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New step in Trump's feud with Fox News; Clinton weighs in


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The Republicans and Fox News (and their strong anchor Ms. Kelly) have tried for years to overcome the image of the GOP as being dismissive of women and treating them as objects (that's why all the women on Fox news are so fat and ugly tongue.png )

This Trump show has really thrown a monkey wrench into the works in that effort, and the Repubs know that this further results in gains for Clinton with women and men who support women.

Clinton has been smart thus far to avoid the conflict, but now using it to portray the Repubs in their "true anti-women's rights light" as portrayed by their candidate, Trump, she is playing this gift from heaven very well. I don't like Clinton, and am not a democrat, but it looks like a big fail for the Repubs again, even early on.

that's why all the women on Fox news are so fat and ugly

Didn't realise you were trying to be satirical, so I've deleted my original reply.

As for Rand Paul, he has only hurt his own image with his rants against the Donald. Sliding into oblivion and getting more desperate by the day. I liked his father, but Rand is not a patch on his old man.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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My apologies, you will have to copy and paste the last 2 links, I missed something there. The majorities of Republicans in Congress show several things, the ignorance of the American voter, the power of money, and gerrymandering by the Republicans. In many cases thanks to the Koch (John Birch Society) bros., ALEC. Money talks, good people walk. Women, minorities, poor, young have nothing to do with it.

While I agree with you about the GOP, the idea that the Dems are better is hilarious. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You do know that the Clintons are in the 1% and have nothing in common with the average working American, don't you?

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I'm guessing you can't read. or at least anything I post. I know about the Clinton's wealth, have known for a long time. I wouldn't vote for either one if they ran for dogcatcher in a one dog town, of course that goes double, naw triple for the troglodyte GOP, any of them, state, local, national. Bernie Sanders just took the lead in a poll for New Hampshire. Personally, I hope the emails bring her down. Even without big money Sanders can beat any of the clown bus and that includes the current driver. Still Hillary is the lessor of two evils, as the entire "off their rockers" clown bus is evil to the core.

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Trump is a juggernaut that cannot be stopped. The rest of the Republicans look like a field of munchkins. Hillary Clinton is becoming irrelevant. Bernie Sanders and his almost all White audiences and supporters are being attacked as racists by Black activists. Megan Kelly is roadkill, Anderson Cooper is yelling for mommy. Trump! It's going to happen.

A vote for Trump is a vote for Teddy Roosevelt. thumbsup.gif
1912 Election of the President Results
266 Electoral Votes Needed To Win
Candidate Political Party Popular Vote % Popular Vote Electoral Vote
Woodrow Wilson Democratic 6,294,284 41.8% 435 (81%)
Theodore Roosevelt Progressive 4,120,609 27.3% 88 (16%)
William Taft Republican 3,487,937 23.1% 8 (1.5%)
How do you compare Trump with Roosevelt? It takes a shtick instead of a stick.
Clearly, there's a new Teddy Roosevelt with a twist on Teddy's signature saying, "Speak softly and carry a big stick." Donald Trump's version: "Speak loudly and carry a big shtick."


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Any that vote for any professional politician must like things the way they are, as nothing will change if they become president.

For that reason alone, an outsider deserves a chance. I'd vote for Carson, but even Trump would be better than a political hack like all the Dem contenders and most of the GOP candidates. Please don't mention Carly- her history at HP does not engender confidence.

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How about reading the links I posted. And congratulations, again when the right wing cannot win an argument, because they are wrong as usual, they attack the person instead of the argument and change the subject. A little reading would help several of our "readers". You know that "stuff" right wingers never paid attention to in school, like the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights. With the Donald in charge, the right wing extremist GOP will run off the cliff and hopefully into history (comic) books. The Donald and the rest of the clown bus would be entertaining if they weren't so dangerous. Hillary was right on in what she said. The Donald and the rest of the clown car are full of it. BTW I believe the sexism and homophobia of the right wing has showed its ugly face on this thread.

You know, I'd much rather be zipping along in a "clown car" than be some hectoring shrew, standing all by herself on a street corner, waiting for a taxi that is never going to come.

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Cannot you right wingers understand anything? I don't, as in DO NOT like Hillary, but what she said was right in this instance. On the other hand I wouldn't believe a word that came out of her mouth. Drive Donald, drive, pedal to the medal, take that clown bus and all the troglodytes over the cliff.

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Cannot you right wingers understand anything? I don't, as in DO NOT like Hillary, but what she said was right in this instance. On the other hand I wouldn't believe a word that came out of her mouth. Drive Donald, drive, pedal to the medal, take that clown bus and all the troglodytes over the cliff.

Can't quite make out what you're trying to say. Things are pretty hectic here on the clown bus. Everybody's trying to figure out how we'll redecorate the White House.

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