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If you had to borrow money to buy a 90k car then , well maybe just accept the loss and move on. 90k is not a lot for a farang who can afford to live away from his home country.


WarpSpeed you are right maybe I should forget about it and accept the lost. It is the lies that get to me though. Since my wife did not get insurance, I will most likely have no other recourse but to accept the lost. I hope she learned a lesson from this.


Gotta love the new posters who come with some off-the-wall story, asking for advise. As soon as someone points out the obvious, the insults start coming and we're off to the races..... tongue.png

Clueless doesn't even begin to describe....


People who cannot handle a clutch and manual gear don't deserve to put their fingers on a car anyway, with or without a driving license. (This does not apply to handicapped people.)

You would be prohibiting greater than 50% of the US population then LOL in my time there found very few who could drive a manual car LOL


Some off-topic posts and comments on moderation have been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Sviss Guy. I will give you a hint that you can use the next time you try to rationalize a persons nationality via the number of grammatical errors made. Number of beers times the device used to communicate plus other factors that may come into play. Given a = the number of quarts b = the type of device used to communicate c = other factors (a*cool.png +c = a theorethical number of booboos that could possibly be made while communicating

Just remember to subtract this from the total number of letters used in the sentence(s) to get the overall number of possible errors. If you want to use a fudge factor, go for it. If you would like me to make an Android application for you, let me know and I will make it for you for 100,000 baht. Thinking about this, nationality could be a major factor also.

First thing I"m going to do is to remind you of your own quote, "...I am an old gray haired blue eyed senile American...".

Then I'll point out that the remark that I made that I assume you're referring to was directed at an uncalled-for comment about your nationality that Warpspeed made, not one that I made. Re-post your bizarre drivel and address it to him, blue eyes.

You're welcome.


Look what Toyota Corolla you could have bought for less than 90,000 baht.

Already an automatic, and the tyres look ok...and you probably would have gotten a 30 day warranty.


Never, ever...ever...let the wife buy anything mechanical. That be mans work.

...and trusting a taxi driver...I wouldn't recommend that either.


Ok Sviss Guy I owe you three quarts of beer. Meet me at guy young koŕat just off of Soi Mahattan across from Big C Nawanakorn on Friday night. I will even throw in a large order of french fries.


It was a Toyota corrella I believe. True story, and I do not know what to do as I have to deal with my wife and she justs shuts down over it. I keep getting stories. I am trying to be patient about it. She has a picture of the suppposely wrecked car. It looks like it but I do not see any damage to the driver. Tomorrow I will call the tourist police because they speak Enlish. I have lived here for 7 years and haved been ripped off before so I do not make any deals with anyone but I cannot tell my wife what to do as she is the boss. Neither can I put my foot down with her as I know that I would be ignored! I try to get along but this is going on too long and I do not see any reprieve the situation. I am real but have to share this. I do not believe my wife as a conspirater in this matter but only as a victum who answer is to spend a day at the watt and let Buhda take care of the matter. And you think Japanese women have a problem!

" I cannot tell my wife what to do as she is the boss. " Excuse me for pointing out the obvious but you need to grow a pair!

Thai woman look up to men who are decisive and take leadership, they will show respect and welcome your advice.


Well, I got them but what Thai would listen to a buffalo rather it be at work or at home? This is not the Western world that I grew up in. It goes through one ear and out the other. I assume you are not married and have seven girlfriends. The girlfriends will go along but not the wifes that I know.


Ok Sviss Guy I owe you three quarts of beer. Meet me at guy young koŕat just off of Soi Mahattan across from Big C Nawanakorn on Friday night. I will even throw in a large order of french fries.

Ok Nawanakorn9 (I can't read user names either), I'll be there, make sure you are.


I hope the op is wrote by a troll. if true I be looking for a new taxi driver if I was him. I keep the wife as she must be good at something.


Dont say anything interesting,just post condescending drivell.Thats O.K.... I notice Warpy gets flack for anything he says.facepalm.gif

Stand up comment..


Dont say anything interesting,just post condescending drivell.Thats O.K.... I notice Warpy gets flack for anything he says.facepalm.gif

I agree, It baffles me why you post like you do. You do seem like an intelligent guy and would be a worthy contributor if you could only post in English and loose the condescending tone.

Not sure why Warpy cops flack though but it aint right.


I post what i like, English is not my first language, bit like an Aussie , my only concern here is to avoid Boy Racer n Flash Harry know it alls and Nobs with Tinted Widows who only care about image... Im Condescending to them only.


Dont say anything interesting,just post condescending drivell.Thats O.K.... I notice Warpy gets flack for anything he says.facepalm.gif

Not sure why Warpy cops flack though but it aint right.

Unexpected and regards.


Thought number one ... Changing a car to Auto involves the gearbox and engine being changed plus quite a few other bits, almost certainly a donor car would be needed to keep the cost down. Clearly it would be more practical to sell the Manual change car and purchase and Auto.

2. What the heck has a taxi man got to do with it? And why give him a car and some money? Surely you didn't expect to see him or the money again. What is his exact relationship with your wife now and in the past?

3. From this short episode you must now question every word spoken by your wife. Clearly, some details have been concocted, and some concealed. Is it an ongoing situation?

4. Paying for the car, noooo, of course not. When in Thailand ...... ... ....

5. Cut your losses, things will not improve, go now.


I post what i like, English is not my first language, bit like an Aussie , my only concern here is to avoid Boy Racer n Flash Harry know it alls and Nobs with Tinted Widows who only care about image... Im Condescending to them only.

Also condescending towards dead people in bmw's.

I apologise for assuming english was you native language. I never knew you was an aussie.


Show Me Where then. Im Portuguese, most Aussies are Lebanese Arab Hoons these days arnt they.Your interpretation on B.Ms Dead is no doubt,just to bleat about My jolly tint bashing ,but i haven't looked.facepalm.gif


OP ,not trying to be funny,how did this taxi guy come into the scene ? Is he your brother -in-law's friend ? Are you close with him? Why would you trust him with your car and cash ? Is he your wife's relative ? Long lost friend ? Childhood sweetheart ?

Without the truth of this guy's relationship with your wife , any future action will be futile.

Mind you, prepare for the consequences as they say...the Truth hurts.


Taxi man is just that, a taxi man that we have utilized over the years. He is coming tonight to sign an agreement that he will pay off the car. I will believe it when I see it. He let a young man drive the car the night it was destroyed and apparently feels responsible.

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