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There is a lot of unfair criticism of Thai Immigration, the bulk of which is unjustified

I believe the bulk of that criticism comes from those who should not really be living here, and would in no way be allowed aces to USA, Europe or the UK unless their home country

Generally those who can not meet the required financial criteria should all be sent home, and the criticisms would substantially evaporate

Normally those fortunate enough to be able to comply with the financial requirements seldom have problems

Those who avail themselves of the alternative, system of paying for an agent to negotiate their visas on a different basis also do not complain

Just imagine you were in UK or USA on overstay, you would receive no mercy, try arriving in these countries on visitor visa and converting to long stay a total nightmare and probably impossible

Personally I believe the problem visitors should all be sent home, where they will complain even more, and even here are exploiting their home countries social security benefits

It would be good to see Thai Immigration taking a much stronger stance against those who exploit and do not comply with the requirement in this country

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There is a lot of unfair criticism of Thai Immigration, the bulk of which is unjustified

I believe the bulk of that criticism comes from those who should not really be living here, and would in no way be allowed aces to USA, Europe or the UK unless their home country

Generally those who can not meet the required financial criteria should all be sent home, and the criticisms would substantially evaporate

Normally those fortunate enough to be able to comply with the financial requirements seldom have problems

Those who avail themselves of the alternative, system of paying for an agent to negotiate their visas on a different basis also do not complain

Just imagine you were in UK or USA on overstay, you would receive no mercy, try arriving in these countries on visitor visa and converting to long stay a total nightmare and probably impossible

Personally I believe the problem visitors should all be sent home, where they will complain even more, and even here are exploiting their home countries social security benefits

It would be good to see Thai Immigration taking a much stronger stance against those who exploit and do not comply with the requirement in this country

Why thank you for the rant!!! Il pack my bags now

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There is a lot of unfair criticism of Thai Immigration, the bulk of which is unjustified

I believe the bulk of that criticism comes from those who should not really be living here, and would in no way be allowed aces to USA, Europe or the UK unless their home country

Generally those who can not meet the required financial criteria should all be sent home, and the criticisms would substantially evaporate

Normally those fortunate enough to be able to comply with the financial requirements seldom have problems

Those who avail themselves of the alternative, system of paying for an agent to negotiate their visas on a different basis also do not complain

Just imagine you were in UK or USA on overstay, you would receive no mercy, try arriving in these countries on visitor visa and converting to long stay a total nightmare and probably impossible

Personally I believe the problem visitors should all be sent home, where they will complain even more, and even here are exploiting their home countries social security benefits

It would be good to see Thai Immigration taking a much stronger stance against those who exploit and do not comply with the requirement in this country

Why thank you for the rant!!! Il pack my bags now
If you are done with your bags, and are ready to go, just walk outside and getba cab.

Good yravels to you sir, you will need it!

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OP seems to be a newly found Thailand-romantic,,, who havent seen the light of day yet. Wait Sir, your time will come. Your eyes will be opened, and your view of Thailand maybe will adjust to a reality where the rest of us must live in....

As Lopburi 3 says...... People complain and very often there is a reason for it..


Maybe you are correct sir, I have only been here eight plus years, time will tell, interesting you say where the rest of us must live, as if it is onerous, and if that is the case maybe should consider returning to ones home land

I am lucky all my 70plus years of life I have been happy and enjoyed where i lived, be it Manhattan, down town Kingston Jamaica, United Kingdom , on the borders of Gaza, with rockets on a daily basis, or Southern NewZealand, maybe my expectations are lower than most peoples, but it gives me contentment

You are also correct many people who complain have a valid reason, and without them voicing opinions things would not improve

We also need to remember there is a disproportional number of wingers and negative people on this forum, is the glass half full or half empty

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To each his own...

However, before making the statement he made, OP should get better informed...

Just 1 example, in France when married to locals, foreigners do not need to show any money.

Another point, who is he to instruct the Thai immigration forces?

Just too funny cheesy.gif

In USA there would not be any financial requirement asked of the foreign partner. To change status is easy in the USA (and the prime reason it is hard for those suspected to have marriage plans find it hard to obtain a tourist visa at all).

Actually some people here do have problems: not of there own making, due to unclear and frequently changing requests from the normal insufficient number of police available to perform the immigration process.

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OP seems to be a newly found Thailand-romantic,,, who havent seen the light of day yet. Wait Sir, your time will come. Your eyes will be opened, and your view of Thailand maybe will adjust to a reality where the rest of us must live in....

As Lopburi 3 says...... People complain and very often there is a reason for it..


Maybe you are correct sir, I have only been here eight plus years, time will tell, interesting you say where the rest of us must live, as if it is onerous, and if that is the case maybe should consider returning to ones home land

I am lucky all my 70plus years of life I have been happy and enjoyed where i lived, be it Manhattan, down town Kingston Jamaica, United Kingdom , on the borders of Gaza, with rockets on a daily basis, or Southern NewZealand, maybe my expectations are lower than most peoples, but it gives me contentment

You are also correct many people who complain have a valid reason, and without them voicing opinions things would not improve

We also need to remember there is a disproportional number of wingers and negative people on this forum, is the glass half full or half empty

To answer your last question. For the sake of others,,, plse consider the glass to be half full..... Besides this I stand with my post..... You really did fool me with your first post.. I thought that you were a newcomer full of a romantic view of Thailand.....


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OP seems to be a newly found Thailand-romantic,,, who havent seen the light of day yet. Wait Sir, your time will come. Your eyes will be opened, and your view of Thailand maybe will adjust to a reality where the rest of us must live in....

As Lopburi 3 says...... People complain and very often there is a reason for it..


Maybe you are correct sir, I have only been here eight plus years, time will tell, interesting you say where the rest of us must live, as if it is onerous, and if that is the case maybe should consider returning to ones home land

I am lucky all my 70plus years of life I have been happy and enjoyed where i lived, be it Manhattan, down town Kingston Jamaica, United Kingdom , on the borders of Gaza, with rockets on a daily basis, or Southern NewZealand, maybe my expectations are lower than most peoples, but it gives me contentment

You are also correct many people who complain have a valid reason, and without them voicing opinions things would not improve

Of course there are things to complain about, but you are absolutely right. There is no absolutely perfect place in this world. All countries have their just or unjust rules and regulations, by which we all have to abide. If we dislike such rules, or feel we can't cope, we should simply either look for another country, or go home, if we are able to. I have been living here for over 10 years, no complaints, no troubles wit immigration or police. I simply comply with the laws and regulations and live peacefully.

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OP seems to be a newly found Thailand-romantic,,, who havent seen the light of day yet. Wait Sir, your time will come. Your eyes will be opened, and your view of Thailand maybe will adjust to a reality where the rest of us must live in....

As Lopburi 3 says...... People complain and very often there is a reason for it..


Maybe you are correct sir, I have only been here eight plus years, time will tell, interesting you say where the rest of us must live, as if it is onerous, and if that is the case maybe should consider returning to ones home land

I am lucky all my 70plus years of life I have been happy and enjoyed where i lived, be it Manhattan, down town Kingston Jamaica, United Kingdom , on the borders of Gaza, with rockets on a daily basis, or Southern NewZealand, maybe my expectations are lower than most peoples, but it gives me contentment

You are also correct many people who complain have a valid reason, and without them voicing opinions things would not improve

Of course there are things to complain about, but you are absolutely right. There is no absolutely perfect place in this world. All countries have their just or unjust rules and regulations, by which we all have to abide. If we dislike such rules, or feel we can't cope, we should simply either look for another country, or go home, if we are able to. I have been living here for over 10 years, no complaints, no troubles wit immigration or police. I simply comply with the laws and regulations and live peacefully.

I am not sure what you have done or what you have written here above... But I take a chance that the text I highlighted in dark, is the one written by you. The "going home brigad" is here again. I can tell you that there is a third choice to be done, and that is to complain over the stuff we dont like...

Why just put my legs on my back and rush home, as soon as things starts to get tough.... Fight it and complain at least... AND if your own strategy is to hold your mouth shut, lookng down, and back off every situation.. plse do it with a smile, than I can at least mistake you for a thai person.


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In USA there would not be any financial requirement asked of the foreign partner.

Nor in the UK, and also not in Thailand if you are a male thai marrying a foreigner

The rules were set before I came to live here, but I believe as do the majority of the world, that this differentiation between male and female goes against basic human rights

Surely after three years married (to substantially stop the marriage scam) and living here we could be granted permanent residency, many of us support far more than just a wife, my self for instance, I look after my wife's two children from a former marriage, her mother and father and grandmother, and have two full time workers in the house and gardens, and have built two houses, my contribution to the economy is substantial I am very happy to say

England today is a nightmare to get a wife into, but after a valid period there, that wife will eventually get a UK passport and be granted full rights, this does not happen here

I can live peacefully with these rules BUT WE NEED TO FIND A WAY TO GET THIS CHANGED

How do we achieve this change

I believe even the negative brigade on TV would not be against this, so maybe we persuade Thai Visa to take up the fight initially, how many votes could TV raise

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OP seems to be a newly found Thailand-romantic,,, who havent seen the light of day yet. Wait Sir, your time will come. Your eyes will be opened, and your view of Thailand maybe will adjust to a reality where the rest of us must live in....

As Lopburi 3 says...... People complain and very often there is a reason for it..


Maybe you are correct sir, I have only been here eight plus years, time will tell, interesting you say where the rest of us must live, as if it is onerous, and if that is the case maybe should consider returning to ones home land

I am lucky all my 70plus years of life I have been happy and enjoyed where i lived, be it Manhattan, down town Kingston Jamaica, United Kingdom , on the borders of Gaza, with rockets on a daily basis, or Southern NewZealand, maybe my expectations are lower than most peoples, but it gives me contentment

You are also correct many people who complain have a valid reason, and without them voicing opinions things would not improve

Of course there are things to complain about, but you are absolutely right. There is no absolutely perfect place in this world. All countries have their just or unjust rules and regulations, by which we all have to abide. If we dislike such rules, or feel we can't cope, we should simply either look for another country, or go home, if we are able to. I have been living here for over 10 years, no complaints, no troubles wit immigration or police. I simply comply with the laws and regulations and live peacefully.

I am not sure what you have done or what you have written here above... But I take a chance that the text I highlighted in dark, is the one written by you. The "going home brigad" is here again. I can tell you that there is a third choice to be done, and that is to complain over the stuff we dont like...

Why just put my legs on my back and rush home, as soon as things starts to get tough.... Fight it and complain at least... AND if your own strategy is to hold your mouth shut, lookng down, and back off every situation.. plse do it with a smile, than I can at least mistake you for a thai person.


You are correct Glegolo. the text highlighted in dark is written by me. If you read my text carefully, all I have said is, that obviously there are things to complain about, but always remember that there is no perfect place in this world. I have lived in many countries, developed and underdeveloped and in every place there are things to complain about, some can be changed and some can't. However, the laws and regulations, just or unjust, can only be altered by the people of the country in question and not by guests, short term or permanent ones. We, as guests can complain, but we just have to accept the rules and regulations, whether we like them or nor, and IF we can't, or don't wish to' move away. Tell me, if you invite me to stay in your house for a while and I don't like your wife, or the way the house is furnished, or the fact that the garden is not big enough, What can I do? I can complain once or twice, or move away before I am thrown out by you. I either accept your house,the way it is run, live by the regulations that you and your wife have set, or get out, or be thrown out. A country is very similar to a house where you are a guest. I like my wine, but if I live in Saudi Arabia, or Kuwait, I do know that I can't have it in public. I either accept it, or move away. If one wants to live peacefully and be content, one has to follow these rules, as simple as that.

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Maybe you are correct sir, I have only been here eight plus years, time will tell, interesting you say where the rest of us must live, as if it is onerous, and if that is the case maybe should consider returning to ones home land

I am lucky all my 70plus years of life I have been happy and enjoyed where i lived, be it Manhattan, down town Kingston Jamaica, United Kingdom , on the borders of Gaza, with rockets on a daily basis, or Southern NewZealand, maybe my expectations are lower than most peoples, but it gives me contentment

You are also correct many people who complain have a valid reason, and without them voicing opinions things would not improve

Of course there are things to complain about, but you are absolutely right. There is no absolutely perfect place in this world. All countries have their just or unjust rules and regulations, by which we all have to abide. If we dislike such rules, or feel we can't cope, we should simply either look for another country, or go home, if we are able to. I have been living here for over 10 years, no complaints, no troubles wit immigration or police. I simply comply with the laws and regulations and live peacefully.

I am not sure what you have done or what you have written here above... But I take a chance that the text I highlighted in dark, is the one written by you. The "going home brigad" is here again. I can tell you that there is a third choice to be done, and that is to complain over the stuff we dont like...

Why just put my legs on my back and rush home, as soon as things starts to get tough.... Fight it and complain at least... AND if your own strategy is to hold your mouth shut, lookng down, and back off every situation.. plse do it with a smile, than I can at least mistake you for a thai person.


You are correct Glegolo. the text highlighted in dark is written by me. If you read my text carefully, all I have said is, that obviously there are things to complain about, but always remember that there is no perfect place in this world. I have lived in many countries, developed and underdeveloped and in every place there are things to complain about, some can be changed and some can't. However, the laws and regulations, just or unjust, can only be altered by the people of the country in question and not by guests, short term or permanent ones. We, as guests can complain, but we just have to accept the rules and regulations, whether we like them or nor, and IF we can't, or don't wish to' move away. Tell me, if you invite me to stay in your house for a while and I don't like your wife, or the way the house is furnished, or the fact that the garden is not big enough, What can I do? I can complain once or twice, or move away before I am thrown out by you. I either accept your house,the way it is run, live by the regulations that you and your wife have set, or get out, or be thrown out. A country is very similar to a house where you are a guest. I like my wine, but if I live in Saudi Arabia, or Kuwait, I do know that I can't have it in public. I either accept it, or move away. If one wants to live peacefully and be content, one has to follow these rules, as simple as that.

Of course in whole I do agree with you. However like to point out that your comparizon with being a guest in my house is not applicable exactly like that. You did talk about complaints from members here.. and let me say to you... there are 10th of thousands probably that write and have opinions about Thailand here on THAIVISA..... Putting all these complaints together that pile of complaints will be skyhigh...

So let us instead imagine that my house was full of, let say, 150 houseguests..... Being a true democrat I believe that each houseguest at least can complain over my small house 1 time.... That makes it 150 complaints.. And I must accept it.. people think that way.. and have the right to express their feelings...

And so it is with THAIVISA.... everybody have the right to complain....OK it get tireing in the end, but what the heck,, there is also some fun in all this shit-seeking.....this entertainment is not that bad..



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