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Fidel Castro turns 89 - says US has hefty debt to Cuba


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Fidel Castro turns 89; says US has hefty debt to Cuba

HAVANA (AP) — Fidel Castro marked his 89th birthday with a newspaper column Thursday repeating assertions that the U.S. owes socialist Cuba "numerous millions of dollars" for damages caused by its decades-long embargo.

The brief essay came a day before an historic moment in U.S.-Cuba relations: Secretary of State John Kerry is to raise the Stars and Stripes over a restored U.S. Embassy in Havana, though the economic embargo legally remains in effect.

The rapprochement after 54 years of formal diplomatic estrangement was engineered by Fidel's brother Raul, who took over Cuba's presidency after the elder Castro suffered a health crisis in 2006.

Fidel Castro did not directly mention the restored relations, though he made several critical references to the U.S.

He said Washington owes Cuba indemnifications "that rise to numerous millions of dollars" for damage caused by the embargo.

He also repeated his criticism of the U.S. decision to stop swapping dollars for gold in 1971, a stand shared with some conservative economists. Castro has said in the past that such a move left the dollar alone as the world's measure of value for currencies.

Castro came to power in 1959 following a revolution. Relations with the United States were broken in 1961 as Castro led Cuba rapidly into a socialist model allied with the Soviet Union.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-14

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He said Washington owes Cuba indemnifications "that rise to numerous millions of dollars" for damage caused by the embargo.

Which the US should pay.

As soon as Cuba pays back the $6 billion or so in real estate and businesses owned by Americans that Castro confiscated and or nationalized back in the late 50's.

Fidel has a big pair.

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How many millions did it cost the US tax payers to deal with the Cuban boat people? wink.png

This is one cost not including detention, feeding, etc. Wiki Mariel boatlift.

The Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980 provided $100 million in cash, medical and social services (Senator Stone and Congressman Fascell) and authorized approximately $5 million per year to facilitate the Mariel refugees transition to American life. The 1980 Census was also adjusted to include Mariel children to insure additional assistance would be available to them through the Miami-Dade County Public Schools via Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Assistance Act (ESEA).

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He said Washington owes Cuba indemnifications "that rise to numerous millions of dollars" for damage caused by the embargo.

Which the US should pay.

As soon as Cuba pays back the $6 billion or so in real estate and businesses owned by Americans that Castro confiscated and or nationalized back in the late 50's.

Fidel has a big pair.

At his age there shriveled up. whistling.gif

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Seems Castro, along with many others, allied themselves with the wrong partner.

Castro came to power in 1959 following a revolution. Relations with the United States were broken in 1961 as Castro led Cuba rapidly into a socialist model allied with the Soviet Union.

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He said Washington owes Cuba indemnifications "that rise to numerous millions of dollars" for damage caused by the embargo.

Which the US should pay.

As soon as Cuba pays back the $6 billion or so in real estate and businesses owned by Americans that Castro confiscated and or nationalized back in the late 50's.

Fidel has a big pair.

Indeed he has, but no doubt after getting off the phone to Khamenae he figured it was worth a try.
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Seems Castro, along with many others, allied themselves with the wrong partner.

Castro came to power in 1959 following a revolution. Relations with the United States were broken in 1961 as Castro led Cuba rapidly into a socialist model allied with the Soviet Union.

Maybe he should ask Putin for money. smile.png

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Seems Castro, along with many others, allied themselves with the wrong partner.

Castro came to power in 1959 following a revolution. Relations with the United States were broken in 1961 as Castro led Cuba rapidly into a socialist model allied with the Soviet Union.

For your information.

When Fidel and Che came to power, they were nationalists.

There was a communist party in Cuba, but Fidel and Che were not members.

The American government took the side of Batista, and pushed Cuba in the arms of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union did not say no.....

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Seems Castro, along with many others, allied themselves with the wrong partner.

Castro came to power in 1959 following a revolution. Relations with the United States were broken in 1961 as Castro led Cuba rapidly into a socialist model allied with the Soviet Union.

For your information.

When Fidel and Che came to power, they were nationalists.

There was a communist party in Cuba, but Fidel and Che were not members.

The American government took the side of Batista, and pushed Cuba in the arms of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union did not say no.....

As per normal...typical US meddling, Cuba in the eyes of the US government was basically a state of the union that never was, forever involved, ousted the Spanish and so on and so on, Castro threw out a government with strong ties to the mafia, Havana had become the capital of US organised crime.

It was a popular revolution that is why it survived, the US and Cuba could have worked through it if vested interests didn't need to be served, as Mandela said hurting the people with sanctions against South Africa wouldn't work same of Cuba, in fact the sanctions did the opposite and galvanised the population....good thinking state department.

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Stangely the US do in eastern Europe, middle earth and Asia what they were scared of when Russia wanted to come to Cuba.

Nowdays the US surrounds Russia and China and it seems it is ok with them

Cuba is far from being a nice country, politicaly speaking, but it is not worse than US and its Infamous Guantanamo

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Stangely the US do in eastern Europe, middle earth and Asia what they were scared of when Russia wanted to come to Cuba.

Nowdays the US surrounds Russia and China and it seems it is ok with them

Cuba is far from being a nice country, politicaly speaking, but it is not worse than US and its Infamous Guantanamo

As a matter of fact, the only place in Cuba where people get held without court orders, and even get tortured, is Guantanamo.

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Seems Castro, along with many others, allied themselves with the wrong partner.

Castro came to power in 1959 following a revolution. Relations with the United States were broken in 1961 as Castro led Cuba rapidly into a socialist model allied with the Soviet Union.

For your information.

When Fidel and Che came to power, they were nationalists.

There was a communist party in Cuba, but Fidel and Che were not members.

The American government took the side of Batista, and pushed Cuba in the arms of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union did not say no.....

Perhaps not members, but very closely associated with the communist party. Batista was exiled in 1959. When Castro came to power, then took over. He was well on his way to Socialism without any "push" from the US. Can't blame the US for everything.


After the takeover, anti-Batistas and liberals joined the M-26-7 movement, which gained control over Cuba. The Movement was joined with other bodies to form the United Party of the Cuban Socialist Revolution, which in turn became the Communist Party of Cuba in 1965. Once it was learned that Cuba would adopt a strict Marxist–Leninist political and economic system, opposition was raised not only by dissident party members, but by the United States as well.[2]
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1959: Castro stages the revolution

1961: Bay of Pigs, American invasion authorized by Kennedy

1962: Missile crisis, Soviet Union uses Cuba to force the US to withdraw their nuclear missiles from Turkey

1965: Founding of the communist party

How else could Cuba have survived the invasion / blockade?

Castro had to accept the terms that the Soviet Union imposed.

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A counter-revolutionary military, trained and funded by the United States government's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Brigade 2506 fronted the armed wing of the Democratic Revolutionary Front (DRF) and intended to overthrow the Communist government of Fidel Castro. Launched from Guatemala, the invading force was defeated within three days by the Cuban armed forces, under the direct command of the Prime Minister of Cuba, Fidel Castro.

Not the best moment in US history, but every country around the world has periods like this in their history. Perhaps your country also?? What I'm trying to point out is Fidel was well down the path of communism before the US started to go after him. It was troubling times back then, somewhat the same now with the same player.

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Stangely the US do in eastern Europe, middle earth and Asia what they were scared of when Russia wanted to come to Cuba.

Nowdays the US surrounds Russia and China and it seems it is ok with them

Cuba is far from being a nice country, politicaly speaking, but it is not worse than US and its Infamous Guantanamo

As a matter of fact, the only place in Cuba where people get held without court orders, and even get tortured, is Guantanamo.

You've obviously never been to Cuba. People get held all the time and live in constant fear of the police and the government.



The testimonies presented at the tribunal, before an international panel, alleged a pattern of torture in Cuba's prisons and "hard labor camps". These included beatings, biological experiments in diet restrictions, violent interrogations and extremely unsanitary conditions. The jury concurred with allegations of arbitrary arrests; sentencing by court martial with neither public audience nor defense; periods in hard labour camps without sufficient food, clothes and medical care; and the arrests of children over nine years old.[24]

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A counter-revolutionary military, trained and funded by the United States government's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Brigade 2506 fronted the armed wing of the Democratic Revolutionary Front (DRF) and intended to overthrow the Communist government of Fidel Castro. Launched from Guatemala, the invading force was defeated within three days by the Cuban armed forces, under the direct command of the Prime Minister of Cuba, Fidel Castro.

Not the best moment in US history, but every country around the world has periods like this in their history. Perhaps your country also?? What I'm trying to point out is Fidel was well down the path of communism before the US started to go after him. It was troubling times back then, somewhat the same now with the same player.

On what do you base your claim that in 1961 (Bay of Pigs) Castro was "well down the path of communism"?

In 1961 Castro was well down the path to be forced into the camp of the Soviet Union, but that is something completely different!

PS: concerning your question about MY country.

Yes of course, my country made horrible mistakes too, it is called NATIONALISM (some call it PATRIOTISM).

I never intended to single out the US, but the Cuba case is about the US policies.

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He said Washington owes Cuba indemnifications "that rise to numerous millions of dollars" for damage caused by the embargo.

Which the US should pay.

As soon as Cuba pays back the $6 billion or so in real estate and businesses owned by Americans that Castro confiscated and or nationalized back in the late 50's.

Fidel has a big pair.

That's quite correct---the Mafia should be reimbursed in full for all their losses of their casino's and especially the drug trade, heroin flowed into America with the help of Batista ---In the 1930s, the organization started transporting narcotics from the East Asia Golden Triangle and South America to Cuba and into Florida. The American Mafia's longtime association with the government of Cuba concerning gambling interests such as casinos along with their legitimate business investments on the Caribbean island put them in a position to use their political and underworld connections to make Cuba one of their narcotics importation layovers or smuggling points where the drugs could be stored and then placed on sea vessels before they continued on to Canada and United States via Montreal and Florida among the ports used by Luciano's associates.---https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havana_Conference

A large part of your drug trade was stopped , not by the wonderful FBI but by Fidel Castro

The Making of the Mob: New York----is a TV doco running in your country at the moment----try watching it.

In the 1950s 93% of heroin was coming through Cuba mainly from Italy--Vie Turkey ........ Castro stopped that---so now it all comes from your latest best friend---Afghanistan.

Hotel Habana Riviera 300px-Hotel_Riviera_%28525406392%29.jpg

Hotel Riviera built by the Mafia
Edited by oxo1947
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I am still a US citizen and I am old enough to remember the Cuban Revolution. The former Cuban government was corrupt and getting paid huge amounts of money by the American Mafia to control gambling in Cuba while the American sugar industry was paying to get control of Cuba's sugar industry. Fidel Castro, Che and the his group were Cuban patriots who could not stand by while the Us continued to exploit Cuba for its own gain and this includes the terms of control on Guantanamo Naval Base. Since when does a country get basing rights in another country for perpetuity. The United States pushed Castro into the then Soviet sphere of influence and is responsible for the actions Castro had to take to allow Cuba to survive. It is the height of hypocrisy for the US to criticize Cuba when Guantanamo Naval Base is being used to hold foreign nationals without due process and no end to their internment. The whole issue of Cuba, Castro and Guantanamo will be judged harshly by the next generation of Americans just as surely as slavery and the internment of Japanese Americans during World war II.is judged by our current generation.

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Seems Castro, along with many others, allied themselves with the wrong partner.

Castro came to power in 1959 following a revolution. Relations with the United States were broken in 1961 as Castro led Cuba rapidly into a socialist model allied with the Soviet Union.

For your information.

When Fidel and Che came to power, they were nationalists.

There was a communist party in Cuba, but Fidel and Che were not members.

The American government took the side of Batista, and pushed Cuba in the arms of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union did not say no.....

You make it sound like Castro was elected President of Cuba. Do you not remember him overthrowing Batista in a coup? What do you mean that the "US pushed Cuba into the arms of the Soviet Union?" Their country was overthrown and we objected. You left out so many details that your whole synopsis is like reading a Cliff Notes version.

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Castro was not elected at the time as President of Cuba- however he had the support of everyone except the elite and wealthy who were corrupt and in essence selling Cuba to the United States mafia and business community. Of course the United States disapproved and immediately started to destabilize Cuba and its revolutionary government on the basis of not being Democratic. Does this sound familiar? The Kennedy administration at the time was really not worried about Cuban Socialism- they were worried that the Soviet Union had placed a nuclear arsenal in Cuba some 90 miles from the United States. Interestingly enough Russia now is worried about a United States nuclear encirclement of Russia by American nuclear power in Europe.All big power politics- no one really cares about the actual people but Castro tried. Cuba has free education and healthcare. Would I want to move there? No. But there are many worse places.

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Seems Castro, along with many others, allied themselves with the wrong partner.

Castro came to power in 1959 following a revolution. Relations with the United States were broken in 1961 as Castro led Cuba rapidly into a socialist model allied with the Soviet Union.

For your information.

When Fidel and Che came to power, they were nationalists.

There was a communist party in Cuba, but Fidel and Che were not members.

The American government took the side of Batista, and pushed Cuba in the arms of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union did not say no.....

As we have with many others. What was it Truman said of Samosa in Nicaragua? He may be a Son of a Bitch, but he's our Son of a Bitch....

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I am still a US citizen and I am old enough to remember the Cuban Revolution. The former Cuban government was corrupt and getting paid huge amounts of money by the American Mafia to control gambling in Cuba while the American sugar industry was paying to get control of Cuba's sugar industry. Fidel Castro, Che and the his group were Cuban patriots who could not stand by while the Us continued to exploit Cuba for its own gain and this includes the terms of control on Guantanamo Naval Base. Since when does a country get basing rights in another country for perpetuity. The United States pushed Castro into the then Soviet sphere of influence and is responsible for the actions Castro had to take to allow Cuba to survive. It is the height of hypocrisy for the US to criticize Cuba when Guantanamo Naval Base is being used to hold foreign nationals without due process and no end to their internment. The whole issue of Cuba, Castro and Guantanamo will be judged harshly by the next generation of Americans just as surely as slavery and the internment of Japanese Americans during World war II.is judged by our current generation.

It takes 2 to tango. If corruption was involved, the Cuban government was up to their armpits in it. Can't blame them for throwing a coup, but many died in this process. And Cuba has never fully recovered. All the fault of the government. Perhaps there were other ways to resolve this problem? Kinda like here?

I seriously doubt anybody pushed Castro anywhere. He did what he wanted to do. But yes, Guantanamo is a black eye for the US.

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But unresolved sources of tension include the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay and Cuba's treatment of the media, activists and dissidents.

- Nervous dissidents -

The latter grabbed headlines last weekend when some 90 dissidents were arrested at a protest in Havana.

In a sign of the changing times, they were protesting not the Castro brothers but Obama, wearing sarcastic masks of the American leader to condemn the decision to reopen the embassy.

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Fidel needs to count his blessing that he is still alive at 89 and has not been assassinated... There are leaders of other countries that have opposed the US over the years that are not so lucky... As far as restitution, Cuba needs to reimburse the US for all the criminals Fidel sent across the straights to Florida when he emptied the prisons... Hell, half of Florida is little Havana... And as the song goes, everyone has a cousin in Miami...

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Maybe President Bernie Sanders will be able to fix him up? whistling.gif

Naaah......President Donald Trump will build a few dozen Holiday Resorts as pat of USAID Democratization Plan for Cuba.........once the $$$ starts rolling in they will keep quiet.thumbsup.gif

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