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1500 kilo scale for cattle


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I've recently started to live part time in the Buriram Village of my wife. I've met a well meaning expat who has almost 100 cattle. He asked me where he could buy a digital scale for the cattle, where the animal comes in one end, is weighed and exits the front end of the scale. I did a google search and got one quote for him from a reputable company but it seemed a bit dear. Perhaps the more experienced cattle ranchers on Thai Visa can suggest some companies that sell or make cattle scales in Thailand. Thank you in advance.

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The thing I wonder about is why so much weight? I don't know Thai cattle but in the US prime steers are butchered at about 1200 pounds or 544 kilos. We had a one ton (900 kilo) scale and only the largest bull could ever weigh that much. Is there another scale that would be more practical for less money?

As an example, here's what we would buy for his small operation and then slip it into an existing chute so the animal could be weighed and inspected and/or vaccinated all at once. It's also highly portable if needed.

THIS is $US600 or 21,000 bht. What does he consider too expensive?


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Thank you very much for the thoughtful replies. YES 1000 kilo makes more sense for this rancher. He seems concerned about the access in and out of the scale platform. If any forum members have other links or suggestions it is much appreciated. THANK YOU

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Thank you very much for the thoughtful replies. YES 1000 kilo makes more sense for this rancher. He seems concerned about the access in and out of the scale platform. If any forum members have other links or suggestions it is much appreciated. THANK YOU

When i put


inside google i get many company wgo sell scale Platform. For example


and then i pick one


and ten more.

If this rancher have no internet at home. Then advise him to send his wife with a paper and a pen to the next internetshop and she will get many Telefonnummers about scale for cows.

I hope this helps for this "rancher".

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Thank you very much for the thoughtful replies. YES 1000 kilo makes more sense for this rancher. He seems concerned about the access in and out of the scale platform. If any forum members have other links or suggestions it is much appreciated. THANK YOU

They is simpler way ,you can buy a weight belt ,which is like a tape measure ,wrap it around the animal's body ,just behind the shoulder like you would with a tape measure and take the reading, they are not 100% accurate but they give you an idea of the weight ,my local shop sells them at 450 Bart.

That is the easy part ,as the op said he is concerned about access in to a crush /handling race ,and concerned he should be ,I do not know what breed the cattle are ,but I would say Brahman ,and Brahman crosses he has 100 ,how many have been handled at all 10%? ,trying to handle these animals is difficult to say the least ,they are obstrpois /semi wild , the big disadvantage of a weigh belt ,trying to get it around the animal, about the only thing that would hold a Brahman would be the wheeled scales that Allgeier suggested ,the stand on one that NeverSure suggested would not last long ,soon get totalled, and the same as any thing else that is not very solid.

Giss Marketing in BBK ,sell cattle crushes ,they are imported and solid, and dear ,anything cheap would not last long.

Or get a local guy to make a cattle crush. you can get designs from the net ,and find a solid weigh scale to fit into the crush.

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If your running 100 head of beeves he must have a good squeeze chute on premises. A tensin weight indicator (martin decker) is good . rig up a welded pipe A frame a pully over which you run a 1/2 inch cable which is high enough to lift the weight indicator system and the squeeze chut off the ground service by 6 to 10 inches power to pull cable, supplied by tractor or heavy truck. once the cow, calf or whatever is in chute you know empy weight so pick it up and you have the weight If sueeze chute has wood floor welk heavy steel plate on top of the woor.

If your friend can't judge weight of a 250 pound calf up to 900 lbs, +_50 pounds and even cow and bull weight he is not very familar with cattle so my suggestion would probablely be an accident waiting to happen.

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^^ We never weighed bulls. 90% of what we weighed was young cattle as they grew. We wanted needed to know exactly

how much weight they were gaining per pound of feed given so we could cull based on genetics and improve the herd.

We had hanging scales to weigh butchered meat including 1/2 animals.

We had a squeeze chute. The animal went through that every day, twice a day to get to his feed supplement. That was

the motivation. When we wanted to inspect, vaccinate or weigh, we closed the gate on the chute and stopped it. When

we wanted to weigh we put scales in the chute or the chute over scales. You can teach animals in a corral to want to

go through that chute to get to the feed. The feed was a grain mix with a bit of molasses and they love it.


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If your running 100 head of beeves he must have a good squeeze chute on premises. A tensin weight indicator (martin decker) is good . rig up a welded pipe A frame a pully over which you run a 1/2 inch cable which is high enough to lift the weight indicator system and the squeeze chut off the ground service by 6 to 10 inches power to pull cable, supplied by tractor or heavy truck. once the cow, calf or whatever is in chute you know empy weight so pick it up and you have the weight If sueeze chute has wood floor welk heavy steel plate on top of the woor.

If your friend can't judge weight of a 250 pound calf up to 900 lbs, +_50 pounds and even cow and bull weight he is not very familar with cattle so my suggestion would probablely be an accident waiting to happen.

Also getting the cattle into a chute ,I would not like to be a pen with 100 Brahmans ,if there any cows with calves ,Brahmans are very possessive over they calves ,and good mothers ,you would not get within a few yards without the cow turning on you .

The art is in the whole system is the funnel/ race leading in to the crush if that does not work right cattle will not enter crush ,and you will be chasing cattle and end up with a lot of frightened cattle ,and get nowhere fast.

A few yeas ago I had a job of injecting about 90 Brahmans steers ,heifers and a few cows ,it was a simple set up a round pen made a gates ,almost funnel shaped ,leading in to a long race ,which would hold 7-8 cattle ,we put them through in batches ,it worked ok ,still took a couple of hours .

I would say if you had your crush/weigh scale at the end of a race ,I think it would work ,a lot of problems are an animal on they own they panic, if they are a few they will be more relaxed ,easier to handle ,they will always be one head banger who will try and total the place ,but that is cattle for you.

My first thought when reading the op ,why do need to weight cattle it will be a big headache ,and could well be an expensive one, if it is for selling them for beef the buyer will set the price if the owner is up to date with the prices ,he should know what to expect, when I am out and meet a cattle dealer I ask him what the price is ,and I keep a few cattle dealer's phone numbers in my phone , as you said anyone with a bit of cattle knowledge should be able to judge the weight within a kg .

Get the whole set up wrong, I could not have put it better myself ,an accident..............

Good luck

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I don't know why, but this is one of those threads with extremely wide pages.

It is annoying to have to scroll left and right to be able to read.

Can I ask any posters to use the enter key to keep their lines short?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was in my local feed store ,met a guy who was buying some tick spray for his beef cattle, he has some ,Brahman cattle, I said ,you can buy the spray but can you apply it ,he said he did not have any handling equipment, so I suggested an idea to him ,meet him again to day he said that he had built a race with a funnel .

So I went and had a look ,the post are Teak wood ,that did not make the grade, the rails are Eucalyptus, still needs a bit more doing to it ,but the main thing is it should hold some stroppy Brahmans

If the op's friend had something like this ,with his weight scales at the end it should work well,this guy has 27 head ,the op's friend with his 100 might what to make it longer ,and put a gate in ,this guy will use 3-4 short rails at the front ,he said he wants to worm all his cattle, and also what's to vaccinate against foot and mouth ,jobs that can be done with out to much problem.

Ps. Photos are not to good ,but it gives an idea.



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