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Thai Ministry list of 'farang forbidden jobs' is a barrel of laughs


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Direct your mirth at Google Translate or Bing.

It should not be humour directed towards the Ministry, but pity. No English speakers in the office? I can hardly credit that. The pity is that the boss that approved the promulgation could not condescend to ask advice from a subservient.

Mind you, to be fair...if you are not bilingual you would not know that these online translators are atrocious.

Farangs certainly should learn that this town is Pattaya 'patty ya' not ' pa ty ya' or other nonsense as spoken by farangs selling real estate on TV. Should be forbidden if you don't know where you live.

พัทยา is properly transliterated as pa´-ta´~yaa (high tones on pa and ta).

But you wouldn't know that unless you could actually read Thai. No "Patty" in พัทยา.

Feel free to consult Google Maps to determine where you live.

................."But you wouldn't know that unless you could actually read Thai"......................... Exactly. thumbsup.gif

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Bummer. I had my heart set on a career in "paper hand jobs". sad.png

No offence intended, but our differing views on politics are not the reason I will not be taking you up on that...

Who said I was offering you one ? whistling.gif

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Oh bloody hell!! Thank you TV! I have never laughed so much at both the Thai announcement and the TV comments. Just imagining fellas running about the jungle dressed as baboons or horses had me in stitches. No more, Please, I have to live for tomorrow! (Cant help but think about what the remainder of SEAT are thinking right now!)

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So as the list of "Careers Aliens do Not" was complete gibberish, I googled to look for the old list of "forbidden jobs". I then stumbled upon this official government website: http://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand/work-permit-thailand.php

Actually this is quite embarrassing too. Just to quote some:

"It wont take a long time for the falangs to grow as numerous as the chillies down the markets of Bangkok." Seriously? This is an official government website?? I suddenly very welcome here in this country.

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So as the list of "Careers Aliens do Not" was complete gibberish, I googled to look for the old list of "forbidden jobs". I then stumbled upon this official government website: http://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand/work-permit-thailand.php

Actually this is quite embarrassing too. Just to quote some:

"It wont take a long time for the falangs to grow as numerous as the chillies down the markets of Bangkok." Seriously? This is an official government website?? I suddenly very welcome here in this country.

Think you should have scrolled to the bottom of the page where the clear statement is: This is NOT the official website of The Thai Embassy.
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Matichon rt now has the whole removed list and more up. The list is in English at the bottom, though the article is in Thai. The Thais seem to have caught on to our delight at their folly. http://www.matichon.co.th/news_detail.php?newsid=1439366634

An extremely healthy sign. When Thais start to laugh at Thais, there's a loss of face involved and that is the ultimate, if not the only, motivator for learning English. Maybe they'll even get to a stage when you're considered stupid if you can't speak the language.

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Hmmm....I can understand paper handjobs, even so you can count me out, but farmers gas party animals....hmmm...I would have to think about that one. Sounds like a smelly job with long hours.



party animals"?

I guess if they're gassing them they'd have to be faring party animals, couldn't see them doing that to Thais ;-)

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Here is the list.


I'm particularly gutted by no. 21. (the card) I've always been a bit of a card.

I didn't know no. 23 (Job Buddha) was based in Thailand nor up for grabs. I would have thought non-Thais could do that elsewhere, though.

No. 18 (Lghn a job) baffles me completely but I suspect it's what the compiler of this list does.

The link no longer works Presumably the MOL have removed that page. But a friend did manage to download the full list


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You Thai minister spea englit vely goo ! Which university did you go to? And these people control a country??

The ability to speak English well isn't an enabler for increasing your ability to control a country. Just look at Cameron, Abbot and Obama.

Cameron speaks English, Abbot speaks Orstraliun, and Obama speaks Umairikan !

I was just thinking, we all make fun of the way Thais translate Thai into English, how it comes out all wrong. But when a story is published on TVF there is a good chance it was translated from Thai to English and some posters swallow it whole, without once considering that the original meaning, or intent, was lost in translation.

Some of the statements that come out of the government, the PTP, and the redshirts camp, are surely not how they were originally meant to be.

Yes but this was the intent of the article....a jab at Google and a free chuckle. It's no harm
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Normally i would say why put things in English we are here in Thailand and people should learn Thai. However as this is clearly aimed at foreigners the least they could have done is put someone with some basic skills on it and have someone proofread it.

This is real disgrace and shows us what nepotism and corruption leads too. Clearly the person who did this work is absolutely unsuited for his / her job.

I have a different take on this...

Clarity is simply not valued here.. The more vague and opaque you can make the rules, guidelines, and laws the more opportunities it creates for various interpretations... which, of course, create opportunities for graft.

They simply have no desire to make anything clear... there is no profit motive...

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It's fair enough that 'paper hand job' and The ‘roll by hand’ are restricted to Thais who do those jobs so well.

The existence of 'Lghin a job' on the list explains why foreigners never get replies when they apply for jobs as police or army generals, permanent secretaries or judges.

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Direct your mirth at Google Translate or Bing.

It should not be humour directed towards the Ministry, but pity. No English speakers in the office? I can hardly credit that. The pity is that the boss that approved the promulgation could not condescend to ask advice from a subservient.

Mind you, to be fair...if you are not bilingual you would not know that these online translators are atrocious.

Farangs certainly should learn that this town is Pattaya 'patty ya' not ' pa ty ya' or other nonsense as spoken by farangs selling real estate on TV. Should be forbidden if you don't know where you live.

OK. Point taken. But surely you have indicated the problem in the very sentence you have written. You are saying that the phonetically correct pronunciation is PATTY YA. Then surely if the "job" had been done properly in the first place. (i.e. English phonetic translations of place names etc done by a competent Thai Bilingual Translator sitting face to face with a similar English speaking person. Both listening and watching mouth formation of the words.) Much of the problem would not exist.

I am annoyed by the constant insistence of putting an "H" after the letter "T" (Thailand. Nonthaburi. Thong Lo.etc.)

Speaking of Thong Lo. - It is actually pronounced by Thai speakers as TONG LAW or at least TONG LOR.

TIT (Or should it be THIT - or S......... I won't go there.)

Don't know why I live in Thailand really.

If it wasn't for the weather and the Food and the Temples ...............

(Don't try and <deleted> analyse them)

You forgot the silent 'h' in 'Thai".

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It would be so much easier if they operated a points system such as Australia has and the UK is trying to do. But I suppose that would indicate certain skills shortages, which might seem a loss of face for the country. I guess "proof readers" would score quite highly !!!

Also the original post didn't indicate how the government classifies people as "Aliens". Surely that can't include ASEAN nationals !

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It would be so much easier if they operated a points system such as Australia has and the UK is trying to do. But I suppose that would indicate certain skills shortages, which might seem a loss of face for the country. I guess "proof readers" would score quite highly !!!

Also the original post didn't indicate how the government classifies people as "Aliens". Surely that can't include ASEAN nationals !

Yes but the points system refers to people who typically will become legal migrants in a country ie PR ie they have needed skills,

implementing something like that in Thailand one suspects the vast majority of farangs wouldnt qualify under a points system as they dont have the skills/knowlege or experience needed anyway

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Direct your mirth at Google Translate or Bing.

It should not be humour directed towards the Ministry, but pity. No English speakers in the office? I can hardly credit that. The pity is that the boss that approved the promulgation could not condescend to ask advice from a subservient.

Mind you, to be fair...if you are not bilingual you would not know that these online translators are atrocious.

Farangs certainly should learn that this town is Pattaya 'patty ya' not ' pa ty ya' or other nonsense as spoken by farangs selling real estate on TV. Should be forbidden if you don't know where you live.

พัทยา is properly transliterated as pa´-ta´~yaa (high tones on pa and ta).

But you wouldn't know that unless you could actually read Thai. No "Patty" in พัทยา.

Feel free to consult Google Maps to determine where you live.

You are right , sabaii69 is talking nonsense.

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It would be so much easier if they operated a points system such as Australia has and the UK is trying to do. But I suppose that would indicate certain skills shortages, which might seem a loss of face for the country. I guess "proof readers" would score quite highly !!!

Also the original post didn't indicate how the government classifies people as "Aliens". Surely that can't include ASEAN nationals !

Yes but the points system refers to people who typically will become legal migrants in a country ie PR ie they have needed skills,

implementing something like that in Thailand one suspects the vast majority of farangs wouldnt qualify under a points system as they dont have the skills/knowlege or experience needed anyway

But isn't that whole point, make it easier, i.e. visa/work-permits for farangs who can contribute to Thailand. Just a thought, probably just pissing in the wind !!!

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So they prefer unqualified steel twisters and incompetent blanket nitters. Oh but you must be thai. And for the interview got to have a high school diploma because anything less would be just terrible. Helps if you have connections as well in the industry. Damn it I could knit the shit outta some blankets.

Job for ministry of labour: highly qualified with sophisticated software, like google translate. And thai must definite persons application the engineer paper computerate

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It would be so much easier if they operated a points system such as Australia has and the UK is trying to do. But I suppose that would indicate certain skills shortages, which might seem a loss of face for the country. I guess "proof readers" would score quite highly !!!

Also the original post didn't indicate how the government classifies people as "Aliens". Surely that can't include ASEAN nationals !

Yes but the points system refers to people who typically will become legal migrants in a country ie PR ie they have needed skills,

implementing something like that in Thailand one suspects the vast majority of farangs wouldnt qualify under a points system as they dont have the skills/knowlege or experience needed anyway

But isn't that whole point, make it easier, i.e. visa/work-permits for farangs who can contribute to Thailand. Just a thought, probably just pissing in the wind !!!

A points system would require lots of statistics to find out all shortages on the Thai labour market, including a prognosis how much can be done by education. Maybe Thailand is just setting up something like this, I don't know.

Yes, as a Farang I would appreciate a reliable status, too. But Thailand must put Thailand first in her considerations, every other country would do the same.

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It would be so much easier if they operated a points system such as Australia has and the UK is trying to do. But I suppose that would indicate certain skills shortages, which might seem a loss of face for the country. I guess "proof readers" would score quite highly !!!

Also the original post didn't indicate how the government classifies people as "Aliens". Surely that can't include ASEAN nationals !

Yes but the points system refers to people who typically will become legal migrants in a country ie PR ie they have needed skills,

implementing something like that in Thailand one suspects the vast majority of farangs wouldnt qualify under a points system as they dont have the skills/knowlege or experience needed anyway

But isn't that whole point, make it easier, i.e. visa/work-permits for farangs who can contribute to Thailand. Just a thought, probably just pissing in the wind !!!

A points system would require lots of statistics to find out all shortages on the Thai labour market, including a prognosis how much can be done by education. Maybe Thailand is just setting up something like this, I don't know.

Yes, as a Farang I would appreciate a reliable status, too. But Thailand must put Thailand first in her considerations, every other country would do the same.

I accept your point, but isn't that the idea behind the points system, to put your country first and only allow those to work who can actually contribute to make the country better ? Maybe an Aussie can explain how it works or fails down-under.

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It would be so much easier if they operated a points system such as Australia has and the UK is trying to do. But I suppose that would indicate certain skills shortages, which might seem a loss of face for the country. I guess "proof readers" would score quite highly !!!

Also the original post didn't indicate how the government classifies people as "Aliens". Surely that can't include ASEAN nationals !

Yes but the points system refers to people who typically will become legal migrants in a country ie PR ie they have needed skills,

implementing something like that in Thailand one suspects the vast majority of farangs wouldnt qualify under a points system as they dont have the skills/knowlege or experience needed anyway

But isn't that whole point, make it easier, i.e. visa/work-permits for farangs who can contribute to Thailand. Just a thought, probably just pissing in the wind !!!

A points system would require lots of statistics to find out all shortages on the Thai labour market, including a prognosis how much can be done by education. Maybe Thailand is just setting up something like this, I don't know.

Yes, as a Farang I would appreciate a reliable status, too. But Thailand must put Thailand first in her considerations, every other country would do the same.

I accept your point, but isn't that the idea behind the points system, to put your country first and only allow those to work who can actually contribute to make the country better ? Maybe an Aussie can explain how it works or fails down-under.

a native Aussie wouldnt know how it really works as they dont need to qualify LOL

As stated points systems are typically used to asess people who will be taking up permanent residence in a country with a view to citizenship, this not the system in Thailand,

the correct anology with Aussie is those people who work in Aussie on a "temporary basis" on a visa and are not looking for PR, the system is no different from Thailand you need a company to sponsor your visa...same as Thailand, dont confuse the intent of two systems

Aussie did/does want legalised migration and people with marketable skills, Thailand doesnt encourage legalised migration

Edited by Soutpeel
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The OP is a barrel of laughs indeed!

But it must be also a source of great shame and sorrow for any Thai. Especially an educated Thai.

If this official document is the best translation into English the Thai Ministry of Labor can produce - how can Thailand move into ASEAN?

And blaming it on Google translation is not working. Not for me.

My second thought is even more horrible.

What if the original document is translated correctly? I wouldn't like to look inside the Thai head that produces this!

Now I understand: The World and Thailand are really Aliens. The Immigration Officers are right.

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