into city hall; there is no other explanation for not ridding the "pristine" beaches of Pattaya from such slime.
Other countries dealt with such disobedience in a simple, harsh and effective way. You got caught, they destroyed the vehicle at the beach and removed the debris. Steamroller a few of those jet skis and the problem will be solved.
Pattaya is dying a slow death and the clowns in power have still nothing else to do than to wait for enquiries of their own Foreign Ministry. How pathetic.

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keep a daily video log of the the jet skis being inspected.

Damage? let's see this morning's video inspection and let's compare it with yesterday's if we want.

The problem is there is no record of what the jet skis look like before they are being rented.

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OMG. As per normal - all talk and no real action!

Trying to deal with peripheral problems and not addressing the REAL issue. Insurance cover DOES NOT stop the scams from happening! What part do the talkfest authorities not understand? blink.png

Any operator caught scamming or reported as scamming should immediately be removed from the area by the authorities (Police or the military) and at the same time the jet ski confiscated for six months (insurance or no insurance) and impounded at a nearby military base. No "ifs" no "buts". coffee1.gif

Where there is a will there is a way, but all we see is no will and therefore no way!

Edited by lvr181
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There's n easy answer to this ... take pictures of all the damage on a JetSki before it is rented which can then be checked against a JetSki after it has been returned. A picture paints a thousand words.

This worked for me. I rented only once in Pattaya. And it was a great experience. I went with a Thai girl. We each got our own JetSki. The man who rented to us took a quick video of each jetski. I did the same with my phone.

We went out for an hour and it was fine.

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best vid about jestski scam ! for who don't know yet what does it means...

A truly disgusting video. Those perpetrators would be punished severely in any other country, except maybe North Korea, or Cuba, where the government would be getting part of the action anyway. Same, same here. Those little cockroaches who are pointed their fingers, should be losing all of those fingers. It might make them more humble, if they had to point a stub. Someone should do something. I suspect if I was scammed like this, I might do something drastic. Shame on the authorities for not doing anything. Shame on the army for not lifting a finger. This is perhaps the most damaging of all the scams, in Thailand, when it comes to tourism. People go home, post this kind of stuff online, and talk to their friends, and the damage is monumental to the Thai tourism industry. Are the officials too simple minded, an too nearsighted to see this?

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Why is it that Thais talk for ages, decide nothing and implement even less?

I see this constantly in condo committee meetings in my building. I often think that I could leave one month and come back a month later and they would still be discussing the same subject.

Thais are famous in business for their lack of decision making. Many foreign firms have problems with their local staff here.

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